(Note: the documents are in inverse chronological order)

1. Hague: Outrageous verdict and their way to hide it (22/12/02)
2. ICDSM German Section statement (in English, 18/12/02)
4. Milosevic refuses psychiatric tests (05/12/02)
5. Belgrade protest (by J. Catalinotto, 05/12/02)
6. The Hague requested for information from GB (26/11/02)
7. Milosevic Given Wrong Medicines in the Hague (Reuters 23/11/02)


Jurist: UN Tribunal: Milosevic vs. Mayor of Dubrovnik

=== 1 ===

Subject: Hague: Outrageous verdict and their way to hide it
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 01:33:45 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

In absence of both - text of the "Trial Chamber" decision and
transcript of December 18 hearings - here is their semi-official
"Overview of Proceedings", quoting basically the words of Richard May
in "last three minutes".
What follows is PR of "Carla style" staged in order to hide the deadly
verdict. Note that UN SC also has a role. Carla insists that "export
of the Presidents" should go on. Carla admits that they don't have a
case against President Milosevic. Carla is angry that her followers in
Belgrade have not produced some "evidence". And Carla wants to help
them by attacking them. How controversial!


Update No. 248 - 20 December 2002

MILOSEVIC Case ("Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina")
Trial Chamber III - Judges May (Presiding), Robinson and Kwon

12th week of the Prosecution case (only on Wednesday 18 December).
On 18 December 2002, the following witness was examined by the
Prosecution and subsequently cross-examined by the Accused and one of
the amici curiae:
· Witness Petar Poljanic

The Trial Chamber gave its conclusions as to the future conduct of the

1. The trial will proceed according to timetable, due allowance being
made for illness and such rest days as appropriate. There will be no
other extension of time for the Prosecution case.
2. Defense counsel will not be imposed upon the accused against his
wishes in the present circumstances. It is not normally appropriate in
adversarial proceedings such as these. The Trial Chamber will keep the
position under review.
3. The Accused will not be provisionally released, as he has asked,
during the course of these proceedings.

The trial was then adjourned until 9 January 2003.

Press Release . Communiqué de presse
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)


The Hague, 20 December 2002
FH/P.I.S./ 721-e


Please find below the statement delivered by the ICTY Prosecutor, Ms.
Carla del Ponte, at a press conference held at the Tribunal on Friday
20 December 2002:

I regret that I have to address once again the issue of unsatisfactory
co-operation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with my Office.

Just two days ago, the President of the UN Security Council on behalf
of the Council issued a statement reminding all relevant States, and
Yugoslavia first of all, to co-operate fully with the ICTY. It was a
result of the Report of the President of the ICTY, Judge Claude Jorda,
to the Security Council regarding non-compliance of Yugoslavia with
its international obligations.

The Presidential statement of the Security Council stresses the
obligation of Yugoslavia to comply with the requests of the Tribunal
for arrest and transfer of indictees, to make witnesses available and
to assist in ongoing investigations. I would like to underline the
paragraph of the statement which "insists that dialogue or lack of
dialogue between the Tribunal and the Governments must not be used by
the States as an excuse for failure to discharge their obligations to
co-operate fully with the Tribunal as required by the UN Security
Council Resolutions".

My statement today is triggered by the fact that the Yugoslav Foreign
Minister and President of the National Council for Co-operation, Mr.
G. Svilanovic refused to speak to me yesterday exactly on the issues
of co-operation. So much for a dialogue. Instead, as reported by the
media and if it is reported correctly, Minister Svilanovic stated that
the Tribunal is "a stone on the neck of Yugoslavia", that
"co-operation with Prosecution was never at the lower level", also
that the "Prosecution betrayed the confidence of the authorities in
Belgrade" and finally that "all co-operation might stop" due to the
wrong assessment of the situation in Yugoslavia by the Prosecution. It
is obviously not my duty to assess the situation in Yugoslavia.

I am truly disappointed by such inappropriate political statement of
the person who is in charge of co-operation with the ICTY. It is also
not true that my Office was asking for general access to all archives
in Yugoslavia. My Prosecution teams have to meet demands of the Trial
Chambers and have to duty to comply with particular schedules. We are
given limited time to present the prosecution case in each trial.
The Requests for assistance and information send to the authorities in
Belgrade are concrete about the documents sought, as it is for
instance clear from the recent Prosecution's application under Rule 54
bis in the Milosevic case. It is clear from this application that
there are number of outstanding Requests, some of which are 20 months
old. The best results and fair results in the criminal trials of such
importance as here in The Hague are only possible to achieve if best
possible documents are made available in timely manner.

The difficulties faced by the Prosecution in Milosevic case with
access to the documents and witnesses came to the point when it was
not possible to wait any longer, while the Trial Chamber had to be
informed about the problems faced by us.
I want to repeat, in the limited time given by the Trial Chamber in
particular case the Prosecution team must bring the most important
witnesses and most important documents before the court.

Finally, I would like to inform you that I sent yesterday a letter to
the Yugoslav authorities in regard to the accused M. Milutinovic to
ensure his surrender to the custody of the ICTY and his transfer to
The Hague immediately upon the expiry of his term of office.

Thank you.

=== 2 ===

Subject: DANGER OF JUDICIAL MURDER - ICDSM German Section statement
(in English)
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 17:15:06 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"


Press statement issued by the German Section of the
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic,

On 18.12.2002, the last day of the "trial" of Slobodan Milosevic
this year, it was announced that "administrative questions"
would be dealt with. In plain language, the issue was Slobodan
Milosevic's state of health and the possibility of him surviving
the trial. The treatment of this matter by the "court" was fully in
line with what one would expect from the cold-blooded
bureaucratic reduction of a matter of life and death to an
"administrative issue". "Judge" May dealt with the matter in less
than three minutes.

Firstly he stated that that the Chamber had received medical
reports and petitions from "the sides". May, certainly not for
reasons of time, withheld the information that these included
submissions from the International and National Committees for
the Defence of Slobodan Milosevic, appeals from US intellectuals
and German doctors and a unanimous resolution from the
Russian Duma [parliament].

He permitted no discussion of the issues but pronounced three
points as a final decision: maintenance of the previously
established schedule "with monitoring" of the health of the
"accused", no imposition of a defence lawyer - which Carla del
Ponte had asked for - since this would be incompatible with the
rules of the "Court", and, thirdly, no temporary release of
Slobodan Milosevic to allow him specialist treatment by his
long-standing doctors.

Thus, despite repeated warnings, notably from medical
specialists, we see the acceptance of severe damage to the health
and a threat to the life of Slobodan Milosevic. All those who
have assumed that, given the disaster of the trial so far from the
legal point of view, the forces behind the "Tribunal" view the
termination of the trial through death as an option which is at
least worthy of consideration, now feel confirmed in that

The state of Slobodan Milosevic's health - he suffers from
exceptionally high blood pressure, weak heart muscles,
hypertrophy of the left ventricle and angina pectoris carrying the
risk of sudden death through heart failure - has swiftly
deteriorated in recent months because of the intolerable
conditions of detention and trial. The first examination by a
Dutch cardiologist on 15.11. 02 predicted an 11% reduction in
the risk of death given appropriate medication. On 23.11.02
newspapers and press agencies reported that Milosevic had over
a long period not only not been receiving effective or ineffective
drugs, but had in fact been given contra-indicated drugs which
actually increased his blood pressure.

A group of practising doctors and therapists from Germany,
including members of "International Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War" in their two petitions to the
"Tribunal" have pointed out inter alia that:

"This attitude, which can only be described as irresponsible,
towards a person whose health and life are in your care with all
the consequences flowing from that, raises serious questions as
regards motives. At the very least it is totally at odds with various
UN documents and resolutions concerning the treatment of
prisoners which responsible persons claiming to be
representatives of a UN institution ought of all people fully to

The necessary outcome of this situation, for which the ICTY
carries full responsibility, is that Slobodan Milosevic be
immediately released from this health- and life-threatening
situation and set free so that he can receive in Belgrade the long
overdue treatment from the doctors who have treated him for
many years."

By his decision today, Judge May has done more than just ignore
such expert advice. The "Tribunal" is also thereby blatantly
flouting UN General Assembly resolutions and documents
relating to the health of persons in custody, in particular:

* the provisions of UN General Assembly Resolution no. 37/194
of December 1982, which stipulates that "health personnel,
particularly physicians, charged with the medical care of
prisoners and detainees, have a duty to provide them with
protection of their physical and mental health and treatment of
disease of the same quality and standard as is afforded to those
who are not imprisoned or detained".

* Article 6 of the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials
adopted by the UN General Assembly on 17 December 1979
which obliges all courts to "ensure the full protection of the
health of persons in their custody".

Moreover, the "Tribunal" is violating its own rules, specifically
article 21 point 4b, which stipulates that every defendant shall
have "adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his

In the view of the International Committee for the Defence of
Slobodan Milosevic, all the above indicates that the trial is
nothing more than an organised attempt to kill Slobodan

Immediately after this "potential death sentence", representatives
of the International Committee announced that they were
considering legal steps against "Judge" May. In the next few
days, they want the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
in Geneva to intervene so that UN decisions are at last applied in
"Del Ponte's Circus".

Klaus Hartmann

Vice-President ICDSM (International Committee for the
Defence of Slobodan Milosevic)

ICDSM http://www.icdsm.org/

ICDSM - German Section http://www.free-slobo.de/

=== 3 ===

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The following report is from Attorney
Tiphaine Dickson, retained by the ICDSM,
writing from The Hague. A full report on
the ICDSM delegation will be forthcoming.
- Jared Israel
[Posted 18 December 2002]


18 December 2002, The Hague

Earlier today, Trial Chamber III allocated
a few minutes of its timetable to
summarize a decision with respect to
Slobodan Milosevic's health, trial
conditions, and to rule on requests for
provisional release filed by parties.

The full ruling was unavailable to the
public and the press.

On 5th and 12th of November, the ICDSM
petitioned the Chamber for urgent
specialized medical attention (1) and for
the provisional release of Slobodan
Milosevic.(2) On the basis of medical
reports and international law, we argued
that the current trial conditions
constitute a threat to his life, that lack
of adequate medical attention is
tantamount to torture, and requested that
he be afforded the right to urgent,
specialized medical care by physicians
familiar with his history. This requires
provisional release to Belgrade as well as
full convalescence.

The ICDSM further submitted that President
Milosevic's fundamental right represent
himself, and to not have counsel imposed
on him creates an obligation on the
Chamber to accommodate the exercise of
this right by providing conditions other
than those of a grueling trial schedule
with restricted access to his legal
assistants in a prison. We provided the
Chamber with a legal basis upon which to
order Slobodan Milosevic's release for the
continuation of the trial in a
non-custodial setting, following full

Chamber III has today denied provisional
release, and appears, since they affirm
that they will proceed according to their
"timetable", to have denied requests for
an adjournment so that President Milosevic
may obtain specialized medical evaluation
and treatment. They did not mention the
ICDSM's motion or requests.

Trial Chamber III has disregarded the
reasoning of their colleagues in the Talic
matter who stated:

"It would be inappropriate for this Trial
Chamber to wait until Talic is on the
verge of death before considering
favorably his application for provisional
[Note: "Talic" refers to the Tribunal's
proceedings against Radoslav Brdanin and
Momir Talic - JI]

The ICDSM considers that it would also be
"inappropriate" for the Chamber to wait
until these trial conditions cause severe
cardiac complications, stroke, or death
before "considering favorably" an
application for provisional release. It is
also "inappropriate" to wait until
Slobodan Milosevic is on the verge of
death before "favorably considering" a
request for specialized medical attention.

The Chamber stated that "as previously"
they would deny provisional release.
Previously, that is March 6th 2002,
Slobodan Milosevic's health conditions had
not deteriorated as they have in the past
months. Previously, the arguments of the
court-appointed amici took up only four
transcript pages including the following

"So I'm not insisting on provisional
release and equality of arms, so to

The ICDSM did not consider that the matter
had been previously argued in an adequate
manner. It appears from the fragment of
the decision to which the public was made
privy [today] that the Chamber has equated
previous requests with current ones. Such
an interpretation would constitute a gross
misapprehension of the facts and the law.

The Chamber did however refuse to impose
counsel on President Milosevic. The ICDSM
is relieved that Slobodan Milosevic's
arguments supporting his right to
represent himself and not to have counsel
imposed on him have prevailed.

Another statement will follow the
disclosure of the full decision.

Tiphaine Dickson
Attorney ICDSM

[Footnotes follow appeal]

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Thank you!


1) See "Specialists Must Examine Slobodan
Milosevic Now!" at

2) See "Full text of ICDSM Motion
Requesting Amicus Curiae Status," at


Backup ICDSM Website at

=== 4 ===

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Milosevic refuses psychiatric tests!
Reuters 5 December 2002
[Comments by Jared Israel of ICDSM at end]
[5 December 2002]

Note from ICDSM: In the Reuters dispatch
below, Hague official Landale says
Slobodan Milosevic has "turned down the
opportunity to have a psychiatric
examination." The amazing word here is,
'opportunity.' You gotta love it.

I will post further comments shortly.

-- Jared Israel


The Hague -

Slobodan Milosevic has refused to undergo
a psychiatric examination ordered by
judges at The Hague warcrimes tribunal to
gauge the toll his trial is taking on his
mental health, a court spokesman has said.

Judges last month asked a psychiatrist and
a cardiologist to provide medical reports
on the former Yugoslav leader. Milosevic
has suffered bouts of high blood pressure,
flu and exhaustion since his trial started
in February.

Milosevic is willing to be examined by a
cardiologist, but not a psychiatrist,
tribunal spokesman Jim Landale told

"He turned down the opportunity to have a
psychiatric examination. He made it clear
that he did not wish to have a psychiatric
examination," Landale said.

Milosevic, 61, chose to defend himself
against charges of ethnic cleansing in the
Balkans in the 1990s, in a show of
contempt for the tribunal.

Milosevic's poor health has halted
proceedings five times in nine months,
prompting prosecutors to ask the court to
impose a defence lawyer on him. The former
Serb strongman has accused prosecutors of
trying to gag him.

(c) Reuters 2002 - Posted for Educational
Use Only

* Our Comment follows fund-raising appeal

Help Get the ICDSM
Delegation to The Hague!

Slobodan Milosevic has defied his captors
once again. Won't you give your support?

Now more than ever the ICDSM needs to get
our delegation to The Hague to back up
Slobodan Milosevic's truly heroic stand.
Your contribution - large or small - can
help get us there.

** Here is How to Make a Donation **

* Make a donation at our secure server. Go
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Donate by credit card over the phone. Call
us at:
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Freedom Association, Belgrade 381 11
3282491 or 381 638 862 301

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PayPal accepts VISA and MasterCard

Send us a check at:
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Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

Thank you!



=== 5 ===


Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 5, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper

By John Catalinotto

Efforts to win the release of former Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic from his prison in The Hague have increased since early
November, when dangers to his health became apparent. They include a
demonstration of thousands in Belgrade on Nov. 19.
Milosevic faces charges for alleged war crimes during NATO's wars on
the Balkans. Defending himself since the trial opened last February,
the former Yugoslav leader has often been able to turn the tables on
NATO. What began as a show trial against Milosevic has been virtually
ignored by the establishment media since his self-defense has been
so convincing.
Milosevic, who has heart and high blood pressure problems, has endured
life in a small cell with little chance for exercise or decent food as
he prepares for daylong court sessions with the minimum of legal
assistance. On top of this constant threat to his health, doctors of
the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia gave him
improper medicine earlier in November, according to the Nov. 22 NRC
Handelsblad, a Dutch newspaper.
Called on only a few days' notice, the Nov. 19 protest was on the
occasion of a meeting of United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan
with representatives of the current Yugoslav government. According to
spokespeople for SLOBODA (Freedom), the group calling the action with
the support of the Socialist Party of Serbia, the nationalists and
other patriotic parties, more than 10,000 people took part.
Protesters in this "Liberty for Slobo" rally included the Serbian
nationalist Vojislav Seselj, who is running in the election for the
Serbian presidency against Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica.
Milosevic's wife, Mira Markovic, and others from his family were also
Other speakers included a famous basketball player, a bishop, a
professor of medicine and several well-known writers.
Supporters of Milosevic also demonstrated against NATO in Prague with
others protesting the eastward expansion
of the aggressive military pact.
The committee asks that messages demanding proper medical care for
Milosevic and his release from prison be sent to:
Sergio Vieira de Mello, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
OHCHR-UNOG, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland;
fax 4122 917 9022; or e-mail tb-petitions@....

- END -

=== 6 ===

Subject: request for information
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 00:22:47 -0000
From: "canauk" <canauk@...>
To: "Hague Tribunal" <fisk.icty@...>
CC: "Lord Peter Goldsmith QC" <lslo@...>

To the International Criminal Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia

The Hague


From William Spring 1 Scales Rd London
N17 9HB UK

Tel: 0044 208 376 1454

Date: November 26th 2002

by e mail, fax & recorded delivery

Dear Sirs

I am making an application to the UK Courts
for the prosecution of the learned Judge
May, for engaging in the torture of the
prisoner Milosevic, illegally kidnapped from
Yugoslavia & transferred to your Tribunal
without lawful authority, in which situation
the Court under Judge May's presidency has
persisted in inflicting upon the prisoner a
variety of demeaning treatments, including
torture, through such expedients as denying
him proper exercise, food, family visits,
medical treatment, correspondence, access to
legal advisers etc + a number of other
inhuman & degrading procedures.

I have already complained about this
treatment of the prisoner in a letter sent to
Judge May dated November 6th, also sent to
your Court by e mail & fax. (For your
information I paste below this e mail the full
text of the letter of November 6th.)

As Judge May remains an official of the
British Government, being one of Her
Majesty's judges, & as no official of the UK
Government can engage in torture in any
capacity, either in connection with his/her
official duties, or exterior to them, in seeking
the arraignment of the judge I invoke section
134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988, &, of
course, should Mr Milosevic die in your
custody I will press the charge of murder
both against Judge May, & against any other
parties, (resident in The Netherlands or
elsewhere), responsible for the death of the
prisoner Milosevic.

It is clear this prisoner should, either be
released immediately, (a decision which any
competent Court would have taken a long
time ago), or else, @ the very least, if your
honourable Court, with the connivance of the
Netherlands Government, intends to persist
in this ridiculous charade of supposed
international justice, that you should grant
him bail.

I have requested the Law Officers in UK for
the full name & address of Judge May but
have not had a response. I therefore make
this request direct to The Tribunal.

I realise Judge May is outside of the
jurisdiction @ the moment, but should he
return to the UK I hope the Magistrates &
the Attorney General allow the case to go
forward, & we can arrange for the
summonses to be served upon him.

As a variant to requesting Judge May's UK
or Netherlands address, could the learned
Judge please advance an address for service
here in the UK.

I intend to call expert witnesses & a
comprehensive range of specialist testimony.

I trust there will be a prompt reply to this

Failure to acknowledge this communication
will not delay my application which I will
lodge @ Highgate Magistrates Court without
any further notice to your Court, or to the
learned judge.

Yours sincerely

William Spring

To the International Criminal Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia

for the attention of Judge May

From William Spring 1 Scales Road London
N17 9HB

6th November 2002

also by fax & post

Dear Judge May,

As you probably don't know, as your officials
haven't told you, I have sent various e mails
to you in the past relating to your role in the
trial of Mr Milosevic.

I am concerned not only @ the indignities
you & your fellow judges routinely inflict
upon the accused, but at indications you
consistently interfere with his defence,
limiting his time, while seeking to protect
dubious witnesses, (as for example when the
well known war manufacturer /CIA agent/ &
Jesuit massacre defender William Walker
appeared before you).

I have looked @ the transcripts, although I
was not in Court myself.

But you should have known & did know how
important the evidence of Walker was, & in
fact you gave him two days to present his

But Mr Milosevic you only allowed him 3
hours to cross examine & in the middle of
that cross examination you cut Mr Milosevic
off, as you have done so many times in the
past, @ the very point when Mr Milosevic
was asking questions relating to Walker's
role in his cover up of the murder of six
Jesuit priests in El Salvador in the 1980's.

At that time Walker was employed as a CIA
agent (using US diplomatic cover), running
the contras, useful experience for him prior
to taking over a similar role in Kosovo.

Walker told your tribunal "I made an
inaccurate statement, in hindsight".

Mr Milosevic then pointed out how, when the
KLA was blamed for the killing of the Serb
teenagers in Pec, he had said, " when you
don't know what has happened, it's a lot
more difficult to sort of pronounce yourself
... to this day we do not know who committed
that act."

But Walker did not exercise the same degree
of caution regarding Racak.

At that point you intervened to stop the cross
examination by saying: "your attempt to
discredit this witness with events so long ago
the Trial Chamber has ruled as irrelevant. "

And later:

"This is an absurd question, absolutely
absurd. Now you're wasting everybody's

But the time spent cross examining the
initiator of the Kosovo War was not wasted.

It is vital to get to the truth about the 1999
NATO war on Yugoslavia.

It may be that as a lawyer you don't have any
regard for the truth, by which I mean you
don't regard its pursuit as a priority.

But as a contemporary historian, & as a
concerned citizen, worried @ the waste of
UK taxpayers' money spent funding your
illicit judicial forum, I do.

My point is you have disqualified yourself by
prejudice & bias from any further conduct of
this case.

I have made a formal complaint to the Lord
Chancellor about your conduct of the trial

I refer as well to the failure of The Tribunal
to provide medical facilities for the prisoner,
nor access to family, nor access to lawyers,
nor access to potential witnesses, such as
myself, nor access to advisers, nor access to
telephones & fax machines, nor access to the
Internet, nor even access to a computer.

You give him inedible meals & you deny him

You are engaged in torture.

You sneer @ the prisoner - you generally
seek to demean him, you inflict indignities &
gratuitous humiliation upon him.

I believe you & the other UK officials @ the
Court, including Steven Kay, the MI6 agent
drafted in so the prosecution can also take
over the defence, all of you have
systematically conspired to deny the prisoner
a fair trial, both on account of the numerous
rulings you have made against him, & those
you have not, particularly in respect to the
conditions of his unlawful detention.

You are aware how he is being unlawfully
detained, having been kidnapped, i.e. illegally
abducted, (through the complicity of agents
of the British Government, & the RAF) from
the sovereign territory of Yugoslavia.

These agents & the RAF personnel were
acting upon the instructions of Geoff Hoon

Yet the crime committed over his person you
refuse to rule on.

You have refused to consider the
circumstances by which Mr Milosevic
arrived @ your Court.

You & Stephen Kay are no better than the
Japs, (who were probably quite humane
gaolers of our men on the Burma Road,
compared to the insidious protracted long
term psychological torture you inflict on Mr

Nothing is worse than the turning of the
planetary moral & legal order upside down,
the bringing of international law into
disrepute, so that those who are actually
criminals, (such as Walker, & NATO satrap
Paddy Ashdown, + the German NATO air
commander, I think his name is Nauman or
something like that, but all of whom were
responsible for the aggression against
Yugoslavia), they are allowed accuse
Milosevic, but they are not held responsible
for their own crimes.

This is absurd.

Now we hear the Americans are planning
another set of show trials, this time for Iraq.

Corrupt Courts, staffed by corrupt judges, &
corrupt prosecutors, travel in the baggage of
the Allies, as the Bourbons travelled in their
baggage in 1815.

Section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988
prevents any official of the UK Covt
engaging in torture in any capacity, for
which reason I am sending a copy to this
letter to the Lord Chancellor & to the A-G.

Yours sincerely

William Spring

=== 7 ===

----- Original Message -----
From: Goran Cvetic
To: artel
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 7:29 AM
Subject: Milosevic Given Wrong Medicines in the Hague -
Dutch Paper Report


Posted on Sat, Nov. 23, 2002

Milosevic Given Wrong Medicines in the Hague -Paper


THE HAGUE - Wrong medicines given to Slobodan Milosevic in detention
sent his blood pressure shooting up earlier this month, forcing a halt
to his trial, a Dutch newspaper reported on Saturday.

NRC Handelsblad quoted "sources in the (U.N. war crimes) tribunal" as
saying administering the wrong medication had caused blood pressure
problems that triggered the latest in a string of health-related
delays to the former Yugoslav president's war crimes trial.

Tribunal spokesman Christian Chartier dismissed the report.
"The medicines received by Milosevic have not changed at all over the
past month. That means the so-called wrong medications are exactly the
same medications that got him back (in court) last week, " Chartier
told Reuters.

He said Milosevic's medication was discussed recently with a
Belgrade cardiologist familiar with the former Serbian leader's
state of health.

"His assessment was that Milosevic couldn't have been given any better
medication," said Chartier.

Milosevic, 61, has suffered bouts of flu, exhaustion and high blood
pressure. He now faces psychiatric tests amid mounting concern his
dogged refusal to appoint defense counsel is taking its toll on his
health and disrupting the trial.

The landmark trial for alleged atrocities in the Balkans last decade
has been suspended five times because of the accused's health problems
since proceedings began in February.

Milosevic has been held in the tribunal's detention center since he
was sent to The Hague in June 2001.

Chief prosecutor Carla Del Ponte on Wednesday said she opposed a plea
filed by two international lawyers appointed by the court for
Milosevic's release for one year on health grounds, saying he can have
the necessary care he needs in detention.