New Book of Belgrade Forum: Development Strategy in unstable conditions

Belgrade, 21 October 2003


Development Strategy in unstable conditions

Authors: Kosta Mihailovic,Mihailo Markovic, Oskar Kovac, Vladislav
Jovanovic,Radovan Radinovic, Dragutin Zelenovic, Zivadin Jovanovic,
Rade Drobac.

For any state, any nation, the Development Strategy is the most
essential issue. In the midst of the "Customs War" with Austro -
Hungaria, at the begining of the last century, Serbia managed to
establish a distinct policy of industrial development which lead to
doubling of the number of the industrial enterprises as well as the
number of industrial employees in only five years.
At the beginning of seventies of the last century when the interest for
the common development strategy of Yugoslavia disappeared - the fate of
the state was decided. Today it is, more or less, the same. The
provisional State (Serbia and Montenegro) does not have any common
development strategy and the consequences are - there is no solution
for the enormous social, economic and political problems of the country.
Certain objectives of the Development Strategy represent universal
values, such as freedom, human rights, including socio - economic
rights, overall free development and personal dignity. These values
include also equality of opportunities, equal rights for social
security. These basic values can be achived only if instrumental
objectives are set up, such as - GNP growth, rise of employment, living
standards, garanty for equal chances and rights in education, health
security and environment protection. Such society can not be achieved
without soveregnity of the State , division of power ( legislative,
executive, judiciary), rule of law, sustainable democracy, freedom of
the press and public communication.
Today even big countries coexist in conditions of mutual
interdependance, not to mention those which found themselves in
continuous fragmentation. For this reason it is impossible to create
absolutly isolated , independent development strategies. There are
external limits stemming from international and geopolitical position
of Serbia. Indeed, Serbia is now in the midst of the newly-awakened
strategic interest of USA and EU. Serbia can not solve the relations
between big powers and regions, but certainly can and must advance and
defend her own interests.Serbia is entitled to equal participation in
all european multilateral organisations and institutions, to integrate
itself in EU under the same conditions as any other sovereign country.
Serbia should negotiate about american and european interests on its
own territory and under the authority of its own state organs. A good
example are the trans - european corridors North - South and the Danube
which Serbia should develop recognising the interest of EU and
demanding participation of EU. Common interests in these projects are
beyond any doubt.
A development strategy could be defined in spite of the existing
external limitations provided that consensus on the minimum of the
state and national interests is reached. It is no secret what should be
the content of such a strategy.
One of the key issues would certainly be: what kind of economic
structure Serbia must have , what course of specialisation to take in
the international division of labour? On the other hand, there is the
issue of technological sustainability of the serbian economy for the
implementation of a development strategy.
In regard to these issues there are some prejudices in the public. It
is usually thought that , after a decade of external destruction of the
state and economy, Serbia does not have the necessary level of
productivity and technological ability to maintain any sort of
competitive production. This, of course, is nonsense. It will never be
that all countries have the same level of productivity but this is not
obstacle for competitive production and mutual trade.
Concrete researches have shown that , in spite of enormous imposed
losses, the technological quality of the equipment , human resources
and organisation of production in Serbia, make possible efficient
production in many sectors of industry and agriculture. The fact that
many domestic enterprises have been donated to foreign subjects should
not be obstacle for adoption and imlementation of the national
development strategy . Such enterprises have national treatment , are
subjects to domestic laws, to domestic economic policy.
In closing, all depends on the crucial issue - does Serbia have
sufficient wisdom and responsibility to formulate the minimum of
consensus on the state and national interests, can she constitute a
government capable to really care about soveregnity of the state and
wellbeing of its citizens. And to be responsible to them?

This book (available only in Serbian) may be ordered from:
Belgrade Forum for the world of equals
Belgrade, Misarska 6,
tel/fax: 3245 - 601, e - mail: beoforum@...
Pages 144, Price 300 dinars/5 Euros ( plus posting expenses).


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