(english / italiano)

NATO a Belgrado

Cade oggi il 12.mo anniversario della fine dei bombardamenti della NATO sulla RF di Jugoslavia:
Dopo quei bombardamenti, le truppe NATO occuparono militarmente la regione del Kosovo, strappandola di fatto alla Jugoslavia e alla Serbia e consegnandola formalmente nelle mani dei terroristi pan-albanesi (UCK) che avevano fino ad allora fatto le veci delle "truppe di terra". Nel 2008 alcuni paesi NATO hanno anche riconosciuto il Kosovo, etnicamente "ripulito" dai serbi e dalle altre componenti nazionali nonché dai cittadini di lingua albanese contrari alla secessione, come "stato indipendente":
L'instaurazione di regimi filo-occidentali sia in Serbia che in Montenegro ha anche causato lo smembramento della Federazione nelle due parti rispettive, ripristinando così l'ordine che nel 1941-1943 era stato imposto dai nazifascisti:
Oggi la NATO può comportarsi da padrona anche a Belgrado, dove per i prossimi 13-15 giugno è previsto il vertice dell'organizzazione.



2) Remorse - NATO officier Chris Kas repented 12 years after the bombing of Serbia

3) Serbia and NATO - Roundtable - 23 March 2011
Serbia should preserve military neutrality – NATO membership issue to be decided by referendum only
Conference proceedings available at www.beoforum.rs

=== 0 ===


Nećemo NATO skup u Beogradu!



(sito della Campagna contro il vertice NATO a Belgrado, promossa da ambienti anarchici che hanno anche organizzato la seguente manifestazione:)


domenica 12 giugno · 18.00 - 21.00
Luogo: Plato ispred Sava Centra, Novi Beograd
Creato da: Nećemo NATO skup u Beogradu

Maggiori informazioni:
NATO i srpka vlast organizovaće najveći NATO skup do sada (Konferencija o strateškom vojnom partnerstvu), u Beogradu od 13. do 15. juna ove godine (zvanična informacija: http://www.mod.gov.rs/smpc/sr/)
Sama činjenica da taj militaristički savez održava konferenciju na tako visokom nivou i sa takvim strateškim značajem, predstavlja dovoljan razlog za organizovanje velikog protesta, na kom bi narod Beograda i Srbije, kao i ljudi iz drugih zemalja koji žele da izraze međunarodnu solidarnost, pokazali svoje protivljenje NATO i njegovim strateškim planovima.

(ricevuto via Facebook)


NATO’s crimes from Kabul to Belgrade



White Books about NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - FULL DOWNLOADABLE

NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia - Documentary Evidence 24 March - 24 April 1999 - Part One

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NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia - Documentary Evidence 25 April - 10 June 1999 - Part Two

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=== 1 ===


Al giorno d’oggi fu abbattuto “l’invisibile” F-117A

27 marzo 2011

Il cacciatore bombardiere F-117A, usato nei bombardamenti NATO contro l’allora Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia, fu abbattuto al giorno d’oggi nel 1999 nei pressi di Ruma, nella Serbia settentrionale. L’aereo che fino ad allora veniva chiamato “l’invisibile” fu abbattuto dalla contraerea serba grazie ad una piccola innovazione tecnica. Il comandante dell’unità era il colonnello Zoran Dani. (fonte: glassrbije.org )



[Video at URL above.]

The Independent - March 30, 2011

A Day That Shook The World: Nato accidentally bombs the Chinese embassy

On 7 May 1999, Nato warplanes on a mission to bomb Belgrade accidentally hit the Chinese embassy, killing three journalists and nearly dragging them into the war on the Serbian side. 
Beijing did not believe the attack to be a mistake, so NATO found itself desperately scrabbling to make amends. 
The diplomatic crisis did not grow into a military one, but it did prolong the Kosovo conflict, causing no small extra friction with an angry China - whose citizens demonstrated in their droves. 



ADN Kronos International - May 23, 2011

Balkans: Bill Clinton gaffe mixes up Montenegro and Macedonia 

Podgorica: Former US president Bill Clinton became a laughing stock in the Balkans this weekend after he confused Montenegro - his host - with Macedonia. 
Clinton made the gaffe during a speech in the Montenegro tourist resort of Budva by saying he was glad to be in Macedonia - another small Balkan country.
"If its problems are confronted in the right way, the future of the region will be bright, “including the future of Macedonia whose beauties are breathtaking,” Clinton said. “Don’t blow it and God bless you,” he said, triggering guffaws of laughter among his audience. 
His gaffe sparked a wave of comments on media forums in Serbia and Montenegro, ridiculing him.
“Poor man, he doesn’t even know where he was,” said one commentator.
“He must be in love again,” said another commentator, referring to Clinton’s love affair with White House staffer Monica Lewinski. “Too bad he didn’t bring Monica.”
“It’s shocking and sad to see what kind of people are ruling this world,” several commentators said.
Clinton was honorary guest at the weekend at a meeting in Budva on Balkans problems and perspectives, organised by the government of Montenegro and a private business company the “Atlas group”.
The meeting marked the fifth anniversary of Montenegro's independence from state union with Serbia and participants paid up to one thousand euros to attend. 
Clinton received an honorary doctor’s degree from a private university in Montenegro.
Clinton was the main driving force in 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia and Montenegro and animosities against him are still running high.



Focus News Agency - May 30, 2011

Unexploded NATO projectile discovered during reconstruction work in Serbia

Belgrade: Workers reconstructing a section of the Fiat automobile complex in the central Serbian city of Kragujevac discovered an unexploded projectile, dating from the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999, Xinhua informs.
The projectile was uncovered by a bulldozer operator, digging up a section of a parking lot near the entrance of one of the buildings in the original Zastava automobile complex. Fiat purchased the damaged and largely defunct company in 2010. Police cordoned off the area.
According to Bojan Tomic, head of the Emergency Services in Kragujevac, an expert team is scheduled to arrive on Monday to identify the projectile and to determine how best to deactivate or dispose of the unexploded ordnance.
During the NATO bombing campaign of Yugoslavia, the Zastava facilities were targeted on two separate occasions, unleashing more than 30 missiles.
On the evening between April 8 and 9, 1999, the truck plant and the auto assembly facility sustained significant damage. On Easter, a few days later, the forge, paint shop, an administrative building and tool crib storage facility were completely destroyed. 



Focus News Agency - May 30, 2011

We want Western Balkan states integrated into Euro-Atlantic structures: NATO chief

Desislava Antova

Sofia: "We all would like to see Western Balkan states completely integrated into the Euro-Atlantic structures. I think the recent arrest of Ratko Mladic is a very important step," NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said after meeting with Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov in Sofia, FOCUS News Agency reported.
“First, his arrest sends a very clear message that war crimes are punished sooner or later and second, which is not less important, the arrest removes a very important hurdle on Serbia’s path to the European Union and NATO membership,” said Rasmussen.
“I want to see a stronger and more reinforced cooperation between Serbia and NATO,” he said.
He noted there could be skepticism about NATO in the Serbian society because of historical reasons.
“I would like to send a very clear message to the Serbian people – your future is in a productive and mutually beneficial cooperation between Serbia on the one hand and the EU and NATO on the other, which might lead to full-fledged membership in both organizations. I can assure you we are friends of the Serbian people today. You must not suffer from the mistakes made in the past,” said NATO chief.
“Thanks to the NATO intervention in the Balkans, the peoples of the Western Balkans can live in peace, security and stability. We managed to oust an autocratic system and assist the development of freedom and democracy. Now we call on you to try to use the maximum potential of the opportunities you have. You can do this by drawing closer to the EU and NATO. In this respect, I believe Bulgaria can play a constructive role in the region,” underlined Anders Fogh Rasmussen.



Russian Information Agency Novosti - June 2, 1011

Russia against pressure on Balkan states to join NATO - Lavrov

Moscow: Russia is against external pressure on Balkan countries to join NATO, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday.
Lavrov commented on a statement by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who said on May 30 that all Balkan countries should join the alliance as they belong to the Euro-Atlantic structures.
"We believe that the accession to a military, political or some other organization is a sovereign right, and there must be no artificial external influence on this sovereign choice," Lavrov said at a joint news conference with his Bulgarian counterpart Nikolai Mladenov in Moscow.
Lavrov added that countries joining NATO automatically become members of the Russia-NATO Council, which operates on principles of indivisible security.
"According to these principles, none of the Russia-NATO Council member states must ensure national security at the expense of the security of others. This is a key element of the European security process for us," he said.
The Bulgarian foreign minister said, however, that all Balkan states should have the opportunity to join NATO.
"It is of paramount importance that our Balkan neighbors become a part of the European security system and share economic opportunities created by the European Union," Mladenov said.
The Balkan states include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro.
Greece joined NATO in 1952. Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia became NATO members in 2004.
Albania and Croatia joined NATO in April 2009, and in December 2009 Montenegro was granted a Membership Action Plan (MAP) status, which is designed to assist those countries that wish to join the alliance.
NATO foreign ministers agreed in April this year to conditionally invite Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the MAP.
The accession of Macedonia to NATO is pending since the 2008 Bucharest summit. NATO nations agreed that the country would receive an invitation upon resolution of the Macedonia naming dispute with Greece.
Serbia claims that the membership in the NATO Partnership for Peace Program (PfP), which Serbia joined in December 2006, is "the proper scale" of its relations with the alliance.

=== 2 ===

Remorse - NATO officier Chris Kas repented 12 years after the bombing of Serbia

Former officer in the NATO force in Kosovo and Metohija, Christian Kas (Kristian Kahrs), has publicly asked forgiveness of the Serbian people because of the evil that they had been subjected to during and after the 1999 bombing. 

At the crime scene ... Kas now lives in Belgrade and he is sorry for the injustices inflicted on the Serbs

Kas is the rank of Major 2000th The spent six months in Kosovo in the KFOR mission.
- A month ago I saw the Serbs from Kosovo in a refugee camp near Resnik Crabs and then I realized how much we have caused harm to people here. More than ten years, I felt a collective responsibility because we did not defend the Serbs in Kosovo. However, after that visit the camp I felt a personal and moral responsibility since I was a senior officer in NATO. I want to publicly ask for forgiveness from the Serbian people. We were unable to protect them from the Albanians, we are totally failed in its mission. We are responsible for ethnic cleansing, under our supervision have been expelled more than 250,000 Serbs and other non-Albanians - began Kas story for the Press.
Norway welcomed the start of the bombing of the military exercises of his army, and soon after he arrived in Kosovo. According to UN Resolution 1244, Kas was part of a mission that was supposed to protect minority populations from the persecution of Albanians.
- In early January 2000. year I arrived in Kosovo. I stayed there for six months and I worked on the staff as an officer for notification. I was a spokesman for KFOR, and in my responsibilities was the official site of the mission. I watched closely to make big mistakes in the field. I watched as the force of law enforcement, as we are too busy on the role of liberators Albanians. We were too discouraged when we were allowed to transform the KLA into the Kosovo Protection Corps and then in Kosovo police.

Black Balance:

  • 78 days time the bombing of Yugoslavia, from 24 March to 10 June 1999.
  • 3,500 people killed
  • 89 children killed
  • 1031 member of the military and police killed
  • 12,500 people injured
  • 2,700 children were injured
  • 19 countries participated in the aggression
  • 2300 air attacks carried out
  • 995 facilities attacked
  • 1150 combat aircraft participated
  • 420 000 projectiles were fired

Kas said he did not know much about Serbia before the arrival of the mission. He was shocked by some of the details that he has learned.
- I was preparing to institute under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway. There I met a lot of scientists who knew the situation in the Balkans. He was a prominent opponent of the bombing, told me that the authorities in Kosovo holds the mafia, that organized crime is widespread. He told me that there are data that suggest that the Albanians were the main heroin dealers in Norway. Later I was convinced of the truth of it - says Kas.
He remained as an officer of NATO in Kosovo by July 2000. year. After leaving military service he returned to Kosovo as a freelance journalist and remained there until February 2001. year.
- I will never forget the 16th February 2001. year. Then the terrorist attack occurred on the bus "Nis Express" in Podujevo. The attack was carried out Florim Ejupi. Then killed 12 Serbs. I was only an hour and a half after the massacre, and I saw bodies of killed Serbs, including the body of a child. Then I decided to leave. I moved to Serbia, where they still live and work as a freelance journalist. I do not want to go back to Norway, I want to live in Serbia - ending his confession Christian Kas.

=== 3 ===

Serbia and NATO - Roundtable - 23 March 2011

Serbia should preserve military neutrality – NATO membership issue to be decided by referendum only

It is in the lasting interest of Serbia to retain and reinforce military neutrality that was instituted by the decision of the National Assembly – is the key message of the participants in the Roundtable titled “Serbia and NATO”, held on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of launching of NATO aggression against Serbia (the FRY). NATO should not be ignored, but in mutual relations experiences from the past two decades must not be forgotten. NATO 1999 aggression was a crime against peace and humanity which marked Alliance’s turning point from a defensive into an offensive military block. NATO strategy aims at domination rather than democratization in international affairs. As demonstrated by all the aggressions and occupations committed so far, from the 1999 aggression on Serbia (the FRY), through Afghanistan, Iraq and nowadays Libya, these are but façade for taking control of energy and strategic minerals resources. NATO defends and tries to impose uni-polar world relationsin spite of global changes introducing multi-polar world order.
These are some of the positions and views presented in addresses of the participants in this Roundtable.

The Partnership for Peace (the PfP) that Serbia joined in 2006, at the Riga Summit, is quite sufficient framework for the mutual Serbia - NATO. Tactics of a “crawling” joining the Alliance is quite unacceptable. Serbia’s membership to NATO would bring much more detriment and risks upon Serbia than benefits. The concept of a balanced foreign policy requires a balanced security policy that is inexistent at present – was a unanimous view of speakers and participants in hours-long discussion.

Relations between Serbia and NATO are a strategic issue of the utmost national importance. This is supported by independent surveys, which show that more than 70% of Serbian citizens are against Serbia’s membership to the Alliance. The state leadership is obliged to respect this position. If the issue of Serbia’s membership to NATO ever comes to the agenda, it can only be decided only by citizens of Serbia at referendum.

The venue for this Roundtable was the Ceremonial Hall of the Municipal Assembly of Novi Beograd City Hall, and it was attended by several hundred guests from the country and from abroad. Exhibition of photos and books depicting the consequences of the 1999 NATO aggression accompanied the round table.

The events have been jointly organized by the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Club of Generals and Admirals, and the War veterans association of Serbia.

The participants paid tribute to the victims of aggression, recalling that, during 78-day long, incessant bombing, over 3,500 people were killed and additional 12,000 wounded. They recalled that 89 children lost their lives of NATO bombes; the infrastructure, economy, and public services were devastated; the use of depleted uranium, cluster and graphite bombes, destruction of chemical factories inflicted indiscriminate long-lasting consequences to the population and environment.

The participants gave full support to the Report of Mr. Dick Marty and the ensuing Resolution of the Council of Europe to the effect of establishing  the truth about human organs harvesting of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija abducted and killed by the terrorist KLA. The participants demanded action and full contribution of relevant state bodies of Serbia. Serbia and Serbian media have a moral obligation to counter any attempt to water down this initiative of Dick Marty and the Council of Europe.

Among the participants of the Round table were Prof. Radovan Radinović, Vladislav Jovanović, Zivadin Jovanovic, Zoran Vujić(Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs), Dr Stanislav Stojanović (Head of the Strategic Planning Department of the Minsitry of Defense), General Jovo Milanović, retired, Prof. Dr. Branko Krga, Prof. Dr. Peter Strutinski (Germany), Prof. Đorđe Vukadinović (“New Serbian Political Thought”), Dr Srđa Trifković, (“Chronicle”, the USA), Prof. Miodrag Zečević, Milovan Drecun, and others.

This Roundtable was also attended by several foreign diplomats accredited in Serbia.

The papers of the speakers will be published as the Roundtable Report and also uploaded to the website of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, at: (www.beoforum.rs).