VIDOVDAN in Belgrade, Moscow, New York, THE HAGUE !

The following documents have been sent to us by the Association
SLOBODA, Belgrade:


Major rally in Belgrade will take place at noon, on June 25, at Nikola
Pasic square and is called by the trade unions.
This will be the major possible mobilization at the moment in Belgrade.
With broken economy, more than half of adult population unemployed and
live expenses 2,5 times bigger than in September 2000, the workers and
unemployed will decide the destiny of the colonial regime. All this as
a result of the national treason which sent President Milosevic to the
Hague. Catastrophic worsening of the situation in the country is in
direct proportion with the degree of "cooperation" with The Hague.
Durring the whole June there were workers protests and strikes. None of
the workers' demands, in spite of the moderate behavior of the trade
union's leadership has been fullfiled. For tomorrow, as announced, all
the demands will transform into one: Down with the government, forward
with early elections.
All the opposition parties (at least in words) support the workers.
SLOBODA called all its supporters and all honest people to join.