(english / italiano)

Hashim Taci, detto "il Serpente", evidentemente gode di protezioni
molto speciali.

Gia' leader dell'organizzazione terrorista UCK, egli e' oggi a capo di
un partito politico "democratico" che ha come primo punto del suo
programma la secessione della provincia (protettorato NATO) del
Kosovo-Metohija, e la creazione della Grande Albania su base razziale:
gli albanesi dentro, gli slavi fuori.
Questo signore pero' solo pochi anni fa, prima di fare carriera come
terrorista spalleggiato dalla NATO e poi addirittura "uomo politico
democratico" in stile statunitense, era noto tra i suoi compari con il
significativo soprannome di "Serpente" ed era ricercato dall'Interpol
per crimini comuni (specialmente spaccio di droga).
A fine giugno (2003), qualche persona onesta ha pensato giustamente di
arrestarlo (e' successo all'aereoporto di Budapest) e magari di
assicurarlo alla giustizia - ammesso e non concesso che quest'ultima
ancora esista in Occidente.
Che idea bizzarra!
Nel giro di poche ore "il Serpente" e' stato rilasciato grazie
all'intervento diretto dei suoi complici occidentali, ed in particolare
grazie a Michael Steiner, il governatore tedesco del protettorato, che
ha pensato cosi' di compiere ancora una delle sue infamie prima della
fine del suo mandato a capo dell'UNMIK. La portavoce della Del Ponte si
e' invece affrettata a spiegare che contro Thaci "non ci sono
abbastanza prove". Adesso "il Serpente" e' di nuovo a spasso e ride.
Ci saremmo stupiti del contrario. (I. Slavo)


PRISTINA, June 30 (Beta) - President of the Democratic Party of Kosovo
and one of the leaders of the former Liberation Army of Kosovo (KLA),
Hashim Thaci, spent several hours in custody at the Budapest airport
and was then released, Albanian sources in Pristina told Beta, quoting
anonymous UNMIK officials. 
        The Hungarian authorities, however, denied that Thaci, who
later resumed his trip to Paris, had been taken into custody in the
first place. 
        In 1997, a Serbian court tried Thaci for involvement in an
armed attack on a police patrol near Glogovac, central Kosovo, in which
three policemen were killed and several were wounded. The court
sentenced Thaci to ten years in prison. 
        In 2001, the new authorities delivered documentation on crimes
against Kosovo Serbs, including information on Thaci's activities and
the KLA units he was in charge of. 
        According to the Pristina media, UNMIK Chief Michael Steiner
talked to officials in the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and
the French foreign ministry also intervened. 
        The same sources say that EU High Representative Javier Solana
also held consultations with the Hungarian authorities. 
        The sources say UNMIK believes the Hungarian authorities
contacted Serbia and Montenegro officials, following Thaci's arrest,. 
        The Albanian media did not say whether Thaci had been arrested
on the charges brought against him in 1993, or a more recent
        "If he had been arrested on the charges brought in 1993 and
released in agreement with Serbia and Montenegro, it would bring a
tremendous political advantage to the authorities in Belgrade before
the start of talks between Pristina and Belgrade and boost confidence
between the negotiating parties," Pristina Albanian language media
        In the meantime, a spokesman for the Hungarian border
authorities, Sandor Orodan, told BETA that the service had neither
arrested nor taken into custody anybody by the name of Hashim Thaci. "I
am absolutely certain about this," Orodon told BETA. 
        The security officer who was on duty at the time of the alleged
arrest also denied the information. The officer who wished to remain
anonymous told BETA that nothing of the sort had happened at Ferihegy


        PRISTINA, July 1 (Tanjug) - UNMIK chief MIchael Steiner
confirmed  on Tuesday that he was one of the mediators, or one of the 
officials, who negotiated on Monday with the Hungarian Foreign 
Ministry the release of Democratic Party of Kosovo leader Hashim  Tachi
who was arrested in Hungary. 
        Steiner said at a news conference that he was glad the problem 
(release of Tachi) was resolved quickly and efficiently.


MakFax (Macedonia)
July 5, 2003

SCG: Artmann says Belgrade lacks evidence against

The Hague Tribunal’s spokeswoman Florence Artmann said
Belgrade has not enough evidence to back war crimes
charges against the former leader of the Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) Hashim Thaqi.
In an interview with Radio Deutsche Welle, Artmann
said the evidence on alleged war crimes carried out by
former KLA members, including the former KLA political
leader Hashim Thaqi (leader of the Democratic Party of
Kosovo DPK) are not enough to file an indictment
against any person mentioned in these documents.
Hungarian police arrested Thaqi upon arrest warrant
issued by Yugoslav authorities in 1997. Thaqi is
claimed to have been involved in killing of three Serb
policemen in Glogovac.
Thaqi was released shortly afterwards upon a request
of the UN administrator in Kosovo Michael Steiner, who
claimed that the arrest warrant had been issued by
non-legitimate regime of the former Yugoslav and
Serbian president Slobodan Miosevic.


Associated Press - July 4, 2003

Serbia to snub UN court and try Thaqi

BELGRADE -- Friday -- In a snub to the U.N. war crimes
tribunal, Serbian Justice Minister Vladin Batic said
today that Serbia would put a former ethnic Albanian
rebel leader on trial in a Serbian court.
Hashim Thaqi, president of Kosovo's leading opposition
party, the Democratic Party of Kosovo, and a former
commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army, will be tried
in a Belgrade court on charges of committing
atrocities against ethnic Serbs during the 1998-99
conflict, Batic said.
"We will try him in absentia," the Christain Democrat
leader explained. "Then, we will see how the
international community will react."
Batic accused The Hague Tribunal of showing anti-Serb
bias for having failed to indict Thaqi, saying: "There
are obviously some political reasons, rather then
legal, as to why he is not being indicted".
Batic said that the Serbian government had handed over
to The Hague Tribunal some 40,000 pages of witnesses
testimonies, photographs, video and audio tapes and
other evidence to back an indictment against Thaqi. He
claimed that the evidence is enough to charge him.


        BELGRADE, July 4 (Tanjug) - Commenting on the statement made
by  the Hague Tribunal spokeswoman Florence Hartmann that not enough 
evidence had been gathered against Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK)  leader
Hashim Tachi in order to put him on trial before the Hague  Tribunal,
Serbian Justice Minister Vladan Batic said that he refuses  to comment
statements made by a lay person, but that these  statements obviously
have a political sign. 
Batic observed that this statement followed the meeting between  Hashim
Tachi and Javier Solana, and that ample documentation on war  crimes
committed by Tachi, Ceku and Haradinaj was forwarded to the  Hague
Tribunal two years ago.  Batic told reporters in the Serbian parliament
that 40,000 pages of documents were sent to the Hague, including
testimonies of  witnesses, minutes, war plans, maps, photographs, sound
and video  tapes, DNA analyses, statements made by several hundreds of 
witnesses before the First Municipal Court in Belgrade, which was also
attended by investigators of the Hague Tribunal.
Batic recalled that Carla del Ponte had been announcing a  beginning of
the proceedings against Tachi and other Albanian war  criminals on
several occasions, and that those announcements,  including the
extensive evidence, deny Florence Hartmann.
        "The evidence material is so extensive that even a prosecution 
trainee from the most remote place on Earth would have brought  charges
against Tachi, Ceku and Haradinaj long time ago. Isn't the  evidence
that more than a thousand Serbs have been killed and  another thousand
kidnapped since the arrival of the UNMIK in Kosovo  enough, and the
fact that Hashim Tachi is the UCK leader," said  Batic. 
        Batic concluded that Tachi is the biggest war criminal in
Europe  since World War II, but that there are obviously some political
but  not legal and judicial reasons for failing to issue an indictment 
against him."         Batic said that the situation with Alija
Izetbegovic  is a similar one, recalling that Carla del Ponte had
admitted that  the investigation is over and that everything is clear
regarding the  crime committed in the Sarajevo Dobrovoljacka Street
eleven years  ago, but that there is still no reply to why an
indictment had not  been issued yet. 
        Batic also said that he had again raised the issue of
indictments  against Ceku, Tachi and Haradinaj during his last meeting
with Del  Ponte, receiving a reply from her that she would like to see
the  notes of the UCK leaders' conversation, which should be provided
by  the Security and Information Agency (BIA), and that due to the
fact  that Albanian witnesses are afraid to testify she needs more
        "Del Ponte had even invited me to the Hague to help her write
the  indictment, which best speaks against the statement made by
Florence  Hartmann." When asked about what else would be done, Batic
replied:  "Tachi will stand trial for war crimes here".
        "We shall put him on trial in absentia, and then we shall see
the  reaction of the international community," said Batic.