International Law
[update 25.10.2023.] also available in Italian!
Now available the publication number 7 of Jugocoord's series orientamenti
... a Roma, in più zone della città, sono stati affissi manifesti a firma dei Radicali Italiani con appello rivolto alla popolazione per donare al loro partito il 2x1000 della Dichiarazione dei Redditi, a sostegno dell’incriminazione del Presidente della Federazione Russa Vladimir Putin di fronte alla "Corte Penale Internazionale dell’Aja", così come, sempre citando i suddetti cartelloni, fu fatto nel 1999 con Milošević...
[Modified on 18 Aug., 2021] On March 1st 2021, the jury of the 2020 edition of the Giuseppe Torre award for critical analysis essays on the International Criminal Court on the former Yugoslavia met by telephone.
[Updated June 23, 2020] The most critical phase of the coronavirus pandemic being over, the jury of the "G. Torre" competition decided to fix the new terms of the second edition as follows: SUBMISSION of the papers before December 31, 2020; WINNERS to be announced on April 30, 2021.
Already submitted papers will be anyhow acquired for the competition, unless the authors decide to update them by making a new shipment within the new deadline, with the specification "Cancel and replace the previous consignment."