(Rivelazioni di un militare della disciolta RF di Jugoslavia, che racconta di essere stato rapito nell'aprile 1999 dall'UCK in Kosovo e di essere stato di qui trasferito... a Mannheim, nelle grinfie degli aggressori NATO. Un "caso-Guantanamo" ante litteram?)



ADN Kronos International (Italy)
February 20, 2007


Belgade - A Serbian soldier who says he spent over 30
days in a CIA jail in Mannheim air base in Germany
eight years ago, has told his story including how he
was first taken prisoner by members of the Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) on the Albanian border in April
1999, taken to a prison in Albania and later handed
transported by plane to Germany and handed over to the

Boban Milenkovic, from the southern Serbian town of
Vranje, told Belgrade daily Politika he was tortured,
humiliated, and threatened with a knife by his
interrogators in Albania.

Then he was tied up and blindfolded, and taken to
Manneheim air base, where he was interrogated by
American officers.

"The torturing has stopped, but the threats and
humiliations continued,” Milenkovic said.

He shared a cell with another Serbian soldier Sefko
Tairovic and neither had any idea where they were
being held for several days, until interpreters
revealed to them the location.

He said his parents had been informed that he was
killed and never got any of his letters.

The Americans interrogated him about the positions and
strength of the Serbian army and tried to get out of
him other military secrets which he didn’t know, he
said. In return, they were promising the prisoners to
help them to emigrate to South America, or any country
they choose.

After spending almost a month in a CIA jail,
Milenkovic said he and Tairovic were transported by
plane to Budapest and then by a military vehicle to
the Serbian border. "When I saw the nameplate of my
country at the border, I though I would die from joy,”
he said.

Milenkovic said he decided to break eight years of
silence to let the world know "what has been happening
on the European soil, and is perhaps still happening”
in the name of "the false American democracy."

In 1999 NATO carried out airstrikes against Serbia to
stop the persecution by Serbian forces of ethnic
Albanians in Kosovo.

(source: R. Rozoff through http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stopnato )