SERBIA: Dalla strategia della tensione alla repressione politica

Ci giunge oggi notizia che in Serbia ormai incominciati gli arresti
indiscriminati degli esponenti dei partiti della sinistra.

In questo messaggio trovate le notizie che ci sono arrivate - in
lingua inglese: si pregano i compagni piu' sensibili di aiutarci
nelle traduzioni.

Dopo l'omicidio del primo ministro Djindjic da parte di cecchini si
e' scatenata in Serbia una caccia alle streghe dagli scopi meramente
politici. L'omicidio - del quale sono logicamente responsabili quegli
stessi settori criminali filoamericani ai quali Djindjic era legato -
aveva evidentemente proprio questo scopo: consentire una stretta
repressiva feroce, impedire l'espressione del dissenso politico e
sociale, silenziare ogni opposizione, attaccare frontalmente persino
quei settori (ad es. vicini a Kostunica) che pur da posizioni
conservatrici e filooccidentali avevano comunque contestato le
politiche antipopolari e filo-NATO di Djindjic e dei suoi successori.
L'instaurazione dello stato di emergenza e' dunque in continuita' con
il golpe filooccidentale del 5 ottobre 2000, quando il secondo turno
delle elezioni presidenziali fu impedito dalle pressioni
internazionali e dallo scatenarsi della violenza squadrista
delle "magliette nere" di Otpor ed affini.

Il clima che si respira dunque oggi in Serbia e' veramente un clima
di guerra, del tutto consono allo "stato di emergenza globale" nel
quale l'imperialismo sta precipitando l'intero pianeta. Guerra e
fascismo: questi gli strumenti prediletti dall'imperialismo nei suoi
momenti di crisi. In Serbia oggi c'e' la dittatura. Questa dittatura
e' stata possibile anche grazie al ruolo infame giocato da
commentatori e politici della "sinistra" occidentale, che mentre
piangono lacrime ipocrite sulla carneficina attuata dagli USA in Iraq
continuano a farsi portatori di tutta la propaganda menzognera usata
dai guerrafondai.

Oggi in Serbia c'e' in fascismo.


(I. Slavo)


Since the police has been kept my computer and has not returned it
yet (although they promissed to do that today) I am unable to restore
my mailing list. Therefore, please distribute the attached message as
wide as you can.
Vladimir Krsljanin



Yesterday and today, several members of SLOBODA, SPS and YUL have
been arrested. For some of them, home apartments and offices have
been searched by the police. At least three of them have been kept in
detention. After SLOBODA reacted today with the statement bellow and
with a press conference, and some electronic media started quoting
our position, the regime ordered all such reports to be stopped.
Than, this evening, the police appeared with its statements,
announcing that "Mira Markovic is in Russia" and informing that some
comrades have been kept in detention. They gave no real explanation.
In the case of Bogoljub Bjelica, chairman of SLOBODA they
said "Continuing the investigation of the hardest crimes and
collecting the evidence in order to arrest orderers, inspirers and
assistants, the police arrested for questioning and kept in detention
Bogoljub Bjelica, one of the closest associates of the former
President of FRY Slobodan Milosevic". In the case of Uros Suvakovic
and Goran Matic, the police stated that they've been kept "as closest
political associates of Mira Markovic" due to suspicion that they
are "in possession of information that can help the investigation" of
the case of Ivan Stambolic, since, according to the statement of the
police, Mira Markovic "is suspected to be involved in this murder".

So, we know that Belgrade US/NATO/Hague executioners keep illegally
and with no ground nor charges:

Bogoljub Bjelica, President of SLOBODA/Freedom Association – Yugoslav
Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic, Chairman of the
Organizational-Political Committee of the President of SPS, former
Deputy Federal Minister of Defense;

Uros Suvakovic, Member of the Board of SLOBODA/Freedom Association –
Yugoslav Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic, Main Editor
of the Theoretical Journal of SPS "SMISAO", former Assistant of the
General Secretary of SPS;

Goran Matic, Vice-President of YUL, until recently Federal MP, former
Federal Minister of Information.

STATEMENT OF SLOBODA/Freedom Association

The fiasco of the co-called trial in The Hague caused panic inside
the "tribunal", in the regime here, as its Belgrade office, and among
their common masters. Except the desperate attempt to threaten the
life and health of President Milosevic, forces of aggression against
our freedom and our people have not found any mean to confront his
magnificent struggle for the truth, which inspires and mobilizes the
forces of peace and freedom at home and abroad.

The attempt to use the state of emergency in Serbia, imposed in an
illegal way by the illegitimate regime, for an attack to President
Milosevic, his family and associates, speaks itself for their
stupidity and weakness.

It is against the common reason and cynical, and even from a moral
and logical point of view unacceptable, to try to link individuals
and groups, proclaimed earlier by the regime as "heroes of the 5th of
October revolution", who took part in downing and arrest of President
Milosevic, with him and with members of his family.

The official statements sent to the media prove that we are dealing
with a totally illegal behavior, lynch and lack of the rule of law.
One of the examples is that it is declared that the wife of President
Milosevic is in escape, although it is absolutely clear that there is
nothing she should run away from and that as a free citizen she has
the right to move and travel freely.

The regime that has lost every hope that it can survive free
elections tries to prolong its days, which are already counted, by
the misuse of the media and by the suppression of the citizen's
rights and freedoms.

This is also an attack on political opponents, free expression of
political opinions and fundamental, internationally guaranteed human
rights and freedoms.

We demand from the police the immediate release of the President of
SLOBODA/FREEDOM Association, Mr. Bogoljub Bjelica, and to stop the
persecution and misuse of the media against the members of the family
of President Milosevic, arbitrary arrests of the members of our
association and other individuals who did not violate any law.

We call upon all democratic political subjects, all domestic and
international organizations for the protection of human rights, and
all progressive forces and honest individuals to react in the
strongest possible way against such a practice of the Belgrade regime.

Send your appeals to the embassies, diplomatic missions and
consulates of Serbia and Montenegro in your respected countries. Act

SLOBODA/FREEDOM Association, Belgrade, March 29, 2003





(Front one: Yugoslavia; Front two: Afghanistan; Front three:
Israel/Palestine; Front four: Iraq; Front five, six, seven…)


1. Today, in absence of the ill President Milosevic, the ICTY was
discussing how to further punish him. The options were to examine
witnesses without his presence and to discuss his medical condition
in his absence on the basis of the opinion of a medical expert
proposed by Prosecution (!?) who never examined the President.

Trial chamber so far made no decision.

All this was discussed after it was stated that President Milosevic
refuses to receive the medications, what makes him responsible for
his medical condition.

This was a total lie.

President Milosevic was never refusing to take the medication, even
after he was only last Sunday warned about its side effects.

But this morning the medication (Labetalol) was changed for the one
he was taking for years until several months ago (Metaprolol).

All this is no surprise, since everything in ICTY is based on lies.

2. So, the summary would be the following:

· President Milosevic with malignant hypertension and secondary
heart damages was abducted and taken to The Hague;

· Horrible prison conditions (no fresh air!) and workload of
the trial (examination of the 10 years of history of NATO Balkans
nightmare) that can be compared with no other defendant in history
have produced deterioration of his condition;

· Since with extremely high blood pressure he can not attend
the trial, they have tried to down the blood pressure with stronger
and improper medications that often produce side effects;

· These medications by its side effects disable him to attend
the trial.

· That is called a deadlock. And what is response of the ICTY?
Lies and punishment!

3. President of ICTY and some Western governments try all the time to
assure appealing citizens, MPs, organizations that President
Milosevic receives medical treatment of highest level and standards.
How can they say it again?

4. Why they try to silence President Milosevic?

Why they impose dictatorship in Yugoslavia?

Because Yugoslavia was a laboratory of a planed perpetual World
crisis from which the Empire would take benefit and rule. And because
Yugoslavia and Serbian people have a speaker higher than all the
Empire administrators put together. A person who is a witness of
their crimes and who is able to expose them. To expose the darkest
and the most anti-human project ever: to create national and
religious hatred, terrorism, all kinds of extremism and then to use
them as a pretext for gargantuan mass murder and mass destruction in
order to grab the whole World wealth and to live on blood and sweat
of the mankind. To warn the World and to become a leader of anti-
globalist, anti-fascist and anti-colonial resistance. His name is
Slobodan Milosevic.


Belgrade, March 26, 2003

SLOBODA/Freedom Association