Posticipata a data indefinita la pubblicazione del rapporto sulle armi

Londra: Gli USA e la Gran Bretagna hanno deciso di posticipare a data
indefinita la pubblicazione di un rapporto completo sulle armi di
distruzione di massa dell'Iraq.
Il londinese Sunday Times ha riportato che gli ispettori non hanno
trovato alcuna evidenza della esistenza di queste armi...

Indefinite Delay on Weapons Report
The London Advertiser, Monday 15 September 2003

LONDON: The US and Britain have decided to delay indefinitely the
publication of a full report on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
The London-based Sunday Times newspaper said inspectors had found no
evidence any such arms exist.
Efforts by the Iraq Survey Group, an Anglo-American team of 1400
scientists, military and intelligence experts, to scour Iraq for the
past four months to uncover evidence of chemical or biological weapons
had so far ended in failure.
The newspaper reported British defence intelligence sources had
confirmed that the group's final report had been delayed and may not
even be published.

(segnalato da M. Zucchetti)