(Proprio alla vigilia del XIII Anniversario della aggressione del 1999, i rappresentanti della NATO intensificano le pressioni per la annessione completa delle repubbliche jugoslave nella alleanza imperialista ed il loro coinvolgimento in nuove operazioni di devastazione coloniale in paesi vicini e lontani. Le classi dirigenti locali, tutte indistintamente, si piegano al volere dei padroni.)

NATO in the Balkans... more and more

1) flashback 2011: Ambassador Konuzin: "Serbia in NATO would represent threat to Russia"
3) Senator Lugar's NATO Enlargement Bill
4) NATO in the Balkans: Appetite comes with eating
5) Montenegro on track to NATO membership: NATO commander / Visit to NATO by the Prime Minister of Montenegro
6) Visit to NATO by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia
7) Visit to NATO by Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia

Source of the following documents in english language is the Stop NATO e-mail list 
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Website and articles:

=== 1 ===


Danas - March 30, 2011

"Serbia in NATO would represent threat to Russia"

Jelena Tasić 

Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Vasilyevich Konuzin told the Belgrade-based daily Danas in an interview that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s visit last week had "completely met the principal expectations".

It went in an atmosphere of close friendship and talks about trade and economic cooperation were very concrete and pragmatic, said the diplomat. 

According to the Russian ambassador, Putin did not talk about relations between official Belgrade and NATO with Serbian President Boris Tadić and Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković. The issue, as he said, was launched by heads of parliamentary groups in the Serbian parliament who showed Putin that they were not united in their stance regarding the possibility of Serbia joining the western military alliance. 

“In that situation, Prime Minister Putin clearly presented the Russian position – Serbs should solve the issue by themselves, but Russia thinks that it is necessary to present its opinion about NATO's expansion, which is jeopardizing its security.” 

Stating a concrete example, he said that nobody asked small countries in the NATO for their opinion, but that that instead decisions were made which these countries then had to fulfill. 

“Any possible decision about missile deployment in Serbia’s territory would be a threat to Russia’s security and Russia would be forced to take military actions in order to remove that military threat. Those measures would not be aimed against Serbia but against the missiles,” the Russian ambassador explained. 

Q: Is this statement of Prime Minister Putin a “warning” to the Serbian authorities? 

A: Serbia has the right to join any organization. We will respect the decision you make on your own, but we are counting on Belgrade to respectfully approach our thoughts that NATO accession would pose a threat to Russia’s security. I personally think that it is necessary to explain to Serbia what would happen if there was a threat to Russia’s security from its territory. We have been cooperating for 800 years and such a question never appeared. On the contrary, we fought wars against joint enemies and it is not quite clear for what reason weapons pointed against Russia could be deployed in Serbia.” 

Q: The NATO forces in Kosovo and Metohija are effectively already in a part of the Serbian territory. How does Moscow assess their presence after Kosovo’s self-proclaimed independence? 

A: The Kosovo territory is a part of Serbia in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 1244. NATO's military base is there despite Belgrade’s wishes. This means contrary to international law, and unlawfully. Russia sees it that way. 

=== 2 ===


North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Allied Command Operations - March 8, 2012


Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Council of Ministers Vjekoslav Bevanda had an initial meeting with NATO Headquarters Sarajevo (NHQSa) Commander Brigadier General Gary Huffman and discussed BiH's path to NATO.

Chairman Bevanda said that the BiH Council of Ministers was committed to BiH becoming a full-fledged NATO member as soon as possible...Bevanda said that priorities on this path are resolving the issue of prospective immovable defense property and ensuring funds in the BiH budget for further modernization of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina in line with NATO standards.

General Huffman supported BiH's ambitions regarding NATO. He said that he appreciated the recent decision of the BiH Presidency to strengthen the role of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan. General Huffman said it was an important message that BiH sent to NATO partners because BiH made a step forward and instead of being a security consumer it turned into a state that actively contributes to peace building and stability in the world.

The joint conclusion of Chairman Bevanda and Brigadier General Huffman is that the issue of the prospective immovable defense property should be resolved as soon as possible which would mean a step forward towards full-fledged NATO membership. The issue of destruction of surplus ammunition and weapons, and future cooperation between the BiH institutions and NATO Headquarters Sarajevo were also discussed at the meeting.

=== 3 ===


Civil Georgia - March 10, 2012

Georgia in Senator Lugar's NATO Enlargement Bill

Tbilisi: U.S. Republican Senator Richard Lugar has introduced the NATO Enlargement Bill, calling on President Obama to provide “a clear roadmap” for the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, and Montenegro to NATO at the Chicago summit in late May.

“I am hopeful that the Senate will pass this measure before the NATO Summit in Chicago this May,” said Lugar, who is the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations committee.

The bill, which he says aims at encouraging further enlargement of NATO, declares “for the first time in U.S. legislation”, that Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, and Montenegro, which currently aspire to join the Alliance, are to be considered NATO “aspirants.”

Georgia has been referred to as “aspirant” country in a final statement of NATO foreign ministerial meeting in Brussels on December 7, 2011, which triggered Russia’s protest with its Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov saying that he had “openly warned” his counterparts from the Alliance that such statements might serve as an encouragement for President Saakashvili to undertake “an adventure similar to the one of August, 2008.”

Senator Lugar’s bill, if approved, will require reports to the Congress on U.S. efforts towards further NATO enlargement and on the readiness of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia and Montenegro to join the Alliance, as well as a report on “U.S. policies to uphold Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

If approved the bill will make Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro eligible to receive U.S. assistance for NATO accession under the 1994 NATO Participation Act and will reauthorize assistance under the same act for Georgia and Macedonia.

=== 4 ===


Voice of Russia - March 12, 2012

NATO in the Balkans: Appetite comes with eating

A bill on NATO enlargement that is aimed at speeding up the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, and also Georgia to NATO was submitted to the U.S. Congress on Friday, March 9th. Its author is a well-known Republican Senator from the State of Indiana Richard Lugar. The above-mentioned bill says that the USA “continues to support the open door policy for NATO candidate countries”. 

The document that was prepared by Senator Lugar urges U.S. President Barack Obama to present a “clear-cut roadmap on NATO” – meaning the membership of countries that were mentioned for the NATO summit in May of this year. This document reflects America’s interests. 

Asked how much the Balkan states are interested in it, an influential Russian Balkan studies expert, Georgi Engelgardt, says:

"The authorities of Macedonia and Montenegro are seriously interested in the integration of their countries into NATO. And as regards Bosnia and Herzegovina, this is really a very difficult question because opinions on that score differ. The EU High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina has always defended the Euro-Atlantic integration. Both the Bosnian Muslims and the Bosnian Croats have also favoured this idea while the Serbs and their political autonomous entity - the Serb Republic - are strongly opposed to Bosnia’s joining NATO. So it is not clear for the time being how Bosnia as a single whole will pass a decision on and take steps toward its integration into NATO."

According to information available, a separate chapter of the previously mentioned bill is dedicated to U.S. nuclear forces in Europe. Among other things, it says that at the upcoming talks “it will be necessary to convince the Russian Federation of the necessity to strengthen transparency in issues dealing with non-strategic nuclear weapons in Europe and to withdraw all these weapons from the borders of the territories of NATO member-states.” 

Russian Balkan studies expert Georgi Engelgardt has certain doubts on that matter.

"Of course, of great importance for the USA here would be the support by all countries of the NATO enlargement policy on the development of anti-missile defence. It would also be good for all governments to come to the defence of this project in international and European forums. And in case of need they should offer their territories for basing missile defence elements there. As it appears, the governments of Macedonia and Montenegro will be ready to do that...However, as regards Bosnia and Herzegovina, if the Muslims and the Croats favour this too, the Serbs, despite the fact that the Bosnian Serbs were also subjected to NATO bombing 18 years ago, will disapprove granting the above-mentioned territories for military facilities. As a result, many questions will arise."

However, the biggest question is this: is it accidental that the bill on NATO enlargement has been submitted for consideration shortly before the next anniversary of NATO’s aggression against former Yugoslavia? There’s reason to believe that it will remain unanswered. Well, when it comes to big money, uncomfortable questions are ignored.

=== 5 ===


Xinhua News Agency - March 14, 2012

Montenegro on track to NATO membership: NATO commander

BELGRADE: Montenegro is on track for NATO membership, the military alliance's supreme allied commander for Europe Admiral James Stavridis said on Wednesday.

Stavridis made the comment during a visit to Montenegro's capital Podgorica, reported the Montenegrin news agency MINA.

"Continue to implement reforms and meet commitments and I believe that this will be recognized and rewarded with membership in NATO," Stavridis said after his meeting with Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic.

Stavridis commended Montenegro's contribution to the ISAF peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan, and highlighted cooperation between NATO and Montenegro...

Montenegrin Parliamentary Speaker Ranko Krivokapic also told Stavridis that Montenegro could contribute significantly to NATO's security priorities.



North Atlantic Treaty Organization - March 20, 2012

Visit to NATO by the Prime Minister of Montenegro

The Prime Minister of Montenegro, Mr. Igor Lukšić will visit NATO Headquarters on Wednesday 21 March 2012. He will meet with the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen and will attend the North Atlantic Council.

=== 6 ===


North Atlantic Treaty Organization - March 21, 2012

Visit to NATO by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia, Mrs. Vesna Pusić will visit NATO Headquarters on Thursday 22 March 2012. She will meet with NATO Secretary General, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

=== 7 ===


North Atlantic Treaty Organization - March 21, 2012

Visit to NATO by Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia

The Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Aleš Hojs will visit NATO Headquarters on Thursday 22 March 2012. He will meet with NATO Secretary General, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

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