(tekstovi na s-h-om mozete procitati ovde: https://www.cnj.it/POLITICA/nkpj_skoj.htm )

Savez komunisticke omladine Jugoslavije SKOJ - The League of Yugoslav Communist Youth SKOJ
Nemanjina 34/III , 11000 Beograd - Nemanjina 34/III, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
web: www.skoj.org.yu * e-mail skoj05 @ yahoo.com * skoj @ neobee.net

Secretariat of SKOJ: The first of May

To the working class, intelligence, farmers, pensioners, women, students we congratulate the first of May, the day of international solidarity of workers of the world.

The May 1, 2008 saw the working class of Serbia under very difficult circumstances. Almost the entire domestic economy, which for decades was built by a major effort was sold  to the international capital. The natural resources are also sold. The greater part of the population is working for domestic and foreign capitalists.
Approximately 40 000 companies have gone bankrupt. About 50% of the working population do not work. Closed were over 60% of industrial capacity. The new oligarchs exploit the workers and call the workers "lazy". Governments change, but each of them has a neo-liberal concept that pushs the working class of Serbia in poverty. Multinational corporations do not build new production plants, but use those that already exist and try to exploit the employees as much as possible and to pay the smallest salaries.
The neoliberal demagogic politicians announce that a poorly paid posts is even better than none. The same politicians have hundreds of thousands of euros in their accounts. They protect the interests of the robbers of the foreign and domestic capital. The companies that are still in State hands  are being systematically destroyed. They don't work for the modernization the production plants, but for their takeover by foreign exploiters for as little money. From the systematic robbery in social benefit individual property, while the people starving.
Today, the debt of the state is 20 billion U.S. dollars, representing 75% of national income. The local banks were destroyed.

The Bologna Declaration has destroyed our school system.

Systematically, the social farms, the collective economies and small  properties are sold. There are huge farms, on which the landowners force  the small farmers to workers for them.

All resources of the media sector are in the hands of foreign capital. We are imposed to the colonial "culture".

The enemies of  the working class try to destroy the unity of the proletariat in Serbia. Our strength lies in our numerical superiority and the willingness to take us to resist the injustice. If the working class is united, its  enemies will not succeed.

Workers of the world unite!
Long live the 1st May, the feast of workers of the world!

May 1, 2008


No to the participation to the prison of peoples - EU

Parts of the Serbian government signed in Luxembourg the shameful agreement on stabilization and the participation of our country to the EU.
With this act the signatories to the agreement accept voluntarily the imperialist occupation of Kosovo. The leading countries of the EU which have accepted the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo have participated in the  aggression by the NATO on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999.
The peoples of the world will never forget  the aggression of the EU and the U.S. against Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries.

SKOJ rejects the signing of the agreement and believes that Serbia has no place in the EU, this imperialist creation and peoples prison. Serbia would be in the EU  not an equal member, but the source of cheap labour force and highly educated cadres. The prospect that the Communists offer is a european federation on the basis of a socialist Europe where the people live peacefully. Only in this way Europe will go the way of the right to self-determination and true democracy.

Secretariat of SKOJ
April 29, 2008


National betrayal

The NKPJ considers the signing of the Stabilization Agreement with the EU by Boris Tadic and Bozidar Delic as a national betrayal.
This step led by the Democratic Party (DS), is similar to the signing of the accession of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia to the three-power pact by the government-Cvetkovic Macek. It goes without saying that these treacherous acts will  experience the same fate.

Secretariat of NKPJ
April 29, 2008


Sekretariat of the SKOJ: The Hague Tribunal as instrument of the imperialist jurisprudence

The SKOJ condemns the decision of the Hague Tribunal on the release of a leading KLA terrorists and war criminal Ramu Haradinaj. This act shows that the Hague Tribunal is only for the interests of the imperialists. The decision shows that the Western rulers give  the KLA an amnesty.
In addition, the KLA was formed, trained and armed by the West and served on their side in its hegemonic aspirations and the occupation of Kosovo. The SKOJ is for the punishment for all crimes committed in the wars on the territory of the former SFRY.

April 5, 2008