> By Aleksandar Djaya
> From Belgrade, Special to Emperor's Clothes [2-21-2001]
> Translated by N. Malic
> It took the martyrdom of Serb civilians in a bus near Poduyevo ?
> protected by soldiers of the same countries that drove those Serbs out
> of Kosovo-Metohia [Kos-Met] ? to stop the Federal Parliament, at least
> temporarily, from passing the humiliating, Western-instigated Amnesty
> Act.
> Amnesty, or Amnesia?
> Earlier, in the Serbian Parliament, a DOS minister explained that "an
> act of mercy" made such a law necessary. Well mercy is a fine thing
> and perhaps some of the KLA prisoners deserve it. But there is the
> other side of the story....
> In the spring of 1999, NATO?s operation "Merciful Angel", the bombing
> of Yugoslavia, killed thousands of civilians and inflicted immense
> destruction. Today, this Merciful Angel issues ultimatums to the same
> Yugoslav political forces whose electoral campaign and subsequent
> government takeover it had financed. It demands DOS pass the Amnesty
> Act and release the "political prisoners."
> Who are these Kos-Met Political Prisoners? They were arrested for the
> murder of Yugoslav civilians, Serbian and Albanian, and of policemen
> and Yugoslav soldiers. What would these prisoners of conscience do
> upon their release? They would return to Kos-Met to be greeted as
> heroes by their terrorist associates. The next day they would take
> rifles and, as members of the "KLA" or "UCPMB" [which has invaded
> Serbia] again shoot or abduct and murder Serbian and uncooperative
> Albanian citizens or set up ambush massacres like the bus bombing near
> Poduyevo.
> Until that tragic event, the Yugoslav media mentioned little else but
> the Amnesty Act and the need to cooperate with the Hague Tribunal and
> possibly extradite our citizens to this New World Inquisition. As if
> there were no enterprises and factories, economy and industry,
> workers, civil servants, teachers or administrators. As if there were
> no people with ordinary, everyday lives, but only the visions in the
> brains of DOS leaders of some hypothetical "better future" ? dependent
> on the tender mercies of those who made our lives miserable for ten
> long years, only finally to bomb us with thousands of tons of their
> nuclear waste...
> Some facts are obvious to the blind. Nevertheless, the DOS-controlled
> media labors heroically to hide them.
> If the former government thought that controlling the state television
> and the largest publishing house in the Balkans (while allowing the
> existence of a hundred opposition TV stations throughout Serbia and a
> dozen opposition newspapers) would secure an easy electoral victory ?
> thus committing a major strategic blunder ? then DOS, still
> unnaturally calling itself the "opposition", is continuing in the
> footsteps of its predecessor. There is one important difference: the
> current government controls all the media. Through this captive media
> it continually attempts to convince itself and everyone else that it
> can fill the restless hearts and minds of Serbian citizens with
> optimism and their increasingly empty wallets with funds by doing two
> things:
> * First, constantly repeating the promise to arrest leaders of the
> previous government.
> * Second, submitting to all sorts of humiliating demands from the
> US and the West.
> If NATO, KFOR and the Hague are the true political reality, as the DOS
> leaders claim, how "real" are these leaders? Does this country have a
> president? Does it have a prime minister, parliament and government?
> Does it have citizens; indeed, does it have any "Reality" at all? Or
> are Serbia and Yugoslavia today only virtually real, a computer game
> run by DOS for the greater amusement of the New World Masters?
> Unfortunately, the events in Kosovo-Metohia and the south of Serbia
> transcend virtual-reality fiction. It is true that the new government
> cannot (yet) be held legally responsible for the tragedies in Kos-Met.
> (Though one should ask oneself why the latest and most monstrous
> attack by the terrorist "KLA" - the massacre of Serb civilians in a
> bus near Poduyevo ? happened to this government (and not the old one)
> though this government "cooperates" with the international community
> to a sometimes disgusting degree? Or how long will DOS continue to
> blame the current escalation of terrorism against Yugoslavia on
> someone else? Or at least wish it was the fault of someone else?
> Wishes are one thing; reality is something else. Ever since the
> victory of "democratic" forces in the federal and state elections,
> what has been the reality in southern Serbia?s Buyanovats, Preshevo
> and Medvedja counties?
> Albanian secessionist terrorists have fortified their positions
> including outside the so-called ground safety zone. With the help and
> protection of American KFOR troops, they have brought in heavy
> weaponry. In the "pauses" between attacks on our country?s sovereignty
> and its citizens, they engage in "combat target practice". The targets
> are our law enforcement agents and soldiers, forbidden from firing
> back until Washington gives its blessing. Meanwhile, our humiliated
> police respond to the hail of mortar fire from terrorist positions
> with "dignified restraint" from any response!
> Meanwhile, Albanian terrorists responded to the [DOS] peace plan for
> southern Serbia by bombing a bus, massacring Serb returnees in
> Kos-Met, near Poduyevo. And while the United States and NATO "support"
> the peace plan and pat the backs of DOS diplomats worldwide, the
> charred bodies of Serb policemen are being dragged out of their patrol
> car, which hit a mine near the village of Luchane, near Buyanovats.
> Nevertheless the most important issue for some of our leaders (not
> all, one must say with honesty) is still the extradition of the former
> Yugoslav President Slobodan Miloshevich to the Hague Tribunal!
> Was the Yugoslav Parliament really supposed to ratify the Amnesty
> (Amnesia) Act on that fateful day?
> The Washington-concocted scenario for crippling the Serbian state is
> in its essence so simple and logical (sinister, but logical
> nevertheless) that it can be ignored only by those who wish to do so.
> 1. The Amnesty Act would release all Albanian terrorists. Furthermore,
> it would halt prosecution of deserters and draft-dodgers, rendering
> any subsequent draft ineffective;
> 2. As stated in warnings from the West and as enforced by the threat
> of arrest by the Hague Tribunal, any Army commander or law enforcement
> agent in the field who shoots back at NATO's proxy terrorists could be
> labeled a "war criminal". The Army and police chain of command would
> be paralyzed;
> 3. Continued insistence on restraint would in effect support the
> deeper penetration of Albanian terrorists from Kos-Met into southern
> Serbia;
> 4. Conditioning financial aid to our country with the extradition of
> Yugoslav citizens to the Hague Inquisition would stimulate political
> conflict among the people (1) and if need be ? in order to definitely
> destroy Serbia and Yugoslavia ? incite a civil war. Afterwards,
> obviously, under appropriate resolutions of the UN Security Council
> and in order to protect civilians, their "human rights" and
> "democratic liberties", NATO would occupy all of Yugoslavia! (2)
> This State Department/CIA production isn't especially original.
> Nevertheless, it has worked to destroy many Latin American
> "banana-republics." Whether the thousand-year Serb state will founder
> and become a banana-republic at the dawn of the 21st century depends
> on all of us: those in power, as well as ? and even more ? those who
> elected them.
> Amnesty, or amnesia? You decide.
> Aleksandar Djaya was a columnist for the Yugoslav newspaper 'Borba'
> for two decades, until the Oct. 5th coup. He has written in several
> media and directed Theater in Belgrade.
> ***
> Further reading...
> 1) 'For Whom the Bell Tolls," by Jared Israel at
> Discusses the
> attitude of the current Yugoslav 'government' toward the Hague
> Tribunal.
> 2)'German Foreign Minister Calls for Permanent German Troop Occupation
> of Yugoslavia' at
> discusses the 'Associated Press' dispatch in which the German Foreign
> Minister argues that Germany should occupy Yugoslavia. Comments by
> Michel Chossudovsky.
> 3) Critics say the Hague Tribunal (also known as the International
> Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia or ICTY and also the War
> Crimes Tribunal...) - critics say it reminds them of the Inquisition.
> How very strange... See 'Learning from the Inquisition' by Dr. Kosta
> Cavoski at
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> Please Assist Yugoslav Journalists' Fund
> Emperor's Clothes is trying to assist a few families of Yugoslav
> journalists. These journalists are among the many journalists who have
> literally been thrown out of work when thugs took over all TV and
> radio stations and newspapers during and after the Oct. 5th coup.
> These attacks are part of the terror in 'democratic' Serbia. We are
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> It's really a privilege to be able to help these brave men and women
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> [Emperor's Clothes]


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