1. Pope's Bosnian Visit Insults Victims of Nazi Butchery
2. Ottawa Serbian Heritage Society : Pope's visit adds insult to injury
3. Painful memories stirred for Bosnian Serbs (Reuters)

For more information see:

=== 1 ===

Pope's Bosnian Visit Insults Victims of Nazi Butchery



* Pope's Bosnian Visit Insults Victims of Croatia's Clerical-Nazis *

By Ana Dacic and Petar Makara
Edited by Jared Israel
[Posted 22 June 2003]


Pope John Paul II is scheduled to visit the city of Banja Luka in
Bosnia, in former Yugoslavia, on June 22, 2003. This visit carries an
ominous significance for the victims of the Nazi-satellite "Independent
State of Croatia" which existed during World War II. [1]

During his visit, the Pope is scheduled to hold a mass on Sunday, 22
June, at the Petricevac monastery and to beatify Ivan Merz, founder of
an organization called the Croatian Eagles.

Petricevac is a Franciscan Monastery. On February 6, 1942, Croatian
Ustashe forces led by the Catholic Priest Tomislav Filipovic from that
monastery massacred 2730 Serbs including 500 children in the most
brutal manner. The height of the horror happened at one school where 60
children were slaughtered.

Describing that day in his book, 'Zasto Jasenovac?' ('Why Jasenovac?')
Prof. Marko Ruchnov writes: [2]

[Excerpt from 'Why Jasenovac?' starts here]

The following is the transcript of a Croatian witness' account, as
given at the sentencing of Fr. Filipovic who was tried for his crimes
after World War II:

"The slaughter began in this way. Before slaughtering the child of one
Djura Glamochanin, namely his little daughter Vasilia, Father Animal
[Fr. Filipovic] said these words, which are fitting only for Satan
himself: 'Ustashas! I am doing this in the name of God! I am
Christening these scum. And you are to follow my lead. I will accept
the entire sin on my soul. And when we are done I will absolve you and
relieve you of all guilt.'"

Mara Shunjich, a school teacher of Croatian origin, said during the
trial of Fr. Filipovic that Fr. Filipovic, with a few Ustashas, went to
her school and ordered her to separate children according to
nationality. Then, he took out a knife and uttered the following words:
"Look, children!" And with those words he started to slaughter the
children. Some he only cut but did not finish completely. So these
half-slaughtered children, covered in blood, ran in circles screaming
horribly. These children were hunted by the other Ustashas who would
finish the children with the butts of their pistols.

[Excerpt from 'Why Jasenovac?' ends here]

Priest Filipovic later became a Commander at the Concentration camp
complex known as Jasenovac. This was the first Nazi death camp in
Europe. It was the trailblazer. At Jasenovac, Filipovic got the
nickname "Fr. Satan". According to the Simon Wiesenthal Center,
Croatian Nazi Ustashas killed 600,000 victims in Jasenovac. These were
overwhelmingly Orthodox Christian Serbs. The figure also includes tens
of thousands of Jews and Roma.

At Filipovic's Petricevac monastery, Pope John Paul II intends to
beatify Ivan Merz who founded the Croatian Eagles in 1922. This became
the breeding ground for Ustashe Youth, the Croatian version of Hitler

As far as we know, the Pope does not plan to beg forgiveness for the
atrocities instigated and led by Catholic clergy 61 years ago.

In this regard, it is worth noting how Filipovic ended up as a
Jasenovac camp commander. The German Nazis, afraid that the extremity
of Fr. Filipovic's actions would cause a Serbian rebellion, put him on
trial for his crimes. However, the head of the Jasenovac death camp
complex, Maks Luburic, intervened. He gave Filipovic a new name,
Filipovic-Majstorovic, and a post at Jasenovac. So where even the
German Nazis wanted (for opportunist reasons) to curb this monster, the
Pope now makes his infamous monastery a place of beatification.

This beatification adds insult to the injury committed in 1998 when the
Pope beatified Alojzije Stepinac, the Archbishop of Zagreb during the
Second World War. In Croatia, the Catholic Church did not merely turn a
blind eye to genocide. It was an active and enthusiastic participant.
Priests and monks took part in atrocities and forced conversions all
across Croatia. The Vatican also helped scores of Ustashas escape to
North and South America and Spain along the infamous 'Ratlines'.

Along similar lines, consider the following. During the Second World
War, after being tortured in unbelievable ways, Serbs were often thrown
half-dead into mountain crevasses, where they died slowly. After the
Second World War these crevasses were cemented over, as if thereby the
past could be forgotten. In the mid-1960s, the Catholic Church made an
area less than ten miles away, called Medjugorje, one of its holiest
shrines. So both with Medjugorje and with Filipovic's monastery, we see
the leaders of the Catholic church, instead of begging forgiveness for
horrible crimes, conducted by priests in the name of the Church,
creating places of holy significance.

The Pope has been saying for years that Rome's reconciliation with the
Orthodox Church is a major objective. But his planned activities in the
Balkans can only deepen the schism that has divided Eastern and Western
Christians for almost a thousand years.

The survivors and descendents of these terrible crimes are offended by
the Pope's actions. They believe that the public should be made aware
of the significance of this event and are asking the Catholic faithful
to pressure their church into making a true reconciliation with the
Serbian people.

Ana Dakic, Serbia, Yugoslavia
Petar Makara, USA
Jared Israel, USA

[1] "Meet The Nazis The CIA Married: The Croatian Ustashi," By Petar
Makara And Jared Israel

[2] From 'Zasto Jasenovac?' ('Why Jasenovic?') by Prof. Marko Ruchnov,
Published by Nikola Pashich, Belgrade, 2001, p.415. Prof. Ruchnov
wuotes from the book, 'Kozara Partisan Unit', by Dragutin Churguz and
Milorad Dignjevic, Prijedor, 1982.

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=== 2 ===

Da: Boba <petar@...>
Data: Mer 18 Giu 2003 23:20:26 Europe/Rome
A: letters@...
Oggetto: FWD - Ottawa Serbian Heritage Society // Pope's visit adds
insult to injury


Pope's visit adds insult to injury

Ottawa, June 18, 2003 - Intended visit of the head of the Roman Catholic
Church, Pope John Paul II to the city of Banja Luka, former Yugoslavia,
June 22, 2003 carries ominous significance for the victims of the
Nazi-satellite "Independent State of Croatia" from World War II.

The Pope's visit will include a mass at the monastery Petricevac and the
beatification of Ivan Merz, the founder of an organization called

Petricevac is a Franciscan Monastery where Croatian Ustashe forces led
the Catholic Priest Tomislav Filipovic massacred 2730 Serbs including
children in the most brutal manner on February 6, 1942. The apex of
monstrosity on that day happened at the school where 60 children were
slaughtered in front of their teacher, who because of that lost her
Ustashe tortured school children by gouging their ayes out and then
them in their slit abdomens, cutting off their ears, noses, fingers and
cheeks before killing them all.

Priest Filipovic later became the Chief Warden of the Concentration camp
Jasenovac where he got the nickname "Fr. Satan". Ustashi have killed
700,000 victims in Jasenovac, overwhelmingly Christian Orthodox Serbs.
figure also includes tens of thousands of Jews and Roma.

As far as we know, the Pope does not plan on asking for forgiveness for
these atrocities instigated and led by Catholic clergy 61 years ago.
Instead, Pope John Paul II intends to beatify Ivan Merz who founded the
Croatian Eagles in 1922, later a breeding ground for Ustashe Youth, the
Croatian version of Hitler Youth. This act adds insult to the injury
committed in 1998 when the Pope beatified Alojzije Stepinac, the
of Zagreb during the Second World War. In Croatia, the Catholic Church
not merely turn a blind eye to genocide; it was an active and
participant. Priests and monks took part in atrocities and forced
conversions all across Croatia. The Vatican also helped scores of
escape to North and South America and Spain along the Ratlines.

The Pope has been saying for years that Rome's reconciliation with the
Orthodox Church is a major objective of his pontificate, but his planned
activities in the Balkans can only deepen the schism that has divided
Eastern and Western Christians for almost a thousand years.

The survivors and descendents of these terrible crimes are offended by
Pope's actions. They believe that the public should be made aware of
significance of this event and are asking the Catholic faithful to
their church into making a true reconciliation with the Serbian people.

The Ottawa Serbian Heritage Society
Stanko Vuleta
Ottawa, ON., Canada
Tel. (613)863-6389
E mail: serbian.heritage@...

For more information see:

=== 3 ===


June 22, 2003

Painful memories stirred for Bosnian Serbs
By Dragana Dardic

BANJA LUKA, Bosnia (Reuters) - Dark memories of a
bloodthirsty friar nicknamed Brother Satan have been
revived as Pope John Paul held mass at the site of a
monastery linked to a World War Two massacre of
Orthodox Serbs.

Over 2,000 from a village near what is now the main
Bosnian Serb republic city of Banja Luka were
slaughtered in the 1942 atrocity by Croat forces of
the Nazi-allied Ustashe regime.

The 83-year-old pontiff, on his first visit to the
Orthodox Serb part of Bosnia, appealed for
reconciliation between Serbs, Croats and Muslims after
their bitter 1992-95 war. He also asked Serbs to
forgive the wrongs of the Catholic Church.

"From this city, marked in the course of history by so
much suffering and bloodshed, I ask almighty God to
have mercy on the sins committed against humanity,
human dignity and freedom, also by the children of the
Catholic Church, and to foster in all the desire for
mutual forgiveness," the pope said in a homily on

In World War Two the Petricevac monastery was home to
a Franciscan friar, Tomislav Filipovic Majstorovic,
who became known as Fra Sotona or Brother Satan.

According the Encyclopaedia of the Holocaust, he
combined religion with political ideology and is said
to have taken part in the massacre, slashing the
throat of a child with the words: "This is the way I
baptise these bastards in the name of God."

The friar became commandant of the Ustashe
concentration camp at Jasenovac, where he is said to
have killed freely.

On Sunday, relatives of Ustashe victims lit candles at
a monument in the village of Drakulici, as the sound
of singing drifted from the papal mass for some 50,000

"It is a creepy fact that the pope holds a mass at
Petricevac," said Jovan Babic, who has investigated
the massacre in which dozens of children were also

"If he knew what are the links between Petricevac and
the massacre, he would have never held the mass
there," Babic added.

Nedjeljko Glamocanin, whose entire family was killed
in the Ustashe onslaught, said the pope was not
welcome in Banja Luka unless he apologised but there
would be no violence.

Bosnian authorities were taking no chances. Some 4,000
police backed by troops of the NATO-led peacekeeping
force were providing security for the pope's one-day

Two days before he arrived several known Serb
hardliners were taken into detention. Shortly before
the pope's plane touched down, traffic was held up
while police checked a suspect car, later found to be
harmless. Posters saying "Pope Go Home" appeared
briefly in the city but were quickly removed.

Two years ago, one man died when an angry mob of
Bosnian Serb nationalists attacked a crowd celebrating
the reconstruction of a mosque in Banja Luka.