and Ramsey Clark's New Year's Message

1) Ramsey Clark's New Year's Message from IAC

2) Poison DUst' director explains video


See also: Poison DUst (by David Hoskins)


=== 1 ===

International Action Center
55 W. 17th St., 5th Floor, New York, NY 10011
212-633-6646     www.iacenter.org

 A New Year’s Message from IAC founder Ramsey Clark

Dear friends,

            The year 2007 has been another marked by endless war, lawlessness and cruelty by the Bush administration.  Thousands more Iraqis have been killed or injured.   The enormous humanitarian crisis effects millions of Iraqis, including children, who lack basic necessities--housing, healthcare, electricity, even food.  More U.S. soldiers are dying or injured, then facing inadequate care and benefits. The administration continues to use deception and lies to whip up hostility to Iran, as they did prior to the Shock and Awe bombings of Iraq in 2003.  Bush and his cronies continue to defy international law and human rights with the brutal, illegal detentions at Guantanamo, and widespread use of torture.

            Contrary to the will of the people in the U.S. who oppose this horrific war, the administration has no plans to withdraw the troops and end this criminal occupation. Bush is demanding tens of billions of dollars more for war, on top of the $476 billion which has already been spent for destruction, while millions here need healthcare and housing, and those devastated by Hurricane Katrina have been abandoned by the government.

             But there is reason to be hopeful. There is great opposition here to the government’s endless war and brutality, and outrage at its attacks on civil liberties and basic rights here at home, including the merciless witch-hunt against immigrants.  It is crucial that this opposition grows and strongly challenges the Bush administration’s every move.   We must all demand accountability for the current war and the impeachment of President Bush and his partners-in-crime; this is a powerful way to stop an attack on Iran and prevent other wars of aggression by future administrations.

            The International Action (IAC) Center has been a major organizing force against U.S. wars and military interventions for 16 years, going back to its anti-sanctions campaign and protests of the first Gulf war.  This principled organization of activists has stood up and bravely opposed U.S. aggression against Iraq, Cuba, Panama, Haiti, Venezuela, Palestine, Lebanon, Somalia, Iran and Korea. 

            The IAC has organized countless demonstrations, meetings, and forums in numerous cities against the U.S. intervention in Iraq.  Its organizers have produced videos and books--translated into many languages--for anti-war protesters here and around the world.  It has made an excellent contribution for activists and educators with “Poison Dust,” a video produced by the People’s Video Network, on the perilous effects of U.S. depleted uranium weapons.

            IAC leaders and I just returned from an international conference in Kolkata (Calcutta), India, called by the All-India Anti-Imperialism Forum, which has asked the IAC to play a leading role in a worldwide organization to end colonialism and globalization which they established.

            The IAC has taken on struggles against racism, injustice, and much more—from standing with Hurricane Katrina survivors in their quest for justice, to supporting immigrants’ rights, to opposing the death penalty and challenging military recruitment.  Wherever the IAC is needed, it’s there, with its program of organizing and activism!

            The IAC looks forward to a new year of struggle against war and injustice.

            Our New Year’s Resolution for 2007 must be to organize together tirelessly to end this horrendous war and bring all U.S. troops home from Iraq NOW! 

            We must act together to stop a new war against Iran or any other nation.  We must strive to promote international friendship, sharing and true respect for humankind and to oppose the policies of domination, globalization, and war.

            We must all do more!  We invite you to join in the new year of activism with the IAC and to support its vital work. 

            You can make a difference! 

Donate to the International Action Center!

=== 2 ===

'Poison DUst' director explains video

By Workers World Milwaukee bureau 
Published Apr 26, 2007 9:54 PM

Community members and political activists attended the Milwaukee premier film screening of the Peoples Video Network (PVN) documentary “Poison DUst” on April 21 at the Center Street Library, an important gathering space for the Black community. The event was dedicated to long-time International Action Center organizer Rachael Nasca, who died unexpectedly on March 22.

A slate of community activists spoke before Sue Harris, director of “Poison DUst,” screened the documentary and engaged in a question and answer session.

IAC-Milwaukee member Bryan G. Pfeifer opened the program by describing the origins, history and mission of the IAC. He hailed recent youth actions in Wisconsin—including a recent protest against an Army recruiting station for which 21 youth were arrested, youth protesting restrictive racist policies at Mayfair Mall, and the occupation of the multi-millionaire Sen. Herb Kohl’s Madison office by dozens of members of the Campus Anti-War Network. He ended by calling on all those present to support the May 1 “Day without Latinos” statewide civil rights march and boycott sponsored by Milwaukee-based Voces de la Frontera.

Leaflets for the May 1 action were distributed, as were “Stop the War on Iran” posters and announcements of upcoming events sponsored by the Industrial Workers of the World, the Latin American Solidarity Committee at UW-Milwaukee and Africans on the Move.

People’s poet De’Shawn Ewing (Pyramid) electrified the crowd with two of his poems connecting the domestic war and the U.S. war on Iraq and other countries. Ewing’s words interspersed these themes with themes of the Black freedom struggle, including the murder of Emmett Till.

Ammar Nsoroma, a member of Africans on the Move and the Pan African Revolutionary Socialist Party and a well-known people’s artist in Milwaukee with many murals throughout the city to his credit, said that the war on Iraq is an outgrowth of capitalism and imperialism and that to end all wars for profit these economic systems must be abolished and replaced with socialism.

During the question and answer session Harris described how “Poison DUst” has been screened numerous times publicly throughout the United States and internationally, including in Cuba, Korea and Japan.

One woman described her outrage at not hearing about depleted uranium anywhere in the corporate media until she received a leaflet for this event. She said she would now be getting the word out and asked for more information, as did many others.

During and after the event many took copies of “Poison DUst” for personal viewing but also to screen for loved ones, veterans and at other community spaces.

Longtime community activist and people’s poet Eric Jefferson closed with his poem “Blessed Summer.”

The Peoples Video Network donated a copy of “Poison DUst” to the Center Street Library and a copy to the Central Library that could potentially be circulated throughout the 30 branches in the Milwaukee County Library System.

To obtain a copy of “Poison DUst” call PVN at 212-633-6646 or see www.peoplesvideo.org.

Articles copyright 1995-2007 Workers World. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium without royalty provided this notice is preserved. 

Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011
Email: ww@...

=== 3 ===

Let’s reach our youth BEFORE they’re contaminated!

Don’t let our kids be guinea pigs!


**Order the Poison DUst Educator's Packet at http://www.iacenter.org/DUeducatorpackets.html
Packet contains 2 different length film versions of Poison DUst, lesson plans, photos, bibliography, class projects, reprints and more.

Three years ago, The Daily News ran a story about reservists returning from Iraq in2004 from the same unit who were suffering from what euphemistically has been called “Gulf War Syndrome.” It turned out that they all had been exposed to radioactive dust during their tour of duty in Iraq. The short term and long term effects of this exposure are slowly emerging into public consciousness.*

The military has yet to acknowledge the severity and the extent of the damage to our young men and women and to their offspring.

Today, half of the 697,000 U.S. Gulf War troops from the 1991 war have reported serious medical problems and a significant increase in birth defects among their newborn children.

The effects on the Iraqi population are far greater.**

Many other countries and U.S. communities near DU weapons plants, testing facilities, bases and arsenals have also been exposed to this radioactive material which has a half-life of 4.4 billions years.

This issue is of particular importance to high school students who are considering joining the military after they graduate. In addition to all the obvious dangers, entering the military today puts them at risk for cancer and all the symptoms associated with radiation and heavy metal poisoning—fatigue, muscle weakness, headaches, to name a few. There is now also ample documentation that exposure to the dust can cause birth defects in their children, the same birth defects that are showing up in Iraqi children.****

What’s in the dust? Depleted Uranium

The military says depleted uranium emits low-level-radiation, and is therefore harmless, but for decades scientists have demonstrated the lethal effects of low level radiation on human beings and their offspring.***

DU is a central component of the U.S. military arsenal.

It is in the tanks, the shells, the bombs. It is used in training as well as in battle. It is almost everywhere the U.S. military stations its troops. Our youth and their loved ones need to know what they face when they go into the military.

Poison DUst is a film that pulls together the crucial information about DU. It includes interviews with veterans contaminated by DU; simple, scientific explanations about the nature of DU and radiation by noted authorities such as nuclear physicist Dr. Michio Kaku, epidemiologist Dr., Sr. Rosalie Bertell and Dr. Helen Caldicott, supplemented by clear, uncomplicated graphics; a visual history of military use of toxic substances affecting troops and target populations; and information about the proliferation of DU. It also discusses what we can do about this crisis.

The full length dvd, released by Lightyear Entertainment in 2006, is available commercially through, Netflix, Amazon.com, Border Books and Leftbooks.com.
Now the producers have compiled a comprehensive Educators Packet of Poison DUst for teachers, parents, veterans, community and anti-war groups, and for use by the youth themselves.

“Students should watch this video because it’s good people know so they can tell their families and let it spread.”
-Shuhana, NYC 12th grader

Order the Poison DUst Educator's Packet at http://www.iacenter.org/DUeducatorpackets.html

The Poison DUst Educators Packet includes:

• A 30 minute educators' version of the DVD Poison DUst suitable for classroom viewing
• An 84 minute, full-length Version of Poison DUst, with additional interviews    and information.
• Short “primers” and articles with background information and resources
• An online bibliography, with links to a multitude of resources for class projects and research papers through the Poison DUst website, http://www.poisondust.com. Also on the website is a link to the Depleted Uranium Education Project (http://www.iacenter.org/depleted/du.htm ), and full chapters from the book, Metal of Dishonor (http://www.iacenter.org/depleted/mettoc.htm ).
• A set of detailed lesson plans for use with a range of audiences and presentation lengths. Some of the lesson plans were developed by NYC teachers and 12th grade students. Not only were the lessons integrated into their high school curriculum, the students themselves then enthusiastically and creatively brought their new knowledge into their communities. 
• The students’ DU Outreach Project is also documented in the packet.
• A Photo Gallery of pictures for mounting on chart paper on walls around a room. Students can look at the pictures and captions and write their reactions as part of an introduction before viewing Poison DUst.
• Brainstorming ideas by students and teachers for other possible uses of Poison DUst, as well as student questions and comments.

Order the Poison DUst Educator's Packet at http://www.iacenter.org/DUeducatorpackets.html

* Vet's Ills Mounting Fast, by Juan Gonzales, Published on Tuesday, February 7, 2006 by the New York Daily News - "Nearly 120,000 veterans - more than one of every four who served in Iraq and Afghanistan - have already sought treatment at Veterans Health Administration hospitals for a wide range of illnesses, according to an internal study the VHA completed late last year." http://www.democracynow.org/static/Vets.shtml
**Flounders, Sara, "Another War Crime? Iraqi Cities 'Hot' with Depleted Uranium", 2003 http//www.PoisonDUst.org
*** Nichols, Bob, ‘Depleted, it ain’t! So-called depleted uranium, that is!’, 5/31/2005, Project Censored Award Winner & Online Journal Contributing Writer http//www.onlinejournal.com/Commentary/053105Nichols/ 053105nichols.html
****Iraqi cancers, birth defects blamed on U.S. depleted uranium. By LARRY JOHNSON SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER FOREIGN DESK EDITOR ...
seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/95178_du12.shtml - 44k - May 26, 2007 -