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George Szamuely, Andy Wilcoxson, Jovan Milojevich, The Balkan Conflict Research Team
International Tribunal for Crimes in Former Yugoslavia: Origins and Activities
Essays Submitted to the 2nd Edition of the International "Giuseppe Torre" Award
Editors: Ivana Kerečki, Andrea Martocchia, Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti, Federica Turner
orientamenti series no.7
Publisher: Jugocoord, 2022
Press: StreetLib.com
164 pages, 17x24 cm, 18 euro / eBook: 9 euro
ISBN: 9791221370539 / eBook: 9791222031910
The second edition of the Giuseppe Torre Award sponsored by the Italian National Coordination for Yugoslavia took place in 2020-2021. The jury chose the competition winners for the best essays on the International Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague. The prize rewards authors of texts on a subject generally considered untouchable, if not true heresy against the single dominant thought.
From the Editor's Introduction:
(...) The essays contained in this volume amply explain how this choice was operated on the edge of illegality and how the management of the ICTY trials was completely outside the normal procedure of justice, bending laws and proceedings to the need of the court to convict some defendants and absolve others of the same charges. (...)
In 2007, the National Coordination for Yugoslavia became a legally recognized association. A Coordination fan, Giuseppe Torre, died prematurely in 2014 and left a legacy to the group, to be used to reveal crimes against Serbs. From this bequest, the Coordination members and their secretary Andrea Martocchia launched the Giuseppe Torre Award for the best essays on the International Tribunal for Crimes in the former Yugoslavia. 'The theme of the “ad hoc Tribunal” remains current and is indeed essential for those who want to devote themselves to the interpretation of the contemporary Yugoslav crisis. On the other hand, this Competition and our other initiatives on this subject are not only the fruit of our desire to clarify the uses and abuses of International Law,' explained Andrea Martocchia.
In 2018, the first edition jury composed of Aldo Bernardini, Chiara Vitucci and myself awarded ex aequo Stephan Karganovic for his ICTY and Srebrenica and Jovan Milojevich for When Justice Falls: Re-raising the Question of Ethnic Bias at the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), a special mention was given to Tiphaine Dickson’s essay On the Poverty, Rise, and Demise of International Criminal Law.
The two essay winners of the 2018 edition of the Giuseppe Torre Award, plus two further essays by Christopher Black, a well-known internationalist lawyer, and Višeslav Simić, professor of Geopolitics in Mexico, with the foreword of Canadian ambassador James Bisset and afterword of Peter Brock and mine were published in The Hague Tribunal, Srebrenica and the Miscarriage of Justice (Unwritten History Inc., Chicago 2019). (...)
In 2021, the second edition jury, composed of Ugo Villani, Ugo Giannangeli and myself, unanimously awarded the first prize to George Szamuely for Securing Desired Outcomes: The Political Mission of the ICTY and the second prize ex aequo to George Andrew Wilcoxson for A critical look at the ICTY – The Tribunal’s Origins and Behavior, and to Jonathan Rooper on behalf of the BCRT collective (The Balkan Conflicts Research Team) for Truth and Justice – the American Way. How the ICTY distorted history and perverted justice.
The quality of all essays is excellent and the organizers of the Giuseppe Torre Award decided to publish them all with an additional fourth one by Jovan Milojevich. This book was thus born and, according to the cuts of various authors, delivers a vision of justice administered by the Hague Tribunal that corresponds to the Law infringements and violations of those who financed it to cover their own crimes against humanity.
Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti
1. Introduction (Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti) 9
2. International Law Subject to Politics (Ugo Giannangeli) 15
3. “Giuseppe Torre” Competition – Second Edition: the Call 19
4. The Winners of the “G. Torre” Award, ed. 2020 23
5. Securing Desired Outcomes: The Political Mission of the ICTY (George Szamuely) 25
6. Truth and Justice – the American Way. How the ICTY Distorted History and Perverted
Justice (BCRT collective) 65
7. A Critical Look at the ICTY – The Tribunal’s Origins and Behaviour (Andy Wilcoxson) 109
8. The Hague Tribunal (ICTY): The Ultimate Propaganda and Foreign Policy Tool
(Jovan Milojevich) 131
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Poznavanje jugoslovenske i balkanske stvarnosti u Italiji više je nego oskudno. Uprkos geografskoj blizini, zajedničkim istorijskim događanjima i neizbežnoj kulturnoj razmeni tokom vekova, vizija koja je i dalje dominantna u javnom mnjenju može se sažeti u poznati latinski izraz hic sunt leones. Ako je i tačno da u odnosu prema slovenskom svetu uopšte preovladavaju egzotičnost i intelektualizam s jedne strane, odnosno predrasude ili neprijateljstvo sa druge, kada se radi o specifičnom jugoslovenskom slučaju iz vremena nakon dramatične krize s kraja dvadesetog veka, i dalje se podstiče sklonost ka uklanjanju svega što se tiče onih istovremeno jedinstvenih i raznovrsnih karakteristika tog kulturnog i istorijsko-političkog prostora.
Iz ovih razloga je neprofitna društveno korisna organizacija Italijanska koordinacija za Jugoslaviju postavila sebi kao konstitutivni cilj doprinos većoj integraciji znanja o ovim temama, a u tu svrhu „objavljivanje knjiga, brošura, audio-vizuelnih materijala“, širenje i stavljanje na raspolaganje informacija pomoću savremenih telematskih instrumenata, kao i promovisanje specifičnih kulturnih i informativnih inicijativa.
U skladu sa ovom namerom osnovana je serija izdanja { orientamenti } kojoj je neizbežan cilj da, intervenišući u trenutno retko i slabo naseljenim oblastima Znanja, obezbedi pre svega osnovne instrumente – ponovno objavljujući klasike ili prevodeći važne tekstove koji nikada ranije nisu dospeli u Italiju, pružajući sintetičke i divulgativne instrumente za različite teme i odgovarajući na zahteve publike koja je istinski zainteresovana da sazna i razume.
Slovenska i balkanska umetnost i kultura / Savremena istorija / Oslobodilački pokret / Međunarodna politika / Slovenski svet / Biografije / Radnički i antifašistički pokret / Partizanski internacionalizam / Politička teorija / Lingvistika / Nacionalnost i identitet / Prijateljstvo među narodima / Makroekonomija / Materijali za Udruženje