Srebrenica, lettere di protesta ai giornali
(english / italiano)

Sulla vicenda di Srebrenica abbiamo diffuso in passato, e continueremo
a diffondere in futuro, la documentazione che evidenzia le
manipolazioni giornalistiche soprattutto sugli antefatti, sulla
dinamica e sull'entita' del massacro.

In lingua italiana consigliamo in proposito l'analisi di Juergen
Elsaesser contenuta nel suo libro "Menzogne di guerra" (ed. Citta' del
Sole, Napoli 2002).

In lingua inglese, tra le tante cose, suggeriamo il link:

What really happened in Srebrenica ?


Ad Alessandro Curzi e Rina Gagliardi
Alla Redazione di "Liberazione"
Sovente nei giornali vengono riproposte notizie di agenzie che non
corrispondono alla verità  e che sono, da tempo, smentite.
I vari "Metro", "City" vengono distribuiti gratis, ma sono tanto più
pericolosi proprio perché arrivano in mano a chiunque, anche ai
giovanissimi... Trovando riportate queste "verità" su "Liberazione",
viene da ripetere la frase di R. Rossanda, "Al diavolo (tali)
Non si capisce la subalternità di questo giornale (forse ai Dalemiani,
again?)... Come poi giudicare, quando anche un vostro giornalista che
scrive "come si deve"  dall'Irak, dalla Palestina, dalla Jugoslavia,
viene censurato e poi licenziato!? Davvero, salvo pochi casi sporadici,
di fatto non avete preso una netta posizione e "non avete visto" le
vere ragioni della distruzione anche di quello che rimaneva della
Jugoslavia. Avete seguito anche voi il coro dei "Ne - Ne"...
Scrivo, in ritardo, a proposito di Srebrenica, titolo apparso due
settimane fa su "Liberazione". Notizie, come sopra, smentite "da quel
dì"... Tante se ne susseguono... e poi il caldo. Protesto in ritardo
anche perché il  tempo libero lo dedico (e lo dedichiamo) al lavoro
volontario di assistenza ai tre bambini malati di leucemia e simili,
ricoverati al "San Camillo" di Roma: Marko di 14 anni dalla Serbia,
Lazar 4 anni e Miroje 17 dal Montenegro.
Per quanto riguarda il caso di Srebrenica, ed altri eventuali "casi" da
sollevare nel prossimo futuro (Racak, etc, etc), rileggetevi il libro
"Menzogne di guerra" di Jurgen Elsasser, Edizioni "La Città del Sole",
una recensione del quale è stata  pubblicata anche da "Liberazione".

Ivan Pavicevac  


Da: Boba
Data: Mar 5 Ago 2003 17:45:11 Europe/Rome
A: (Recipient list suppressed)
Oggetto: Re: BBC// Clinton to open Srebrenica memorial

My letter to BBC

To: INFO@... ; worldservice.letters@...
Cc: newsonline@...
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 7:09 AM
Subject: Response to BBC report: Clinton to open Srebrenica memorial


5 August 2003
In responding to your article, "Clinton to open Srebrenica memorial" (5

"Killers always come back to the scene of their crime". So is the case
of the former US president Bill Clinton. It is under his command and
his approval that unspeakable crimes of the 20th century were allowed
to happen and some of them are hidden from the world and justice. It is
with his knowledge and the knowledge of his generals, MPRI generals and
his secretary of State, Albright that Muslim mujahedeens used UN
protected "save haven" to wage terror on Serb villages surrounding

Judging by Mr. Clinton's dishonesty and distorted way of applying
justice I am sure that he would not remember Naser Oric, Muslim
general, turned war criminal, responsible for killing over 640 Serbs in
villages that surrounded Srebrenica!
Oric used the "safe-haven" of Srebrenica as a military base to destroy
42 Serbian villages in the year prior to Srebrenica's fall.
Clinton even found support in his wife Hillary who in a strange way of
patching up for his infidelity with Monica Lawinsky ordered Bill to
bomb Serbs in 1998. Strange couple, these Clintons, indeed! What else
are they capable of doing?

The Clinton's administration for its part let Islamic extremists range
terror in the Balkans and against Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo. Militant
Islamic extremism found its base and support in Europe and elsewhere.
These were essential steps in the overall terrorist escalations which
were to later include the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World
Trade Center in
New York and the Pentagon in Washington, DC and the October 2002
attacks in Bali, Indonesia.

Clinton couldn't care less for Srebrenica victims. All he cares is the
money that might come from Saudi Arabia or others, now that he does his
part in overall media campaign of lies about the wars in the Balkans.

Boba Borojevic
Ottawa, Canada


(Note: Nasir Oric has been recently brought to The Hague; however, his
responsabilities are never brought to light by the media)

Da: Boba
Data: Lun 14 Lug 2003 01:40:04 Europe/Rome
A: letters@..., forum@...
Oggetto: Re: WT // Bodies identified from massacre buried on 8th
anniversary, by Almir Arnaut

RE: Bodies identified from massacre buried on 8th anniversary, by Almir
The Washington Times

WORLD -- 12 July 2003/Pg.A5
Letter to the Editor:

Goebbels said: 'Tell a lie a hundred times, it becomes the truth.' And
this is what Washington Times and other Western media have done.
Playing with false numbers of killed Muslims without mentioning
killings of Serbs by Muslims in Serb villages surrounding Srebrenica
equals Nazi style propaganda.
By purposely avoiding any mention of Muslim attacks on dozens of Serb
villages surrounding Srebrenica, killing of Serbs and torching of Serb
houses, Washington Times also fell pray to Muslim stories from
In fact The Washington Times helps the spreading of these lies.
Deceptively, Almir Arnaut omits any reference to Naser Oric, a war
criminal responsible for killing over 640 Serbs in villages that
surrounded Srebrenica and he is not even indicted! This Muslim criminal
has created video films of his exterminations. These videos are being
sold on street corners in the Arab world showing Naser Oric
decapitating and murdering innocent Serbian victims, the Muslim world's
version of pornography. Oric used the "safe-haven" of Srebrenica as a
military base to destroy 42 Serbian villages in the year prior to
Srebrenica's fall. Naser Oric is also the same Muslim that converted
the Serbian Orthodox Church in Konjic into a public
toilet and the Serbian church in Srebrenica into a stable."*
"ICRC document 37, dated September 13, 1995, reveals that some 5,000
Srebrenica Muslims left the enclave prior to its fall and that the
Muslim government has admitted that these men were reassigned to other
units of its armed forces. The fact that family members were not
informed of it was justified by the obligation to keep it a military
Mr. Almir Arnaut proves capable of ignoring any evidence that
contradicts his own Muslim bias toward the Serbs.
And yet this inevitable play with numbers that does not prove anything
gives the story a false credibility. Even Goebbels would be surprised
with this kind of propaganda machine.
"Since the New York Times story, the figure of 8,000 Muslim men and
boys "massacred by the Serbs" has taken on a life of its own and
despite challenges from a number of sources the mainstream media in the
West continues to repeat the figure. Nor has the War Crimes Tribunal
ever attempted to set the record straight. It accepted the allegations
from the outset. It did so despite any hard evidence other than hearsay
provided by claimed eyewitnesses and documentation promised to be
forthcoming from United States sources. The documentation from the
United States has never been produced."**
Even today, eight years after the fall of Srebrenica we do not know how
many Serbs have been murdered by Muslims? How many Muslims were really
killed? How many of these Muslims were Muslim soldiers hiding armed in
the UN in safe-haven?
The only thing we know is that this twisted story about "Srebrenica
massacre" will feed generations, unchallenged by the Western media.
Thus, protecting real war criminals and their masters, who are still
active in spreading lies about the Serbs and the war in Slovenia,
Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia, i.e. Kosovo, such as Clinton and his
Secretary of State Madeline
Albright, Richard Holbrooke, Jaime Rubin, William Cohen, et. al. and
the" usual pimps to power in the media" Thomas Friedman, David Rhode,
Roy Gutman, Robert Kaplan, Noel Malcolm, Christopher Hitchens, Todd
Gitlin and countless
network news and media outlets.


Boba Borojevic
Ottawa, Canada