1. Links
2. Analysis Of Macedonian NGO Web Sites
3. Albanian Parties of FYROM Support Kosovo "Independence"
4. Attacks on Police Checkpoints in Kumanovo Leave Policeman Wounded
5. Ahmeti allowed to travel to Switzerland
8. Islamisti UCK colpiscono anche all'estero: Attentato a consolato
Macedonia in Pakistan causa tre vittime

=== 1 ===


> http://www.antiwar.com/orig/deliso59.html

Greater Albania: a Place, or Just a State of Mind?

ANTIWAR, Monday, November 4, 2002
by Christopher Deliso in Skopje

> http://www.realitymacedonia.org.mk/web/news_page.asp?nid=2397

Taliban-Like Edict Disseminated in Tetovo High School

Unknown persons spread radical islamist propaganda among Tetovo
Albanians. Unofficially, some parents required one of the classrooms
to be used as praying space.

> http://www.serbianna.com/columns/deliso/010.shtml

The Vlach Attack II: Changes in Macedonia's Interior Ministry (by
Christopher Deliso)

=== 2 ===

Analysis Of Macedonian NGO Web Sites

Breakdown of the data on .ORG.MK domains: numbers, languages, update

English version:

Macedonian version:

=== 3 ===

Albanian Parties of FYROM Support Kosovo "Independence"


Saturday, November 9, 2002

MACEDONIA: Albanian Parties Support Kosovo Assembly's

The Democratic Party of Albanians in Macedonia (DPA)
and the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) [Ali
Ahmeti's Western-refashioned UCK terrorism grouping,
formerly based in NATO-occupied Kosovo] strongly
support the resolution of the Kosovo Assembly, Fakti
daily said, quoting statements by DPA's General
secretary Ruzdi Matoshi and DUI's Representative in
parliament Hisni Shakiri.
Matoshi underlined that Kosovo Assembly's resolution
'reflects the red line of political constructivity of
Albanians. Matoshi recommend that the international
community should take into consideration the
Albanians' constructivity.
DPA's General Secretary pledges full support to the
statement by Kosovo's Prime Minister Bajram Rexhepi,
who said Kosovo will declare independence if Kosovo is
put in the preamble of the Constitutional Charter,
reported Makfax agency.



Skopje 11/8/02

Macedonia: Albanian parties in Macedonia support
Kosovo Assembly's resolution

The Kosovo Assembly adopted anonymously a resolution
that rejects and voids the preamble of the
Constitutional Charter of the future union of Serbia
and Montenegro.

Skopje's Albanian-language daily Fakti says the
Representatives of Kosovar Serb coalition Return did
not take part in Thursday's debate in the Kosovo
Assembly. The resolution urges the international
community not to recognize the proposed version of the
Constitutional Charter, in particular the preamble.

The Democratic Party of Albanians in Macedonia (DPA)
and the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI)
strongly support the resolution of the Kosovo
Assembly, Fakti daily said, quoting statements by
DPA's General secretary Ruzdi Matoshi and DUI's
Representative in parliament Hisni Shakiri.

Matoshi underlined that Kosovo Assembly's resolution
'reflects the red line of political constructivity of
Albanians. Matoshi recommend that the international
community should take into consideration the
Albanians' constructivity.

DPA's General Secretary pledges full support to the
statement by Kosovo's Prime Minister Bajram Rexhepi,
who said Kosovo will declare independence if Kosovo is
put in the preamble of the Constitutional Charter.

"Kosovo Assembly did a good thing because the proposal
of the Federation or the so-called union of Serbia and
Montenegro on alteration of the preamble is seen as
provocative act on Kosovo', DPA's deputy Hisni Skakiri
said, adding that Kosovo follows the path towards
independence since June 10, 1999, therefore, nobody
must allow such provocative acts aiming to put Kosovo
under Serbia's control.

=== 4 ===

Attacks on Police Checkpoints in Kumanovo Leave Policeman Wounded



Web posted
November 08, 2002
Source: MakFax

Monday Attacks on Police Checkpoints in Kumanovo Leave Policeman

Monday 04.11.2002- Kumanovo: Attacks on police checkpoints left police
reservist injured

The security police checkpoint near Kumanovo's village of Novo Selo
had been reportedly attacked last night (02:30 hrs). The attack left
one police reservist Dejan Avramovski severely injured.
Police sources say there was another attack on police checkpoint at
the village of Umin Dol. The attack left no casualties or injuries.
The security forces responded the attacks.
Before the attacks were carried out, there was an anonymous call from
a cellar phone. The person spoke in Albanian language and threatened
the police, police official said, adding that person made several
calls and he even talked with the chief of Kumanovo police station.
Kumanovo police pursued a thorough investigation into the latest
incidents, trying to trace the phone calls and ascertain whether the
calls are connected to the attacks on security police checkpoints.
The injured reservist was transferred to Medical Center in Kumanovo
where he was treated for leg injuries.

=== 5 ===

Ahmeti allowed to travel to Switzerland


Switzerland lift entry ban on ethnic Albanian former rebel leader
Sat Nov 9,12:50 PM ET

BERN Switzerland - Swiss authorities said Saturday they had lifted
temporarily an entry ban imposed on an ethnic Albanian former rebel
leader-turned politician.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Manuel Sager said Ali Ahmeti would be
allowed to travel to Switzerland for two days next week to attend a
meeting of Balkan officials.
The Nov.15-16 conference in Lucerne, central Switzerland, was
organized by the U.S.-based Project on Ethnic Relations and Swiss
Swiss authorities decided in July 2001 to bar Ahmeti from entering the
country because he was head of Macedonia's National Liberation Army.
The ethnic Albanian rebels seized control of Macedonia's northwest in
February last year, saying they were fighting for broader rights for
the community, nearly one-third of Macedonia's 2 million people.
The six-month war ended with a Western-brokered peace deal that gave
the minority broader constitutional rights. Last month a new coalition
government was formed, including ministers from Ahmeti's Democratic
Union for Integration.
However, Prime Minister Branko Crvenkovski refused to include Ahmeti
in the Cabinet, arguing that he was directly involved in the conflict
that cost Macedonia dozens of lives.
Ahmeti lived as a refugee in Lucerne in the early 1980s after he fled
his native Kosovo following a crackdown on an ethnic Albanian student
movement by Yugoslav authorities.
Switzerland is home to a sizable ethnic Albanian community, including
some 45,000 from Macedonia. Last year the Justice Ministry banned two
Swiss-based National Liberation Army leaders from all political
activity, ordering them to stop using the neutral Alpine country as a
support base for the rebels or face expulsion.

=== 6 ===


(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 15 NOV - Abbracci ed ovazioni per il presidente del
consiglio Silvio Berlusconi che ha voluto concludere oggi la sua
visita in Macedonia incontrando gli oltre 400 soldati italiani
presenti nella base di ''Camp Italy'' alle porte di Skopje. E' stato
lo stesso Berlusconi a chiedere ai soldati un lanciare a gran voce un
''urra''' per il generale Gaetano Cigna, comandante delle forze Nato
in Macedonia. Immediatamente Cigna ha ricambiato la cortesia,
chiedendo ai soldati di salutare nello stesso modo il presidente del
consiglio. ''Lei e' piu' giovane di me ma ha meno capelli'' ha poi
detto con un battuta Berlusconi all'ufficiale. Berlusconi oltre al
generale Cigna ha incontrato il colonnello Luigi Orsini, vice
comandante della missione Nato ''Amber Fox'' che opera in Macedonia e
il colonnello Franco Primicery, vice comandante della brigata
multinazionale sud-ovest della Kfor presente in Kosovo. Prima di
partire il presidente del Consiglio si e' intrattenuto nella mensa
della base insieme ai soldati con i quali ha voluto brindare. Gli
stessi militari lo hanno informato di aver raccolto 3.000 euro da
destinare ai terremotati del Molise, e Berlusconi ha promesso che
entro pochi giorni fara' conoscere un progetto preciso al quale
destinare la somma ''cosi' che resti visibile'' il contributo offerto
dai nostri soldati. (ANSA). BLL 15/11/2002 20:25

=== 7 ===


Mazedonien haben am Mittwoch wegen unbezahlter Löhne und
Gehälter mit neuen Streiks begonnen. Auch Beschäftigte
der Eisenbahn haben am Morgen die Arbeit niedergelegt.
Damit gibt es jetzt Proteste in mindestens 17 Unternehmen
und Betrieben. Mehrere hundert Minenarbeiter sind bereits
in einem Hungerstreik. Viele Beschäftigte haben seit
Monaten kein Geld mehr bekommen und wollen jetzt Druck
auf die neue prowestliche Regierung machen, die von dem
Vorsitzenden der Sozialdemokratischen Union, Branko
Crvenkovski, geführt wird. STIMME KOSOVOS +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 27. November 2002 - http://www.amselfeld.com


(ANSA-REUTERS) - SKOPJE, 25 NOV - Il governo macedone ha detto oggi
che non puo' soddisfare le richieste di centinaia di minatori in
sciopero che hanno occupato una miniera risalente all'epoca del regime
comunista (quando la Macedonia era una Repubblica della Jugoslavia) e
protestano perche' non vengono pagati da mesi. Circa 400 minatori,
alcuni dei quali in sciopero della fame, hanno incrociato le braccia
martedi' scorso nell'impianto statale di Zletevo, dove si estrae
piombo e zinco, circa 160 km a sud della capitale Skopje. Molti sono
scesi nelle gallerie e rifiutano di andarsene. Gli scioperanti, che
chiedono migliori condizioni di lavoro e quattro mesi di salari
arretrati, hanno annunciato che non cesseranno la protesta finche' le
loro richieste non saranno accolte. Ma cio' e' impossibile,
secondo il ministro del Lavoro Jovan Manasievski. ''Il governo non ha
intenzione di pagare, perche' non c'e' denaro in bilancio'', ha detto
oggi in un comunicato. Lo sciopero dei minatori e' la prima seria
sfida sul piano sociale per il nuovo governo di coalizione, a guida
social- democratica, insediatosi il mese scorso, dopo la sconfitta dei
nazionalisti alle elezioni generali.
(ANSA-REUTERS). DIG 25/11/2002 22:47


(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 26 NOV - Oltre 400 minatori macedoni sono giunti oggi
al loro settimo giorno di sciopero della fame. Gli operai stanno
conducendo la loro protesta a 800 metri di profondita', nella miniera
di zinco e piombo di Makendonska Kamenica, nell'est del paese, per
chiedere un miglioramento delle condizioni di lavoro, garanzie sui
pagamenti dei salari e nuovi investimenti nella miniera. Il complesso
minerario di ''Sasa'' e' in attesa di privatizzazione, e finora il
governo si e' rifiutato di mettere a disposizione i 150mila Euro
richiesti per rimettere a nuovo gli impianti molti dei quali sono
ormai corrosi dall'umidita' e dalla ruggine. Anche oggi si sono svolti
colloqui tra una delegazione di minatori, il vice ministro delle
Finanze Dimko Kokarovski e il ministro dell'Economia Kiro Spandzevski,
ma finora non e' stato raggiunto alcun accordo.(ANSA) BLL-COR
26/11/2002 19:54

=== 8 ===

Attentato in consolato Macedonia a Karachi, 3 morti

(ANSA)- KARACHI, 5 DIC - Una bomba e' esplosa nel consolato di
Macedonia a Karachi, nel sud del Pakistan, uccidendo una guardia e
altre due persone. Nessuno ha finora rivendicato l'attentato. La
guardia era un cristiano, mentre le altre due vittime, un uomo e una
donna, sono stati trovati con la gola tagliata e piedi e mani legate
nel luogo dell'esplosione. 'Pare essere un atto di terrorismo', ha
detto il capo della polizia locale, le 3 vittime sono certamente state
uccise prima dell'esplosione. 05/12/2002 11:54