(english / italiano / srpskohrvatski)


(Sul numero di ieri del Washington Post Richard Hoolbrooke tesseva
sperticati elogi del nuovo inviato speciale USA in Kosovo, Frank
Wisner. Rick Rozoff è andato a trovare la biografia del padre di
questi: alto funzionario della CIA, ebbe un ruolo centrale tra
l'altro nei piani di "sovversione contro Stati ostili" - testuale -
nel corso della Guerra Fredda...)


U danasnjem broju Vassington Post-a Ricard Holbruk u rubrici za
"goste" odnosno spoljne saradnike, naveliko hvali novog severno-
americkog "vrlog specijalnog izaslanika, ambasadora Frenka Visnera.
Evo ssta "Wikipedia" belezi o ocu tog "vrlog izaslanika".

Ukratko, otac je radio za CIA (Centrala spijunske agenture) i bio
nacelnik njene Direkcije za Planove.
Spijunirao je kao pocetnik protiv SSSR-a u Turskoj i Rumuniji.
Kasnije na najodgovornijem polozaju u Centrali, nalazimo ga u
prvorazrednoj ulozi nosioca strategije miniranja demokratskog poretka
u Iranu (Mosadeka) i u Guatemali (Jacopa Arbenca).
Kao nacelnik pomenute direkcije, 1952. je smislio svojevrsni program
pod nazivom "Mokingb'rd" (u prevodu :"laz-ptica") prosto receno, plan
za stratesko dezinformisanje, domace i strane javnosti. Planom su
bili obuhvaceni svi scenariji subverzivnog i teroristickog delovanja,
doslovce: "propaganda, ekonomski rat, preventivna neposredna
delatnost, kao sto su sabotaza i kontra-sabotaza, miniranje i
evakuacija, zatim subverzivna delatnost protiv neprijateljskih
drzava, sto ukljucuje jos i pomoc ilegalnim grupama i
antikomunistickim elementima u zemljama slobodnog sveta."

(OJ 14/3/07)


From: r_rozoff
Subject: US Kosovo Plot: Frank Wisner, Senior And Junior
Date: March 14, 2007 2:26:32 AM GMT+01:00

In a 'guest' feature in today's Washington Post the
sociopath and twice-almost US secretary of state
Richard Holbrooke lauded the US's current hitman on
Kosovo as "superb special envoy, Ambassador Frank

Here is some background on the father of the 'superb

Frank Gardiner Wisner (1910 – October 29, 1965) was
the head of the Directorate of Plans of the Central
Intelligence Agency.

After graduating Wisner worked as a Wall Street
lawyer. However, he soon became bored and enlisted in
the United States Navy. He worked in the Navy's
censor's office until he was able to get a transfer to
the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). He was
stationed first in Turkey, and then in Romania, with
his main assignement being to spy on the Soviet Union.

He was recruited in 1947 by Dean Acheson to join the
State Department's Office of Occupied Territories.

In 1948, the CIA created a covert action wing,
innocuously called the Office of Policy Coordination.
Frank Wisner was put in charge of the operation and
recruited many of his old friends from Carter Ledyard
[law firm].

According to its secret charter, its responsibilities
include "propaganda, economic warfare, preventive
direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage,
demolition and evacuation procedures; subversion
against hostile states, including assistance to
underground resistance groups, and support of
indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened
countries of the free world."

Later that year Wisner established Operation
Mockingbird, a program to influence the domestic and
foreign media. In 1952, he became head of the
Directorate of Plans, with Richard Helms as his chief
of operations. This office had control of 75% of the
CIA budget. In this position, he was instrumental in
bringing about the fall of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran
and Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala.



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