(english / srpskohrvatski / italiano)

Kosovo: e volevano premiarli con l'UNESCO...

1) Collegamenti e segnalazioni / Links and Hints
2) NEWS:
- Aug. 27, 2015: Klecka, a base of Albanian terrorists and a crematorium with the remnants of burned bodies uncovered
- Aug. 29: Attack on expelled Djakovica Serbs attending service at the Dormition of the Mother of God Orthodox Church 
- Oct. 26: Kamenovanje autobusa / Bus Bringing Serb Pilgrims Attacked and Stoned in Pec
- Dec. 1: Porodica Ibiši teroriše Srbe
- Dec. 7: Assalto notturno a Gorazdevac per terrorizzare i serbi residenti
- Jan. 6, 2016: Assalto contro i serbi che si recano in chiesa per il Natale ortodosso a Djakovica / Eggs, snowballs thrown as Serbs visit Djakovica

=== 1 ===

a film by Goran Radovanović

A Christian boy, determined to create a proper community burial for his late grandfather, crosses enemy lines and makes friends among the Muslim majority in deeply divided, war-torn Kosovo.

With this film I want to explore the essence of the Serbian/Albanian dispute, which resulted – fifteen years ago – in war, destruction and crimes. But I want to raise the following question: is coexistence still possible between these two communities in a reality marked by the presence of enclaves, isolated islands of Christian minority surrounded by a sea of Muslim majority?
My answer is crystal clear: hated based on fear of what’s different and diverse still lingers between the two ethnic communities.
And fear is the absence of love…
That’s why the hero in this story is a ten-year old boy who dares to do something unimaginable for both communities in Kosovo – Christian and Muslim: to gain a friend on the opposite side!
I wanted to make an antiwar film based on the eternal and edifying story about forgiveness and love.
– Goran Radovanović, Director –

Goran Radovanovic’s film is about a tiny Serb community living under UN protection in Kosovo.
Serbia’s nomination for best foreign-language Oscar turns clichés about the bitter civil war in Yugoslavia on their head.
Focused on a tiny Serb community living in a UN-protected enclave in Muslim Kosovo, Enclave – Goran Radovanovic’s second feature – looks at the legacy of ethnic cleansing and internecine conflict through the eyes of a small boy, Nenad.
Every day Nenad is taken to school from his father’s farm in a KFOR armored car to study alone in a school with no other pupils. Like any other boy of his age, all Nenad wants are some friends his own age. Each day, through narrow observation slits in the military vehicle he sees two Albanian boys and a shepherd boy – who has lost his father in the war and hates Serbs.
The film won an audience award last June after a competition screening at the Moscow International Film Festival.
– Source: HollywoodReporter


PROTEST ALBANACA U DECANIMA 18 DECEMBAR 2015. RTS (Sava Janjic, 18 dic 2015)
Reportaža RTS o protestu kosovskih Albanaca u Dečanima 18. decembra 2015. godine.

Kosovo Albanian nationalists staged a protest today in Dečani claiming that 50% of the Monastery land must be confiscated from the Monastery which is one of 4 UNESCO sites in Kosovo. The protesters were chanting UCK (the name of Kosovo Albanian war time militia)...

KOSOVO : PAS DE LIBÉRALISATION DU RÉGIME DES VISAS (par Hysni Bajraktari / CdB – jeudi 17 décembre 2015)
Nouveau coup dur pour le Kosovo : le Conseil de l’Union européenne a refusé, mardi 15 décembre, de donner son accord à la libéralisation du régime des visas. Une mauvaise nouvelle de plus, alors que le pays est en pleine crise politique...

Le Tribunal spécial chargé de juger les crimes commis par l’Armée de libération du Kosovo (UÇK) pendant la guerre de 1998-99 doit ouvrir en 2016. Le Parlement de Pristina a d’ailleurs approuvé cette décision en août. Mais depuis rien n’a avancé et les internationaux s’agacent...

JOHN KERRY, RIPRENDERE IL DIALOGO IN KOSOVO (Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi / OBC, 3 dicembre 2015)
Il segretario di Stato USA John Kerry, in visita ieri in Kosovo, ha invitato l'opposizione a sospendere le violente poteste al contestato accordo sull'Associazione delle municipalità serbe...

... Quando a Priština, oggi, se ne va un’anima ortodossa, il sentimento è completamente diverso... Ce ne sono ormai una trentina di vecchie signore che si sono spente. Nonna Rada Savić, una novantenne, come anche nonna Vuka Ivanović e Nada Djordjević, sono state sepolte là dove non hanno vissuto, e forse nemmeno avrebbero voluto essere sepolte...

Le Kosovo signera mardi 27 octobre son Accord de stabilisation et d’association (ASA) avec l’Union européenne. Un pas en avant symbolique, alors que le petit pays est toujours en phase de fortes turbulences politiques. La levée du régime des visas n’est par contre toujours pas à l’horizon...

The Serbian government warned potential investors on Thursday that the Brezovica Ski Center in southern Kosovo-Metohija is in the ownership of Serbia and that the decision on its expropriation made by the Pristina authorities is illegal...
RAID DE LA POLICE AU KOSOVO : 15 SERBES ARRÊTÉS À BREZOVICA (Courrier des Balkans | Traduit par Jacqueline Dérens | jeudi 8 octobre 2015)
Les unités spéciales de la police du Kosovo (ROSU) ont arrêté mercredi 7 octobre au matin quinze Serbes à Brezovica, dans le parc naturel des Monts Sharr/Šar, au sud du Kosovo. Les personnes arrêtées, dont le directeur du parc, sont détenues à Ferizaj/Uroševac. Elles sont soupçonnées d’abus de pouvoir et de corruption...

Xhemshit Krasniqi, ancien soldat de l’UÇK, a été arrêté mardi lors d’une vaste opération d’Eulex et des unités des forces spéciales de la police du Kosovo à Prizren. Il est accusé de crimes de guerre commis au printemps 1999...

Oliver Ivanović, dirigeant serbe du nord du Kosovo favorable au dialogue et adversaire résolu des actuelles autorités de Belgrade, a été placé en résidence surveillée au terme de vingt mois de détention et de plus de six semaines de grève de la faim. Il est accusé de crimes de guerre, commis en 1999-2000 contre des civils albanais...

KOSOVO: NASCE L'ASSOCIAZIONE DELLE MUNICIPALITÀ SERBE (Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi | Pristina  1 settembre 2015)
Con gli accordi Pristina- Belgrado del 25 agosto, le municipalità kosovare a maggioranza serba si uniranno in un'Associazione. Uno sviluppo che si presta a letture contrastanti...

C’est le prisonnier le plus célèbre d’Eulex. Depuis janvier 2014, le politicien serbe du Kosovo Oliver Ivanović, soupçonné de crimes de guerre, est en détention provisoire. Il a entamé une grève de la faim et vient d’être placé en soins semi-intensifs à l’hôpital de Mitrovica...

=== 2: NEWS ===

KLECKA: Suffering and Мurder of little girl Jovana in Klecka 

Posted on September 5, 2015 by Grey Carter

Serbian girl Jovana was only 11 years old when Albanian terrorists captured, beaten and detained iher together with rest of the  family.
They were taken in a camp in the village of Klecka , Lipljan , along with her mother and grandmother . The camp was under  direct rule and control of Fatmir Limaj (acquitted by the Hague cangaroo court) and Hashim Thaci.
Hasim Taci used to visit the camp. One day little Jvana was taken by the Albanian KLA bandits, Luan and Bekim Mazrreku, who, before the eyes of her mother and grandmother raped the eleven years old girl.
They tortured her, cutting her body parts for hour and forcing mother and grandmother to watch and listen…
When little Jovana  was almost dead,  they burned her alive, in the sight of the unfortunate mother and grandmother .
On 27 August, in the region of Klecka, at the height of 1,044 meters enabling the control of much of the region, the police uncovered a base of Albanian terrorists and a crematorium with the remnants of burned bodies.
According to witness accounts of captured Albanian terrorists Ljuan and Bekim Mazrek from Orahovac, those are the bodies of Serbs kidnapped by the terrorists in June. The terrorists abducted at the time close to one hundred citizens of Serb nationality – in the streets, in the fields, in the hospital, in pharmacies, but also in their homes and apartments. They have taken them in buses to Klecka and imprisoned them in improvised camps. >
There is reason to believe that most of the Serbs abducted in previous months have been killed there. It will be difficult to determine the number because the victims’ bodies were burned. So far, the remnants of 22 bodies were found. In one group of those shot, there were three elderly and two younger men, three women of the age of around thirty and two children aged seven to eleven. According to the accounts of captured terrorists, the KLA bandits have set up firing squadrons, numbering up to twenty “soldiers”. Following the pattern of Fascist reprisals, they tied the people, aligned them and shot them. Then they threw their bodies in a lime processing plant, an improvised crematorium.
“From a group of kidnapped persons, we snatched a girl. I heard someone calling her Jovana. I do not know if that was her mother. I was ordered to hold her while they raped her. Then one of the three commanders, Gani Krasnici told me to rape her. She was crying and screaming while we raped her, mumbling something in Serbian. We did not understand anything. Those who looked on were crying. Then we were told to take all women side and then gang raped them. Then Gani told us to mutilate them. The boy was around 8 years old. They were Serbs. At first, I did not want to do it, but later I had to. I cut off a woman’s ear and did not want to touch the child. The others did just about everything. They cut off their ears, gouged their eyes out and cut off their hands. I saw them gouging a woman’s eyes, both arms and then cutting both ears. I saw Skender Krasnici cutting off body parts, but I do no remember if it was a woman or a man. After that, the twenty of us were ordered to lign up and shot them. I was third in the group. In the firing squad there were also Dardan Krasnici, Skumbin Krasnici, Nebin, Ismet, Basken and Bekim Mazreku, Besim and Abazi Betici and Skender Krasnici. I do not remember the others. 
The person’s arms were tied up in one group. When we were ordered to shoot, I said no, I could not. The girl I raped and a woman with a child, whose ear I cut off, came before me. When I saw them, I lifted the gun and said I was not going to shoot them, I have had enough. Daniel hit me over the face and took my automatic rifle away. He took me to the group that was to be shot and said I was to be shot too. Hasni Kidaj and Skender Krasnici came, pointing a gun at me and took me out from the group. All the time Gani was standing behind, holding a gun with a tromblone mine and said that I would be shot unless I shoot them. I did not have any choice, I had to shoot.
The man they called Tiger gave them order to shoot. Get ready, get ready, shoot. We all shot at once at the group. We were shooting while ammunition lasted. We checked whether they were dead and then shot again. There have been some 100 people in the camp, abducted Serbs and Albanians. I do not know how many, but they were mostly Serbs. There were less Albanians. Among those abducted, there were several policemen. All of them were previously mutilated or massacred before being shot. They were individually buried in graves, along the roads exiting Klecka, on the way to Sedlar village. The graves have not been marked at all.” Aslan Klecka was in charge of teaching us to pray and worship. He told us that after the banishment of Serbs the Albanians will be the most devoted of Moslems in the world”
On the scene of the monstrous crime the police had found a small  cut off arm of Jovana, cut away from the elbow and partially burned …

[Zlocini brace Mazreku, pripadnika OVK, nad neduznim Srpskim civilima! Video svedocanstvo o zlocinima brace Mazreku.
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBQNYRq82aY ]

Spasm of the little fingers seemed like begging for help and waving to mother and grandmother . When asked by Judge Danica Marinkovic how they found out that the girl who was raped and murdered was Jovana, one of the Mazrreku  brothers said:
” When I ripped the girl from the hands of the mother , the woman was calling that name untill we finally executed her; and the old woman died too. Instantly . ”
Members of Serbian police in addition to other terrorists arrested and the two villains. The Mazreku brothers recognized and described the crimes that were committed in Klecka, and all what they did to little Orthodox Christian girl Jovana. All this was recorded by Judge Danica Marinkovic;  they took statements , the cameras filmed the crime scene and the villains;
The Court pronounced the verdict and sent the monsters to prison . But the West made a strong  diplomatic and non diplomatic pressure after the fall of Slobodan Milosevic; and they were – acquitted!! –  with the generous support of some blackmailed and corrupted Serbs: Biljana Kovacevic -Vuco , Natasa Kandic , Sonja Biserko , Cedomir Jovanovic , Natasa Micic , Borka Pavicevic ,  Miljenko Dereta and other well-wishers to Albanian narco supliers, these criminals  are free . I spoke about the little girl Jovana hundred times; I’m trying to record the names of   the martyrs, who died for Orthodoxy, in order to save them for oblivion.

PHOTO: The collection of poems “Jovana”, written by Slavko Nikic, was named after the girl Jovania who was barely 11 years old when Albanian terrorists kidnappped, raped  and killed in the most monstrous way in the village of Klecka in Kosmet. Together with her ​​mother Albanian bandits  hem into live fire. What is most amazing here,  is the fact that the monsters were released from the Nis prison and acquitted. 

My silent hope is that some Serbs, certainly better that us, picture Jovana on an icon,  in front of which we all could pray .
Grey Carter


Albanian terror continues: Attack on expelled Djakovica Serbs attending service at the Dormition of the Mother of God Orthodox Church 

Posted on August 29, 2015 by Grey Carter

The Djakovica Serbs who had been driven out of their homes in Djakovica and elsewhere in Metohija, today visited the town to celebrate the Orthodox Christian holiday of the Dormition of the Mother of God at the Serb Orthodox Church (SPC) monastery of Uspenje Presvete Bogorodice (Holy Mother Assumption).
The Albanians who gathered to protest threw firecrackers and red paint at the police, RTS is reporting.
While three buses carrying the Serbs were leaving the monastery’s yard, a sizable group of people gathered at the end of the former Srpska Street, shouting slogans against Serbs and throwing firecrackers. The slogans included “Serbia cannot pass here,” and, “No reconciliation without justice.”

[PHOTO: The ISIS Forerun: Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God (16-19 . Century) in Djakovica, set on fire with the old and the new parish homes on March 17 [2004], subsequently leveled with the ground. The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity ( two bell towers that were not destroyed during mining of the church in 1999, on March 17 had been leveled with the ground. Soon after that the Albanians systematically removed the remains of the church and built a park. UNMIK / KFOR Report – March 18 : Rioters remove debris of destroyed Orthodox church with trucks and tractors , around 5,000 Albanians participated).]

(Those who forcibly seized property of thousands of Cristian Serbs, call for justice?! That’s true mimicry)
The police used tear gas and prevented them from approaching the IDPs as they were leaving the monastery. One person was detained during the breaking through the police cordon.
After a short while, the Albanians dispersed while the IDPs left the town safely with strong police escort, and headed toward the monastery of Visoki Decani.
Beside the numerous Kosovo police members who secured the monastery in Djakovica today, Italian soldiers from KFOR had also been deployed. The entrance to the street was closed to traffic.
Djakovica Mayor Mimoza Kusari Lila spoke with the police before the buses arrived “to make sure everything is ready for the visit.”
And it was.
Rocks, crowd, and Albanian mob eager to lynch…
As always the Albanian occupiers defend their criminal misdeed always by the same excuse: The War! The Albanians suffered!
(Reminder: In 2014 in some of the surrounding villages a mass grave with murdered Serbs was investigated,  The human remains were discovered, and it was comfirmed that they belonged to victims of  the KLA  from the Albanian death camp for Serbs,  “Likovci”.
EULEX Prosecution has brought an order for exhumation, autopsy and identification of the discovered remains. Before the Albanian and NATO occupation, there were thousands of Serbs living in Djakovica and the surrounding area.

After 1999,  the only living Serbs in Djakovica –  six Serbian elderly women – found  shelter in the monastery. Before the war 12,500 Serbs lived in Djakovica and the area, 4000 in the centre of the city. During the joint NATO and Albanian terror they were expelled, murdered  and some are still on the List of the Missing. Over 10 000 Serbs have simply disappeared.).
Still, the Albanian ‘mayor’ shamelesly continues with propaganda:
“This municipality suffered a lot during the war and that must be respected – but we of course know that is according to the law, and we are ready for the believers to come in peace and we know they come because of religion, and not for other reasons. When we take into account there are many in our municipality still listed as missing and all the sufferings and the situation here, it is not easy,” said she.

One thing is true: No reconciliation without justice.
There Must be Justice.
source: Blic


Dopo l'ultima aggressione contro ragazzi serbi, di nuovo sassate contro i pellegrini ai monasteri nel Kosovo! E questi entrano a far parte dell' UNESCO?! 

Kancelarija za KiM: Kamenovanje autobusa i napad na dečake upozorenje o bezbednosti Srba 

Tanjug | 25. 10. 2015. – Kancelarija za Kosovo i Metohiju Vlade Srbije upozorila je danas da je kamenovanje autobusa sa srpskim hodočasnicima u Peći, prilikom obilaska crkve Svetog Jovana - Mitropolije u centru ovog mesta, "gromoglasno upozorenje" o stanju bezbednosti Srba i srpskih svetinja u našoj južnoj pokrajini.
Napad, koji je srećom prošao bez povređenih, dogodio se manje od 24 časa posle nasrtaja na grupu srpskih dečaka u selu Gornje Kusce, i pitamo se li je u ovim slučajevima reč o organizovanim nastojanjima da se Srbi na KiM zastraše, navodi se u saopštenju Kancelarije za KiM.
- Činjenica da se napad dogodio u prisustvu kosovske policije, svedoči o intenzitetu mržnje koja stoji iza incidenta i smelosti napadača. Ovakvi događaji, takodje, predočavaju na koliko je niskom nivou bezbednost Srba na Kosovu i Metohiji i poštovanje prava na slobodu kretanja i prava na veroispovest u južnoj srpskoj pokrajini - dodaje                                                                      Današnji napad na hodočasnike, u trenutku kada se odlučuje o tome da li će samoproglašeno Kosovo biti članica Uneska, još jedno je upozorenje kakva sudbina može zadesiti srpske svetinje, sveštenstvo i vernike ukoliko se taj plan i ostvari, jer oni koji danas upravljaju tim delom naše teritorije očigledno ne žele ili nisu sposobni da stvore normalno i tolerantno društvo, poručuju iz kancelarije za KiM.
Kancelarija za Kosovu i Metohiju apeluje na nadležne organe i političke aktere u pokrajini, ali i međunarodnu zajednicu, da preduzmu odlučne mere kako bi se eskalacija nasilja zaustavila i prestalo sa stvaranjem takve političke klime koja očigledno inspiriše nejekstremnije među kosovskim Albancima na najgori moguć način.
Poslanička grupa Srpska lista, takođe je osudila kamenovanje autobusa sa srpskim vernicima u Peći, upozorivši da to već predstavlja kontinuirani talas nasilja nad Srbima.
- Juče su napadnuta srpska maloletna deca, danas je kamenovan autobus, šta je sledeće, šta je sutra? Ovo je već kontinuirani talas nasilja nad Srbima - navodi se u saopštenju Srpske liste.
I kosovski ministar za zajednice i povratak Dalibor Jevtić najoštrije je osudio ovaj, drugi incident u samo dva dana.

Bus Bringing Serb Pilgrims Attacked and Stoned in Pec by Albanians 

Posted on October 25, 2015 by Grey Carter

Bus with a group of Orthodox Christian pilgrims from central Serbia,  was stoned during the visit to Metropolis in the center of Pec.
The bus was stoned at the moment believers came out of the church.
One of the passengers Nenad Panic sent the photographs of the damaged bus to the press.
“In the presence of two patrols, that followed the bus, in front of the church of St. John in the center of Pec the bus windows were broken, and no one was injured,” Panić says.
This is the second Albanian attack in less than 24 hours.
Yesterday four Kosovo Serbian boys have been injured and beaten by a group of Albanians yesterday on their way from school near Kusce,  Novo Brdo,  One of the attackers has been arrested.
After NATO supported Albanian jihad against Serbia 1999, remaining Orthodox Christian Serbs have often been subject to Albanian fanaticism, violence and extermination.


Kosovo: Police Arrest Albanian Who Stoned Serb Bus

Tanjug, Oct 26, 2015

PEC – The Kosovo police arrested the 18-year-old ethnic Albanian suspected of stoning the bus transporting pilgrims from central Serbia on their visit to the local Church of Saint John on Sunday.
The release of the Kosovo police filed to Tanjug states that the suspect admitted to stoning the bus and that he did that because he was provoked by unsuitable gesticulation of one of the passengers on the bus.
The prosecutor sentenced the suspect to 48 hours of detention, the Kosovo police from Pec said in the release.
Nobody was injured in the incident which occurred on Sunday at 2.15 p.m. but considerable material damage was inflicted to the bus.
The incident occurred despite of the presence of Kosovo police patrols, the witnesses said.



Albanci bi da me kolju, a zbog stoke moram u aps!

Autor: J. Jokanović | 01.12.2015. 

Kao i sve, tako je i pravda za preostale Srbe na Kosovu i Metohiji sporo dostižna. Toliko, da su od nje digli ruke.
Persa Stojković (75) iz sela Paralovo, u opštini Novo Brdo, mora da plati kaznu od 50 evra ili da odleži tri dana u zatvoru jer je pre dve godine sa svog imanja isterala stoku u vlasništvu porodice Ibiši iz susednog sela Žagovačka Vrbica, nakon čega je dobila batine.
Baka Persa je osuđena za remećenja javnog reda i mira i svakog dana čeka da joj policija zakuca na vrata i povede je u zatvor jer, kako kaže za “Alo!”, ni u ludilu neće da plati kaznu.
- Skoro celo imanje su nam uzurpirali. Ostalo nam je nešto malo, svega desetak ari, i sad oni dovode stoku na našu zemlju štetu da nam prave. Žive pet-šest kilometara od nas, a stoku sve dovode u našu mahalu. Stoka sve pogazila, pojela povrće, probila ogradu. Istrčala sam da je poteram iz svog dvorišta kad me je jedan od trojice braće dohvatio i motkom izudarao po butini. Njihov lekar Albanac me je pregledao, imala sam ogroman hematom. I sada ja da platim što sam branila svoje imanje. Ma neću iz principa, nego idem u apsu. Sin kaže da platimo jer pravde za nas Srbe dole nema, ali ja ne odustajem. Ako treba i sudu u Strazburu ću se žaliti - priča baka Persa, koja je o tada više puta bila na meti porodice Ibiši. Oni godinama vrše tetor nad gotovo svim Srbima u selu, otimaju im i uništavaju imanja, više puta su uhvaćeni u bespravnoj seči šuma, ali im, kako kažu meštani, niko ne može ništa.
- Svaki put kad me vide, pokazuju rukom preko grla i dobacuju da će biti krvi. Prošle godine me je najmlađi od njih uhvatio i pola sata mi držao sekiru iznad glave. Slučaj nije pokrenut jer tužilaštvo navodno nije imalo dovoljno elemenata za pokretanje. Komšija ne sme iz kuće od njih, ja ponekad izađem da naberem šljive, natočim vode i skupim granje za potpalu, ali sve u strahu. A oni mi dobacuju: „Šta si došla da nam smetaš.“ „Ma kome smetam, ovo je moje dvorište, moja kuća“, odgovorim im, a oni se smeju i kažu: „Kao što je tvoja i država.“ Prete i sinovima. Strah me je jer deca rade, pa često ostajem sama. Ja dok živim - živim, al’ za njih mi je najgore - zavšava nesrećna žena.

Desetine prijava nasilnika
Svetislav Ivanović, prvi čovek opštine Novo Brdo, kaže da porodici Ibiši niko ne može ništa. - U policiji protiv njih ima desetak prijava, za mnogo toga nisu odgovarali ili bi im sudija odredio najblažu moguću kaznu. Šta to vredi kada nastavljaju da kradu, tuku Srbe i otimaju im imovinu. Da stvar bude gora, mnogi trpe maltretiranje braće i ne prijavljuju ih plašeći se da će tek onda početi da se iživljavaju. Jednostavno, ovde ljudi više ne veruju u pravdu - priča Ivanović. U ovom selu je do 1999. živelo je više od pet stotina Srba, a sada ih je ostalo svega stotinak.


7 dicembre 2015: assalto notturno a Gorazdevac per terrorizzare i serbi residenti


Sava Janjic – Decani, Serbia – 7.12.2015.

Јутрос 7. децембра у 2.50 непозната лица отворила су рафалну ватру из аутомобила који је пролазио кроз српско село Гораждевац у општини Пећ. Према речима једног од очевидаца реч је о џипу који је возио 10-15 км на сат. Нападачи су најпре пуцали на споменик жртвама рата и страдалим дечацима пострадалим у терористичком нападу на реци Бистрици 2003. године, наневши велика оштећења. Настављајући пут кроз село отворили су ватру на аутомобил Србољуба Колашинца који је у потпуности изгорео, а потом су осули паљбу на кућу Саше Петровића. Нападачи су пуцали на више других објеката и једну трафику. Полиција и ватрогасци су одмах изашли на лицу места. Иако нико у овом терористичком нападу није повређен, житељи овог српског села су озбиљно узнемирени јер се сличан напад догодио пре 9. јула ове године када је такође из аутомобила у покрету нападнут споменик жртвама рата на који је бачен Молотовљев коктел. Починиоци овог као и бројних других напада на ово село и друга српска насеља и повратничке куће на простору Пећког округа никада нису пронађени. 

This morning (7 December) at 2.50 unknown attackers opened machine gun fire from the car which was passing through the Serbian village of Goraždevac, Peć Municipality (Western Kosovo). According to an eyewitness the attackers were in a jeep which was driving slowly (10-15 km/h through the village). The attackers first opened fire on the monument of war victims and Serbian children killed in a terrorist attack in 2003 and damaged it seriously. Continuing their drive along the main street they shot at the car of Srboljub Kolašinac and set it on fire and then riddled with bullets the house of Saša Petrović. A few other houses and a news-stand. The police and fire-brigade soon appeared on the spot. Although no one was hurt in this terrorist attack, the Serb villagers are seriously concerned because a similar attack occurred on July 9 this year when a Molotov cocktail was thrown from a speeding car on the monument to war victims. Perpetrators of this as well as many other attack on this village and other Serbian settlements and returnee houses in the Peć region have neer been identified and brought to justice.

TRAD.: Ieri, 7 dicembre alle ore 2,50, delle persone sconosciute hanno aperto il fuoco da una automobile che attraversava il villaggio serbo di Goraždevac, nel comune di Peć. Secondo un  testimone oculare si tratta di una jeep che andava a 10-15 km all’ ora. Gli attentatori hanno sparato prima verso il monumento alle vittime della guerra e ai ragazzi morti nell’ attacco terrorista sul fiume Bistrica nel 2003, danneggiandolo molto. Continuando il percorso attraverso il luogo hanno aperto il fuoco contro l’ automobile di Srboljub Kolašin che andata completamente in fiamme. Hanno poi aperto una  sparatoria verso la casa di Saša Petrović. Hanno poi diretto il loro assalto verso una Tabaccheria ed altri obiettivi.
Sul posto sono arrivati subito la polizia ed i pompieri. Anche se nessuno è stato ferito in questo atto terroristico, la cittadinanza di questo villaggio serbo è allarmata perchè un simile episodio era già avvenuto il 9 luglio di quest’ anno, quando con lo stesso metodo, da una automobile in movimento, si è sparato verso il monumento alle vittime di guerra e contro di esso è stata gettata una bomba molotov.
Gli autori di questo, come anche di altri attacchi in questa cittadina e contro le case d'intorno, nel circondario di Peć, non sono mai stati identificati.

Albanians "personally responsible for safety of Serbs"
Marko Djuric was in Gorazdevac on Monday when he said Kosovo Albanian politicians are personally responsible for the safety of Serbs in this enclave...

Kosovo: Von Serben bewohntes Dorf angegriffen
Im Kosovo ist das hauptsächlich von Serben bewohnte Dorf Gorazdevac von bewaffneten Unbekannten angegriffen worden. Ein Auto wurde in Brand gesteckt, ein Denkmal für serbische Kriegsopfer zerstört. Der serbische Regierungschef Vucic sprach von einem Angriff auf alle Serben...


N.B. Il VIDEO delle proteste dei nazionalisti pan-albanesi contro i serbi che si recavano in chiesa per il Natale ortodosso a Djakovica è stato subito CENSURATO da YouTube:
Kosovo Albanian protests for Orthodox Christmas (Sava Janjic, 6 gen 2016)
Kosovo Albanian ultra nationalists led by opposition party Self-Determination staged protest in Djakovica this morning in order to prevent a group of Serb pilgrims and refugees to visit their church for Orthodox Christmas holidays. Kosovo police prevented protesters to block the church and preserved order...

Kosovo: Eggs, snowballs thrown as Serbs visit Djakovica

Displaced Serbs from Djakovica, a town in Kosovo, have visited a Serbian Orthodox church there on Orthodox Christmas Eve

They came in a bus escorted by the police and brought a badnjak - an oak log that is part of Serbian Christmas traditions - to the church's yard, despite the fact several dozen ethnic Albanians gathered to protest against their arrival.
The protesters gathered several dozen meters from the church and waited for three hours, in bad weather and rain, for the Serbs to arrive. They stood in front of a police cordon deployed there. 
Last year and the year before, displaced Serbs were unable to visit the church and a monastery in Djakovica on Christmas due to the opposition of local Albanians, as some of them used stones to attack their buses. 
According to reports, there were no major incidents today - "other than the eggs, snowballs and apples" that the protesters threw in the direction of the Serbs who were "not in their buses at the time, and were out of the range." 
The Kosovo police said later on Wednesday that the protest was organized by the Self-Determination Movement and ended without incidents, and that the Serbs' visit to the town went peacefully. 
Tanjug reported earlier on Wednesday there was "strong police presence along the streets leading to the church," and that the protesters at one point shouted, “This is Djakovica - no room for Serbs," along with anti-Serb insults. 
A large number of reporters gathered in the town today. 
Last year, displaced Serbs visiting their town on Orthodox Christmas Even were attacked by ethnic Albanians who used stones. 
Some 12,000 Serbs lived in Djakovica before the war, while there are only four Serb nuns living there now. 
President of an association gathering Serbs displaced from Djakovica, Djokica Stanojevic, said that Orthodox Christmas was once respected by everyone, and that Albanians would wish Serbs a happy holiday. 
"I am sad, because I have been traveling 800 kilometers to reach my town, my street, only to pass by my house that is 100 meters from here," he told reporters in the church's yard. 
He stressed that all those who "made mistakes in the past should be held responsible" but that "it should be known that Serbs, too, are a part of this town," and added that IDPs had filed requests to authorities to return to their town. 
The Serb (Srpska) List president, Slavko Simic, also arrived today on the bus that traveled from Decani, and told Tanjug the visit was not meant to provoke anyone or cause incidents, but had the goal of sending "a message of peace." 
He said Albanians should not protest but welcome their fellow Djakovica-residents "cordially" and in that way show they want the town to once again be multi-ethnic.

=== 3 ===


We would like to thank everyone who signed our #NoKosovoUnesco petition on iPetitions, as well as all those who have contributed towards spreading the word about the petition on social networks and the media!

We’ve collected over 100,000 signatures is less than 72 hours, submitted the signatures together with a cover letter signed by 28. Jun President Filip Filipi and Serbian-Canadian Filmmaker Boris Malagurski to UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris and are now aiming at reaching our next goal: 200,000 signatures by the start of UNESCO’s Annual Conference on November 3, 2015, during which a decision will be made on whether Kosovo will be granted UNESCO membership.

Please sign the petition and share with all your friends:


Filip Filipi Janković
28. Jun President

Boris Malagurski
Serbian-Canadian Filmmaker


UNESCO Executive Board Recommends Kosovo’s Membership

Tanjug, Oct 21, 2015

PARIS – UNESCO Executive Board has recommended by majority vote to admit Kosovo to this organization. The proposal was accepted with 27 votes in favor to 14 against, with 14 abstentions.
The representatives of Russia and Cuba, with the support of Indonesia, tried to postpone the voting. The final decision on Kosovo’s membership bid will be made by the UNESCO General Conference scheduled to meet on November 3-18.

Dacic: No decision can erase history
Serbia will continue the struggle for preservation of its cultural heritage regardless of the Wednesday decision of the UNESCO Executive Board concerning Kosovo’s membership, Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday.
We need to continue advocating preservation and protection of the cultural heritage of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Serb people and Serbia in Kosovo-Metohija and we will do so at the UNSECO General Conference due to take place in November and through all other political and diplomatic activities in the time to come, Dacic told reporters in the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The UNESCO Executive Board can adopt the decision as they see fit, but they cannot erase history because this has always been and will continue to be Serb cultural and religious heritage in Kosovo-Metohija, Dacic said.


Japan Did Not Back Kosovo’s UNESCO Membership

Tanjug, Oct 22, 2015

SVILAJNAC – Japan did not back the UNESCO Executive Board recommendation for Kosovo-Metohija’s admission into the organisation, Japanese Ambassador in Serbia Juichi Takahara said on Thursday.
Japan refrained from voting as it believes that cultural heritage is a top priority for any country, Takahara told Tanjug commenting on the Wednesday session of the UNESCO Executive Board which adopted by majority vote the proposition for Kosovo to be granted membership in the organisation.
A total of 27 members voted in favour and 14 members were against the proposition, while 14 members refrained from voting, including Japan.
Let us hope that a mutually acceptable solution would be found to ensure protection for the cultural heritage in Kosovo, Takahara said.
On Thursday, Takahara delivered a donation of the Japanese government to utility company Morava in Svilajnac.


“Orthodox Holy Sites Handed Over To Those Who Destroyed Them”

Tanjug, Oct 23, 2015

BELGRADE – The banished citizens of Djakovica, Kosovo-Metohija (KiM), released that they cannot believe that UN member countries are ready to hand over protection over Orthodox holy sites in KiM to those who destroyed them and set them on fire in the 2004 pogrom.
We cannot believe that the international community can give its blessing for this and hand over the care for Serbian cultural heritage to those who are attacking Orthodox holy sites by throwing stones at them, break into them and rob them, states the letter sent by the association of Djakovica citizens to UNESCO.
Can those, who tore down the Church of the Holy Trinity in Djakovica in 1999 and built a park in its place, be entrusted with protection of Serbian holy sites, the banished citizens of Djakovica said in the letter.


“Kosovo In UNESCO Would Be Tragic Mistake”

Tanjug, Oct 26, 2015

BELGRADE – Admitting the self-proclaimed “Republic of Kosovo” to UNESCO would be a tragic mistake that would bring into question the survival of the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic and former UNESCO director-general Federico Mayor Zaragoza agreed on Monday.
President Nikolic pointed out that admission of Kosovo to international organizations should be discussed within the framework of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels.
Mayor expressed his disapproval of any type of abuse of UNESCO, especially for political purposes, which he said was obvious in a proposal put forward by Albania, the Serbian president’s press office said in a release.
President Nikolic asked Mayor to make effort at UNESCO to remove the question of Pristina’s membership of the organization from the agenda until further notice, the release said.


Former UNESCO chief against Kosovo's membership  (Blic, RTS – 26. 10. 2015.)
Former Director-General of UNESCO Federico Mayor opposes Kosovo's membership in the organization, and stresses that the UN is in need of deep reforms...


NO Kosovo in UNESCO - vittoria diplomatica della Serbia


(Servilismo: fratelli jugoslavi votano contro la Serbia)

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