1. Internat. Demonstration to support Slobodan Milosevic
The Hague, June 28, 03

2. Hague protest to demand freedom for Yugoslav workers
By John Catalinotto
Reprinted from the May 29, 2003, issue of Workers World newspaper

3. Down with NATO's mafia govt in Belgrade!
Anti-imperialist Camp

4. ICTY Sets Milosevic Case Deadline
(People's Daily, China, 21/5/2003)

5. Milosevic trial may run to 2005 after prosecutors win more time
Agence France-Presse, May 20, 2003

=== 1 ===

From: "Klaus von Raussendorff" <redaktion@...>
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 1:31 PM
Subject: Internat. Demonstration to support Slobodan Milosevic (The
Hague, June 28, 03)


On the occasion of the second anniversary of the kidnapping of the
former president of Yugoslavia there will be an

International Demonstration
in The Hague/Netherlands, Saturday, June 28, 2003

Slandered from the outset, Slobodan Milosevic, the Socialist Party of
Serbia and all patriotic forces resisted the shattering of Yugoslavia
into weak, racially segregated territories, resisted domination by the
IMF and World Bank, resisted penetration by the Macdonald's culture
and resisted NATO-dominated racist-terrorist forces cynically
disguised as freedom fighters. It is because of these acts of
principle that NATO has put him on 'trial' in The Hague.

In that trial President Milosevic refuses to make a deal to save
himself but continues to expose the crimes of violence and racism
committed by NATO and its proxy forces against Yugoslavia.

Slobodan Milosevic was overthrown by a "regime change" made in USA.
Yugoslavia is now being wrecked economically, socially and culturally,
under USA/German domination. President Milosevic has become the first
political prisoner of the so-called "globalisation" of capitalist
exploitation. By kidnapping and putting on "trial" a popularly elected
President of a sovereign state, NATO and their "tribunal" have
established the gravest precedent for the destruction of the
sovereignty of states.

After the military invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq the US government
and their allies continue to blackmail many more nations into
subjugation by economic sanctions, the threat of mass destruction and
destabilization through "dissident" and "opposition" forces organized
from outside.

We, the signatories of this appeal, wish to remind all people in the
anti war and social movements that for our future struggles against
the threat of war it is of utmost importance to remain persistent in
our opposition and protest against previous acts of aggression and
their continuation in the form of occupation and subjugation of
countries, sell out of their wealth and resources to transnational
corporations and, last not least, the "trial" of their leaders.

Recalling the verdicts rendered by independent popular tribunals in
Berlin and New York on NATO leaders for their aggression and war
crimes committed against the former Yugoslavia we call on honest
people of all political convictions and all walks of life to join in
the demonstration
in order to demand:

- the abolishment of the illegal Hague "Tribunal", an instrument of
aggression and occupation
- the release of Slobodan Milosevic, who has shown by his outstanding
defence that he is indicted only to divert attention from NATO war
crimes and to impose foreign control on his people
- reparation payments to be made by NATO governments responsible for
all damages caused by their war of aggression against Yugoslavia


=== 2 ===


Hague protest to demand freedom for Yugoslav workers

By John Catalinotto

European groups that have been defending former Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic, along with organizations of the Yugoslav diaspora,
are issuing a call for a demonstration in The Hague, Netherlands, on
June 28, demanding his freedom.

It was on that date two years ago that Milosevic was kidnapped from
Belgrade by NATO forces and brought to The Hague. It is also St. Vitus
Day, a date commemorated in Serbia for its significance in the
struggle against foreign oppressors in 1389.

The call states clearly the reasons NATO went after President

"Slandered from the outset," it reads, "Slobodan Milosevic, the
Socialist Party of Serbia and all patriotic forces resisted the
shattering of Yugoslavia into weak, racially segregated territories,
resisted domination by the IMF and World Bank, resisted penetration by
the McDonald's culture and resisted NATO-dominated racist-terrorist
forces cynically disguised as freedom fighters. It is because of these
acts of principle that NATO has put him on 'trial' in The Hague.

"In that trial President Milosevic refuses to make a deal to save
himself but continues to expose the crimes of violence and racism
committed by NATO and its proxy forces against Yugoslavia.

"Slobodan Milosevic was overthrown by a 'regime change' made in the
USA. Yugoslavia is now being wrecked economically, socially and
culturally, under USA/German domination. President Milosevic has
become the first political prisoner of the so-called 'globalization'
of capitalist exploitation. By kidnapping and putting on 'trial' a
popularly elected president of a sovereign state, NATO and their
'tribunal' have established the gravest precedent for the destruction
of the sovereignty of states.

"After the military invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S.
government and its allies continue to blackmail many more nations into
subjugation by economic sanctions, the threat of mass destruction and
destabilization through 'dissident' and 'opposition' forces organized
from outside."

The International Action Center, which was active in leading the
anti-war struggle in the United States during the U.S./NATO bombing of
Yugoslavia in 1999, has added its support to the call and will send a
representative to The Hague on June 28.

Reprinted from the May 29, 2003, issue of Workers World newspaper

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distribute verbatim copies of this document, but changing it is not
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=== 3 ===

Down with NATO's mafia govt in Belgrade!

Within less than three years Djindjic and his so-called Democratic
Opposition (DOS) succeeded in destroying the last remnants of
Yugoslavia and transforming it into a Latin American style third world
Djindjic was the only common point which kept together his
heterogeneous clique of Habermasian civil society intellectuals,
ultra-liberal mouthpieces of IMF, war profiteers, praetorians and
simple gangsters, while his anti-popular regime was rapidly loosing
Although the neo-liberal "shock therapy" has proved a complete failure
all over Eastern Europe as well as in Argentine it was applied once
again on Yugoslavia. The radical policy of open market and the
privatisation of the financial and industrial sector completely
destroyed the remains of the national economy. Prices soared and wages
plunged precipitating the majority into misery while a small layer
made enormous fortunes. While unemployment is skyrocketing the social
system is being dismantled.
All the promises of the nationalist fig leaves to defend Serbian
integrity against fragmentation brought about by imperialist
aggression and blamed on the Milosevic government turned out to be
cheap lies. Yugoslavia has eventually being dismantled splitting away
Montenegro. Kosovo remains under NATO occupation being successively
albanised, the Serbian Kraijna is completely ethnically cleansed and
the Bosnian Serbs continue to live under the dictatorial rule of EU
and NATO imposed protectorate. In South Serbia the Albanian
nationalist guerrilla is carrying on their struggle for secession and
subsequent unification into a Great Albania without being curbed by
NATO. The plans to fragment even Serbia proper by giving further
autonomy to Sandjak and Voivodina are being pressed ahead.

The Hague "tribunal" has been imposed violating the rules of the UN in
order to legitimise NATO's aggression. The anti-imperialist resistance
of the Yugoslav and Serb people is to be condemned and abased. Like
during medieval witch hunts whose aggressed should be forced to accuse
themselves voluntarily and thus absolve the aggressor. But in his
brave defence Milosevic keeps destroying the amalgam of the tribunal
in which both the prosecutor and the judge are NATO puppets and the
judgement is already decided.
While the Djindjic regime, in order to co-operate with its foreign
masters, has been violating the constitution by extraditing Yugoslav
citizen to the Hague, the people continue opposing by majority the
tribunal's attempt to criminalize their decade long resistance.

When Djindjic wanted to get rid of his powerful mafia companions who
brought him to power by means of a coup d'etat and threatened to
extradite them to the Hague they assassinated him.
On the brink of collapse the Djindjic clique passed to the offensive
by imposing the state of emergency. Elementary democratic rights were
suspended, strict censorship imposed, the opposition media outlets
closed down, 10.000 people taken into custody and interrogated among
them 2.000 still not released. While announcing a crackdown on the
"organised crime" (which they are in fact politically representing)
they are really targeting all the left remnants remaining within the
state apparatus. It was not by accident that those organising the
defence of Slobodan Milosevic were hit as well. Actually it is the
second part of the pro-imperialist coup d'etat.
The state of emergency had to be lifted after one month. But several
dictatorial measures continue to be in place. The media is completely
in Western hands. There is virtually no more freedom of expression.

Hence the democracy of Western brand for which the American empire in
waging wars around the world. But they will not pass. The popular
resistance in continuing whether in Serbia, Iraq or Colombia.

Free Slobodan Milosevic!
Dissolve the Hague inquisition tribunal!
Restore elementary democratic rights in Serbia!
NATO out of the Balkans!

Demonstration on Vidovdan (the Serbian national day commemorating the
defeat on Kosovo Polje, the assassination of Sarajevo, the extradition
of Milosevic)

The Hague, June 28, 2 pm
Churchillplain 10

Anti-imperialist Camp

Antiimperialist Camp
PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria

=== 4 ===

ICTY Sets Milosevic Case Deadline

International Criminal Tribunal Sets Milosevic Case Deadline

Judges at International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) set prosecutors a 100-day deadline on Tuesday to complete the
case on Slobodan Milosevic.
Considering a summer break and rest days, the ICTY ruling effectively
means prosecutors must end their case against the former Yugoslav
president before the end of December.
Milosevic, accused by the Hague-based court of genocide, crimesagainst
humanity and war crimes in the Balkans in the 1990s, is defending
himself. The deadline raises the prospect of him launching his defense
early next year.
The trial, which started in February 2002, has been adjourned several
times because of Milosevic's frequent illness. It has heard evidence
from more than 180 witnesses covering three conflicts spanning almost
a decade in the Balkans.
In a written ruling, Judges ordered prosecutors to finish calling more
than 170 witnesses within 100 days in court from May 16. The tribunal
takes a three-week break in August and also takesregular breaks to
allow Milosevic to rest.
The ICTY prosecutors earlier this month appealed for more time after
telling judges they could not meet a deadline set last year to wrap up
the case this month.
"The trial chamber has come to the conclusion that it would be in the
interests of justice to allow some variation in the time limit to
allow the prosecution more time to call further witnessesit regards as
essential," judges said in the ruling.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/

=== 5 ===


[This unconscionable screed, recognizable by all but
the most incurably indoctrinated for what it is, is an
indication of to what extent the establishment media
stokes the fires of war and the latter's inexorable
descent into persecuting the defeated victims so as to
retroactively excuse the perpetrators' war crimes.
Even the Third Reich permitted Georgi Dmitrov the
opportunity to - forcefully - win an acquital.]

Agence France-Presse
May 20, 2003

Milosevic trial may run to 2005 after prosecutors win
more time

The war crimes trial of Slobodan Milosevic could now
stretch well into 2005 after the prosecution won more
time to present its case against the former Yugoslav
Judges at the UN war crimes court in The Hague granted
prosecutors another 100 trial days "in the interest of
justice" and they are now expected to wrap up their
case by the end of this year.
Milosevic, standing trial on more than 60 charges of
war crimes and crimes against humanity for his role in
the 1990s wars in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo, will
then have nearly two years to present his defence.
But observers said the trial could run even longer if
Milosevic's ill health, which has led to the
interruption of the proceedings seven times since it
opened in February last year, emerges as a problem
The prosecution was to have wrapped up its case by May
16, but it asked for more time to complete the
presentation of evidence on the 1991-1995 conflict in
Croatia and the war in Bosnia from 1992-95, for which
Milosevic also faces a charge of genocide, the gravest
of war crimes.
Prosecutors at the International Criminal Tribunal for
the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) have already presented
their evidence over the 1999 Serb crackdown against
Albanians in the province of Kosovo.
Milosevic, 61, a lawyer by training, has branded the
UN court illegal and defiantly conducted his own
Although doctors say he runs the risk of a heart
attack because of high blood pressure, Milosevic is
said to spend his nights in the tribunal's detention
centre pouring over thousands of pages of court
He has two handpicked legal advisors from Belgrade who
consult with him on strategy but he does not allow
anyone to speak for him in court.
The former Yugoslav president was ousted from power in
October 2000 after a popular uprising, ending 13 years
in power that saw the bloody breakup of the former
Presiding judge Richard May said the court had to
"strike a balance" between allowing the prosecution
enough time and ensuring an expeditious trial.
But May said the judges would not allow any more extra
time for prosecutors because their case would become
"excessively long and oppressive to all concerned, in
particular the accused."
Even if the trial ends in 2005, Milosevic -- who faces
a life sentence if convicted -- could still lodge
appeals that could also take years to go through the
UN court system.
After the judges announced their decision Tuesday's
hearing continued with the cross-examination of Renaud
de la Brosse, a French expert on the use of the media
and political propaganda for Serb nationalist ends.
"By making up lies, inventing differences and
overplaying oppositions between communities, the
television, radio and written press played a dangerous
game," de la Brosse said.
The coverage "made it possible to inspire and arouse
hatred and fear among communities" in the former
Yugoslavia, he added.