(srpskohrvatski / italiano / english)

Good Intentions Paving the Road to War

1) L'UE "Nobel per la guerra": record delle vendite di armi per i paesi dell'Unione europea nel 2011
2) The Good Intentions That Pave the Road to War (Diana Johnstone)
3) Nobelova Nagrada za Mir "pacifističkoj" Evropskoj Uniji (R. Krsmanović)

A proposito del paradossale conferimento del Premio Nobel per la Pace alla Unione Europea rimandiamo anche ai nostri post recenti:
Annie Lacroix- Riz: EU nije projekat mira - 
A. Lacroix-Riz spiega l'assurdità del Nobel per la pace all'UE - http://it.groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/7538
Na dodjelu Nobelove nagrade Europskoj Uniji - http://it.groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/7517

=== 1 ===

www.resistenze.org - osservatorio - europa - politica e società - 04-02-13 - n. 439

L'UE "Nobel per la guerra": record delle vendite di armi per i paesi dell'Unione europea nel 2011
Traduzione per Resistenze.org a cura del Centro di Cultura e Documentazione Popolare
2012: anno del premio Nobel per il cinismo assegnato all'Unione europea. Non contenta di essere una macchina per schiacciare i diritti dei popoli e dei lavoratori, è anche nell'UE che, nel 2011, sono stati battuti tutti i record di vendita di armi e di attrezzature militari.
Questo è quanto emerge dalla Rete europea contro il traffico di armi (ENAAT): le esportazioni di armi da parte degli Stati membri dell'UE ammontano nel 2011 a 37,5 miliardi di euro, un aumento del 18% rispetto al 2010.
Cifre derivate da un rapporto assolutamente ufficiale dell'UE, pubblicato il 14 dicembre, sulle esportazioni a carattere militare.
Attivisti per il disarmo tuttavia, hanno denunciato una relazione incompleta, con lacune per ciò che riguarda i contratti di fornitura di armi, in particolare britannici e tedeschi
Quanto ai paesi fornitori, la relazione mostra che la Francia, la Gran Bretagna, la Germania, l'Italia e la Spagna rappresentano l'80% delle esportazioni di armi dell'UE.
La Francia da sola ha esportato per un quarto del totale, con 10 miliardi di euro di esportazioni di materiale bellico. È seguita dalla Gran Bretagna (7 miliardi di euro) e dalla Germania (5,4 miliardi).
Fra i principali paesi clienti, una serie di dittature alleate della NATO: l'Arabia Saudita, primo cliente con 4,2 miliardi di euro, ma anche gli Emirati Arabi Uniti (2 miliardi) recentemente corteggiati dal presidente Hollande.
La "primavera araba" non ha impedito ai paesi dell'UE di garantire i loro ultimi contratti con i regimi autoritari del Magreb: la Tunisia (16 milioni €), l'Egitto (303 milioni €), la Libia (34 milioni €) ed il Marocco (335 milioni €, che provengono dalla Francia).
I paesi dell'UE non esitano d'altra parte a spandersi nelle diverse parti in conflitto: così è in Asia del sud dove forniscono l'India (1,5 milioni di euro) ed il Pakistan (410 milioni di euro), ma anche l'Afghanistan (465 milioni di euro) record d'importazione per questo paese devastato dall'intervento della NATO.

=== 2 ===


R2P and Genocide Prevention

The Good Intentions That Pave the Road to War

by Diana Johnstone   


Opposing genocide has become a sort of cottage industry in the United States.

Everywhere, “genocide studies” are cropping up in universities.  Five years ago, an unlikely “Genocide Prevention Task Force” was set up headed by former secretary of state Madeleine Albright and former defense secretary William Cohen, both veterans of the Clinton administration.

The Bible of the campaign is Samantha Power’s book, “A Problem from Hell”.  Ms. Power’s thesis is that the U.S. Government, while well-intentioned, like all of us, is too slow to intervene to “stop genocide”.  It is a suggestion that the U.S. government embraces, even to taking on Ms. Power as White House advisor.

Why has the U.S. Government so eagerly endorsed the crusade against “genocide”?

The reason is clear.  Since the Holocaust has become the most omnipresent historical reference in Western societies, the concept of “genocide” is widely and easily accepted as the greatest evil to afflict the planet. It is felt to be worse than war.

Therein lies its immense value to the U.S. military-industrial complex, and to a foreign policy elite seeking an acceptable pretext for military intervention wherever they choose.

The obsession with “genocide” as the primary humanitarian issue in the world today relativizes war.  It reverses the final judgment of the Nuremberg Trials that:

War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences are not confined to the belligerent states alone, but affect the whole world. To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crimediffering only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.

Instead, war is transformed into a chivalrous action to rescue whole populations from “genocide”.

At the same time, national sovereignty, erected as the barrier to prevent strong nations from invading weaker ones, that is, to prevent aggression and “the scourge of war”, is derided as nothing but a protection for evil rulers (“dictators”) whose only ambition is to “massacre their own people”.

This ideological construct is the basis for the Western-sponsored doctrine, forced on a more or less reluctant United Nations, of “R2P”, the ambiguous shorthand for both the “right” and the “responsibility” to protect peoples from their own governments.

In practice this can give the dominant powers carte blanche to intervene militarily in weaker countries in order to support whatever armed rebellions they favor. Once this doctrine seems to be accepted, it can even serve as an incitement to opposition groups to provoke government repression in order to call for “protection”.

One among many examples of this cottage industry is a program called “World Without Genocide” at the William Mitchell College of Law in my home town, Saint Paul, Minnesota, whose executive director Ellen J. Kennedy recently wrote an article for the Minneapolis Star Tribunewhich expresses all the usual clichés of that seemingly well-meaning but misguided campaign.

Misguided, and above all, misguiding.  It is directing the attention of well-intentioned people away from the essential cause of our time which is to reverse the drift toward worldwide war.

Ms. Kennedy blames “genocide” on the legal barrier set up to try to prevent aggressive war: national sovereignty.  Her cure for genocide is apparently to abolish national sovereignty.

For more than 350 years, the concept of “national sovereignty” held primacy over the idea of “individual sovereignty.” Governments basically had immunity from outside intervention despite human-rights violations they perpetrated within their borders. The result has been an “over and over again” phenomenon of genocide since the Holocaust, with millions of innocent lives lost in Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Congo, Guatemala, Argentina, East Timor — the list is long.

In fact, Hitler initiated World War II precisely in violation of the national sovereignty of Czechoslovakia and Poland partly in order, he claimed, to stop human rights violations that those governments allegedly perpetrated against ethnic Germans who lived there. It was to invalidate this pretext, and “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”, that the United Nations was founded on the basis of respect for national sovereignty.

Of course, there is no chance that the United States will abandon itsnational sovereignty.  Rather, all other countries are called upon to abandon their national sovereignty – to the United States.

Ms. Kennedy’s lengthens her list by arbitrarily grouping disparate events under the single label of “genocide”, mostly according to their place in the official U.S. narrative of contemporary conflicts.

But the significant fact is that the worst of these slaughters – Cambodia, Rwanda and the Holocaust itself – occurred during wars and as a result of wars.

The systematic rounding up, deportation and killing of European Jews took place during World War II.  Jews were denounced as “the internal enemy” of Germany.  War is the perfect setting for such racist paranoia.  After all, even in the United States, during World War II, Japanese American families were dispossessed of their property, rounded up and put in camps.  The result was not comparable, but the pretext was similar.

In Rwanda, the horrific slaughter was a response to an invasion by Tutsi forces from neighboring Uganda and the assassination of the country’s president.  The context was invasion and civil war.

The Cambodian slaughter was certainly not the fault of “national sovereignty”.  Indeed, it was precisely the direct result of the U.S. violation of Cambodia’s national sovereignty. Years of secret U.S. bombing of the Cambodian countryside, followed by a U.S.-engineered overthrow of the Cambodian government, opened the way for takeover of that country by embittered Khmer Rouge fighters who took out their resentment against the devastation of rural areas on the hapless urban population, considered accomplices of their enemies. The Khmer Rouge slaughters took place after the United States had been defeated in Indochina by the Vietnamese.  When, after being provoked by armed incursions, the Vietnamese intervened to overthrow the Khmer Rouge, they were condemned in the United Nations by the United States for doing so.

Some of the bloodiest events do not make it to Ms. Kennedy’s “genocide” list.  Missing is the killing of over half a million members of the Indonesian Communist Party in 1965 and 1966. But the dictator responsible, Suharto, was “a friend of the United States” and the victims were communists.

But while ignoring over half a million murdered Indonesians, she includes Bosnia on her list.  In that case, the highest estimate of victims was 8,000, all men of military age.  Indeed, the NATO-linked International Criminal Tribunal (ICTY) has ruled that the 1995 Srebrenica massacre was “genocide”.   To arrive at this verdict, despite the fact that the alleged perpetrators spared women and children, the ICTY found a sociologist who claimed that since the Muslim community of Srebrenica was a patriarchy, murdering the menfolk amounted to “genocide” in a single town, since the women would not return without the men.  This far-fetched judgment was necessary to preserve “Bosnia” as Exhibit A in the case for NATO military intervention.

It is generally overlooked that Srebrenica was a garrison town where the Muslim men in 1995 were not all natives of that originally multi-ethnic town and had been carrying out attacks on surrounding Serb villages.  Nor have Western media given much attention to the testimony by Srebrenica Muslim leaders of having heard the Islamist party leader, Alija Izetbegovic, confide that President Clinton had said that a massacre of at least 5,000 Muslims was needed to bring the “international community” into the Bosnian civil war on the side of the Muslims.  Those Muslim leaders believe that Izetbegovic deliberately left Srebrenica undefended in order to set up a massacre by vengeful Serbs.

Whether or not that story is true, it points to a serious danger of adopting the R2P principle.  Izetbegovic was the leader of a party which wanted to defeat his enemies with outside military aid.  The world is rife with such leaders of ethnic, religious or political factions.  If they know that “the world’s only superpower” may come to their aid once they can accuse the existing government of “slaughtering its own people”, they are highly motivated to provoke that government into committing the required slaughter.

A number of former U.N. peacekeepers have testified that Muslim forces in Bosnia carried out the infamous “Marketplace bombings” against Sarajevo civilians in order to blame their Serb enemies and gain international support.

How could they do such a horrid thing?  Well, if a country’s leader can be willing to “massacre his own people”, why couldn’t the leader of a rebel group allow some of “his own people” to be massacred, in order to take power?  Especially, by the way, if he is paid handsomely by some outside power – Qatar for instance – to provoke an uprising.

A principal danger of the R2P doctrine is that it encourages rebel factions to provoke repression, or to claim persecution, solely to bring in foreign forces on their behalf. It is certain that anti-Gaddafi militants grossly exaggerated Gaddafi’s threat to Benghazi in order to provoke the 2011 French-led NATO war against Libya.  The war in Mali is a direct result of the brutal overthrow of Gaddafi, who was a major force for African stability.

R2P serves primarily to create a public opinion willing to accept U.S. and NATO intervention in other countries.  It is not meant to allow the Russians or the Chinese to intervene, say, to protect housemaids in Saudi Arabia from being beheaded, much less to allow Cuban forces to shut down Guantanamo and end U.S. violations of human rights – on Cuban territory.

U.S. intervention does not have a track record of “protecting” people.  In December 1992, a Marine battalion landed in Somalia in “Operation Restore Hope”.  Hope was not restored, Marines were massacred by the locals and were chased out within four months.  It is easier to imagine an effective intervention where none has been attempted – for instance in Rwanda – than to carry it out in the real world.

For all its military power, the United States is unable to make over the world to its liking. It has failed in Iraq and in Afghanistan. The 1999 “Kosovo war” is claimed as a success – only by studiously ignoring what has been going on in the province since it was wrested from Serbia by NATO and handed over to Washington’s ethnic Albanian clients.  The “success” in Libya is publicly unraveling much faster.

Like all the R2P advocates, Ms. Kennedy exhorts us “never again” to allow a Holocaust. In reality there has “never again” been another Holocaust.  History produces unique events which defy all our expectations.

But what, people ask me, if something that dreadful did happen?  Should the world just stand by and watch?

What is meant by “the world”?  The Western ideological construct assumes that the world should care about human rights, but that only the West really does.  That assumption is creating a deepening gap between the West and the rest of the world, which does not see things that way.  To most of the real world, the West is seen as a cause of humanitarian disasters, not the cure.

Libya marked a turning point, when the NATO powers used the R2P doctrine not to protect people from being bombed by their own air force (the idea behind the “no fly zone” UN resolution), but to bomb the country themselves in order to enable rebels to kill the leader and destroy the regime.  That convinced the Russians and Chinese, if they had had any doubts, that “R2P” is a fake, used to advance a project of world domination.

And they are not alone and isolated.  The West is isolating itself in its own powerful propaganda bubble. Much, perhaps most of the world sees Western intervention as motivated by economic self-interest, or by the interests of Israel.  The sense of being threatened by U.S. power incites other countries to build up their own military defenses and to repress opposition militants who might serve as excuses for outside intervention.

By crying “genocide” when there is no genocide, the U.S. is crying wolf and losing credibility. It is destroying the trust and unity that would be needed to mobilize international humanitarian action in case of genuine need.

DIANA JOHNSTONE is the author of Fools Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions. She can be reached at  diana.josto@...

A shorter version of this article appeared in the Minneapolis Star Tribune on January 25.

=== 3 ===


уторак, 15. јануар 2013.


Stvarni razlozi nastanka Evropske Unije i presudna uloga SAD

Ratko Krsmanović

Vašington je nametnuo potrebu ujedinjenja Evrope pod tutorstvom Nemačke; Otvaranja evropskog horizonta je bila prilika za Nemačku da postepeno  izbriše posledica ratnog poraza i povrati izgubljenu moć;
 Aktuelizovanje stare pesme “jednaki u pravima” («Glaicheberechtigung»), što je Berlin već jednom pevao;
Pokidane veze između Rajha i Vatikana, ustupile su mesto vezama sa SAD i Nemačkom kao američkim osloncem za “evropske konstrukcije”; 
Danas EU ima svoju upravljačku klasu, a klasa sa takvim statusom traži i oslonce svoje zaštite našavši ga u vojnom savezu kakav je NATO sa nezaobilaznom ulogom SAD, što pomenute sudije za “dosuđivanje” Nobelove nagrade za mir nisu hteli da primete; 
Pripadanje EU znači i pripadnost NATO alijansi

 Tutorstvo Evropske Unije i njena poslušnička uloga u sprovođenju američkih i NATO naloga, rezultirali su dodeljivanjem Nobelove nagrade za mir 12.oktobra minule godine. Taj događaj predstavlja, ne samo kompromitovanje ove značajne nagrade, već i svojevrsnu porugu najvažnijoj civilizacijskoj vrednosti kakva je mir. Istina, u ovom svetu apsurda, taj izbor je saglasan sa aktuelnom politikom dodeljivanja ovog priznanja poslednjih godina.

Evropska Unija se od samog nastanka do danas pokazala izuzetno poslušnim vojnikom NATO alijanse. Više od dvadeset godina EU i njene članice su upletene u gotovo sve ratove u svetu uz prepoznatljive pokušaje reinstaliranja starih kolonijalnih uloga i uspostavljanja novih.
Istinski ciljevi, smisao i uloga EU su prepoznatljivi iz sadržaja dosta svežih arhiva koji su najpouzdanii oslonac istorijskih istraživanja i podsećanja na redoslede koraka njenog nastanka. To je veliki izazov savremenim istoričarima.

Podsećanja radi, želeo bih ukazati neke od tih istorijskih činjenica i okolnosi koje su uslovile nastanak ove i ovako “pacifistički” raspoložene EU, koju je žiri u Oslu okitio Nobelovom nagradom za mir. Te okolnosti zaslužuju daleko podrobnije istraživanje od jednog komentatorskog osvrta.

Temeljni akt koji se uzima kao početak “evropskih integracija”, predstavlja tzv. “deklaracija Šumana” od 9. maja 1950. godine. Već sledećeg dana, 10. maja, održana je značajna konferencija Atlantske Alijanse u osnivanju (NATO), gde je službeno dato zeleno svetlo za ponovno naoružavanje Savezne Republike Nemačke. Taj postupak je zapravo odgovor na dve godine star zahtev Vašingtona (1948.g.). I ako su prošle 4 godine nakon uništenja nacizma i usledila podela Nemačke, struktura Vermahta je sačuvana u najraznovrsnijim organizacijama, uključujui i kadrovsku. Da bi se prigušio mogući otpor evropske populacije Atlanskoj Alijansi, usled svežih sećanja na minuli rat, pribeglo se lukavstvu u vidu stvaranja Zajednice za ugalj i čelik (ECSC), koju je nagovestio francuski minister inostranih poslova Robert Šuman u svojoj famoznoj “deklaraciji”. Time je faktički prikriveno ono što se stvarno odvijalo iza američkih i nemačkih kulisa.

 Operacionalizacija zaokruživanja NATO zone je otpočela marta 1947. godine, čuvenim govorom predsednika Trumana u Kongresu, kada je zatražio kredite za podršku Grčkoj i Turskoj radi odbrane od “napada”. Tada je izbegao pominjanje SSSR-a kao potencijalnog “napadača”, jer su u tom času SAD i SSSR bili još uvek vojni saveznici. Sveže neprijateljstvo zapadnoevropskih zemalja prema Nemačkoj, naročito Francuske, prevaziđeno je svojevrsnom finansijskom ucenom u vidu “Maršalovog plana”. Primena ovog plana je uslovljena prihvatanjem izvesne političke “zajednice” integrisane Evrope, što je sasvim jasno formulisano u poznatom govoru na Harvardu 5. Juna 1947.

Dakle, Vašington je već tada nametnuo potrebu ujedinjenja Evrope pod tutorstvom Nemačke, čije su strukture bile čvrsto povezane sa SAD. Tadašnja Nemačka je imala najrazvienije kapitalističke strukture i najmanje razorene industrijske resurse. Čak 80% industrijskih potencijala u Nemačkoj je sačuvano 1945. godine, za razliku od ostatka razorene Evrope.

Motivi Vašingtona u pogledu ujedinjavanja Evrope nisu bili sadržani samo u geostrateškim razlozima, već isto tiliko u ekonomskim i finansijskim.
Nova američka strategija u vidu otvaranja evropskog horizonta je bila prilika za Nemačku da postepeno  izbriše posledica ratnog poraza i povrati izgubljenu moć, što je predstavljalo najvažniji spoljnopolitički cilj. Taj cilj nije nužno u saglasnosti sa američkim, ali je i jedna i druga strana zajedničkom akcijom lakše realizovala i posebne.
 Oživotvorenje međuratne ideje pod terminom “jednaki u pravima” («Glaicheberechtigung»), što je Berlin već jednom pevao u znak odustajanja od klauzula Versajskog mira, ne samo da je aktuelizovano, več je praćeno  sada i ukidanjem ograničenja proizvodnje oruža koja su bila nametnuta u Jalti i Potsdamu. Tu su takođe presudnu ulogu odigrale SAD, mada se današnjim  ružičastim pričama o mirotvoračkom razlogu nastanka i ocima EU, ove činjenice i dalje drže daleko od javnosti, stvarajući privid kako je reč o “oazi mira”, pa su taj “pacifizam” EU očigledno  vrednovali i sudije za dodelu Nobelove nagrade za mir.

U procesima profilisanja fizionomije evropske zajednice, kao važan asistent i saranik se pokazao i Vatikan, ma koliko se prećutkivala njegova geopolitička uloga. Pokidane veze između Rajha i Vatikana, ustupile su mesto vezama sa SAD i Nemačkom kao američkim osloncem za “evropske konstrukcije”.
Danas EU ima svoju upravljačku klasu, a klasa sa takvim statusom trži i oslonce svoje zaštite, zaštite osvojenih pozicija u zamršenim procesima socijalne i klasne diferencijacije. Svog zaštitnika prepoznaju u jakom vojnom savezu kakav je NATO sa nezaobilaznom ulogom SAD, što pomenute sudije za “dosuđivanje” Nobelove nagrade za mir nisu hteli da primate. Uz zaštitu nužno se pruža “alibi” nadnacionalnim institucijama poput Centralne Evropske Banke, kako bi se u interesu krupnog kapitala, pojedinačne nacionalne odluke istrgle od kontrole I gneva vlastitih naroda. Ni takve zaštite ne ukazuju na optimizam niti su garancija mira.

Otuda je i logičan zaključak da pripadanje Evropskoj Uniji znači i pripadnost NATO-u kao i pristanak na propisane standarde ove alijanse. Nije ralno očekivati da neka članica EU pripada nekom drugom  vojnom savezu.

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