(si terrà lunedi 18/1 a Belgrado un incontro pubblico per discutere della realizzazione in città di un monumento alle vittime dei bombardamenti della NATO)

Blic Online - January 15, 2010

Monument to people killed in NATO air strikes 

The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy shall organize on January 18 a public debate on building a central monument dedicated to people killed in the NATO air strikes in 1999.
In the ministry’s announcement it is said that citizens, experts, representatives of institutions, state services, associations of the families of the killed, army and civilian invalids of war, participants in armed conflicts and others are invited to take part in the debate. 
The debate shall be held on Monday at noon in the premises of the Cultural-educational community of Serbia. The telephones for contact are 011/334-55-11 and 011/334-56-16. The contact can be made via I-mail as well: dejan.borci@... . 

Source: Rock Rozoff through Stop NATO