(è il nome del piano del Pentagono per la infiltrazione e l'uso di
gruppi terroristici, in Iraq e non solo)

<< ...if it so, then the Sunni militants and the Bush Faction have
the same goal in the current operation: to provoke the Mahdi Army
into action so it can then be destroyed by American forces.
(Here one cannot help but recall the Pentagon's plan to set up the
"Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG)," designed to
"infiltrate terrorist groups" and "stimulate" them into action, in
order to flush them out and destroy them. The plan was first
uncovered by William Arkin in 2002. For more, see Into the Dark: The
Pentagon Plan to Foment Terrorism - http://
foment.html -, and Ulster on the Euphrates: The Anglo-American Dirty
War in Iraq - http://www.chris-floyd.com/index.php?
option=com_content&task=view&id=1034&Itemid=135 )... >>

source : http://www.atlanticfreepress.com/content/view/997/32/

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