
Persecution of Slobodan Milosevic's Family Underway

They apparently threaten Milosevic with arresting his family members

Democratic press has recently caused a commotion regarding the
supposed implication of the former Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic and his family in the kidnapping of retired banker Ivan
Stambolic in August of 2000. It is worth mentioning that this subject
was raised by television channels and newspapers of a certain
orientation, which gives a reason to assume that it goes about a
coordinated, deliberate action.

A lot of people remember that newspapers published sensation after
sensation in October of 2000, about some wild crimes that Slobodan
Milosevic allegedly committed. It was particularly said that there
were six billion dollars on his accounts in foreign banks, that three
Il-76 planes carried tons of gold away from Belgrade, and so on and so
forth. This nonsense was distributed in a rather persistent way, which
resulted in the fact that they started looking for that gold and
billions of dollars.

The head of the Yugoslavian Central Bank has been to all major
European banks, until they asked him to leave them alone. Nothing was
found - no gold, no billions. Now there are more fake news about the
crimes of the Milosevic's family. It was particularly said that banker
Ivan Stambolic was kidnapped and then killed by order either from
Slobodan Milosevic, or his wife Mira Markovic. Yet, even the
democratic press of Belgrade acknowledged that the banker's
disappearance was very bad for Milosevic on the threshold of the
election. This fact does not confuse denouncers, though.

If they accuse Slobodan Milosevic of assassination, it would be a lot
easier to bring him back to Belgrade and investigate the case with his
direct participation. Moreover, Slobodan Milosevic insists on being
questioned. Yet, Judge May does not allow him to talk, as soon as
Milosevic starts talking about the events in Belgrade. The judge is
obviously implicated in the affair too.

There is another important detail about the whole story. As it is
known, the Belgrade police and special services took a passive
position during the coup of the year 2000, although they were capable
of subduing the mutiny. However, they did not do a thing, even when
rebels stormed the building of the parliament. Later it was reported
that the West allocated 100 million dollars to fund the establishment
of the opposition. That money was used to set up newspapers,
television and radio channels. The money was also used to pay
opposition leader's trips abroad. Probably, police and special
services chiefs were paid something as well, taking into consideration
the fact that they maintained a contact with Milosevic's adversaries.
This cooperation existed before the coup of 2000. Formally, special
services were subordinated to Serbian President Milutinovic. If we
assume that special services were implicated in banker Stambolic's
kidnapping, this brings up a question, if they executed an order of
the supreme administration or an informal request of their new
"friends from the opposition."

It is hard to believe that the incumbent government of Serbia is
law-abiding. Slobodan Milosevic's delivery to the Hague Tribunal was a
violation of the Yugoslavian Constitution. New Yugoslav President
Voislav Kostunica, Serbian President Milutinovic promised Milosevic
that he would not be delivered to the Hague. He was. This is the price
of guarantees. Later, they covered it with the law of cooperation with
the Tribunal, pursuant to which only a limited number of people could
be delivered to the Hague. Yet, they amend this law at present,
extending the list of possibilities.

There is a state of emergency in Serbia now. This means that the
police are entitled to detain people on any tiniest suspicion for 30
days without providing a lawyer to them. A person would be totally
isolated, and they would be free to do whatever they want with him.
This makes it possible to imagine that Mira Markovic (who is not in
Serbia currently) will be arrested and then shot during her "attempted
escape," for example. Of course, there would be criminal proceedings
instituted, they would probably find someone to blame, but they would
also achieve their goal.

Montenegro press reported that pop singer Svetlana Roznatovic Ceca was
brutally beaten at a police station; police officers broke her jaw. Is
there a guarantee that this will not happen to Mira Markovic? It was
also reported that there have been up to three thousand people
arrested on the allegation of Zoran Djinjic's assassination. It also
seems strange that banker Stambolic's body was found in the nick of
time for the government. Yugoslavia has recently vanished from the map
of the world, so a lot of left opposition leaders, including Mira
Markovic, were deprived of their deputy immunity. They just waited for
a moment to come to detain her - now there is no evidence needed to do
that. A state of emergency means that usual norms are canceled. By the
way, all these things happen after the Zoran Djinjic's assassination:
he probably had something to tell. There are too many coincidences to
believe they are all incidental.

Voislav Seselj said in 2002 that the West wanted to get rid of
Djinjic, for he was very much involved in mafia affairs. Several
months have passed, and the problem was gone: Djinjic was killed. Then
there was a pretext to introduce a state of emergency in order to wipe
off any kind of opposition. Milosevic and Seselj are in jail, the
Socialist Party of Serbia is split, Mira Markovic was put on wanted

US Secretary of State Colin Powell came to pacify Yugoslav "democrats"
that lost their leader. This is a very interesting fact, taking into
consideration the relations between Germany and the USA. It is not
ruled out that pro-German Djinjic did not correspond to USA's

More importantly, the persecution of Mira Markovic helps the Hague
Tribunal to intensify the psychological pressure on Slobodan
Milosevic. Markovic plays the key role in the organization of
Milosevic's defense. This is it: they threat Slobodan Milosevic with
arresting his family members. It is not hard to imagine, what
influence it will exert on Slobodan Milosevic's health.

We would also like to inform that the newspaper of Montenegro Den
published a sensational article, which said that incumbent Serbian
Home Minister Dusan Mihalovic was implicated in a series of political
assassinations. The Russian press has reported nothing about it,
though. Probably, this article does not fit the scenario of
sensational exposure of the Milosevics family.

Vyacheslav Tetekin


Translated by Dmitry Sudakov

Related links:

PRAVDA.Ru The Hague's Nightmare: Milosevic Strikes Above the Belt

PRAVDA.Ru Milosevic extradition illegal?

PRAVDA.Ru Milosevic given away. Yugoslavia again in turmoil

PRAVDA.Ru Milosevic's daughter in court

The Guardian (UK). : UN to indict Milosevics henchmen

BBC : Milosevic praised paramilitaries

The Independent (UK) : Milosevics wife defiant over murder warrant

CNN : Police smash Milosevic allys home

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