*** italiano ***

Fonte: http://www.exju.org/comments.php?id=515_0_1_0_C

°°michael steiner, capo della missione unmik in kosovo per due anni, certamente
non rimpianto, un successo personale grazie ai balcani lo ha ottenuto: è
convolato a nozze con una giovane albanese del suo staff, bukurije balaj
(si vocifera fosse l?ex fidanzata del ?serpente? thaci). erp.kim in newsletter
ironizza: il kosovo è un disastro anche grazie a steiner, ma i nostri auguri
di felicità non possono mancare.

*** english***

Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/decani/message/78069

ERP KIM Newsletter 13-11-03b

In our second edition of the newsletter for November 13, we enclose a text
from one of our U.S. subscribers. We hope it can contribute to a better
understanding of the real situation in Kosovo and activities of some UNMIK

PHOTO: Former UNMIK chief Michael Steiner with his new bride, Bukurije Balaj 

At least one success in the mission of former UNMIK chief Michael Steiner

The United Nations Mission in Kosovo has taken over administration of the
tiny Serbian province by virtue of the UN Resolution 1244. The mission is
supposed to be unbiased and fair to all ethnicities within Kosovo. Since
the mission began over four years ago, a quarter of a million Kosovo Serbs
fled the province after being subjected to murder, rape, and repeated beatings
by Albanians, often under the very eyes of the officials in charge.

Michael Steiner was the head of the UN mission in Kosovo for almost two
years. During that time he implemented discriminatory measures against Serbians,
used double standards against them and made promises he never kept. He used
his powers to free Hashim Thaci, leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army, who
was arrested under an Interpol indictment in Hungary for murder, war crimes
and other atrocities.

Above is the photo showing one of rare successful achievements of Michael
Steiner during his mandate, at least in his personal life. He married a
young local Albanian staff member that he dated for much of the time he
was in power. Ethnic Albanian Bukurije Balaj is rumored to be a former girlfriend
and associate of Hashim Thaci.

After leaving Kosovo in August 2003, Michael Steiner was appointed to a
new diplomatic post in Switzerland. Good luck, Herr Steiner!

by L.N.

ERP KIM Info-Service is the official Information Service of the Serbian
Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizren and works with the blessing of His
Grace Bishop Artemije.
Our Information Service is distributing news on Kosovo related issues. The
main focus of the Info-Service is the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church
and the Serbian community in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija. ERP KIM
Info Service works in cooperation with www.serbian-translation.com as well
as the Kosovo Daily News (KDN) News List

The views expressed by the authors of newspaper articles or other texts
which are not official communiqués or news reports by the Diocese are their
own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Additional information on our Diocese and the life of the Kosovo Serb Community
may be found at: http://www.kosovo.com

Copyright 2003, ERP KIM Info-Service



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