Yugoslavia poised to resume diplomatic relations with U.S.

Kostunica: Ties with U.S. 'restored in days'
November 2, 2000
Web posted at: 3:20 PM EST (2020 GMT)

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (CNN) -- President Vojislav Kostunica has revealed
that Yugoslavia will restore diplomatic relations with the United States in "a
matter of days."

In an exclusive interview with CNN's Alessio Vinci on Thursday, Kostunica
said: "Very soon, it is practically a matter of days, week or so.

"I do not know how much time it will take. First of all we must have a new

Kostunica was speaking as the Belgrade press hailed Yugoslavia's entry into
the United Nations as a sign that the country had "rejoined the world."

In Serbia, several papers gave credit to the new leadership for moving
speedily to get Yugoslavia into the world body after eight years on the
margins under former president Slobodan Milosevic.

The 189-member General Assembly's unanimous decision, in the middle of
the night in Europe, to admit Yugoslavia came too late for newspapers to
produce considered commentaries on its wider significance, but the
coverage was prominent and positive.

Uprising in Serbia

. Milosevic profile
. Kostunica profile
. Ambition and wealth
. Timeline 1945-2000
. Shrinking of Yugoslavia
. Message board
. Sanctions highlights
. Sick society
. Aftermath of an uprising
. Serbia: A day of change
. Protest in pictures

"We are part of the world again" proclaimed Belgrade's Politika daily in its
main front page headline.

Kostunica readily admitted to facing hurdles witihin the republic as tall as
those on the international arena. But he was more guarded on the prospects
of ousted Yugoslav president and indicted war criminal Slobodan Milosevic.

Milosevic "will come to trial"
Kostunica admitted his biggest challenges now lay in revitalising a moribund
economy and revitalising institutions that had waned or disappeared under
Milosevic's reign.

"The Milosevic regime was more than authoritarian -- we had nothing that
looked like normal elections, like normal media -- and because of the
discontent (that bred) there was a feeling of instability throughout society,"
Kostunica said.

The successor to the leadership insisted that Milosevic would be tried for his

Kostunica had previously said he would pursue a trial against Milosevic
within Yugoslavia but on Thursday he refused to rule out handing over the
former leader to a war crimes tribunal in the Hague.

"The most serious punishment for Milosevic was to lose power. There are all
sorts of trials and Milosevic will come to that trial -- but I am not so narrow in
speaking about whether it will be the Hague or some sort of trial within the
country," he said.

The Yugoslav Parliament is expected to convene on Friday and give its
confidence on the new interim government on Saturday.

But the process may not go smoothly.

The leader of the multi-party alliance backing Kostunica said on Thursday it
would take no further part in the work of the Serbian government unless state
security chief Rade Markovic resigned.

Zoran Djindjic said the bloc had also unanimously demanded Yugoslav Army
chief of staff General Nebojsa Pavkovic's removal and was surprised his
position was not discussed when Kostunica chaired a meeting of the body
overseeing the army on Wednesday.

Djindjic, co-ordinator of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia bloc, said both
men were symbols of the repressive regime of Milosevic and had to go.

The DOS is sharing power with Milosevic's Socialists in a transitional
government intended to rule up to the elections planned for December.

But Djindjic said the DOS would not take part in Serbian government work
unless Markovic quit or was removed -- a measure which would require the
Socialists' consent. Several attempts to force Markovic out in the past week
have not succeeded.



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