In questo numero:
per un "errore procedurale" l'UNMIK rilascia 42 terroristi dell'UCK
presi mentre trasportavano armi dal Kosovo in Macedonia (Reuters); uomo
accusato della strage dell'autobus di Podujevo "scappa" dalla base USA
di Camp Bondsteel (AP); esponente dei "Corpi di Protezione del Kosovo"
lascia il redditizio lavoro (pagato dall'ONU) e si unisce ai terroristi
in Macedonia (BBC).

Segnaliamo anche:
PressInfo 118 on TFF's site:
Macedonia: victim of Western conflict-mismanagement


Macedonia rebels held in Kosovo released - U.N.
By Beth Potter

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, May 10 (Reuters) - The U.N.
mission in Kosovo on Thursday said 42 detained members
of an ethnic Albanian guerrilla group fighting
Macedonia's forces had been released after a
procedural glitch.
NATO-led peacekeepers detained the suspected members
of the ethnic Albanian National Liberation Army in
late March as they crossed into Kosovo with refugees
fleeing clashes in the mountains of northwestern
New fighting erupted this month with government forces
pounding rebel-held villages in northeastern Macedonia
since last Thursday. Shelling on rebel-held villages
continued this Thursday as Western diplomats pressed
the Albanian Party of Democratic Prosperity to join an
emergency coalition government.
A U.N. spokesman said the 42 men, many of them ethnic
Albanians from Macedonia, were released on Wednesday
because of what he called a procedural glitch in
Kosovo's fledgling justice system.
"No decision to prosecute the (men) had been filed by
the investigating judge within the time stipulated,"
U.N. spokesman Andrea Angeli said. "There were some
juridical procedures which were not properly
A United Nations official, who declined to be named,
said most of the men detained did not go in front of
an investigating judge, causing the legal problem.
NATO-led peacekeepers detained a total of 44 men on
March 29 for transporting weapons and explosives
illegally across the border into Kosovo, a separatist
Yugoslav province with an ethnic Albanian majority.
Two of them were released late last month. A Supreme
Court panel of two international judges and one ethnic
Albanian judge decided to let the rest go on
The Skopje government has often said the Macedonian
insurgency was exported by Kosovo Albanian extremists
bent on dismembering the country, and has in the past
repeatedly accused the peacekeepers in Kosovo of
failing to secure the border.
Rebel leaders say they are fighting for equal rights
for the country's large ethnic Albanian minority.
A spokesman for the NATO-led peace force declined to
comment on the release of the suspected guerrillas.
"KFOR is in no position to say anything," said
Lieutenant Colonel Manfred Junk. "If some mistakes are
made then we have to live with that."
Kosovo, still technically part of Yugoslavia, has been
run by the United Nations as a de facto protectorate
since the end of NATO's 11-week bombing campaign in
1999 to halt Belgrade's repression of the province's
ethnic Albanians.

May 14, 2001
Kosovo Bus Bomb Suspect Flees
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) -- An ethnic Albanian
suspected of involvement in a bus bombing that killed
11 Serbs escaped from a U.S. Army-run detention
facility on Monday, a statement from the U.S. military
Florim Ejupi, a Kosovo Albanian, was absent when
guards at the main American base, Camp Bondsteel, did
a routine check of the detention facility at 4:15
a.m., the statement said.
Ejupi was being held in connection with a bus bombing
in Podujevo, 25 miles northeast of Pristina, in
mid-February that killed 11 and wounded more then 40
Serbs on a religious pilgrimage in Kosovo.
Details of his escape were not immediately available,
and the search for the suspect is under way.
Ejupi was arrested March 19 along with three other
ethnic Albanians, and was transferred to Camp
Bondsteel on May 3.

BBC News
Monday, 14 May, 2001, 11:31 GMT 12:31 UK
Kosovo Albanian leader 'joins Macedonia rebels'
A high-ranking official in the civilian Kosovo
Protection Corps, is reported to have joined ethnic
Albanian rebels in northern Macedonia.
The reports - from both Kosovo and Macedonia - say the
man, Gezim Ostreni, has been made one of the military
commanders of the rebel forces.
He was suspended as the chief of staff of the Kosovo
Protection Corps last month over alleged links with
the rebel.
He had been absent from his post for a month.
The Macedonian authorities have accused Kosovo
Albanians of involvement in the fighting in the north
of the country.
Mr Ostreni - who is originally from Macedonia - served
in the Kosovo Liberation Army during the conflict in
the province.
>>From the newsroom of the BBC World Service


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