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Monday, May 14, 2001

1. Pogrom in Belgrade


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by Jared Israel [14 May 2001]

"po�grom (pe-gr�m�, po�grem) noun
An organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution
of a
minority group, especially one
conducted against Jews." (Dictionary, MS Bookshelf 98)

Dr. Klara Mandic, a founder of the Serbian-Jewish Friendship
who lost her entire family to pro-Nazi thugs during World War II,
brutally murdered three days ago in Belgrade. Dr. Mandic and
other Yugoslav
Jews had worked tirelessly to expose anti-Serb lies in the
Western mass
media. (See the 'Open Letter to American Jews,' of which she was
a signer.
It is posted below.)

The mass media in the West and the Washington-dominated media in
are portraying this gruesome murder as a robbery gone wrong.
police findings indicated that Klara Mandic...was killed during a
attempt." ( 'AP', May 11)

But although robbery is a clear-cut affair - i.e., something is
taken - the
'Associated Press' reported that:

"Police did not say whether any items were missing. They did not
say why
they thought it was a robbery attempt." ('AP')

"Killed during a robbery attempt" suggests that the robbers
murdered Dr.
Mandic because she caught them in the act or to prevent her from
identifying them later. But according to the Wire Service reports
she was
'beaten to
death' and then 'shot in the back of the head' and finally set on
('AP' and 'AFP', 11 May.)

This is not the behavior of robbers anxious to get the goods and
escape. It
is the behavior of murderers with a task: to leave a message of

As with any crime the question is: who gains? The answer here is,
only the
current Yugoslav authorities and their Washington controllers.

Belgrade's coup d'etat government has severe problems. The
Yugoslav economy
is functioning at about 1/3 the level prior to the coup d'etat.
The country
is riddled with strikes against government efforts to give
Yugoslav industry
away to Western interests. Desperate to prevent the formation of
unstoppable opposition, the current regime has silenced all
dissenting media.
For example, the popular Palma TV station was recently ordered to
broadcasting political shows. Thugs working for the authorities
have beaten
and arrested scores of opponents. After ridiculously botching an
attempt by
thugs with women's stockings pulled down over their faces to
kidnap or
murder former Yugoslav President Slobodan Miloshevich on March
28, the
regime arrested him, claiming the arrest was urgently needed
because they
had proof of terrible crimes. As for what these crimes were,
members of the regime proposed different possibilities, ranging
from theft
to murder, but during the six weeks they have held Mr.
Miloshevich for
"investigation," these authorities have yet to produce a single
witness to
testify against Mr. Miloshevich, nor have they indicted him for
not even traffic violations. Clearly the arrest was carried out
to satisfy
orders from
Washington, as Richard Holbrooke more or less admitted in the 'NY
Magazine' (April 8). Mr. Miloshevich's offense is he has
Washington and he has refused to crawl.

A week ago, Dusan Matic, lawyer for the jailed former security
chief, Rade
Markovic, told a press conference that his client had been
threatened with
death if he refused to testify against Mr. Miloshevich. In jail,
Miloshevich has been denied critically needed treatment for a
heart condition.

Even as ordinary people desert the government, the atmosphere of
terror has
increased. Government operatives threaten anti-NATO activists
with beatings
or death. The authorities have put up with the words "We are
watching you!"
in imitation of the slogan "Big Brother is Watching you!" from
George Orwell's book about a fascistic state. At least six
opponents of the
regime have died under 'mysterious' circumstances.

Dr. Mandic was murdered in order to send a message to Yugoslav
patriots in
general, but particularly to Yugoslav Jews who have credibility
in the West
and who have given Washington a pain in the neck.

Over the past decade, they continually denounced the anti-Serbian
statements made by American Jewish leaders as lies. The murder of
Mandic is intended as a message to these Jews: Beware! You were
driven from
Bosnia and Kosovo. Shut your mouths, or there may be more

Meanwhile, American Jewish leaders have responded to the
terror-killing of
Dr. Mandic with deafening silence. Why? All evidence suggests she
killed to punish her for an ancient crime: being a Jew who told
the truth.

The American Jewish leadership, self-appointed Protectors of
World Jewry,
were also silent in 1990-92, when anti-Serb fascists seized
control of
Croatia and began terrorizing local Jews, many of whom fled to
Similarly, Jews fled the Sarajevo regime of the Islamist, Alijah
Izetbegovic, a man ludicrously mis-portrayed by the American
media as a
tolerant democrat. In both cases American Jewish leaders said:
nothing. (1)

Why? Because the Croatian and Bosnian fascists were Washington's
Washington did not want them criticized. And these 'tamed'
leaders do what
Washington dictates. And today Washington dictates: silence
Serbia's Jews.

In 1992, American Jewish leaders did speak out. They took out an
ad in the
'N.Y. Times' and made speeches and wrote articles parroting the
Washington-Bonn lie that Serbs were the new Nazis and Miloshevich
(latest) new Hitler, spreading these slanders with evident relish
finding themselves on the right side of a pogrom. By comparing
an anti-racist, to Hitler, they belittled the suffering of
Hitler's victims
(including not only Jews but millions of Slavs, 'Gypsies',
leftists, etc.) (2)

Gentiles tend to view Jews as experts on genocide. So the Jewish
were invaluable to the anti-Serb propaganda effort. They lent an
air of
credibility to doctored pictures of supposed Serbian death camps
in Bosnia,
shown ad nauseum all over the world in August, 1992 - pictures
which have
been proven to be fakes. After all, if 'the Jews' said Serbs were
it must be true. (3)

But while the leaders could fool many American Jews, who, like
Americans, are uninformed about political forces in the Balkans,
or, for
that matter, precisley where to find 'the Balkans' on a map -
they could
not fool
Jews in Yugoslavia. Yugoslav Jews knew exactly whom the U.S. and
were using as proxy forces in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo: the
descendents of Hitler's local allies who killed over 80,000 Jews
perhaps 750,000 Serbs during W.W.II, killed them in ways so
brutal that
visiting Nazis were shocked. For example, by beating them to
death and
burning them. In other words, just as they killed Dr. Klara

Yugoslav Jews have tried to awaken world opinion. Take one tiny
instructive example: it was a Yugoslav Jew, teaching in New
England, who
made me aware of the full story of what the Serbs had gone
through in World
II, how much they had suffered trying to protect their Jewish
countrymen. I
will write more about that in another article, 'The Jewish Debt
to the Serbs'.

It was a Yugoslav Jew, Chedomir Pralinchevich, who first told the
that several hundred thousand Serbs, Roma ("Gypsies"), Jews and
non-Albanians were being driven from Kosovo after its
'liberation' by NATO
forces, with the connivance of the NATO command. A Yugoslav Jew
located Mr.
Pralinchevich and a Yugoslav Jew translated the interview. (4)

The wire service reports suggest that since (they say) there was
no sign of
forced entry, Dr. Mandic probably knew her attackers. This is
Terrorist forces in the employ of the Belgrade authorities would
of course
have tools for picking locks. Moreover, even a woman living alone
will open
the door to certain people, for example, to policemen.

Both the 'Agence France Presse' and 'BBC' stories also include
following (identically worded) paragraph:

"At least five of Milosevic's allies have been killed since 1997,
Yugoslav defence minister Pavle Bulatovic and Serbian deputy
minister Radovan Stojicic. Their murderers have never been found.
"(May 11)

The combination of "she knew her attackers" and "Milosevic allies
getting killed" is clearly intended to suggest that this crime
may be the
work of the ever-accusable Mr. Miloshevich. This is consistent
with the
Washington-directed effort to blame all Washington's attacks on
the victims
of those attacks. Thus the former head of Serbian TV was held in
jail for
about two months (a high court just ordered that he be released).
charge against him? Well, no charge was actually filed but they
supposedly 'investigating' his 'responsibility' for the deaths of
technicians and reporters killed when NATO bombed Serbian

And so we are supposed to believe that for some reason explicable
only to
himself, that mysteriously evil genius, Miloshevich, has chosen
moment, when his personal survival depends on rallying Serbian
patriots to
stand up
and be counted - that he has chosen this moment to have an old
murdered in a manner calculated to terrorize - whom? His own

Do they actually pay people to think up this crap?

In fact there is nothing mysterious about this murder.
Washington's proxies
have been using terror for ten years. Indeed, didn't Washington
uranium-encased bombs on civilian targets during the 78 days of
bombing in
1999? What is the difference between blowing a child to bits with
a cluster
bomb and murdering and mutilating Dr. Mandic?

The Kosovo Liberation Army terrorists, who have killed thousands
of Serbs,
'Gypsies', anti-racist Albanians and others in the most brutal
ways, are in
the pay of NATO special forces. And the thugs who murdered Dr.
imitating the methods of World War II Nazis, are in the employ of
Washington-controlled gangsters who presently run Yugoslavia. (5)

Having been murdered by NATO thugs, Dr. Mandic is now being
murdered again
in the pro-NATO media. The 'AP' wrote:

"In 1990, Mandic helped found the Society of Serb-Jewish
Friendship, though
her role in it was viewed with suspicion by the local Jewish
(May 11, 2001)

This is a lie and surely the 'AP' knows it. Almost all Yugoslav
Jews in
fact agree with Dr. Mandic's pro-Yugoslav sentiments, as
expressed in the
'Open Letter', below.

Today the Yugoslav Jewish community is small. Why? Because the
of America's current Balkans allies killed over 80,000 Yugoslav
Jews during
W.W.II. Those who were not killed only survived due to the heroic
of Serbian people who risked their lives to hide them. (6)

Dr. Mandic's murder was a terrorist warning from an increasingly
puppet regime in Belgrade, a regime which, since it has seized
control of
Yugoslavia by means of a coup, has given the ordinary people
nothing but
growing misery and growing subservience to Washington.

Decent people will not forget this murder. Nor will they forgive
those who
sent the killers.

-- JI, 13 May 2001


Below is the 'Open Letter' from the Serbian-Jewish Friendship
Society. One
of the signers is Dr. Klara Mandic.

Open Letter to American Jews

Dear Fellow Jews,

We the Jewish members of the Belgrade chapter of the Jewish
Friendship society, dedicated to the ongoing development of
relations between Jews and Serbs wherever they live together, are
this initiative to address other Jewish organizations and their

We protest the involvement of Jewish organizations, insitutions
and leading
Jewish personalities in the world for their condemnations and
attacks on
the Serbian people in Serbia, Montenegro and the former Yugoslav
republics .

It is with a deep sense of regret and irony that we learn of
Jewish support of the distorted and too often patently untrue
depiction of
the Serbian role in the civil war in Bosnia. We particularly
object to and
protest Jewish support of the foundationless, inhumane and cruel
measures taken against the population of Serbia and Montenegro.

Still more disturbing is the active role taken by [these
prominent] Jews in
support of military intervention and attacks against Serbs
fighting against
overwhelming odds for their political rights and their basic

It is incomprehensible to us that Jewish insitutions and
individual Jews,
who have themselves for thousands of years been the victims of
exile and annihilation, would participate in a racist pogrom of
the same
against the Serbs - nothing can exuse Jewish involvement in such
a campaign.

Not even during the Nazi era, when the great majority of German
supported Hitler, was there such an organized and systematic
campaign against Nazism or particularly the German people as
there is in the
world today against Serbia and the Serbian people.

Most importantly, Nazism constituted a bona fide threat to the
world: philosophycally, politically and militarily. It was no
of Madison Avenue and international political manipulation, as is
the case
today with Serbs. It is yet the the greatest of ironies that it
was fascist
manipulations, in Germany, grotesquely similar to those of
Nazism, which
served as the impetus for the break up of Yugoslavia, set the
stage for the
ensuing civil war and the tone of the geopolitical agenda which
dominates Western perception of this tragedy.

These perceptions have been profoundly enhanced by modern media
alliances of political and economic convenience and the woeful
lack of
historical knowledge, endemic in Western populations,
particularly in
America. Millions of people worldwide, well meaning people, have
manipulated; Jews among them.

In the religious, nationalistic civil war raging in Bosnia there
is indeed
brutality taking place. However, the guilt for that brutality
exclusively attributed to the Serbs, is not founded in reality.

The Serbs today once again find themselves in a position familiar
themselves and similar to that in which the Jews have so often
themselves. For centuries, the Serbs were the victims of the
conquerer; subjugated, exiled and forced into religious
conversion on the
one hand, and the object of Teutonic oppression under the
Empire on the other.

From 1941 through the end of World War II they were, alongside
Jews, the
victims of the Holocaust under the Nazis, the Ustashi and their
allies under the leadership of Hitler's trusted crony, the Grand
Mufti of
Jerusalem, El-Husseini. Today, as the Serbs are again threatened
life and
limb by a new generation of Fascists, Nazis and Muslim
fundamentalists, and
the racist nationalism of Croatia under the anti-Semitic
leadership of
Franjo Tudjman, they are labeled as "aggressors".

Confronted by these old enemies who attack them in full regalia,
with all the traditional symbols: Swastika, Shahevnitza, Star &
the Serbs are fighting for their biological survival on land that
has been
for a
millenium their own.

The entire history of the Serbs is one of struggle for survival
freedom. They live on lands which for centuries now have been the
cross-roads between great and often conflicting powers; the place
their borders meet: the
Christian church of the East and West - Orthodox and [Roman]
Catholic, the
Great Schism, the Muslim drive West, pitted against the German
drive east.

For many hundreds of years the Serbs have stood, in their fight
independence, as an unbridgeable obstacle to both these great
currents, the
rivers of blood swelling the shores of Serbian land with the
valiantly spent
lives of their sons and daughters - generation to generation.

In World Wars I and II the Serbs again carried the greatest
burden and
suffered the greatest losses in the "allied" fight against
tyranny in the
Balkans. So often alone in their struggle for liberation, they
have always

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