(segnaliamo alcuni collegamenti al e sul recente film-documentario di Michael Moore SICKO, che denuncia la vergogna del sistema sanitario degli Stati Uniti d'America - dove se non hai soldi puoi crepare anche per una banale infezione. Per aver girato parti di questo lavoro anche a Cuba, dove viceversa l'assistenza sanitaria è pubbblica, gratuita, garantita e di ottimo livello, Moore  è stato incriminato ed è adesso sotto processo...)

### M. Moore's SICKO on US Health Insurance criminals (LINKS) ###

Regardez le documentaire de Michael Moore intitulé SiCKO sur le système de santé des États-Unis.  
Regardez-le pendant qu'il est encore sur Internet:

Michael Moore's documentary SiCKO online now!

Watch Michael Moore's documentary SiCKO on the US Healthcare system.  Watch it quick... while its available. 



Synopsis of the movie:

Writer/producer Michael Moore interviews Americans who have been denied treatment by our health care insurance companies -- companies who sacrifice essential health services in order to maximize profits. The consequences for the individual subscribers range from bankruptcy to the unnecessary deaths of loved ones.
Moore then looks at universal free health care systems in Canada, France, Britain, and Cuba, debunking all the fears (lower quality of care, poorer compensation for doctors, big-government bureaucracy) that have been used to dissuade Americans from establishing such a system here. The roots of those health care systems are explored, and our failure to establish free health here care is traced to a) President Richard Nixon's deceptive support of the then-emerging HMOs pursuing huge profits and b) subsequent pressures for Congress to sacrifice sound health care in favor of corporate profit.
A group of Americans who became ill from volunteering at 911 Ground Zero, but were refused health coverage for their illnesses, are ferried by Moore to Cuba, where they receive the top-rate, free care one would hope they'd get here at home.
In his interviews, historical reportage, and typical sarcastic wit, Moore soundly condemns American health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, as well as the politicians who have been paid millions to do their bidding. He makes the case that there is something wrong with Americans that we cannot learn from the successes of other countries in providing better quality-of-health than we enjoy in the USA.


Michael Moore Subpoenaed by Bush Administration

Michael Moore said on Thursday that the Bush administration has served him with a subpoena regarding his trip to Cuba during the making of his new film, "Sicko," reports United Press International.

SiCKO entertains, educates and mobilizes 

Filmmaker Michael Moore has grabbed hold of the nightmarish reality of the U.S. for-profit health care system and presents a powerful critique in what is his most effective documentary to date, "SiCKO."

'Sicko' are lack of health care & the war 

The Campaign for Healthcare, Not Warfare, a project of the Troops Out Now Coalition, launched an effort inspired in part by the recent movie "Sicko" to demand the war be shut down and health care be made free for everyone.

VIDEO | Health Care for All
By Geoffrey Millard, Lance Page and Scott Galindez

The Campaign for America's Future, sponsors of the annual "Take Back America Conference," announced that they are launching a campaign called "Health Care for All." Truthout was there and we interviewed Ned Lamont and Congressional candidate Donna Edwards who were part of the launching of the campaign.


From:   actioncenter @ action-mail . org
Subject: The war is "SICKO" too...another reason to march on Sept 29th
Date: July 9, 2007 1:58:31 AM GMT+02:00

Another reason to March on September 29th...


Did you know?

One fourth of the Iraq war budget alone could fund healthcare for every uninsured person in this country.

Think what the trillions of dollars wasted on war, 
occupation and destruction could do for the people:

•    Provide free medicine for all of our seniors and chronically ill.

•    Change the dismal statistics of infant mortality in major cities like Detroit, Baltimore and Washington D.C. where the mortality rates for African American and poor children rival impoverished countries abroad;

•    Stop the epidemic of hospital closings;

•    It could provide healthcare and treatment for the physical and psychological trauma that the survivors of Katrina and Rita are still suffering from;

•    Make healthcare for low wage workers and immigrant families a priority.

While the war is bleeding us at home it is miniscule in comparison to the bloodshed, misery and pain that is being inflicted on the Iraqi people.  The Lancet medical journal documented that 655,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed during the war (Oct, 2006).  The health of the Iraqi people and the entire region has been destroyed.  Solidarity demands that we act now to stop the war, end the occupation and bring the troops home now!


2) Become a volunteer organizer:

3) Donate:

4) Download "Healthcare and the War are Sicko" leaflets at: http://troopsoutnow.org/HWN.pdf

Or call or write us at:  
Campaign for Healthcare, Not Warfare, 
c/o TONC, 
55 W. 17th St. 5C, 
New York, NY 10011  

Distribute flyers at Michael Moore’s new movie “SICKO” 

Download pdf’s of the flyer here:

This movie is a step forward in pushing the issue of universal healthcare on the national arena.  It is a hard-hitting, uncompromising exposure of the corporate greed of the so-called “healthcare” industry that has caused so many people endless, unnecessary and cruel suffering.  SICKO shows that healthcare should be a right and that it is possible for all if profit is taken out the equation.