[ "La borghesia mira a dividere la classe lavoratrice su base etnica,
nazionale e religiosa. Percio', il comando NATO ha usato cio' che
rimaneva degli elementi fascisti in Jugoslavia, Bulgaria e Romania... ]

Contributions to Anti-NATO Conference, 28/02/2004, Istanbul

1. Bulgarian CP - Georgi Dimitrov:
"Enlargement of NATO –A New Challenge To Balkan Nations"

2. Communist Party of Bohemia And Moravia:
"A Europe Of Peace, Security, Social Justice And Understanding Among


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=== 1 ===

From: Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), Monday, April 12, 2004
mailto: bcpgb@... ,
mailto: bcpgd@...

Contribution to Anti-NATO Conference, 28/02/2004, Istanbul

Bulgarian Communist Party - Georgi Dimitrov

By Ivan Predov
Member of The Central Committee

Enlargement of NATO –A New Challenge To Balkan Nations

To better understand the deep ethnical conflict in the Balkans, one must
place them in the large-scale international context, which gives them
real meaning. While waving the banner of “Democracy and Human Rights”
over the world, capital today takes openly mafia and criminal aspects.
bloody conflicts on the territory of ex-Yugoslavia are typical products
contemporary imperialism.

Imperialism maintains its power by dividing those, who are submitted to
dictatorship. The bourgeoisie seeks to divide working people on
national and religious bases. Therefore, NATO command made use of the
remnants of the fascists in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Rumania.

However, not only the ex-fascists have been involved in supporting the
aggression on the Balkans. The new arising political forces in the
ex-socialist countries from the right to the “left” wing parties gave
support to the plans of NATO enlargement, close to the borders of

The highly developed big imperialist countries tend to maintain their
economic dictatorship of dominant capital in the Balkans through open
military aggression. The leading role in this case plays NATO. As an
aggressive military organization, it has always been, and still is a
repressive force, covering practically the whole world.

Twenty countries have been drawn into the aggression, and the
occupation of
large parts of former Yugoslavia. That is not an accidental fact.
monopoly capitalists have profited substantially from the policies, they
have carried out in the ex-socialist Balkan countries. Specific
examples of
these policies are the deregulation and liberalization, the
the large-scale redistribution of the wealth and, as a result –the mass
unemployment, pursued by the right wing governments and enforced by the
opportunist “left” wing forces. For example, everything in Bulgaria is
submitted to the interests of the Western monopolies and their political
servants in the country.

On the other side – the international corporations earned billions of
dollars from the military adventure in the Balkans. But the looming war
economy is giving enormous profits for the big business, first of all,
the USA. As the bombing of Yugoslavia started five years ago, the stock
market took off and jumped 10 percent in early May 1999. At that time
Dow-Jones index, which had studied** below 10000 points for some time,
only reached 10000, but zoomed past 11000 points.

According to the economic analyses at that time of profits had been
to stagnate or even decline in the first quarter of 1999 but for more
100 large corporations they actually increased by 18 percent compared
to the
same period in 1998. For the stockholders and the high brass of the mega
corporations the 13 billion dollars pays big dividends and wreaks
billions of “collateral damage” to Yugoslavia’s economy. Now we know
was the basic motivation for the “humanitarian” aggression against

However, let us have no illusions – the direct aggression against
five years ago turned into a permanent indirect aggression against all
nations of our region, against all the working people of the Balkans.
now, ** the last war in the Balkans – that in Macedonia –it must be
clear to
everyone, that ** a military exit is possible from that region. Even
after the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the plans for further
aggression against other countries, the Balkans will remain to be a
front for NATO. An international military presence to guarantee peace
must be seen, in the coming decades, as something “natural”, as it was
NATO to have troops in Western Germany during the cold war age.

The multinationals, by the help of the new local comprador bourgeoisie
order to impose their dictatorship, have destroyed all the remnants of
structures of the socialist society in our region. And it is no wonder
the international NATO occupation of parts of Yugoslavia territory has
coupled with the agreements and open support of the governments of the
of the Balkan countries. When NATO destroyed the bridges, connecting
Vojvodina with the rest of Yugoslavia, Hungary made it clear that it
to annex that province, which is an integral part of Yugoslavia.

Bulgarian reactionary government allowed NATO forces to use unlimitedly
territory, the air space and parts of Bulgaria for the aggression
Yugoslavia, better to say –against the people of Yugoslavia. (Year ago
so placed the airport of Burgas at US Air Forces’ disposal for the
of the aggression against Iraq.) Why did that happen at all? Was it
of our evil** Balkan mentality! I would answer –yes! It happened
because of
evil** mentality! But not because of the bad mentality of the people of
Balkans. It happened because of the bad character of Balkan bourgeoisie.
For example –Bulgarian upper crust both from right and “left” fractions
(Bulgarian Socialist Party) is striving to join NATO, and they approve
unlimited use of facilities for all NATO operation in the region. It
as if it is not difficult to answer the question about the behavior of
Bulgarian government. Bulgaria is an aspirant for NATO and EU members,
because both these clubs bring many different benefits.

The question is –benefits for whom? It is sure –the benefits are not
for the
working people of Bulgaria. Such a behavior benefits the newly created
Bulgarian bourgeoisie. That new** exploitative class is afraid to lose
privileged position in the restored capitalist society.

The new bourgeoisie in Bulgaria is unable to prevent alone its own class
interests. That is why that new class expects that NATO, as a military
organization, will ensure its position in the society. And that is why
new Bulgarian bourgeoisie is apt to give anything that NATO prominent
officials want to have. And no doubt –that is the case with every Balkan
bourgeois government, especially whit these, which are striving to join
NATO now.

The real extent, to which the political upper crust in Bulgaria is
the agenda, set by the new comprador bourgeoisie, is most clearly
by its long-term economic and financial strategy. The most powerful
of Bulgarian new exploitative class represented by the “red oligarchy”
supports Bulgarian integration –first of all in NATO and then in the EU.
They believe –the integration in NATO will make capitalism irreversible
Bulgaria. That position of the new bourgeoisie in Bulgaria is
expectable and
explainable. The case will be simple, if it concerns only the comprador
upper crust. But the case turns complicated in concern to the behavior
the working class.

Right-wing ideology retains a powerful hold of the large sections of
the new
proletarians in Bulgaria. No doubt, it is a direct result of the
collapse of
socialism in our country and an effect of the unceasing massive
anticommunist propaganda realized by all kinds of mass media for almost
years. A very important reason for the still weak influence of the
communists upon the working class is the fact that a large number of the
prominent persons of the ex-socialist state have transformed into new

The working class and the potentially progressive section of petty
still allow themselves to remain passive victims of the capitalist
exploitation. The opportunists of all kinds, mainly the Bulgarian
Party, are increasingly accommodating themselves to the interests of
the new
capitalist class by choosing the road of class collaboration and they
aided and abetted by bourgeoisie mass media, whose role is to stupefy
people’s minds.

Nevertheless, in spite of all these unfavorable circumstance the
results of
the sociological inquires even now show that more than *** percent of
Bulgarians reject integration of the country to NATO. But, no matter of
clear answer of the public opinion, the political upper crust of
Bulgaria is
maintaining that as if there is consent about it in the society. It is
true –consent exists, but only among the reactionary circles and their
servants –opportunists in Bulgaria. That collaboration is not something
or unknown. And it is due to all sections of social life. For example
priority, given to controlling inflation and social and welfare
rather than to promoting full employment and better social benefits and
public services in Bulgaria is fully in accordance with the interests
of big
business, represented by the IMF.

The restriction policy is realized by the Monetary Board of the
International Monetary Fund –the main financial instrument of the global
imperialism. Bulgaria is now under its absolute control.
The question is: Is it possible, in such situation, to overcome the
dominance of the global monetary institution over our countries?

If we, the people of each country, struggle alone against it, the answer
is –No

If the Balkan people led by the communists opposed to it the answer is

There is something very important to be noticed: on the Northern part
of the
Mediterranean there are three peninsulas –the Iberian, the Apennine,
and the
Balkan. They have almost the same amount of population: approximately 70
million inhabitants each. The area they occupy is almost the same too.
on the Iberian peninsula there are two states and three nations; on the
Apennines –one state and one nation. On the Balkans ten states and ten
nations are situated besides the minorities, spread all over the area.
doubt –it is one of the most important prerequisites for our weakness.
Nevertheless it is not the most important one. The pivotal cause for our
weakness is the fact of the domination of the comprador bourgeoisie and
corrupted political upper crust in our country. It is most evident
now –during the continuing hidden NATO aggression against us –
the people of the Balkans. Such are some of the aspects of the
contemporary situation in the Balkans. The counter strategy to NATO
aggression is not an easy on the Capital is, as things stand, much
better organized on International level than the working people are.

A coordinated resistance of Balkan peoples is not only essential. It is
of a
superior importance. The cooperation among all parties, ecological and
other movements is the top priority of today, in the beginning of the


=== 2 ===

From: Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), Tuesday, March 23, 2004
http://www.kscm.cz , mailto:leftnews@...

Contribution to Anti-NATO Conference, 28/02/2004, Istanbul

Communist Party of Bohemia And Moravia

By Josef Rab
Member Of The Central Committee

A Europe Of Peace, Security, Social Justice And Understanding Among

Europe at a crossroads

Europe is again at a crossroads. The hope of welfare, social justice and
equal security for all nations on our continent, contained in the
of Paris” 1990 and approved by the member states of the “Organization
security and cooperation in Europe” has not come to through. On the
contrary, in the international as well as the national framework we are
witnessing a revision of the results of the Second World War and of the
developments achieved thereafter. Within the framework of NATO, EU,
member states took part in the war against Yugoslavia, in the attack
on Afghanistan and in the US and British aggression against Iraq.
The enlargement of NATO and the EU to the east has all the signs of the
all-imperial aims of “Drang Nach Osten”.
The US administration, striving for world hegemony – expressed
in the so-called “Preventative war strategy” of NATO and EU
and in the formation of EU intervention units – has created a global
to the existence of mankind both for today and for future of our
which suffered so often in the past.

We are facing the danger that EU becomes the USA’s junior partner
the EU’s own “great power” aims. However, it is not in the interest of
citizens of the >European nations to be provided with any kind of a new
peace – endangering world order, either “made in the USA” or of a world
order formed by the US and the EU together. This would be the way to

We are now exposed to a very painful regression from the standards of
civilization heretofore achieved. During the last 13 years, not only
bur especially eastern Europe has suffered greater economic loses then
which were a consequence of the whole Second World War. New enemies
are appearing on the scene. The activities of the neo-fascists and
extremists are growing and are viewed passively by political elites.
So-called “humanist interventions” the endeavor to exclude the UN as
well as
valid international law, the strategy of “preventive war” and the media
brain washing manipulation of humanity are the foundations of an acute
worldwide danger like that which developed in the prewar times.

The militarization, dangerous conflict centers, plans for the new
of our continent, poverty, merciless exploitation and the systematically
executed restrictions on social welfare and democracy are the specters
running around Europe nowadays. The neoliberal world economic order
economic terrorism by nature, which is the cause of whole nations
to dead – end the process of capitalist globalization aiming at the
of the reach only are causing social and spiritual poverty without any
set limits.
This is the main source of enormously increasing social conflicts,
and violence. These circumstances don’t take into consideration human
beings with values who are trying to live in conditions of social
security and
justice. Because of this, the transnational companies are able to
higher incomes then national economies.

Present developments in the world and on he European continent
have prompted these substantial warnings and experiences.

a) Wars are substantially an aspect of capital dominated social
relations and are an integrated part of these relations.

b) We see more clearly that under neo-liberal globalization the
endeavour to safeguards peace and security nowadays has a social

c) “The cold war” has not ended, bur goes on and has come to have a
global and total characters.

Peace and security are the foundation stones of civilization. They are
basic human rights. However, safeguarding of peace and security is not
possible without citizens’ engagement in politics.

The present disputes on our European continent ate a challenge to the
ability of the citizens and the politicians of the European countries to
draw positive experiences from one “cold” and to “hot” wars.
Politicians –
and above all citizens – who are friends of peace and democracy, peace
movements and peace organizations should accept as their task to find
and take such steps, which under the conditions of social and
security would not only and ensure their bare survival, bur also a
livelihood of dignity of peace, security and milieu of friendship among
nations. There is a possible alternative to the word now existence.
Such an
alternative is most highly necessary.

However, peace in Europe and the world are not imaginable without
establishing an alternative world of justice. To achieve this aim to
“Europe in a world sustainable peace” was approved at the European peace
conference in March 2003 in Prague and is to be realized.

Europe is to play a role in world politics in her own interests and to
active in pushing through the peaceful coexistence of peoples and
considering this to be a highly civilized value. To this end, it is
necessary to have and EU consisting of equal states, directed in its
activities by the endeavor to establish a society of solidarity,
and social justice in the member countries. The activities of the EU in
field of international relations are to be directed by the endeavor to
achieve an international order respecting the principles of the UN
and valid international law, striving for this armament and security for
all, for non-military civil conflict prevention and the peaceful
solution of
disputes and first of all striving for such a solution to the conflicts
the area of the Near East. These are and shall be permanent directives
the activities of the European peace forum.

For the prevention of a renewed division in Europe it is necessary for
EU to establish relations of an equal partnership in the political and
economic fields with Russia and with all other states on the European

Concerning the construction of a new security system on the European
continent, the European states have a great responsibility to properly
into account the lesson given by two victim-rich world wars. The
contributions of the 15 EU member states form 40 % of the UN budget and
presents. It predominantly depends on them whether respect for an
application of the principles of the organization for security and
cooperation in Europe, not only before but also after the dissolution
of the
Warsaw Pact; respect for an application of the principles equal
and the territorial integrity of states.

Another Europe is possible and necessary

To establish Europe as a common space of equal security for all European
states is the main task for us at present. This specifically concerns:

* Respecting the principles of the Final Act of the Organization
Security and Cooperation in Europe as a precondition for a new and
sustainable Architecture of common security for all. Neither Europe nor
other part of the world has to be the starting point of any new war.

* Europe is to be a trustworthy, integral part of an
security system for all, founded on principles and valid norms of
international law, o peaceful and friendly coexistence, mutually
cooperation and the principle of being good neighbours.

* Europe is to become an example/prototype for disarmament, as
already been demonstrated by Ukraine giving up possession of nuclear
weapons; for the non-use of armed force; for timely, peaceful
prevention of
potential wars; for peaceful solution to disputes in and around Europe;
mutually beneficial cooperation’s for maintaining and further developing
highly humanist culture. Europe should be free from weapons of mass
destruction, free from military basis and wars or intervention. Europe
should become an example for having developed a strong movement to
give up nuclear weapons.

Challenged by the danger of economic terrorism in a milieu of
capitalism-dominated Europe of wars, it is more necessary than ever
to use all of the possibilities available to the peace movement, of
and of realism to increase our activities against the Pax Americana
order, against the systematic endeavor to decrease social security and
restrict democracy. The EU should not act in favor of deregulation in
economic field, neither in Europe, nor in the world framework. It
should not
act in the interests of big concerns, in favor of the liberalization of
services, of the neo-liberal method of establishing universities, the
supply, most and telecommunication services, or services in the fields
finance, transportation, sewage and garbage disposal.

To be able to live on the European continent under the conditions of
for human rights means to act strongly against the neo-liberal
globalization headed by the USA and serving the interests of the
transnational concerns, which are the moving force behind social
reductions, democracy restrictions, terror, and use of force.

Europe is to be a continent of social justice without any kind of

Without conditions of the respect for and application of social rights,
citizens of the European countries cannot enjoy human rights. Therefore
European Peace Forum supports the activities of the European Social
and will take part in its next meeting in London.

The European Peace Forum is for an open Europe of full democracy and
social justice. To achieve this aim it is necessary to establish
conditions in
which the anonymity of the EU decision-makers who ensure the interests
big companies, banks, and the stock exchange against the majority of the
citizens comes to an end.

The existing economic integration, resulting in progressing
restrictions of
social rights, must be reformed into an economic integration favoring
security and environmental stability. All aspects of the EU enlargement
to be dealt with on the basis of solidarity, equality, and in a

It is necessary to create conditions for democratization of EU political
decisions, which would ensure the citizens of Europe the right to take
active part in politics. The working out of the EU constitution
strongly needs all citizens to take part in an active way, first of all
resisting the evident endeavor to enact neo-liberal policy in the
field and neo-imperial policy in the international relations and
to set the EU on the path of militarism, and in the end to make the EU a
military pact.

The EU constitution should include a guarantee to respect and apply
and democratic rights and the principle of the equal importance pf such
profound values as the sanctity of human dignity, freedom, democracy,
rule of law, human rights, and a civil society with tolerance, justice
solidarity. It should be include the overtly expressed obligation to
Europe’s antifascist heritage, condemnation rightwing extremism,
and enmity towards foreigners.

To those values in the draft EU constitution defined as of “worldwide
validity”, there should be added that the EU is to strive for their
achievement of said values exclusively only by peaceful means. The
realization of collective non-military security concepts included in
the EU
Constitution to be should serve the requirement to maintain peace.

The duty to strictly respect and apply the norms of the rule of law and
support a sustainable peace and a strong refusal to wage any war is also
slated to be part of the EU Constitution which is now in the process of

The peace movement on our European continent has had the ongoing task
not only of preventing any new wars and bringing to light the causes of
wars as well as the reality that wars are an integral part of the
capitalist system,
but also the task of using all its possibilities to strive for a stable
peace order and through this for a better world –for an alternative to
present one.
