Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 04:53:29 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <slobodavk@...>




Respectful friends,

The War has been declared to the mankind.

While another proud nation is looking into eyes of the US
aggression, victims of previous aggression still suffer. While some
nations are being bombed, other nations are being enslaved.

Your honorable efforts to protect Europe and the World from
imperialist wars were linked with the event many of us for decades
considered impossible - war on European soil. Yugoslavia, a sovereign
country, an example of tolerance and brotherhood and of social
welfare, has been tiered apart, raped, brutally bombed and finally
Warmongers and criminals responsible for that are not punished. As a
wounded beast they continue the war against humanity.

In February 2000, leader of our people, President Slobodan
Milosevic stated:

"Today, it is Serbia. Than the Middle and Far East. And the
entire world at last. The only obstacle that can stand in the way of
this crusade can be reason. The reason of the mankind, because this
time mankind is the ultimate goal. Today, when danger of global
violence is certain, what we need is an organized resistance to
violence on a global scale."

In September 2002, as Dimitrov facing Nazis, President
Milosevic faced NATO as prisoner who, advocating sovereignty and
dignity of all peoples, turns into a prosecutor:

"There were no "wars" in this territory, only a war, against
Yugoslavia. This war has been incited and directed by the greatest
powers of the modern world, relying on internal allies and
nationalist-separatist cadre dominated by the forces defeated in
World War Two. This war was waged by all means: media,
political, economic, and military. First it was waged through a
decade-long media campaign which abused the monopoly over
global information exchanges, then through a diplomatic
intervention aimed at creating independent states from Yugoslav
republics, then through the many years of cruel economic blockade
and sanctions against the FR Yugoslavia - which can only be
qualified as genocidal - and finally, through an open military
aggression. First in 1995, against the Republic of Srpska and in the
operation "Storm", with NATO forces participating in the largest
ethnic cleansing ever recorded, and in 1999, against the FR

Black clouds of deadly planes and missiles covered skies over
Belgrade on March 24, 1999. Exactly four years later, they are
darkening the skies over Baghdad.

They ended XX century with the attempt to kill one nation.
They begin XXI century with the attempt to kill another.

Their MAGNUM CRIMEN must be stopped. As we were once
united to stop and defeat fascism, the mankind must unite to prevent
today's threat which is even bigger. The aggressive force has weapons
capable to destroy the whole life on our planet.

We must unite around the protection of peace which is the
universal value and everyone's right and around the protection of the
sovereignty of every people which is the most powerful tool against
the new colonialism.

Every anniversary of March aggression has been commemorated
in Belgrade by an international conference and by a people's rally.

This year, the conference is forbidden, as well as all

These days in Belgrade, only NATO and its servants can speak

As unbelievable outrage and disgrace, on March 20-22, in the
building of the Federal Parliament in Belgrade, NATO Parliamentary
Assembly will hold its seminar. The special guest star will be devil's
advocate in person, Carla del Ponte.

It is an unbearable humiliation.

But it is only a peak of an iceberg.

During only a week of the illegal "State of Emergency", 800
hundred people have been arrested and detained without right for a
defense counsel. There is a total censorship of all media. A daily
newspaper and a political weekly most open to opposition views are
banned. There are no more TV transmitions from the Parliament.
Leaders of ruling coalition call to ban the patriotic opposition
Trade union activities and the right of strike have been abolished.

All that on the eve of a hot political spring with a wave of
workers' protests already announced. And with the Movement of
People's Unity almost emerged.

At The Hague, there is a seventh break in the process due to
a new deterioration of the President Milosevic's health. The NATO
Inquisition remains deaf to appeals from all over the world, including
from Russian Duma and dismissed Yugoslav Federal Parliament that
the President's life has to be saved by a period of recovery in

All this is a proof that the monstrous threat to the mankind
does not have only a face of military aggression but has also all
other oppressive dimensions we all remember from 60 years ago.

This is a warning and an alarm from Belgrade.

We count on your determination. The undefeated spirit of
freedom of our people is with you. All conscious fighters for peace
and freedom should count on that. We can not betray our martyrs and
our history.

We call upon your solidarity.

On behalf of SLOBODA/Freedom Association

Belgrade, 20 March 2003

Vladimir Krsljanin, ambassador,
Foreign Relations Assistant to President Slobodan Milosevic