John Ranz

The Jewish Week, July 28, 1995.

A Holocaust Survivor Speaks

What in the world is going on? How is it possible that some Jewish
³leaders" can be so blinded, brainwashed or corrupt and support
Bosnian Moslems in their denying the Serbs their human rights.

Never again will the Serbs be ruled by those who yesterday murdered
their fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, kidnapped and forcefully
converted their children to Islam. The Serbs who survived the
Nazi-Bosnian Moslem occupation in their villages cannot forget these
things and want to be free on the soil they tilled for centuries. 65%
of Bosnia was always owned by the Serbs. They were and still are the
peasant class. The Moslems were the rulers; "urban boys;" the elite.
They were the elite because they were converted to Islam. Originally
Bosnia was all Serbs and Croats.

Don't we Jews remember that the Mufti of Jerusalem, the highest Moslem
official in Palestine, Hajj Amin Al-Husseini went to Berlin in 1941
and offered Hitler a Moslem army to help fight the allies and win the
war? His only condition was that after the Nazis win the war Hitler
should liquidate-exterminate the entire Zionist-Jewish population of
the then Palestine. Hitler readily agreed, and the Mufti in a
surprisingly short time organized two divisions of Bosnian Moslems -
incorporated into the S.S.; the most infamous murderers. These Bosnian
Moslem SS soldiers not only burned Serbian villages, churches with the
people to the ground but also murdered most of the Bosnian Jews, 90%
of them. They then volunteered to hunt the Jews in Croatia together
with the Ustashi (the Croatian Nazis). They battled Russians on the
Stalingrad front.

Just imagine if these two divisions would have been a decisive part of
a Nazi victory - not a single Jew, in all of Europe, would have
remained alive...Over 1 million Serbs, 80,000 Jews and 25,000 Gypsies
died and were buried in common graves. They shared our fate.

The Serbs did not want to surrender. They fought Nazis courageously.
In anger, Hitler ordered - no mercy for the Serbs. Belgrade was bombed
and for each Nazi soldier who died in Serbia, 100 Serbs were executed.
Jews were killed anyway.

As incredible and incomprehensible as it may seem, there are Jewish
"leaders" today that urge that the U.S. should follow in Hitler's
footsteps and bomb the Serbs.

In the Serbian mountains Jews were welcomed by the Serbian partisans
with open arms, and the 5,000 that survived in Yugoslavia survived
among the partisans. At the same time the Serbs helped 500 American
fliers to survive when they were shot down by the Nazi Wehrmacht. The
Serbs protected them until the end of the war at the risk of
endangering their own lives.

July 5, 1995 at Ravna Gora these American fliers, under the leadership
of Major Richard Felman (a Jew) returned to Bosnia to say "thank you
Serbian people for saving our lives" and they embraced and kissed each
other, the Serbs and the Americans, and cried.

But all that was 50 years ago, "today is different" the "wise"
admirers of bombing say. ..So let's see. Bosnia is being more and more
converted into an Islamic fundamentalist country where the Serbs were
and would be again - second-class citizens. President Izetbegovic
declared that in Bosnia today there is no place for any other
philosophies but Islam.

Today in Bosnia hundreds of Hamas and Hetzbolah volunteers are getting
special courses how to commit terror in Israd (Yediot Achronot related
by the Forward 7-15-94, page 3). They stated that after defeating the
Serbs, they will "finish" Israel. They get all the weapons they need
from Iran, Iraq. ..The embargo is non existent.

Aren't these Hamas volunteers the new Nazis of today, helped and
supported by the government of Moslem Bosnia? And Jewish ³leaders² the
A. Lewises, Safires and even the long discredited Wiesenthal Centre in
Los Angeles (an insult to the Memory of the Holocaust) are urging
Clinton to bomb the Serb ..Aren't these people betraying the memory of
the Holocaust, the victims of Nazism, Jews and non-Jews alike? Yes
these people are with the Hamas and other Moslem fundamentalist and
are helping them to de troy the Serbs and Israel.

And finally "The New Order," the organ of the American Nazis, in the
issue of Feb. 1994 calls on all National Socialists, here and in
Europe, to join the war against "Communist Serbs." Standing
triumphantly on top of a tank is a uniformed Nazi. This is today, not
50 years ago.

White Nazis, Islamic Nazis, they both have the same objectives - to
kill the Serbs and then the Jews. The Nazis and some Jewish "leaders"
urge our President, NATO, and now Germany to bomb and bomb instead of,
as A.M. Rosenthal from the New York Times suggested to negotiate with
the Bosnian and Croatian Serbs an agreement they can live with,
guaranteeing the Serbs their right to self determination and freedom
from a nightmare they lived first under the Turks and then under the

We Jews have a choice: urge the president and the congress to
negotiate with the Serbs for a peaceful solution for which the Serbs
are ready; or join the White Nazis and the Hamas Moslem Nazis and urge
to bomb the Serbs and widen the war. We must decide, some of our
"leaders" already did. Our dead are listening.

John Ranz, Chairperson

Survivors of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp Box 14, Homecrest
Station, Brooklyn, NY 11229


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