(castellano / francais / deutsch / english / italiano)

London, Bosnia (3)

Dai jihadisti dell'MI6 (7/7/2005) al terrorismo mediatico delle "bombe liquide"(11/8/2006)

# italiano: "Londra, 10 agosto. Quando le menzogne vengono a galla"
Giulietto Chiesa, 30 agosto 2006 (da Galatea)

# english: LINKS

# deutsch: LINKS

# francais: LIENS

# castellano: LINKS

(in boldface we stress those articles which are most relevant or directly related to the Balkans' questions)

VEDI ANCHE / SEE ALSO in our archive

London, Bosnia (1)
JUGOINFO September 18, 2005

Kristallnacht in London
JUGOINFO August 3, 2005

London: Strategy of Tension Continues
JUGOINFO July 29, 2005

Visnjica broj 501
JUGOINFO July 17, 2005

Visnjica broj 501 BIS
JUGOINFO July 22, 2005

London, Bosnia (2)
JUGOINFO January 25, 2006

=== ITALIANO ===

Invio un interessante articolo di Giulietto Chiesa che riprende alcune notizie sul "Proactive Preemptive Operations Group" (P2OG) aggiungendo solo che il gruppo [un centinaio di persone] possiede un budget annuale di "100 milioni di dollari" [più o meno lo stessa cifra che le 23 nazioni più ricche al mondo hanno stanziato per combattere la malaria nel terzo mondo] e che il primo articolo su giornale che ne riporta notizia è del 27 Ottobre 2002 ["Los Angeles Times" a firma di William Arkin http://www.commondreams.org/views02/1028-11.htm ].

Edoardo Magnone (fonte: mailing list ScienzaePace )


"Londra, 10 agosto. Quando le menzogne vengono a galla"

Giulietto Chiesa, 30 agosto 2006 (da Galatea)

Sono in molti a chiedersi che cosa ci fosse, davvero, sotto l'ormai famoso “complotto del terrore” aereo, “scoperto” con grande clamore mediatico, grande paura planetaria, grandi contromisure mondiali, il 10 di agosto 2006. Per inciso: mentre Israele bombardava senza tregua il Libano e la striscia di Gaza, attirandosi addosso l'esecrazione di una larga maggioranza di cittadini di ogni latitudine.

Comincerei da lontano: dal programma del Pentagono denominato P2OG. La sigla sta per Proactive Preemptive Operations Group . L'esistenza di questo programma, la cui data di nascita è sconosciuta, emerse dai fondali nell'agosto 2002, perché notizie che lo riguardavano vennero pubblicate dal Comitato Scientifico di Difesa del Pentagono. Non è escluso, ma non è sicuro, che un tale programma fosse esistente da più tempo. Per esempio da prima dell'11 settembre. Ma, in sostanza cosa c'è nella scatola? Operazioni clandestine di elevata sofisticatezza realizzate dai servizi segreti per “stimolare reazioni” nei gruppi terroristici. Cioè: penetrazione nei gruppi con agenti provocatori, per spingerli ad azioni errate che permettono, dopo essere state “scoperte”, di sgominarli o di ricattarli.

Non è un'idea originale? Il fatto è che Seymour Hersh, Dio lo benedica per la sua tenacia, ci ha informato, nel gennaio del 2005, con un articolo sul New Yorker, che il P2OG è stato rimesso in funzione. “Mi è stato riferito (da fonti del servizi americani, ndr) che agenti militari sarebbero stati preparati per fingersi uomini d'affari corrotti, che cercano di comprare pezzi che possano essere usati per costruire bombe atomiche. In certi casi cittadini locali (cioè non americani, ndr) potrebbero essere reclutati per entrare a far parte di gruppi guerriglieri o terroristici. Con il compito potenziale di organizzare ed eseguire operazioni di combattimento, o perfino attività terroristiche” (il corsivo è mio).

Adesso torniamo al complotto “globale” del 10 agosto. Da dove sono venute le informazioni? Dai servizi segreti militari del Pakistan, l'ISI. Cioè i signori che crearono dal nulla, tra il 1994 e il 1996, il regime dei taliban in Afghanistan. I quali avrebbero catturato Rashid Rauf, la cosiddetta “mente” dell'intera operazione che avrebbe dovuto far saltare per aria una decina di aerei diretti da Londra verso gli Stati Uniti. E insieme a Rashid, un discreto gruppetto di complici.

Ma quando gli attentati? Non certo in prossimità del 10 agosto, perché a quella data i sospetti, cioè i 24 arrestati, non avevano ancora nemmeno comprato i biglietti aerei. E molti di loro non avevano nemmeno i passaporti per andare negli Stati Uniti. Questa notizia è stata data alla NBC News da una fonte ufficiale britannica. Un'altra fonte dei servizi britannici ha riferito inoltre che molti dei sospetti erano sotto stretta sorveglianza da più d'un anno, cioè da prima degli attentati del luglio 2005. Ma, se erano sotto vigilanza, da dove viene la sorpresa e il clamore? E perché spiattellare tutto proprio alla vigilia del 10 agosto? Sempre NBC News rivela che la decisione di arrestarli subito, sebbene non ci fosse nessuna evidenza di pericolo immediato, “fu imposta dai funzionari di Washington”.

Ma cosa era accaduto, nel frattempo? Che, a Islamabad, Rashid Rauf aveva confessato. Perfino i giornali pakistani riferiscono che il giovanotto “è crollato” sotto gl'interrogatori. E tutti noi capiamo come vengano condotti gl'interrogatori della polizia politica pakistana. In altri termini: tortura. Il fatto che gli agenti americani e britannici non abbiano mosso ciglio di fronte a una confessione sotto tortura non deve destare stupore: è quello che loro stessi hanno fatto – o hanno permesso che si facesse a Guantanamo Bay, in Uzbekistan (rivelazioni molto dettagliate dell'ex ambasciatore britannico a Tashkent, Craig Murray), ad Abu Ghraib, a Damasco, al Cairo, a Kabul, etc.

In quelle condizioni si confessa qualsiasi cosa, ovviamente. E Rashid Rauf non poteva fare eccezione. Confessa anche, ad esempio, che gli aerei li avrebbero fatti saltare in aria fabbricando, sempre in aria, un esplosivo denominato TATP. Cioè perossido di idrogeno, acetone e acido solforico. Secondo la versione fornita dagl'inquirenti, i terroristi sarebbero saliti a bordo con questi tre elementi separati, tutti e tre liquidi, per sfuggire ai controlli dell'aeroporto. I componenti sarebbero poi stati mescolati insieme in una toilette dell'aereo, per produrre il micidiale esplosivo.

Sfortunatamente questa storia è totalmente impossibile, come hanno clamorosamente dimostrato gli esperti di esplosivi e come ha, con grande spirito umoristico, raccontato il giornalista americano Thomas C. Greene. Perché mettere insieme perossido di idrogeno (nella dovuta concentrazione, altamente infiammabile), con acetone, si può fare, ma richiede obbligatoriamente una temperatura inferiore ai 10 gradi centigradi , altrimenti il liquido risultante s'incendia subito. E l'incendio può ustionare il portatore, o i suoi vicini di sedile, ma non è un'esplosione e non può far cadere l'aereo. D'altro canto tenere sotto controllo una tale soluzione per diverse ore, in aereo, implica un sistema di refrigerazione molto preciso e anche molto ingombrante. Da portare, per giunta, nella toilette insieme ad alambicchi vari. Perché adesso viene in bello. Cioè il versamento dell'acido solforico nella data soluzione.

La qual cosa richiede, come minimo e preliminarmente, una maschera antigas e un paio di occhiali da subacqueo, perché il gas che ne fuoriesce è altamente corrosivo per gli occhi e letale se inspirato. Non solo, ma l'intera operazione, per raggiungere la quantità di esplosivo necessaria, richiede parecchie ore. E poi comporta altre due ore e mezzo circa di attesa affinché il composto chimico riesca a seccare, trasformandosi in piccolissimi cristalli simili a neve, prima di poter essere fatto detonare con un impulso elettrico.

Tutto questo, com'è evidente, richiede che, nel corso dell'intero volo, nessun passeggero venga a bussare alla porta della toilette; che nessun membro dell'equipaggio si insospettisca vedendo un passeggero entrare nella toilette con ingombranti apparecchiature, e poi assistendo, dall'esterno a una tale prolungata diarrea; che i fumi del gas letale, dall'odore caratteristico di acido solforico, non escano dalla toilette, soffocando i passeggeri dei sedili situati in prossimità della detta toilette.

Il mondo intero – come ha scritto Green – “è stato raggirato con un mito hollywoodiano di liquidi esplosivi binari, che ha guidato interi governi e determinato politiche. Cioè noi abbiamo reagito a un complotto cinematografico”. Pura fiction, evidentemente di grande successo.

Chi l'ha prodotta? Ecco, non sarebbe male ora tornare a bomba, come si usa dire, al progetto P2OG. Ce ne sono i motivi. Secondo la dettagliata analisi di Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed (1), che cita a sua volta il capo del bureau pakistano di Asia Times, Syed Shahzad, i cittadini britannici di origine pakistana arrestati a Lahore e Karachi in connessione con il complotto, erano tutti membri attivi del gruppo islamico britannico clandestino Al Muhajiroun, il cui capo è Omar Bakri Mohammed. Costui è ora in Libano, dove è stato “esiliato” dalle autorità britanniche sebbene figuri tra i sospettati per le esplosioni del 7 luglio 2005 a Londra. Non vi sembra strano che, avendolo in mano, gl'inglesi se lo siano fatto scappare? Risulterà meno strano quando si sappia che Omar Bakri Mohammed era un agente dell'MI6 britannico, reclutato alla metà degli anni '90 per reclutare, a sua volta, combattenti islamici per il Kosovo. Sempre secondo la stessa fonte sia la CIA che l'MI6 avrebbero da tempo loro agenti infiltrati all'interno del gruppo Al Muhajiroun.

Il tutto appare straordinariamente simile alla mission del gruppo P2OG: organizzare finti o veri attentati terroristici, penetrare all'interno dei gruppi terroristici per usarli a proprio piacimento. Ecco da dove viene la fiction nella quale tutti i media principali hanno immediatamente creduto, rivendendocela come realtà effettuale, contribuendo a organizzare la diversione.

Poi che succede? Che le prove non ci sono, che la “mente” del complotto, torturato a dovere, non viene neppure estradato in Inghilterra, forse perché non lo si può far vedere in pubblico. E succede anche che dei 23 arrestati solo 11 vengono formalmente incriminati, con accuse molto generiche di possesso di elementi atti a costruire bombe e possesso di video estremisti inneggianti al martirio. Due sono rimessi addirittura in libertà, gli altri 11 sono trattenuti in base alla legge antiterrorismo che prevede 28 giorni di detenzione anche senza un'accusa formale. Il ministro dell'interno britannico, John Reid, sta cercando di far passare un piccolo Patriot Act d'oltre Manica, per prolungare il fermo fino a 90 giorni, ma non risulta abbia chiesto l'estradizione di Rashid Rauf.

Ma ciascuno di noi dovrebbe sapere che è possibile, teoricamente, la sua incriminazione per terrorismo. Infatti potrebbe avere dell'acetone in bagno, per sciogliere lo smalto sulle unghie, e dell'acido solforico per sturare i lavandini, e del decolorante per capelli, che contiene, insieme al 97% di acqua, anche del perossido d'idrogeno. Infine tutti abbiamo un telefonino, potenzialmente adatto a innescare l'esplosivo risultante.

Resta una domanda, che spesso mi viene fatta quando cerco di spiegare che anche l'11 settembre è una colossale menzogna: “ma possibile che chi organizza questi spettacoli sia così stupido da lasciarsi dietro tante incongruenze?” La domanda è legittima, ma ingenua. Le incongruenze sono evidenti, ma le conosceranno in pochi. Quello che passa è la versione ufficiale, che crea l'ondata di panico opportuna per l'uso da parte dei poteri. Chi organizza queste cose non è affatto stupido: conosce il funzionamento dei media meglio di noi e anche meglio di molti direttori di giornali e di telegiornali.



=== ENGLISH ===

Terror hunt for 7/7 bomber's relative in Bosnian mosque
Mail on Sunday (London) - February 12, 2006 Sunday - By: NICK PISA

BRITAIN'S war on Muslim terror has switched to Sarajevo after claims that hundreds of second generation Pakistani and Afghan youths from the UK are being radicalised at the city's mosque... Chief among their concerns was evidence that has emerged about links between last year's July 7 bombers and another group plotting an attack on western embassies in Bosnia...


The Bosnian Jihad 
By Vojin Joksimovich, February 20, 2006

... The Clinton administration transported Al Qaeda’s mujahideen from Central Asia to Bosnia; encouraged the Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto to send a unit to Bosnia, which included British Pakistani involved in the 7/7 London bombings; gave a green light for transportation of Iranian arms to Bosnia; recruited mujahideen to fight the Serbs in Kosovo, etc...


A Balkan Base for Al Qaeda?
By Julia Gorin | FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE | (USA), March 20, 2006


The secret tapes and the strategy of tension in London

There is now even more evidence that the London bombers were connected to the British security establishment, just as the Madrid bombers were connected to the Spanish security establishment.  MI5 had secret tape recordings of one of the bombers discussing the building of a bomb, failed to properly monitor him, and then hid the existence of such tapes from the parliamentary intelligence and security committee, which investigated the attacks.  It wasn’t just that the MI5 innocently let the bombers slip through their hands by failing to know the importance of specific people. They knew exactly what was going on, and let it happen...


Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis - May 17, 2006


London Bombings - The Facts Speak For Themselves
(Joe Quinn, Signs of the Times)

...The facts are clear: there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism in terms of there being a world wide network of terrorists who want to "hurt civilised people everywhere". Any such suggestions should be seen for the clear Nazi party-style government propaganda that they are. All of this may sound like a joke, albeit a rather sick one, that the US, British and Israeli governments are perpetrating against the global population, but make no mistake, from their point of view, this is no joke - the 200,000 Iraqi civilians and the growing number of Palestinian civilians that have been butchered in the name of the 'war on Islamic terror' is a stark testimony to that fact. It's time (again) to wake up and stop blithely swallowing government lies and manipulations. Unnecessary and brutal war is being waged in your name and, until now, with your support. How long the killing continues is entirely - 100% - up to you...


New UK Look at Bosnia Terror
Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy. Alexandria: 2006.Vol.34, Iss. 1; pg. 3, 1 pgs

The UK Government made a major policy breakthrough by sending a team of investigators, to Sarajevo during the week of January 15-22, 2006, to investigate a "Bosnian link" to the London terrorist bombings of July 7, 2005, which killed 52 people...


The London Plot 
Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark
(Anwaar Hussain,  Fountainhead)

A huge 'terror plot’ has just been uncovered in London. "This was intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable scale" say the London Metropolitan police. Britain's terror alert, accordingly, has been ratcheted up to its highest-ever level with security services, military and police now on "severe specific" alert. Not to be left behind, even though the list of unanswered questions, irregularities, and discrepancies continues to grow with each passing hour, the obedient Western media jumped at the occasion ensuring a spate of spectacular cover stories and anti-Muslim tirade. As usual, though the facts are still coming in, the media is dutifully following the open-ended cues provided by the US and British governments, and reproducing the handed-down script without a pause for the facts to emerge fully...


The latest "terror plot"
(Eli Stephens, Left I on the News)

There isn't enough information yet to know if the latest "terror plot" was a real one, or yet another agent provocateur -induced, hyped-up phony. I just want to focus on one detail of the hype, which I have heard from several sources, because it comes straight from the U.K. police so it's being widely repeated: <i>UK police said they could have caused "mass murder on an unimaginable scale".</i> "Unimaginable"? Really? Blowing up nine planes is truly horrific, but the dead might total, what, 2000-3000? That's about the number that were killed in Iraq in just the last month, and pales before the number of Iraqis that have died since the U.S./British invasion...


Britain’s airline terror plot: Questions that need to be answered
(World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board)

The claim that American and British security forces have thwarted a terrorist plot to blow up commercial flights between Britain and the United States should not be accepted uncritically. It is impossible to determine at this point whether or not such an attack was in the offing, although the mass media have, as usual, reported the assertions of the British and American governments as indisputable fact, without bothering to ask for any specific information that would substantiate the official story. The British police statement that the alleged plotters aimed to "create mass murder on an unimaginable scale" by blowing up mid-flight an unspecified number of aircraft is chilling. The far-reaching security measures that have been implemented—including the shutdown of London’s Heathrow Airport and an indefinite ban on carry-on luggage—add to the climate of fear and apprehension...


The Pentagon's "Second 911" 
"Another [9/11] attack could create both a justification and an opportunity to retaliate against some known targets"

One essential feature of  "defense" in the case of a second major attack on America, is "offense", according to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff: "Homeland security is one piece of a broader strategy [which] brings the battle to the enemy."(DHS, Transcript of complete March 2005 speech of Secr. Michael Chertoff) In the month following last year's 7/7 London bombings, Vice President Dick Cheney is reported to have instructed USSTRATCOM to draw up a contingency plan "to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States". Implied in the contingency plan was the certainty that Iran would be behind a Second 9/11. This "contingency plan" used the pretext of a "Second 9/11", which has not yet happened, to prepare for a major military operation against Iran, while pressure was also exerted on Tehran in relation to its (non-existent) nuclear weapons program...


The UK Terror plot: what's really going on?
(Craig Murray)

I have been reading very carefully through all the Sunday newspapers to try and analyse the truth from all the scores of pages claiming to detail the so-called bomb plot. Unlike the great herd of so-called security experts doing the media analysis, I have the advantage of having had the very highest security clearances myself, having done a huge amount of professional intelligence analysis, and having been inside the spin machine. So this, I believe, is the true story. None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a plane ticket. Many did not even have passports, which given the efficiency of the UK Passport Agency would mean they couldn't be a plane bomber for quite some time...


It’s that’s time again – for another ‘terror plot’
(William Bowles , I'n'I)

"Sometimes we may have to modify some of our own freedoms in the short term in order to prevent their misuse and abuse by those who oppose our fundamental values and would destroy all of our freedoms in the modern world." – Home secretary, John Reid

It’s amazing really that nobody sees the paradox of Reid calling for the abolition of what’s left of our civil rights in order to preserve them but then there’s nothing logical about the 'war on terror’, it is itself a contradiction of terms. As to Reid’s notion of his "fundamental values" well, one assumes these include the wholesale destruction of societies and their peoples and standing by whilst his allies do the same...


The Anglo-American empire’s “next 9/11” will set up final war; “foiled” UK terror plot a propaganda dry run
(Larry Chin, Online Journal Associate Editor)

The August 10 report of a spectacular foiled UK-based super-terror plot, an alleged Operation Bojinka variation, has sparked an unprecedented round of 9/11-style fear and panic mongering throughout the world. This is a new attempt, at the highest levels of the Bush and Blair administrations, in concert with Pakistan’s ISI and Israel, to fabricate the justification for an escalation in the "war on terrorism" across the Middle East. This escalation will include an attack on Iran and Syria as early as October, and with even greater geostrategic violence to follow. Proof that Bush administration planning the next 9/11. Dick Cheney recently declared: "The enemy that struck on 9/11 is fractured and weakened, yet still lethal, still determined to hit us again." That is a concise description of Cheney’s own administration, and its intentions. And he knows it...


The Foiled UK Terror Plot and the "Pakistani Connection"
(Michel Chossudovsky, GlobalResearch.ca)

The announcement by the British Home Office of a foiled terror plot to simultaneously blow up as many as ten airplanes on transatlantic flights, conveys the impression that it is the Western World rather than the Middle East which is under attack.  Had the terrorist plot gone ahead as planned,  it would have resulted in "the loss of life on an unprecedented scale", said Home Secretary John Reid. (BBC, 10 August 2006).  "We are confident we have disrupted a plan by terrorists to cause untold death and destruction.... Put simply, this was intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable scale", said Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan police, Paul Stephenson. (Complete statement, 10 August 2006) The London terror warning has served to divert World public attention from the war in Lebanon and the atrocities committed by coalition forces in the Middle East...


Bomb Plot “Key Player” a CIA-ISI Asset
(Kurt Nimmo)

Leave it up to the corporate media to ignore the obvious and continue to push the original Brothers Grimm fairy tale about liquid bombers taking out jetliners because they hate our freedoms. For instance, the chief patsy in the supposed terror plot—a plot sans any compelling evidence, or for that matter any evidence, period—Rashid Rauf, "is a close relative of Jaish-e-Mohammed leader Masood Azhar," according to NDTV. Not mentioned here is the fact Jaish-e-Mohammed is a creature of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), that is to say the CIA...


The politics of the latest terror scare 
Neither the British nor the US government has produced facts to substantiate their claims
(Barry Grey, World Socialist Web Site)

Five days after UK authorities arrested 24 British-born Muslims and announced that they and their American counterparts had thwarted a plot to blow up trans-Atlantic flights from London to the US, neither the British nor the American government has produced any facts to substantiate their dire claims. No details of the supposed plot have been provided, and no hard evidence that would justify the arrest of so many people or the imposition of chilling security measures that had wreaked havoc at airports in the US and Britain...


Cave Dwelling Muslim Behind Liquid Bomb Non-Plot
(Kurt Nimmo)

Never mind that "liquid bombs" are fantastical nonsense, or there is no evidence those arrested—more accurately, disappeared—in Britain plotted to blow up planes (no bombs, no airline tickets, no passports), the corporate media, having established the now widely believed Brothers Grimm story of Muslim perfidy by way of household chemicals, has moved to the next level. "An al-Qaeda operative who masterminded the alleged plot to blow up airliners over the Atlantic is hiding in mountainous terrain in north-eastern Afghanistan, a Pakistan intelligence official has claimed," reports the Scotsman...


Mass murder in the skies: was the plot feasible?
(Thomas C Greene)

Binary liquid explosives are a sexy staple of Hollywood thrillers. It would be tedious to enumerate the movie terrorists who've employed relatively harmless liquids that, when mixed, immediately rain destruction upon an innocent populace, like the seven angels of God's wrath pouring out their bowls full of pestilence and pain. The funny thing about these movies is, we never learn just which two chemicals can be handled safely when separate, yet instantly blow us all to kingdom come when combined. Nevertheless, we maintain a great eagerness to believe in these substances, chiefly because action movies wouldn't be as much fun if we didn't. Now we have news of the recent, supposedly real-world, terrorist plot to destroy commercial airplanes by smuggling onboard the benign precursors to a deadly explosive, and mixing up a batch of liquid death in the lavatories...


"More Propaganda Than Plot" - Former British Ambassador on Alleged UK Terror Plot
(Democracy Now!)

...A judge in Britain has ruled police have until next week to continue to hold 23 suspects arrested in the alleged plot to blow up airplanes bound for the United States. British police arrested 24 people in raids last week. One person has since been released. No one has been charged with a crime. Questions have been raised over whether British authorities were pressured by the United States to make the arrests. A senior British official told NBC News that British police were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence. The British official suggested the attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. Some did not even have passports. Now, a former British ambassador is suggesting that the timing of the arrests has been deeply political and should be viewed with skepticism. Craig Murray is Britain's former ambassador to Uzbekistan. He was removed from the post two years ago in part  because of his outspoken criticism of Uzbekistan's human rights record...


Flying without liquids

...We will continue to be fooled by the politicians as long as they need to hide behind the 'war on terror’ in order to stay in power.  In this case, we have upcoming American elections coupled with Tony’s pressing problem of unpopular support for Israel’s massacre of Lebanese civilians.  Therefore, everyone else gets to pay with increasing inconvenience at the airports.  The joke is that the inconvenience stays at its highest levels until the airline executives manage to get their phone calls through to the politicians, when suddenly the terrorist threat is reduced a shade or two, just in time to save the airlines from bankruptcy. This political scam can continue as long as we agree to put up with it...


The British Terrorist Plot: Stage Two of the October Surprise
(Hassan El-Najjar)

...The announcement yesterday of a British terrorist plot to destroy ten US aircraft using liquid bombs can be considered the second stage of an October surprise. It aims at keeping the US voters in tense conditions, making them feel that the world is not safe around them. This, purportedly, may push them back towards the War Party, which has the reputation of being "strong on security." The timing of the announcement of such a terrorist plot should be received with skepticism and scrutiny, particularly because the pro-war corporate media have adopted the story and fully propagated it to death. The following are some points to be taken into consideration in scrutinizing the story. First, the announcement came just one day after the earthquake of defeating the symbol of war in the Democratic Party, Joe Lieberman, representing a determination among American voters to fire proponents of war in Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike. The announcement of the terrorist plot would serve as the Bush administration counterattack against the peace camp...


Fake Terror Obfuscates Lebanon and Iraq Failures
(Kurt Nimmo)

Unable to window dress the obvious failure to eradicate growing resistance in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan—even with the mighty propaganda power of a complaisant media—the neocon intelligence apparatus has staged yet another terrorist event, or would be terrorist event. "The 21 terrorist suspects arrested in the U.K. overnight had a 'well-advanced plan’ to detonate electronic devices or liquid explosives disguised as beverages or onboard U.S.-bound aircraft, a sophisticated plot suggestive of al-Qaeda, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said," reports Bloomberg. "The attacks were aimed at U.S.-bound planes of United Airlines, American Airlines and Continental Airlines at London’s Heathrow Airport, the Associated Press reported, citing unidentified [undoubtedly neocon] U.S. counter-terrorism officials in Washington."...


LIQUID TERROR: Training People To Act Like Subservient Slaves 
Terrorists planned to mix liquids so why are they all being poured into airport bins?
(Steve Watson / Infowars.net A)

The latest terror plot facade is nothing more than an exercise to assess how subservient the general population has become and a primer to making permanent the panicked and ridiculous freedom crushing security measures we are seeing being rushed into implementation at the moment. Whilst the government is saying there is no going back on these measures and that they will become permanent, the media is bleating about rushing in biometric retina scanners and Orwellian behaviour sensing technology. This is the only way they can do these things without backlash and protest, just have a major terror alert and rush them through. How is it that people can still deny that our governments are forwarding a big brother control agenda? ID cards, Biometric databases, retina scanners, face scanning cameras, behaviour sensing machines. The list goes on. It has been proven over and over that these measures will not help prevent terrorism, the government itself has even admitted this, so why do they relentlessly push them?...


Liquid Bombing the Constitution
(Kurt Nimmo)

Michael Chertoff, the Federalist Society gremlin and current bossman of the Ministry of Homeland Security, has it out for the Constitution. "We have to make sure our legal system allows us" to trash the Bill of Rights, Chertoff told the Associated Press. "It’s not like the 20th century, where you had time to get warrants." In order to create the proper environment for chucking the Constitution, the neocons are pushing hard on the latest incident of fake terrorism, a hyped non-attack led by a pregnant woman and a pizza delivery driver...


Crying Wolf: Terror Alerts based on Fabricated Intelligence

The British Home Office announced (August 10) that a "foiled terror plot" to simultaneously blow up as many as ten airplanes on transatlantic flights had been uncovered. So far Scotland Yard has not presented documentary evidence of this carefully coordinated suicide bombing operation. Confirmed by media reports, there is no evidence that the arrested suspects had actually purchased plane tickets which would have enabled them to undertake this operation. Several of the suspects did not even possess a passport. (Craig Murray, 14 August 2006).  Meanwhile, the feasibility of the plot ( at a technical-scientific level) has been questioned. No chemical labs were discovered, which might have confirmed that the suspects had the prior knowledge or skills to manufacture a triacetone triperoxide ( TATP) bomb, let alone their ability to appropriately mix the deadly liquid chemicals on board a transatlantic flight...


Fade to Black: Another Terror Plot Unravels
(Chris Floyd)

Pakistanis find no evidence against 'terror mastermind’
From the Daily Mail: 
Rashid Rauf, whose detention in Pakistan was the trigger for the arrest of 23 suspects in Britain, has been accused of taking orders from Al Qaeda’s 'No3’ in Afghanistan and sending money back to the UK to allow the alleged bombers to buy plane tickets. But after two weeks of interrogation, an inch-by-inch search of his house and analysis of his home computer, officials are now saying that his extradition is 'a way down the track’ if it happens at all. It comes amid wider suspicions that the plot may not have been as serious, or as far advanced, as the authorities initially claimed. Analysts suspect Pakistani authorities exaggerated Rauf’s role to appear 'tough on terrorism’ and impress Britain and America. A spokesman for Pakistan’s Interior Ministry last night admitted that 'extradition at this time is not under consideration’.
Wow, who would have thought it? You mean there might be less than meets the eye about the Great London Bomb Plot, when George W. Bush singlehandedly foiled the imminent death of thousands of people by using his super-president powers of warrantless wiretapping?...


Pakistan's ISI assists Scotland Yard, while also supporting the terror network

According to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee (July 2004 Hearings), Pakistan's Military intelligence has played a key role in developing the Islamic terror network with financial assistance provided by Saudi Arabia. (Committee on Senate Foreign Relations, Hearings, July 14, 2004). More recently, The Nixon Center (July 2005) has confirmed that the ISI still supports the main Kashmiri Islamic groups including Lashkar-e-Tiaba and  Jaish-e-Muhammad. Recent Indian Press reports provide concrete evidence and details regarding the ISI's links to Lashkar e Taiba, which is suspected of having played a key role in the foiled UK terror plot:. Reports suggest that LeT operational commander had meetings with ISI's top brass...


The Liquid Bomb Hoax: The Larger Implications
(James Petras, www.dissidentvoice.org)

The charges leveled by the British, US and Pakistani regimes that they uncovered a major bomb plot directed against nine US airlines is based on the flimsiest of evidence, which would be thrown out of any court, worthy of its name.  An analysis of the current state of the investigation raises a series of questions regarding the governments’ claims of a bomb plot concocted by 24 Brits of Pakistani origin.  The arrests were followed by the search for evidence, as the August 12, 2006 Financial Times states: "The police set about the mammoth task of gathering evidence of the alleged terrorist bomb plot yesterday." (FT, August 12/, 2006) In other words, the arrests and charges took place without sufficient evidence -- a peculiar method of operation -- which reverses normal investigatory procedures in which arrests follow the "monumental task of gathering evidence."  If the arrests were made without prior accumulation of evidence, what were the bases of the arrests?...


Apocalypse Now or Pack of Lies?
UK Airport Terror Plot
(Felicity Arbuthnot**)

On September 11, 2001, when Prime Minister Blair announced, in the wake of the disaster of the Twin Towers — apparently without discussing Britain's stance with his Cabinet and with no debate in Parliament — that Britain stood "shoulder to shoulder" with the United States, the refrain on the street, on the bus, among friends was broadly "thanks a bunch, Tony, we are all targets now." Inspite of the outpouring of sympathy for innocent lives lost, people were mindful of possible reasons, such as the 21 countries attacked or destabilized by America since 1945. Yet when London's bombings of July 7, 2005, took place, grief and sadness were accompanied by huge doses of cynicism...


The truth about the "Terror Plot".... and the new "pseudo-terrorism"
(Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Online Journal Contributing Writer)

I am disappointed to say that so far there has been very little serious critical discussion, grounded in factual analysis, of the alleged "Terror Plot" foiled on the morning of Wednesday, 10th August 2006. Except for a few noteworthy comment pieces, such as Craig Murray’s critical speculations published by the Guardian 18th August., the mainstream media has largely subserviently parroted the official claims of the British and American governments. This is a shame, because inspection of the facts raises serious problems for the 10/8 official narrative...

=== DEUTSCH ===

Die Balkan-Spur

Der mutmaßliche Drahtzieher der Terroranschläge vom 7. Juli 2005 in London war für den britischen Geheimdienst MI 6 im Kosovo aktiv

Von Jürgen Elsässer - junge Welt 28.04.2006 / Thema / Seite 10

... Der Sprengstoff wird vor allem in den USA hergestellt, aber es gibt Beweise, daß militärischer Sprengstoff von Terroristengruppen auch aus Quellen in Kroatien und anderswo auf dem Balkan besorgt worden ist.« Nach Gesprächen mit britischen Kollegen gab auch Christophe Chaboud, Leiter einer französischen Koordinationsstelle zur Terrorbekämpfung, einen entsprechenden Hinweis auf »Schmuggel, zum Beispiel vom Balkan«...
# Vorabdruck eines Kapitels, um das Jürgen Elsässers Buch »Wie der Dschihad nach Europa kam. Gotteskrieger und Geheimdienste auf dem Balkan« in der französischen Fassung ergänzt wird. »Comment le Djihad est arrivé en Europe« (Editions Xenia) wird am 2. Mai auf der Genfer Buchmesse vorgestellt (11.30 Uhr, Club suisse de la presse, 106 route de Ferney, Genève). Das deutsche Buch kann über den jW-Shop, die französische sowie die serbische Ausgabe direkt über den Autor (info@...) bezogen werden. 


Augenzeugen, die kein Gehör finden sollen
Jürgen Elsässer, jW 07.07.2006

Sprengladungen unter den Zügen? Berichte von 7/7-Überlebenden widersprechen der ­offiziellen Theorie ... « In seinem Bericht, der dann auf der Website des Guardian erschien, berichtete Honigsbaum folgerichtig, daß es eine Explosion »unter dem Zug« gegeben habe und daß einige Passagiere ihm erzählt hatten, »wie die Bodenplatten, der Fußboden des Zuges in die Luft flog, hochgehoben wurde«...


Man ließ es geschehen
Jürgen Elsässer, jW 07.07.2006

Die regierungsoffiziellen Untersuchungsberichte zu den Londoner Anschlägen am 7. Juli 2005 ­verschweigen, daß der Haupttäter lange vorher überwacht wurde ... Ahmed weist in seinem Buch nach, daß die Verwicklung des mutmaßlichen Anführers der Selbstmordbomber Mohamed Sidique Khan »in einen Terrorplan, der einen möglichen (kurz bevorstehenden) Anschlag auf das Untergrundnetz einschloß, der CIA, dem FBI, dem MI-5 und dem MI-6 bekannt waren«. MI-5 und MI-6 sind der britische Inlands- bzw. Auslandsgeheimdienst... Ein gewisser Haroon Ra­shid Aswat, ein Brite pakistanischer Herkunft, der in den neunziger Jahren Moslems von der Insel für den bosnischen Dschihad rekrutiert und später im Auftrag des MI-6 Unterstützung für die kosovoalbanische Terrorbewegung UCK organisiert hat. Aswat reiste zwei
Wochen vor 7/7 in Großbritannien ein und wenige Stunden vor dem Inferno
wieder aus...


Fiktiver Terror, realer Krieg
Jürgen Elsässer, jW 15.08.2006

... Wie der Londoner Guardian in seiner Ausgabe vom 13.August meldete, hatte kein einziger der Festgenommenen irgendwelche Flugtickets bestellt oder gekauft. Was machte sie also verdächtig? Einzig Telefonanrufe und E-Mails. Kleine Kostprobe: »Sie benutzten unverfängliche Codewörter, blumige Begriffe wie ›Korinthen‹, die in der arabischen Sprache oft als Synonyme für Sprengstoff verwandt werden.« (Spiegel) So wie Korinthenkacker in der deutschen als Synonym für pingelige Kleinscheißer, die ihren Arsch für jeden verkaufen? ...

=== FRANCAIS ===

11 JUILLET 2006

Attentats de Londres : Tony Blair s’oppose à toute enquête judiciaire

Alors que le Royaume-Uni célèbre dans la douleur le 1er anniversaire des attentats qui endeuillèrent Londres ( http://www.voltairenet.org/article17478.html ) les 7 et 22 juillet 2005, le Premier ministre Tony Blair a réaffirmé son opposition à l’ouverture d’une enquête judiciaire sur ces événements.

M. Blair et son ministre de l’Intérieur s’étaient déjà exprimé en ce sens en décembre ( http://www.voltairenet.org/article132499.html ) , mais il leur faut faire face à la pression grandissante des familles de victimes et des associations musulmanes. Selon Tony Blair une telle enquête serait coûteuse et inutile car elle « nous dira ce que nous savons déjà : 4 individus sont venus et ont commis ce crime ».

« Il n’y avait pas de surveillance de la CIA sur Mohammed Sidique Khan [l’un des présumés kamikazes] pour l’empêcher d’aller aux États-unis ; il n’y avait pas d’appareil de surveillance caché dans sa voiture avant les attentats ; il n’y a pas eu d’informations données à la police avant le 7 juillet leur disant ce à quoi il devait s’attendre. Chacun de ces arguments sont tout simplement faux », s’est-il justifié.

Cependant ce n’est pas sur ces éléments que portent les objections des chercheurs, tel que les présente Nafeez Mosaddecq Ahmed dans The London Bombings : An Independent Inquiry. ( http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0715635832/026-3760938-8086001?v=glance&n=266239 )

La seule enquête de police réalisée sur les faits ( http://www.voltairenet.org/article137794.html ) a montré que les personnes soupçonnées d’être les terroristes n’étaient pas liées à un réseau international, mettant à bas toute la rhétorique du gouvernement Blair.

En outre, les investigations conduites par le Conseil de l’Europe sur « les vols secrets de la CIA » ont montré que le MI6 britannique a enlevé en Grèce et fait disparaître une cinquantaine d’immigrés pakistanais qui étaient soupçonnés détenir des informations sur les attentats de Londres.

Il n’y aura donc pas d’enquête et il n’y a plus de témoins.



Fabriquez vous-mêmes votre bombe au TATP

par Thomas C. Greene | Washington DC (États-Unis) | Controverses | Le complot terroriste déjoué le 10 août 2006 par le gouvernement Blair n’a guère de crédibilité. Non sans humour, le romancier Tom Greene imagine les difficultés d’un jihadiste pour embarquer discrétement son matériel à bord d’un avion de ligne et s’isoler trois heures dans les toilettes pour fabriquer son explosif...


L’alerte terroriste inquiète les Britanniques, sauf Tony Blair

... Le premier ministre Tony Blair n’a pas cédé à l’hystérie collective ... Il n’a

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