(english / italiano)

Mentre gli alleati della NATO stuprano una giovane serba a Gracanica, presso Pristina (vedi dispaccio ADN Kronos del 21/8, più sotto), il famigerato International Crisis Groups, lobby di cui proprio Ahtisaari è presidente emerito, proclama con protervia:


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 21 AGO - I piu' importanti Paesi dell'Ue devono essere pronti ad affiancare gli Usa nell'eventuale riconoscimento unilaterale dell'indipendenza del Kosovo, se necessario aggirando l'Onu, pena lo spettro di ''un nuovo conflitto sanguinoso'' nei Balcani. Lo si legge in un rapporto dai toni apocalittici diffuso oggi con ampia pubblicita' a Pristina e stilato dall'International Crisis Group: un influente think-tank animato da veterani - Democratici e Repubblicani - della politica e della diplomazia Usa. Nel rapporto, pubblicato a Bruxelles e ripreso in sintesi a Belgrado dall'agenzia Tanjug, si evoca una situazione di ''caos alle porte'' se le ambizioni secessioniste della maggioranza albanese della provincia serba - sostenute a spada tratta da Washington e avversate strenuamente da Belgrado e da Mosca - non verranno soddisfatte in tempi brevi. ''I rischi di una inazione europea sono sostanziali'', scrivono gli autori del documento, invitando l'Ue a non fare affidamento sull'estremo tentativo negoziale intrapreso in questi giorni dalla troika euro-russo-americana designata dal Gruppo di Contatto (Usa, Russia, Germania, Francia, Italia e Gran Bretagna) dopo lo stop imposto da Mosca in Consiglio di Sicurezza al controverso piano di ''indipendenza sorvegliata'' del Kosovo partorito a suo tempo con il placet dell'Occidente dall'ex emissario dell'Onu Martti Ahtisaari. Secondo l'International Crisis Group, se il Cremlino manterra' la sua opposizione, i maggiori Paesi dell'Ue dovranno ''prendersi la responsabilita' '' di riconoscere unilateralmente con gli Usa l'indipendenza sorvegliata della provincia. Altrimenti il rischio paventato e' quello di uno smembramento di fatto del Kosovo, a dispetto dei rifiuti ufficiali delle ipotesi di spartizione ribaditi negli ultimi giorni - con opposte motivazioni - sia dalla leadership albanese sia da quella serba. Nel rapporto si sostiene che in mancanza di appoggi occidentali, Pristina proclamera' autonomamente la sua indipendenza gia' ''prima della fine del 2008''. E che in caso di ''una proclamazione priva di sostegno (europeo), il Kosovo si spacchera': con l'annessione alla Serbia di una fetta di territorio a Nord del fiume Ibar, la fuga degli ultimi serbi dal resto della provincia e lo spreco di 8 anni di lavoro istituzionale della comunita' internazionale''. LR
21/08/2007 17:14 

From:   r_rozoff
Subject: ICG Spook Tank: Tear Kosovo From Serbia, Turn It Over To NATO, EU
Date: August 21, 2007 9:57:32 PM GMT+02:00
To:   stopnato @ yahoogroups.com

1) International Crisis Group: NATO, US, EU Should
Scorn Russia, Brush Off UN, International Law, Create
Ethnically-Pure Narco-State In Europe
2) Portents Of 'Independent' Kosovo
3) Hungarian Prime Minister: Serbia's Interests Must
Be Taken Into Account On Kosovo


International Crisis Group
Chairman emeritus: Martti Ahtisaari
Board members: Morton Abramowitz, George Soros,
Kenneth Adelman, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Wesley Clark,
Joschka Fischer, Leslie H. Gelb, Samantha Power, inter

ADN Kronos International (Italy)
August 21, 2007

Kosovo: 'Bloody and destabilising conflict' if
independence denied

-"The preferred strategy of bringing Kosovo to
supervised independence through the United Nations
Security Council has failed, following Russia's
declared intention to veto, and a new round of
negotiations between Pristina and Belgrade will most
likely lead nowhere."
-"In April/May 2008, Kosovo would be conditionally
independent, under EU and NATO supervision," the
think-tank said.

Pristina and Brussels - Europe risks a new bloody and
destabilising conflict unless the EU spearheads
breakaway Muslim-majority Kosovo's drive to supervised
independence by April/May 2008, a Brussels-based
think-tank warned in a report published on Tuesday.

“The EU has a ticking time-bomb in its own backyard”,
said Alexander Anderson, the International Crisis
Group’s Kosovo Project Director.

“The sooner the EU, or a significant majority of its
member states, declares itself ready to back an
independent Kosovo, the better the chances of
forestalling disaster," he added.

The comments accompanied 'Breaking the Kosovo
Stalemate: Europe’s Responsibility', the latest report
from the International Crisis Group. The report
analyses the key role of the EU in protracted
international efforts to resolve the future status of
Kosovo, which has been under United Nations control
since 1999.

Four more months of have been mandated by France,
Germany, Italy, Britain and staunch Serb ally Russia,
after Serbia's refusal to accept a UN plan backing
independence for Kosovo - an outcome demanded by its
90 percent ethnic Albanian majority.

The talks are due to resumed in Vienna later this

"The preferred strategy of bringing Kosovo to
supervised independence through the United Nations
Security Council has failed, following Russia's
declared intention to veto, and a new round of
negotiations between Pristina and Belgrade will most
likely lead nowhere," said the report.

"This leaves the EU - with the most to lose from
renewed violent conflict in the Balkans - before
crucial decisions."

"Europe tragically failed the former Yugoslavia in the
1990s. Now it has a second chance to show it can be an
effective actor in the Balkans," said Sabine Freizer,
Crisis Group's Europe director.

"If it is incapable once again, it would almost
certainly lead to bloodshed and renewed regional chaos
that would blow back into Central and Western Europe
in the form of refugees and stronger organised crime

The think-tank recommended that if no agreed solution
emerges "as is overwhelmingly likely," EU, US and NATO
need begin implementing need to be ready to start
coordinated action with the Kosovo government to
implement top UN envoy Martti Ahtisaari's blocked
independence plan, including its recommended 120
transition period.

"That period should be used to accumulate recognition
of the conditionally independent state from many
governments; to adopt and set in place the
state-forming legislation and related institutions
foreseen by the Ahtisaari plan," it said.

"In April/May 2008, Kosovo would be conditionally
independent, under EU and NATO supervision," the
think-tank said.

"Not all EU member states need to recognise Kosovo
during the transition or even in April 2008," it

ADN Kronos International (Italy)
August 21, 2007

Kosovo: Serbian girl raped in Gracanica

-Ethnic Albanians outnumber the remaining Serbs by 17
to one, but over 200,000 Serbs have reportedly fled
the province since 1999.
More than 2,000 have been killed or listed as missing.

Pristina – A Serbian girl has been raped and her
companion beaten in the Kosovo village of Gracanica
amid rising ethnic tensions in Serbia’s breakaway
province, police said on Tuesday.

Police spokesman Agron Borovci said that a Serbian
couple, Irena Keselj and her companion Srecko
Djurovic, were stopped on a road by three men on
Monday night.

They are alleged to have first beaten Djurovic, then
locked him in the boot of the car and raped the girl.

The attackers later stole Djurovic’s vehicle and
dropped off the couple in the nearby village of

Gracanica is a predominantly Serb enclave, surrounded
by ethnic Albanian villages on the outskirts of
Pristina, famous for its 12th century monastery.

Ethnic Albanians, who are seeking independence from
Serbia, have grown impatient since Russia blocked a
plan by the chief United Nations negotiator Martti
Ahtisaari in the Security Council, that would grant
Kosovo internationally supervised independence.

While talks are continuing, ethnic Albanians have
threatened further violence if their demands are not
met in the near future.

Kosovo has been under UN control since 1999. Ethnic
Albanians outnumber the remaining Serbs by 17 to one,
but over 200,000 Serbs have reportedly fled the
province since 1999.

More than 2,000 have been killed or listed as missing.


Associated Press
August 21, 2007

Serbia's interests must be considered in Kosovo
solution, Hungary's premier says

BUDAPEST, Hungary - The stability of Serbia must be
considered during discussions to decide the future of
Kosovo, Hungary's prime minister said Tuesday after
talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

"It is necessary to handle together the issues of
Kosovo's independence and Serbian stability," Ferenc
Gyurcsany said. "We should not allow the international
community to forget that there needs to be peace and
tranquility in Serbia as well."

Kosovo, formally remains a southern province of
Serbia, though the territory has been a NATO and U.N.
protectorate since the end of the war between Serb
forces and ethnic Albanian separatists in 1999.

Earlier this month, envoys from the United States, the
European Union and Russia launched a 120-day effort to
end the impasse over Kosovo after Russia's threat to
block in the U.N. Security Council a Western-backed
plan to grant the province internationally supervised
independence. Talks are slated to end Dec. 10.
Serbia's Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica is to visit
Hungary, Serbia's northern neighbor, at the end of


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