> http://english.pravda.ru/main/2002/06/19/30625_.html


The Albanian Mafia gangs are actively involved in
trafficking of children to Italy, where they are exploited in
clandestine operations, some of which are
suspected of holding the victims in practices of sexual
Ostensibly smuggled into Italy for fruit-picking, the
thousands of children (usually between 12 and 17 years of age)
pour out of Albania?s poorer interiorr regions in search of
a fortune in the European Union. The dream soon turns into a
nightmare for many, who find themselves grid-locked in
Mafia-controlled criminal activities from which the only
escape in many cases is death.
The alert has been raised by the Catholic charitable
organisation, Caritas, which issued a report on the
phenomenon at the end of 2001. Father Cesare
Lodeserto, of the Regina Pacis Centre, said that ?In Albania
there is the rumour that children are untouchable in Italy?..
Maybe by Italians, but the Albanian Mafia, many of whom
were formerly active in the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army, or UCK -
Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves in Albanian) has been known to
operate prostitution rings both inside Kosovo and Albania and
abroad. Many of the Kosovar woman supposedly fleeing from
the Serbs, were later discovered to have been running away
from the UCK, which were rounding up the prettier girls
to ship off to Italy.
In the last four years, the Italian carabinieri in
Tricarico have rounded up 100 women trafficked into Italy
to work in clandestine prostitution rings, and seventy
children, although captain Tusa declared that ?there is a
decrease in the number of women and an increase in the
phenomenon of the children?.
Captain Tusa added that ?the Mafia which control
immigration have changed their practices because the sign
given by the Italian state is the dismembering of
street prostitution and prostitution of minors, which will
not be allowed in Tricarico. The Italian police are extending
their operations to the cities of final
destination in northern Italy.


©1999 "Pravda.RU". When reproducing our materials in whole
or in part, reference to Pravda.RU should be made.


Subject: Crimes Against Humanity: NATO-Sanctioned
Sex Slavery In Bosnia, Kosovo
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 08:10:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Rozoff <r_rozoff@...>

[As actions, particularly consistent and
institutionally-sanctioned actions, speak much louder
than words, the obligatory disclaimers of Jacques
Klein and his ilk should be taken at their proper valuation.]

Friday, 14 June, 2002, 17:39 GMT 18:39 UK
Boys will be boys

It has become a tragic inevitability that whenever
international peacekeepers are sent to bring law and
order to a war torn country, a vast and exploitative
sex industry, allegedly follows close behind.
Correspondent looks at Bosnia and Kosovo where girls
as young as 15 have been duped into working in
brothels and forced to have sex with UN personnel. We
find that the boys will be boys culture prevails and
that international soldiers and police officers at the
highest level are turning a blind eye. It is a
shameful and disturbing tale. Sue Lloyd-Roberts
Correspondent website,
Exclusive interviews:
Bosnian police officer denounces corruption UN
recommendation: Practice safe sex
Sold into sex slavery
Like thousands of young women in the impoverished
countries of the Eastern bloc Monica, a
19-year-old Romanian, leapt at the chance when her
boyfriend said he had arranged a job as a waitress for
her in Italy.
The Vila Bar - a place of both hope and disgust
She would work for a year and put the money towards
their wedding. She was taken to the Vila Bar in
Monica was led upstairs to a bedroom where Elena,
another Romanian girl, explained the routine.
Her shift lasted from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. during which
she would have to dance and service up to eight
clients a night.
Monica reacted with disgust and outrage at the
Her boyfriend had sold her for 3000 Deutsch Marks,
around £1000.
She asked about the clients. Elena said: "There are
many foreigners, soldiers and policemen". Monica saw a
glimmer of hope.
A graduate of the Bucharest Language Institute, she
spoke French and English.
She would simply tell one of the foreigners that there
had been a mistake and ask for help.
The men know they are running a risk
"Most of them were Americans and German", Monica said.
"Of course, I appealed to them for help, the soldiers
and the policemen. But all of them said that they
shouldn't be there and they would get into trouble if
they helped."
Monica tells how in the end she befriended a local
taxi driver who agreed to drive her to the border in
return, of course, for sex.
International peacekeeping customers
In her testimony to the police, Monica identified four
officers from the International Police Task Force
(IPTF) and four Nato soldiers among her customers.
There are hundreds of premises selling sex in Bosnia,
employing on average ten girls each.
If Monica's foreign clientele of eight is an average
for the region, a lot of "peacekeepers" must be using
such services. Monk: "These are embarrassing and
damaging matters"
Richard Monk, is a respected British policeman and
former Deputy Commissioner of the Devon and Cornwall
Police. He was head of the IPTF in Bosnia for two
years from
He says "I knew of one case where a 14 year old girl
was actually living with an international police
officer. I had to set up an internal affairs branch to
manage investigations against my own police officers.
There was nothing more embarrassing and damaging to
the work that we were trying to do."
The Head of U.N. Mission in Sarajevo, Jacques Paul
Klein, says the situation is now under control.
He says: "We have a zero tolerance policy here. Any
officer, anywhere using the service of a prostitute,
will be fired immediately and sent home."
How many has he sent home for sexual misconduct since
he arrived in 1999? He is not sure. He thinks about
Unacceptable behaviour
Is it simply a case of "boys will be boys" and is it
hopeless to expect thousands of men posted away from
home not to take advantage of the perks on offer?
Poverty leads to desperate measures on the streets
Richard Monk has no sympathy, "I cannot see how you
can possibly go into a country representing an
international organisation like the United Nations or
Nato and behave in this way."
Monk suggests that all international police officers
and soldiers should be told that it is "totally
unacceptable for you to consort with all prostitutes,
as you may not know the difference between prostitutes
and trafficked girls. So, quite simply, this is an
offence and you will be court-martialled if you're
But while those in charge debate about what should be
done, there may be thousands of young women, like
Monica, still being held as sex slaves in Bosnia.
Boys will be boys: Sunday 16 June 2002 on BBC Two at
1915 BST
Reporter: Sue Lloyd-Roberts
Producer: Lode Desmet
Deputy Editor: Farah Durrani
Editor: Karen O'Connor


Subject: Review Of BBC Documentary On Sex Trade In Bosnia, Kosovo
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:01:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Rozoff <r_rozoff@...>
To: r_rozoff@...

[This is a personal, in every sense of the word,
review of a recent BBC documentary on the epidemic sex
slave trade introduced under the auspices of NATO
occupation in Bosnia and the Serbian province of
The very title of this halfhearted expose is painful
to read, as it trivializes crimes against humanity and
against women in particular that are auguably the
worst in the world currently.
Several aid agencies have estimated that 500,000
Eastern European girls and young women are duped and
abducted into the brutal and dehumanizing sex slave
industry based primarily in NATO-administered Bosnia
and Kosovo every year.
Every year.
If a single, say, American or English girl were to
suffer this fate the world press would feature
screaming headlines condemning this sordid practice, a
blot on the conscience of humankind.
But when Russian, Romanian, Moldovan, Bulgarian and
other impoverished nations have hundreds of thousands
of their daughters kidnapped, raped, drugged,
tormented, violated and sold like so much cheap
chattel the so-called civilized world is conspicuously
silent about it, especailly as the perpetrators of
these unspeakable crimes are more often than not
Western clients on whose behalf the US and NATO have
gone to war against innocent nations and peoples.
Particularly absent among those expressing concern
over this plague of modern slavery are the New York
and London based 'human rights' professionals, who are
adept at urging on the bombing of sovereign nations,
but who immediatey lose interest in the victims once
the aggression has ended.]

I saw the documentary: Boys Will Be Boys (BBC
2-Correspondent) on Sunday. I must admit that I felt
phisically sick. Every single native confirmed that
all that mess started after the 'liberators' moved in.
And Mr Klein lied about the accusations of the young
Romanian girl ( she has indentified 17 men out of 20
from the photos Mr Klein showed her during his visit
in Romania on other business, but he had just drooped
by?!) who was saved by an Argentinian official serving
in Bosnia at the time of her enslavement. And guess
what: The Latino was dismissed and sent back to his
country. The girl was bewildered. First a man of Mr
Klein's position does not do this sort of thing that
he did with the girl, and that is against the
procedure. What happend to the real culprits? Nothing.
Most of them are Americans, and Mr Klein is a US
citizen, and in a high position, and he went
personally to Romania and lied to the journalist who
made this programme, and did not want to show the
document (he claims existed) about his 'interview' of
the Romanian girl.
In the meantime the whole enterprise is booming in
Bosnia & Kosovo, and soon in Afghanistan,...
All that made me so sick, apart from my real physical
conditions these days (which are very bad)
Is all this misery ever going to be fought against and