Milosevic "trial"

1. SLOBODA: Three Months - an Outrage! (17/9/2003)
2. The Health Condition of President Milosevic Requires his Release!
(Appeal by 10 German Doctors, 18/9/2003)
3. Statement of the Russian Committee for the Defense of Slobodan
Milosevic (Moscow, 18 September 2003)
4. Protest in Belgrade: No Hague, No Clinton - Yes Freedom, Yes Slobo!
(Belgrade, September 20)

See also:

Down with the inquisition tribunal in The Hague!

=== 1 ===




Belgrade, September 17

This morning’s decision of the Hague tribunal to grant only three
months to President Milosevic for preparation of his case (in the
prison!) is an outrage and violence against law and justice – Vladimir
Krsljanin stated at the press conference of “Sloboda”. In the fear of
the total debacle, the tribunal at the same time has a goal to break
President Milosevic’s health and to threaten his life, he added.

The other Krsljanin’s points at the “Sloboda” press conference were the

·       Yesterday, for the first time, the session of the tribunal
ended earlier, since President Milosevic was very sick. His blood
pressure jumped to 220/120mmHg, so he was unable to continue. In spite
of this, he appeared in the court room this morning. Now tribunal
expects from a person whose health is seriously damaged by the two
years of detention and enormous efforts in the unprecedented process
with the absence of adequate medical care, to stand three months of
intensive preparations and another two years of his case. This is
something that a young and healthy person could hardly stand.

·       The protests in the World against this violence and political
warfare increase and will go on. Yesterday several more important MP’s
have joined the petition of Russian Parliamentarians, among them
Gennady Raikov, head of “People’s Deputy” – a pro-presidential,
centrist faction. Two dozen important MPs who signed the petition
represent five important factions in Duma and absolute majority of MPs.
Duma petition quotes: “Without fulfilling these demands [two-years
break with the provisional release, end of the visit ban] the process
against Slobodan Milosevic will remain an open political harassment,
having nothing in common with judiciary”. At its beginning, the
petition reminds: “after they have submitted mountains of the
suspicious documents, brought hundreds false witnesses and spent
hundreds of millions of dollars from the UN budget, the prosecutors of
the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
haven’t succeeded to show any evidence of guilt of the Serbian leader
for the alleged crimes. The Prosecution undergoes total fiasco.” [1]

·       At the same time, the important American scholars, activists
and lawyers, chaired by Dr Michael Parenti, who have just formed the
American Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic, announce
series of continued activities. They condemn in strongest terms the
terrible human rights violations by the tribunal and see it as a tool
of “political warfare against the people of Serbia and against the
basic democratic rights of the whole of humanity that cannot be allowed
to succeed.” [2]

·       Tomorrow, president of the tribunal Theodor Meron pays an
“official visit” to Belgrade regime. “Sloboda” invites him publicly to
visit our Belgrade offices, where he would be presented the legal
arguments only. Perhaps it can help him to preserve at least a bit of
his lawyer’s integrity and to fulfill more successfully his proclaimed
duty to take care of the “legality” of the work of the tribunal, which
now violates even its own Statute, by denying the rights to defense and
health. We would also ask him when he thinks to reply to our request
(with 15 pages of legal arguments) [3] to annul the Registrar’s
decision on visit ban and to suspend the rules preventing President
Milosevic from the contacts with the press. It would be also
interesting to hear whether judge Meron sees the role of the tribunal
in the protection of the real war criminals and terrorists, so that one
of them can run for US presidential nomination and another one (his
ex-boss and supreme commander) can come to occupied Pristina to get a
“honorary doctorate” of Pristina University from his favorite Al-Qaida

·       For all that reasons Serbs and other progressive citizens of
Europe and the World will hold a major demonstration on 8 November 2003
at The Hague. “Sloboda” will fight back legally, politically and with
all forms of engagement for freedom and true democracy.


[1]The statement of Russian Parliamentarians

[2]The press release of US National Section of ICDSM

[3]“Sloboda” motion to the president of the tribunal

=== 2 ===

Initiative of medical doctors and therapists practising in Germany

Dr. med. Uta Mader, Matthias Jochheim, Prof. Dr. med. habil. Ilse
Eisen-Hagemann, Dr. phil. Hans-Peter Brenner, Prof. Dr. med. habil.
Ingeborg Rapoport, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Dr. hc. mult. Samuel Mitja
Rapoport, Dr. med.Christa Anders, Dr. med.Ernst Bellmer, Dr. med. Iris
Jonkanski, Dr. med. Michel Hühn, Barbara Mühlfeld

Mr. Theodor Meron
Mr. Richard May
Mr. Steven Kay
Mr. Branislav Tapuskovic

ICTY Churchillplein 1
NL - 2517 JW The Hague


Dear Sirs!

Since the submissions we made to you last November and December the
proceedings against Mr. Slobodan Milosevic had to be repeatedly
interrupted for health reasons; since the summer recess alone this has
happened numerous times. Early this week for the first time a
proceeding already in session had to be interrupted due to an acute
attack of heart and vascular disease.

What is relevant regarding this had been communicated already by the
cardiologist Dr. P. R. M. van Dijkman, appointed by your side, when in
his report dated November 18, 2002, he confirmed “essential
hypertension with secondary organ damage”, “during trial there recurred
a steep increase in blood pressure up to around 220/130 mmHg”, “a
condition that looks like a hypertension emergency” and when he
mentioned “the possibility of coronary disease, cerebrovascular
accident, heart attack and death”.

Recent events compel us to seriously raise the issue of your duty to
exercise proper care and supervision. It’s true that for some time
there were no reports about any drugs being contraindicated or having
unacceptable side effects. On the other hand there is still no regular
cardiologic supervision taking place, which to us seems irresponsible
in view of the known health condition.

Although with an irresponsibly delay, finally after one year there was
a reduction of the number of trial sessions per week and session hours
per day. On the other hand, the volume of material produced by the
prosecution is said to have been increased this year on top of the
already existing 500,000 pages DIN A4 by another 400,000 pages, not to
mention the video and audio tapes. Such a volume would be impossible
for any person to deal with during the allotted time; in this case the
lack of time amounts to a serious stress factor directly threatening
his health.

When Mrs. Del Ponte in her interview with Neue Zürcher Zeitung dated
July 18, 2003, stated with regard to the health condition of Mr.
Milosevic: “He is in very, very good health. Many people at the age of
60 or more are suffering from high blood pressure. We won’t comfort
him. I hope that you don’t get the impression we would”, this
diametrically contradicts the medical findings and procedural proposals
repeatedly dealt with by the Third Chamber. It also contradicts the
relevant UN-Resolutions concerning the treatment of prisoners. We very
much hope that the cynicism expressed by Mrs. Del Ponte is an
exceptional phenomenon and is not in any way representative of the
attitude taken by your institution as a whole.

We appeal to you, considering Mr. Milosevic’s hypertension and
increased infarct risk, not to practice any kind of such
“non-comforting” treatment. It is technically impossible during the
allotted time to deal with the amount of material presented by the
prosecution, which causes serious but avoidable stress. Even for a
young healthy person this would be an extraordinary task. In the
present case for the preparation of the defence after the prosecution
has finished their case it is indispensable to interrupt the
proceedings for a longer period. Mr. Milosevic has demanded an
interruption and his release for a period of two years. It is a
question for the discretion of the trial chamber, to examine this
demand from the point of view of “equality of arms”, since the
prosecution has had more than two years to prepare its case, not to
mention the staff at its disposal.

At least with respect to the health condition the time granted now for
the preparation of the defence of only three months is totally
insufficient, as it will irresponsibly increase the risk and stress
factors. Mr. Milosevic should be provisionally released for an
adequate, longer period of time, so that during the preparation of his
defence he can have medical treatment and control by his long time
doctors in Belgrade.


in order signed

Dr. med. Uta Mader, Köln

Spokesperson for the Initiative, Medical Doctor, International
Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW – Nobel Peace Prize
1985), Association of Democratic Doctors (VDÄÄ in the German initials)


Matthias Jochheim, Frankfurt/Main, Medical Doctor and Psychotherapist,


Prof. Dr. med. habil.Ilse Eisen-Hagemann, Berlin, Medical Doctor


Dr. phil.Hans-Peter Brenner, Bonn, Psychological Psychotherapist,
Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Koblenz,


Prof. Dr. med. habil. Ingeborg Rapoport, Berlin, Medical Doctor


Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Dr. hc. mult. Samuel Mitja Rapoport, Berlin,
Medical Doctor


Dr. med. Christa Anders, Berlin, Medical Doctor


Dr. med.Ernst Bellmer, Erzhausen, Internist


Dr. med. Iris Jonkanski, Brinckheim (Frankreich), Medical Doctor


Barbara Mühlfeld, Frankfurt/Main, Medical Doctor

(reference to organisations for information only)


The above text is an unoficial English translation of the German


=== 3 ===


Moscow, 18 September 2003


         The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) at The Hague has made a decision to provide the former President
of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the political prisoner Slobodan
Milosevic, with only three months to prepare his defense. It is an
outrageous, scandalous decision. It is a direct violation of the
international law, which presumes the equality of sides in a court

         As widely known, the ICTY prosecutors have been collecting the
evidence for more than four years. In that work hundreds of the ICTY
employees took part. And now it is decided that President Milosevic has
to prepare his defense in only three months. He has to collect evidence
and to communicate with his witnesses while being in a prison cell.
That is complete absurdity.

         The particular cynicism of the ICTY behavior is seen in the
fact that Slobodan Milosevic still doesn’t receive a qualified medical
aid, despite the fact that his health condition raises the most serious

All of this is taking place parallel to practically complete isolation
of President Milosevic from his political allies in Yugoslavia and from
his family. As known, the persecution of the members of Mr.
Milosevic`s family under false excuses has deprived his wife and son of
the possibility to visit him at the Hague prison.

We strongly condemn the ongoing attempt of political slaughter of the
Serbian leader and the persecution of his family members. 

We demand the adjournment of the trial for two years, so that President
Milosevic can prepare his defense in an appropriate way.

We insist on his release from detention for the recuperation of his
health and for more effective preparation of defense.         

Chairman of the Committee

Alexander Zinoviev 

The members of the Russian Public Committee for the Defense of Slobodan
Milosevic are:
1.    A. A. Zinovyev, philosopher, writer, professor of the Moscow
State University
2.    S. N. Baburin, doctor of law, President of the Russian
All-peoples’ Union
3.    N. M. Bezborodov, general, Deputy of the State Duma
4.    V. I. Varenikov, general, Hero of the Soviet Union
5.    V. N. Ganichev, writer, President of the Writers’ Union of Russia
6.    S. A. Glotov, doctor of law, Director of the Institute for Human
7.    V. A. Dzhanibekov, cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union,
Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
8.    N. I. Doroshchenko, writer, Secretary of the Board of the
Writers’ Union of Russia
9.    E. G. Drapeko, actress, Deputy of the State Duma
10. L. V. Zaitseva, People’s Artist of Russia
11. O. N. Zarudnaya, Vice-President of the Union of Slavonic Journalists
12. M. A. Zemskov, Editor-in-chief of the “Patriot” magazine
13. N. N. Izvekov, Member of the Scientific Council of the Russian
Academy of Sciences (for the history of international relations and
foreign policy of Russia)
14. V. M. Klikov, sculptor, President of the International Fund for
Slavonic Literacy and Culture
15. N. I. Kondratenko, Memer of the Council of Federation
16. M. P. Lobanov, writer
17. J. M. Loshchits, writer
18. M. I. Nozhkin, poet, People’s Artist of Russia
19. G. V. Osipov, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director
of the Institute for Socio-political Research of the Russian Academy of
20. A. A. Prokhanov, Editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Zavtra”
21. V. S. Safronchuk, ambassador, Deputy Secretary General of the
United Nations 1987-1992
22. V. N. Strakhov, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director
of the Geophysical Institute „O. J. Shmit”
23. V. V. Chikin, Editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Sovietskaya
Rossiya” (Soviet Russia)
24. N. D. Yakovleva, President of the Patriotic Alliance of Women

=== 4 ===

Belgrade, September 20

The delegation of the Board of Sloboda/Freedom Association - Yugoslav
Committee for the Release of Slobodan Milosevic composed of Vladimir
Krsljanin, Dragoljub Kocovic and attorney Momo Raicevic has delivered
today protest letters to the Foreign Ministry of Serbia&Montenegro, to
the US Embassy and to the Hague Tribunal Office in Belgrade.

Around 200 people followed the delegation in its four kilometers walk
from the central area of Belgrade, bombed in 1999, to the exclusive
quarters of Dedinje (where the Hague Office is located), demonstrating
against the criminal bias of the Hague tribunal and against the Clinton
visit to Kosovo.

The full text of the protest letter follows:

To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro
To the Embassy of the United States of America
To the Office of ICTY
B e l g r a d e

The citizens assembled around Sloboda/Freedom Association express their


because of:

- The attempt of the Hague tribunal to make defense of President
Milosevic impossible, to threaten his life and to isolate him from the
family and associates;
- The prevention of the meeting of the US citizen Theodor Meron, the
President of the Hague Tribunal with the citizens of Serbia struggling
for freedom and justice;
- The visit of the US citizen William J. Clinton, the former President
of USA, responsible for the crime against peace, war crimes and crimes
against humanity.

Considering that the most responsible for all this are the Hague
tribunal and DOS regime, but in the first place the US Government,
without support of which these two illegal, discredited and hated by
the people entities couldn't exist and convinced that by the following
we express the opinion of the
vast majority of the Serbian people,


- Freedom for President Slobodan Milosevic, so that his life would be
protected and so that he could continue, with the full power, to
struggle for truth, freedom and prosperity of the Serbian people;
- The end of the aggression and foreign interference and the most
strict respect, by the all domestic and outside factors, of the
Constitution, Law and the democratically expressed will of the Serbian


The pictures from today's Belgrade protest, you can see at:


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:

To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)