Il presidente Bush ha inviato al presidente della RF di Jugoslavia
Kostunica un messaggio nel quale si ringrazia la Jugoslavia per l'aiuto
prestato nella lotta contro il terrorismo internazionale. Il messaggio
va chiaramente inteso come una sfacciata presa in giro ai danni della
Jugoslavia da parte degli USA, visto che questi ultimi da anni
appoggiano il terrorismo e lo stragismo etno-secessionista, in
particolare le formazioni separatiste dell'UCK in Kosovo-Metohija, allo
scopo di destabilizzare ed occupare militarmente la Jugoslavia. (I.S.)

Bush sends message of gratitude to Kostunica

BELGRADE, Sept 18 (Tanjug) - US President George Bush has sent a message
to Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica, thanking him for his
contribution to the fight against terrorism in the world.
The letter goes as follows: "The American people are grateful to you and
the people of Yugoslavia for your invaluable contributions to the
campaign to free the world of terrorism. The bonds of friendship
between our countries give us the strength to confront intolerance,
hatred and violence together.
"The United States was directly attacked last September 11, but
terrorism darkens the prospects of all people to live in peace, freedom,
and prosperity. With perseverance and courage, I am certain that we
together will prevail against this threat.
"We greatly appreciate Yugoslavia's contributions to our mutual effort.
Yugoslavia's decision to ally itself with the cause of tolerance and
understanding means we can work together to build a world that values
its people and gives them a future of freedom and hope," the letter