(english / srpskohrvatski)

Slovenian Board of Communists about referendum in Montenegro

=== english ===

Slovenian Board of Communists
birokps @ email.si

Statement about Montenegro's referendum

The secessionists "victory" in Montenegro was quite expected indeed
as everything was well prepared in advance. It is the same old
scenario we have seen in Slovenia back in 1990! The same manipulation
of the public opinion, the same foul play.

European Union means puting an end to Europe proclaimed in Versailles
on 28th June 1919. On that occasion the kingdom of SHS was proclamed
and later on Yugoslavia. The acknowledgement of Yugoslavia at the end
of the I World war by the winning powers was dictated by their
strategic interest to not let Germany on the Adriatic sea, rather
than by the interests of peoples of Yugoslavia. Germany has always
wanted to get to the Adriatic sea through Austria. That is why
Germany was poised to destroy Yugoslavia! That is why Germany attaked
Yugoslavia militarily in 1941, and actually destroyed it in 1990 by
means of secret agents and spies and thanks to the considerable help
of Vatican and plans elaborated by the USA president Reagan and
British PM Margaret Thatcher in 1984. As a matter of fact, the
destruction of Yugoslavia in 1991 was a well planified wicked
conspiracy !!!!! Yugoslavia never desintegrated by itself !!!! "New
Europe" is the conspiracy of the old reactionary capitalistic
powers : England, France and Germany, united in the EU, again profit
on small people's back. Germany gave up it's Deutschmark in support
to euro, but in exchange asked for free access to Adriatic sea.
Slovenian nationalists (German spies mostly, the PM Janez Jansa and
his older tutor, now defunct, Joze Pucnik) were given orders directly
by Helmut Kohl in 1988 while in Ljubliana in visit to the bishop
Alojz Suster!
The most prominent organising role in the process ment to destroy
Yugoslavia was provided by the Catholic church in Slovenia. The
conspirators general staff met at Fanaciskan's in a church near
Tromostovlje in the central Ljubljana. The treasonous Milan Kucan
acting as a secretary of ZKS (Slovenia communist party) was in
reality a Vatican's janizary. The fascists of the sort have brought
upon the people of Slovenia the historical responsability for having
started up the wars and the destructions in the Socialist Federative
Republic of Yugoslavia !
Slovenian alleged heros tried everything to provoke the war! A
peaceable dissolution of the federation was possible, but the counter-
revolutionary criminals needed hatered and blod to be able to restore
capitalism and steal the working people proprety. In todays Slovenia,
the Catholic church is the apsolute lord. The german capital
dominates even the most vital economy and finance sectors of ours!!!
The Germans did not conquer us by their armies, it is their money
that make us slaves.

Not surprisingly, Janez Drnovsek also made a visit to the
Montenegro's secessionists. During the II World
war, his father in the Dachau concentration camp survived as a
Gestapo collaborator. The son is today collaborating with Germany and
the Vatican.

The secession of Montenegro was planned not to make Montenegrans
happier, but to make Serbia sealess !!!!
Cynics say that Montenegro divorced Serbia to join the warlords in
the spoilage. But the Albanian factor is also to be considered in its
quest for the
independence of the Serbian province of Kosovo.
Obviously, the Albanian secessionists are pushing for an independent
Montenegro to be able later on to ask for parts of its territories.

5th june 2006

=== srpsko-hrvatski ===

Stav Slovenackog komunistickog odbora o referendumu u Crnoj Gori:

»Pobeda« secesionista u Crnoj Gori je bila ocekivana jer drugacije i
nije smelo da bude. Isti scenarijo kao 1990 u Sloveniji. Ista
manipulacija svesti gradjana. Naravno bilo je i falsifikovanja
izbornih glasova.

Europska Unija podrazumeva kaj Versajske Europe koja je proglasena
28.6.1919 mirovnim ugovorom. Tada je i formirana kraljevina Srba,
Hrvata i Slovenaca, kasnije Jugoslavija. Sile pobednice I svetskog
rata, formirale su Jugoslaviju ne iz obzira prema interesima naroda
na tom prostoru, vec da bi SPRECILE PRODOR I IZLAZAK NEMACKE NA
Jadransko more! To je bio sracunat strategijski poteza pobednika.
Nemci su preko Austrije uvek tezili, da dosegnu do Jadranskog mora.
Zato su ucinili sve da se Jugoslavija unisti. Zato su je napali 1941
vojnom silom a 1990 unistili tajnom sluzbom i agentima u suradnji sa
Vatikanom radeci po planu koji su dogovorili predsednik SAD Regan i
Engleska premijerka Margaret Tacer 1984. godine. Jugoslavija se nije
raspala 1991 vec je perfidnom zaverom UNISTENA!!! »Nova« Evropa,
udruzena u Europskoj Uniji, produkt je starih reakcionarnih
kapitalistickih sila: Engleske, Francuske i Nemacke koje opet trguju
malim narodina! Nemacka je podrzala Euro i odrekla se nacionzlne
valute, ali je za uzvrat trazila izlazak na Jadran. Slovenackim
nacionalistima (mahom su to agenti Nemacke tajne sluzbe, sadasnji
premije u stvari gaulajter Janez Jansa i njegov vec pokojni tutor
Joze Pucnik) direktive je izdavao licno kancelar Helmut Kohl 1988. u
poseti mitropolitu Alojziju Susteru u Ljubljani!
Glavni organizator rusenja SFRJ je bila katolicka crkva Slovenije.
Glavni stab zavere bila je franjevacka crkva kraj Tromostovja u
centru Ljubljane. Veleizdajnik i sekretar CK ZKS Milan Kucan je
Vatikanski janicar. Fasisticki izrodi su Slovenacki narod OPTERETILI
Slovenacki samozvani »heroji« su ucinili sve da ISPROVOCIRAJU RAT !
Jugoslovanske republike su se mogle rastati i bez rata ali
kontrarevolucionarni zlocinci su trebali mrznju i rat, da bi
restaurirali kapitalizam a zatim opljackali drustvenu svojinu. Danas
je Katolicka crkva apsolutni vladar i gospodar u Sloveniji. A nemacki
kapital prisutan je u najvitalnijim delovima privrede i banaka!!!
Svabe nisu dosle vojskom vec kapitalom!!!

Secesioniste u Crnoj Gori je licno posetio i Janez Drnovsek, NE
SLUCAJNO! Otac Janeza Drnovseka je bio tokom 2. II Svetskog rata u
logoru Dachau. Preziveo je jer je suradjvao sa Gestapom, bio uvek
nemacki agent i logicno, da njegov sin nastavlja, da suraduje sa
Nemcima i Vatikanom.

Nije se Crna Gora otcepila ,da joj narod bolje zivi, vec, da Srbija
ostane bez izlaza na more!!!Cinici kazu, da su Crnogorci napustili
Srbiju zbog toga jer je izgubila ratove pa nece biti ratnog plena.
Uticao je i Albanski faktor koji, zeli secesiju okupiranog Kosova, da
bi kasnije trazio i deo teritorija Crne Gore.