(srpskohrvatski / english. 

Ancora un morto "attorno" al "Tribunale ad hoc" dell'Aia: si tratta di Dusan Dunjic, 65 anni, medico legale di Belgrado, che doveva testimoniare per la difesa nel "processo" a Ratko Mladic.
Sulle molte precedenti "strane morti" legate al Tribunale "ad hoc" dell'Aia si veda l'articolo di Juergen Elsaesser:
Sul più noto assassinio, quello di Slobodan Milosevic, si veda la nostra pagina dedicata: 
Sulla vergogna di questo "Tribunale ad hoc" si veda ad esempio: 

One more dead at The Hague

1) Defence witness in the Mladić case found dead (ICTY)
2) Svedok odbrane Mladića pronađen mrtav u Hagu (Sputnik)
3) Defense witness in genocide case against Bosnian-Serb Mladic found dead in Hague hotel (RT)
4) Mladic Defense Witness Found Dead in Hotel Room on Eve of Court Appearance (Sputnik)
5) Serbs in ICTY, Hague, Are Doomed to be Guilty or to Die (Grey Carter)

=== 1 ===

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)

The Hague, 22 October 2015

Defence witness in the Mladić case found dead

An expert witness for the Defence in the case of Prosecutor v. Ratko Mladić who was expected to testify in court today, Mr. Dušan Dunjić, was found dead at his hotel by a hotel staff member and a representative of the Tribunal. Emergency services personnel were immediately notified and ascertained Mr. Dunjić’s death. Dutch authorities are conducting an investigation into Mr. Dunjić’s death.
Mr. Dunjić, a forensic expert from Serbia, testified in a number of cases before the Tribunal. He was the expert witness for the Prosecution in the trials of Milan Milutinović et al., Vlastimir Đorđević and Ramush Haradinaj et al. In the trials of Radovan Karadžić, Stanislav Galić, Dragoljub Kunarac et al. and Vujadin Popović et al., Mr. Dunjić testified as the expert witness for the Defence.

=== 2 ===

Svedok odbrane Mladića pronađen mrtav u Hagu


Beogradski veštak za sudsku medicinu Dušan Dunjić pronađen je mrtav u hotelskoj sobi u Hagu, gde je trebalo da svedoči u odbranu generala Ratka Mladića, saopštio je Haški tribunal.

Tribunal u Hagu je rekao da su Dušana Dunjića pronašli službenik hotela i predstavnik Međunarodnog suda, prenose mediji.
„Odmah je obaveštena hitna služba, koja je potvrdila smrt g. Dunjića. Holandske vlasti sprovode istragu o njegovoj smrti“, piše u saopštenju suda.
Tribunal podseća da je Dunjić do sada, kao veštak za sudsku medicinu, svedočio u više haških procesa.
Na suđenjima Milanu Milutinoviću i sa optuženima za zločine na Kosovu, zatim Ramušu Haradinaju i Vlastimiru Đorđeviću, Dunjić je bio veštak tužilaštva.
Na procesima Radovanu Karadžiću, Vujadinu Popoviću, Stanislavu Galiću i Dragomiru Kunarcu, bio je veštak odbrane.
Jutros je prekinuto suđenje generalu Mladiću zbog, kako je sudija Alfons Ori rekao, „nepredviđenih okolnosti“.

=== 3 ===

Defense witness in genocide case against Bosnian-Serb Mladic found dead in Hague hotel

Published time: 23 Oct, 2015

A defense witness at the genocide and war crimes tribunal against Bosnian Serb General Ratko Mladic has been found dead in a hotel room in The Hague. The Dutch police say nothing suspicious or criminal in his death ahead of giving testimony in the ICTY.
, 65, was a forensic pathologist from Belgrade who was due to speak before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), which accuses Mladic of orchestrating a massacre and attempted genocide during the Bosnian war of 1992-1995, especially in the case of the Bosnian-Muslim town of Srebrenica in 1995.

Dutch police immediately launched an investigation on Thursday, but despite the suspicious circumstances of the death, authorities say they have “no reason to suspect that a crime had been committed.” A police spokesman declined to give further details on Thursday.

The Bosnian-Serb General spent 14 years in hiding, as many Serbs, including his former lieutenants – as well as his family – aided him in evading capture. In his time as general, Mladic oversaw the war, including being at the helm of the siege of Sarajevo, which took three years, and the Srebrenica episode of 1995, which is what forms the core of the accusations of genocide.

Lingering divisions exist across the former Yugoslavia over the war and the assignation of blame over the human misery it wrought. The fighting claimed at least 135,000 lives. The Srebrenica massacre, in which up to 8,000 Bosnian Muslims were slaughtered by the forces of General Ratko Mladic, was a definitive episode of Serbian atrocities during the hostilities. A UN court defined it as genocide, but Serbia, while condemning the killings themselves, has never accepted the definition.

In July, Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution condemning the events of 1995 as genocide. Britain and a number of other Western countries blasted Moscow for this, but Russia says the historical evidence for the charge of genocide is flimsy.

The Serbs, meanwhile, believe that The Hague is one-sided as it highlights those crimes perpetrated by the Serbian side, and not by its neighbors, among them Croatia and Albania, who have enjoyed Western backing.

The notion that Srebrenica was a legal case of genocide remains heavily debated, as is a lot of the allegations raised by the ICTY and the facts and figures on the ground that seem to contradict them.  

In the Yugoslav war, the town came under Bosnian Muslim control in 1992, with the surrounding areas controlled by the Bosnian Serbs. While Srebrenica enjoyed the protection of a Dutch UN battalion of 5,000, the population is said to have been carrying out continued assaults on the Serbs nearby.

In 1995, the Bosnian Serbs launched retaliatory attacks – something that served as ammunition for many in the West, and the ICTY, to accuse the Serbs of deliberately plotting to wipe out part of the Bosnian Muslim population, forcefully convert another to Orthodox Christianity. A lot of these views are said to have come from hearsay claims and not any hard evidence.

=== 4 ===

Mladic Defense Witness Found Dead in Hotel Room on Eve of Court Appearance


The body of Dusan Dunjic was discovered in his hotel room before he was due to give evidence for the defense in the trial of former Bosnian Serb army general Ratko Mladic.
An expert witness for the defense of former Bosnian Serb army general Ratko Mladic, on trial in The Hague for war crimes, was found dead in his hotel room before he was due to give evidence on Friday, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia [ICTY] has announced.  
"Mr. Dusan Dunjic was found dead at his hotel by a hotel staff member and a representative of the Tribunal. Emergency services personnel were immediately notified and ascertained Mr. Dunjic’s death. Dutch authorities are conducting an investigation into Mr. Dunjic’s death," stated the ICTY.
Dusan Dunjic was a Serbian forensic pathologist from Belgrade who had given evidence in several trials at the ITCY in The Hague, the Netherlands. 

Belgrade expert forensic pathologist Dusan Dunjic was found dead in his hotel room in the Hague, Sputnik Serbia reported.
Dunjic was an expert witness for the prosecution in the trials of former Serbian President Milan Milutinovic, as well as a number of prominent military figures who were tried for war crimes in Kosovo in the late 1990s. The Hague tribunal eventually acquitted Milutinovic.

Dunjic also gave expert evidence for the defense in the trials of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, and of former Bosnian Serb army commanders for crimes committed during the war in Bosnia and Hercegovina, from 1991 to 1995.
The verdict in the Karadzic trial, which was completed in October 2014, is expected in early 2016.
Dr Dunjic was scheduled to give expert evidence on Friday in the trial of former Bosnian Serb army general Ratko Mladic, whose trial began in May 2012. The prosecution indicted Mladic on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and closed its case in February 2014. Mladic's defense case began in May 2014 and is still ongoing.

=== 5 ===

Serbs in ICTY, Hague, Are Doomed to be Guilty or to Die 

Posted on October 23, 2015 by Grey Carter

Amsterdam: Dusan Dunjic, A defence witness in the prosecution of former Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic for his alleged role in the siege of Sarajevo and Srebrenica events was found dead at his hotel in the Hague only few hours before he was expected to testify.
It’s 9th Serb who have so far, died under suspicious circumstances in and around ICTY in Scheveningen. Their names are: Djordje Djukic, Slavko Dokmanovic, Milan KovacevicSlobodan MilosevicMomir TalicMilan Babic and Miroslav Deronjic, General Mile Mrksic was the first one who died outside of Scheveningen (he died in Lisbon prison unit, where he was transferred), and Dusan Dunjić is the first Serb defence witness in case vs. Serbian suspect to be found dead there.
President of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic was found dead in the morning of March 11, 2006. in his cell, only 6 days after the Krajina Serb leader, Milan Babic,  had allegedly commited suicide (March 5, 2006.)
This death toll excludes those who were released from the detention unit due to advanced diseases and soon died.
Even though the ICTY, according to its Statute, cannot rule the death penalty, but even if it could, hardy such high number of detainees would be sentenced to death as much as they died in and around ICTY Tribunal in Hague.
It’s  significant to ackowledge that even 19 witnesses against Albanian PM and mass murderer of Serbs, involved in ethnic cleansing, Ramush Haradinaj, were brutally murdered, with subsequent verifying by shooting in the head.
All murdered witnesses vs. Ramush Haradinaj for war crimes commited against Serbs:
Ismet Musaj assassinated in 2001. immediately before the start of the trial group “case Dukagjini” in Pristina.
Sadik Murici, protected witness, who was killed in 2002. shot in Pec.
Mirth Murici, protected witness, who was killed in 2002. from firearms
Bekim Mustafa and Avni Eljazaj were killed in 2002. from firearms
Smailj Hardaraj killed on 17 February 2002. shot in ambush in the town of Vitomirica near Pec.
Tahir Zemaj (killed and son Enis and his brother Hasan) was murdered on 4 January 2003. in ambush  in Pec.
Ilir Seljimaj wife and his brother Ferid killed in ambush  in Pec.
Sabah Toljaj and Isuf Hakljaj, KP members, were killed in the ambush 24th November 2003.
Sadiq Musaj  was killed   1. February  2005.
Sinan Musaj disappeared on 14 June 2005.
Đeljadin Musaj was murdered on 16 June 2005.  in ambush at the gas pump, “Molika”  in the village of Rasic  near Pec.
Kujtim Berisha died on 17 July 2007. in Podgorica in a car “accident”
Haradinaj was acqitted.
Therefore ANY possibility to prove their innocence, as for Serbs, is excluded.
The Hague ICTY Tribunal killed Yugoslavia’s President Slobodan Milosevic  http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-hague-icty-tribunal-killed-yugoslavia-s-president-slobodan-milosevic/12653