Visa abolishment campaign / Kampanja za ukinuvanje viza /
Fushata e anulimit te vizave / Kampanja za ukidanje viza

Citizens in countries in South-Eastern Europe stand in the queue for
hours or even days in front of Embassies and consulates, in order to
get a visa to visit a relative in a neighboring country, to travel
abroad for a sports game, a business deal or a cultural event or to
meet friends and partners in Western Europe.
We no longer accept this situation. We demand freedom of movement.
The existing visa regulations within South-Eastern Europe and between
countries in South-Eastern Europe and the `Schengen countries'
(Western and Central Europe):
Hamper normal communication between citizens
Hamper the process of strengthening of democracy in South-Eastern
Make the return of refugees to their places of origin more difficult
Block regional cultural and economic development and co-operation
Block the progress in the pan-European integration
We stand for ONE EUROPE: peaceful, democratic, prosperous!

We therefore demand:

1. Total abolishment of visas within South-Eastern Europe.
Highest priority should be given to the abolishment of the visa regime
between Yugoslavia and Croatia, because it obstructs the normalization
process between these countries and in the region as a whole.
Let us treat each other equally so that we can demand to be treated
equally by the world.
2. Total abolishment of visas between countries in South-Eastern
Europe and countries in Western and Central Europe (the `Schengen
States from South-Eastern Europe must work to meet the conditions for
visa abolishment. At the same time, the "Schengen countries" are
requested to start softening the visa regulations immediately
This campaign is an institutive of the Citizens' Pact for
South-Eastern Europe.