Subject: Belgrade: The Occupants celebrate anniversary of their Crime
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 18:12:00 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"


19 March 2003 - NATO parliamentarians meet in Belgrade

The NATO PA is holding its 54th Rose Roth seminar in Belgrade
from 20 to 22 March. In the aftermath of the assassination of
prime minister Zoran Djindjic, the meeting will focus the attention
of the international community on the problems facing Serbia and
Montenegro as it struggles to implement reforms, consolidate
constitutional arrangements, and overcome the legacy of the
former Yugoslavia with the goal of creating a stable democracy.
With the conflict in Iraq pending, this event is a timely reminder
of the unfinished business in this volatile region.

The seminar, organised in co-operation with the newly created
Assembly of Serbia and Montenegro, will bring together
approximately 60 parliamentarians from NATO and partner
countries as well as more than 50 observers, including
international security specialists, diplomats and representatives
from international organisations.
The international, Alliance, and national perspectives of Serbia
and Montenegro will be addressed respectively by Carl Bildt,
former UN special envoy to the Balkans; Ambassador Günther
Altenburg, Assistant Secretary General of NATO; and Goran
Svilanovic, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro.

The key issue of the relations between Serbia and Montenegro and
the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
will be addressed by chief prosecutor Carla Del Ponte.

Dusan Mihailovic, Minister of the Interior, will tackle his
country's difficult struggle against corruption and organized
The urgent and difficult process of defence reform will also be on
the agenda with presentations by new Defence Minister Boris
Tadic, general Branko Krga, Army's Chief of Staff, and George
Katsirdakis from NATO's Defence Planning and Operations.

Finally, the relevance of Serbia and Montenegro to the broader
region will be addressed by Ivan Vejvoda, advisor to the late prime
minister Djindjic, and OSCE Ambassadors Robert Beecroft and
Maurizio Massari, who will bring the their perspectives
respectively from Sarajevo and Belgrade.