In base a quanto riferito dal quotidiano macedone pro-governativo
"Vecer", la base militare di Bondsteel, presso Urosevac, in Kosmet,
sarebbe stata edificata su di un giacimento di uranio. In un articolo
uscito mercoledi scorso, intitolato "Anche l'uranio gratis nella
destabilizzazione dei Balcani", il giornale citando fonti di servizi
di intelligence stranieri va alla ricerca delle vere ragioni che
hanno condotto alla costruzione a Bondsteel di quella che e' adesso
la piu' grande base militare d'Europa.
"Gli americani avrebbero sondato quel terreno gia' 20 anni fa,
come registrato da apparati satellitari all'avanguardia, in grado
di vedere in profondita'." Impiantando una base militare in quella
zona, lo sfruttamento dell'uranio diventa gratuito. C'e' quindi
probabilmente anche questo tra i motivi del sostegno fornito dagli
USA al progetto indipendentista pan-albanese, secondo "Vecer".

Skopje daily claims US in Kosovo for uranium

SKOPJE, July 10 (Tanjug) - The US military base Bondsteel near
Urosevac, Kosovo and Metohija, is built on vast reserves of uranium,
the Skopje pro-government daily Vecer said on Wednesday quoting
intelligence sources which presented the actual reasons for the
destabilization of the Balkans.
An article entitled "Free uranium through the destabilization of
the Balkans," quoted foreign intelligence reports about the reasons
for picking Kosovo as the site of NATO's biggest military base in
Europe. Bondsteel was placed near Urosevac because of the fact that
there are vast uranium reserves there, which is a source of atomic
energy and used for the production of nuclear arms, the sources said.
"According to the intelligence reports, Americans picked that terrain
already 20 years ago, as it had previously been filmed by sophisticated
satellite equipment, with in-depth shoots," the daily said. By placing
a military base in the area, uranium exploitation becomes free, the
intelligence reports said.
The daily also quoted foreign military analysts who said that "western
forces, the United States namely, because of all the above, allegedly
placed themselves on the side of Kosovo Albanians during the crisis in
FR Yugoslavia, pledging help for their projects on Kosovo's