La Serbia, neo colonia della Nato, brucia da più di dieci giorni. E visto che l'esercito non esiste che per fare gli affari della Nato, non è stato nemmeno capace di spegnere il fuoco causato dal vento e dal caldo infernale.

Dalla vicinissima Bondsteel, la base degli USA, non è arrivato aiuto alcuno! Alla Serbia di Kostunica, quello che gli USA misero al potere, è venuta in aiuto la Russia, ed il fuoco è stato spento dopo tre giorni.
Senza l'intervento della Russia, la Serbia non ce l'avrebbe fatta.
Di seguito la notizia dell' agenzia Interfax dalla quale apprendiamo che il fuoco è stato infine spento grazie agli aerei Ilyushin.

(a cura di Olga)


July 28, 2007

Russian airplane fights wildfires in Serbia for three days

MOSCOW - A Russian firefighting airplane finished a
three-day deployment to Serbia to fight forest fires
and left for Moscow on Saturday while another Russian
firefighting plane is preparing to leave for
Montenegro on Sunday, Russia's Emergency Situations
Ministry said.

The ministry's Ilyushin Il-76TD has carried out 19
flights in the vicinity of the Serbian city of Nis,
spending a total of 12 hours and 20 minutes in the air
and dropping 798 tonnes of water, ministry spokesman
Viktor Beltsov told Interfax. 


Government of Serbia
July 27, 2007

Kostunica talks with Russian fire fighting plane crew

Belgrade – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica
met today with members of the Russian fire fighting
plane crew, which the Russian Ministry for Emergency
Situations sent to help Serbia in extinguishing fires.

Kostunica expressed gratitude to the eleven member
crew of the Russian plane for the enormous help they
provided to Serbia in extinguishing fires, and
stressed that their help was of great importance.

The Serbian Prime Minister said that Serbia and her
people value this generous gesture of brotherly
solidarity by Russia, and due to their help we
succeeded in extinguishing the fires.

Kostunica said that relations between Serbia and
Russia and the two peoples are historical and firm and
that is confirmed in moments of need, such as now when
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Minister
of Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu sent the fire
fighting plane.

The Serbian Prime Minister invited members of the crew
to come to Serbia with their families on holidays.

Crew members of the Russian plane thanked the Prime
Minister for the reception and stressed that they are
always ready to help Serbia which is a brotherly

Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Alexeyev
stressed that Russia shares solidarity with the
brotherly Serbian nation and Russian leadership
attaches special importance to relations with Serbia.

The meeting between the crew of the Russian plane was
also attended by Serbian Minister of Interior Dragan


Source: R. Rozoff via Stop NATO: