Date: 10 March 2003

commemoration of the NATO agression against Yugoslavia

Belgrade, 4 March 2003

for the fourth commemoration of the beginning of the
NATO aggression against Yugoslavia

The Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals is reminding citizens of
Serbia and Montenegro and the world community that 24th March 2003 is
the fourth anniversary of the beginning of the NATO Pact aggression
against Yugoslavia. On that day, on the basis of fabricated
accusations which were used for the benefit of strategic, military,
political and economic interests, the NATO Pact, led by the USA, began
its 78 day bombing campaign of Yugoslavia.
The Charter of the United Nations was set up, the principles of
international law were broken, and a dangerous precedent was made for
the use of force without the consent of the Security Council of the
United Nations. During the attack, NATO made alliance with the
terrorists "KLA", connected with Al Qaeda. Terrorism has been
encouraged in the Balkans, Europe and on the global arena. The
aggression of NATO caused immeasurable human casualties and suffering,
tremendous economic an ecological destruction. The political and
military leaders of NATO bear responsibility for the humanitarian,
economic, ecological and strategic consequences felt beyond Europe and
entering into third millennium.
After the bombing and occupation of Afghanistan, the United States,
accompanied with Great Britain, is preparing an attack against Iraq
and other countries. The aim of the attack against Iraq is not the
destroing the weapons of mass destruction, but the violent overthrow
of the existing govermment and the occupation of natural resources,
namely oil. NATO, led by the USA, controls the global media, by which
in 1999 it concealed the true reasons for the aggression against
Yugoslavia, while the same method of misleading world opinion is being
instigated this time again during preparations of the aggression
against Iraq.
Today, when the former Secretary General of NATO, Havier Solana,
responsible for the the aggression against Yugoslavia, plays decisive
rolle in abolishing both Yugoslavia and any future common state of
Serbia and Montenegro, the true reasons for the aggression against
Yugoslavia in 1999 are becoming clear to everybody: the dissipation of
a respected European country and the deprivation of its people of
their most important support for existence and development. In
Belgrade nobody worries about production, dismissals are a mass
occurrence, one and a half million people are without employment,
while the status of 750,000 refugees and displaced persons is still
unresolved. Under the protection of the authorities and their foreign
mentors, a rapacious appropriation of national wealth and raw
materials is being instigated. Parallel to this, most of the media,
cultural and educational institutions, are pressed to conduct a
programme of spiritual and cultural destruction of the people. Those
institutions which do not accept this rolle are being marginalized and
deprived of legal rights to revenues from the budget.
The Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals appeals to all the freedom
loving and individuals in Serbia and Montenegro, Balkans, Europe and
the world community to organize commemoration of 24th March, the day
when imperialism showed its true face and aims.
We are appealing to the leaders of all religious communities - Serbian
Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, the Islamic Community, the
Jewish Community and others, as well as political parties,
institutions and patriotic alliances to, all individuals and citizens,
to pay tribute to those killed in that terrible NATO war against
Yugoslavia and its peoples.
Let it not to be forgotten, but may it never, anywhere, be repeated.
Let us raise our voice, render our homage to the victims and let us
lear public message that we do not supplicate to humiliation,
inequality and any kind of injustice. Let us clearly say that we are
proud of our national culture, history and contributions to Europe. We
do demand war reparations, the reintroduction of counter suits against
Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia and the termination of the double
standard Hague Tribunal.
The future of the planet is not in bombs and military nighte, but in
equality, self-respect cooperation and respect ot the international
The Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals organises a Round Table, on
Saturday, 22nd March 2003, in the Faculty of Law, Amphitheatre No. VI,
beginning at 11,00 a.m. The theme will deal with the consequences of
the NATO aggression. We are calling on scientists, specialists,
diplomats, analysts, and journalists, from home and abroad, to be
present and to participate at the Round Table.
11000 Beograd, Misarska 6/II, Jugoslavija
Tel./Fax: (++381 11) 3245601