Web posted October 19, 2003
Source: A1 TV, 16.10.2003

Leader of Greek Minority Party in Albania Arrested Because of
"Anti-Albanian Slogans"

The Albanian Prosecutor's Office started a legal process against the
leader of the Party for Human Rights Vangel Dule when following last
week's end of the local elections "members of the party shouted
anti-Albanian slogans and waved Greek national flags in Southern

According to Albanian authorities during the celebrations in the Greek
majority town of Himara "Greek nationalism raged and the flag of a
foreign country was exposed" which violates Albanian law.

The independent TV station "Top Albania Channel" recorded the events of
that night and reported that the Albanian police has evidence that
slogans such as "Long live Greece," "the Albanians are Turks," "Himara
is Greek" were shouted, and the TV recordings will serve the
prosecutor's office as an argument in the indictment against the Party
leader Dule.

According to police sources that night several other persons were
arrested, the ones that were "more aggressive in their protesting".
Albanian police also stated that among the crowd, members of the Greek
extremist organization "Mavi" were also noticed, who arrived in Himara
to cause turmoil.

Albanian Prime Minister Fatos Nano gave a comment on the event, saying
that "those people should face the law."

Today's media report that following the local elections results a
representative of the Greek Government asked Tirana to proclaim the
town of Himara as a "minority zone." According to Albanian analysts,
this demand by Greece represents a "dangerous Greek provocation."

Vangel Dule's Party for Human Rights, where majority members are ethnic
Greeks, reported that besides Himera they also won the elections in
other smaller towns in Southern Albania.