1. Yugoslav Federal Parliament: Milosevic should be cured in
Yugoslavia! (13/11)
2. Criminal Charges against Carla del Ponte filed (SLOBODA 15/11)
3. ICTY Stalls Acceptance of Milosevic Committee as Amicus Curiae
(ICDSM 15/11)
4. ICDSM Letter to The Hague Tribunal: Specialists Must Examine
Slobodan Milosevic Now! (ICDSM 16/11)
* Now is the Time! Help the ICDSM Get our Delegation to The Hague!
* The Hague Tribunal is in Crisis
5. SPS: Big protest rally for Milosevic "welcomes" Kofi Annan; Support
for Seselj's candidacy (SPS 17/11)


The Hague Is Quiet... Milosevic Is Exhausted
(by Sergey Yugov)

Milosevic Update: Let's Fight Back! (by Jared Israel)

Hague Tribunal Shows Desperation by Cutting
Milosevic's Statements from Transcript
(by J. Israel & V. Krsljanin)

=== 1 ===

Subject: Federal Parliament: Milosevic should be cured in Yugoslavia!
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 21:33:18 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <vlada@...>

On the basis of Article 77 Para 1 and Article
78 points 4 and 5 of the Constitution of the FR Yugoslavia,
the Federal Parliament, in the session of the Chamber of
Republics on November 13, 2002, adopts the following



1. The Chamber demands from the Federal Government
to perform all necessary measures in order enable Slobodan
Milosevic to return to the country for medical treatment;

2. The Chamber demands from the Federal Government
to submit urgently appropriate guarantees to the Hague
Tribunal in order to make possible defense of Slobodan
Milosevic from freedom after successfully finished medical

3. The Chamber demands from the Federal Government,
in order to secure the human rights of Slobodan Milosevic, to
make all measures on its disposal for the protection of
Slobodan Milosevic as one suspected by the Hague Tribunal;

4. This Declaration shall be published in the
"Official Gazette of FRY".

To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan
icdsm temporary address:
for your donations:

=== 2 ===

Subject: Criminal Charges against Carla del Ponte filed by SLOBODA
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 13:04:02 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <vlada@...>

District State Attorney's Office-Belgrade

B e l g r a d e

16A Slobodana Penezica St.

Pursuant to the Art. 224 of the Law on Criminal Proceedings and
the Art. 107 item 1 of the Penal Code of FRY, the above
Attorney' s Office being of actual and regional jurisdiction has
been filed the following



1.Carla del Ponte, the Attorney of the International Criminal
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the Hague;
2.Geoffrey Nice, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
3.Dirk Ryneveld, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
4.Cristina Romano, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
5.Milbert Shin, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
6.Daniel Saxon, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
7.Julia Baly, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
8.Daryl A. Mundis, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY

Them having deliberately ever since June 26, 2001, initiated the
procedure of life deprivation of Slobodan Milosevic, him being at
request of the Attorney's Office of the Hague Tribunal, kept in
the Detention Unit of the ICTY in Scheweningen in the Hague;
him being occasionally, ever since February 12, 2002, brought
and kept under surveillance in the court -room in the Hague and
him being returned to the Detention Unit although all of them
knowing that the health condition of Slobodan Milosevic requires
urgent medical treatment outside prison; them depriving
Slobodan Milosevic necessary cardiology specialist treatment
and further care; them doing this persistently and deliberately,
ignoring opinions and recommendations of the physicians
conference from FRY and recommendations of the physicians
Dr. J.W. Crosse and Dr. H.A. Rodrigues from Holland dtd. June
17, 2002, as well as opinions of the Head of the Cardiology Clinic
of the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, FRY dtd. July 23,
2002, that tried persistently to propose to the Trial Chamber
Slobodan Milosevic being assigned defense attorney instead of
Slobodan Milosevic temporarily being relieved due to further
medical treatment and seriously aggravated health condition that
might cause his death.

Them, hereby, being co-executors for the criminal offense of
attempted murder pursuant to the Art 47 item 1 of the Penal Code
of the Republic of Serbia in connection with the Art. 19 of the
Penal Code of FRY.

Them although chosen by the OUN and having the above
assignments, deliberately and roughly broke their professional
code of conduct and the acts of the OUN, representing the
generally binding acts of the international public law that covers
bodies and institutions of the OUN as well as the stuff of the
OUN, i.e.:

"the principles of medical ethics applied to medical stuff,
physicians mostly, to protect detainees and persons detained
from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading punishments
or deeds" (Adopted by the General Assembly of the United
Nations on Dec. 18 1982, the Resolution 37/94),

as well as

"The Code of Conduct of Persons Liable for Introduction of the
Law" adopted on the part of the General Assembly of the United
Nations on Dec. 17, 1979, the Resolution 34/169.

The Art. 6 of this Code determined that "persons liable for
application of this law should take care that health of persons
entrusted to them should be FULLY PROTECTED and they
provide the affected persons with all medical care whenever
need arises".

They violated severely the Art. 3 of the Universal Declaration on
Human Rights that guarantees that "EVERYBODY HAS RIGHT

The Attorney and her Deputies do not propose to the President
of the Court and the Trial Chamber neither the change of
conditions for Slobodan Milosevic pursuant to the Art. 64 of the
Rules nor do they initiate the Trial Chamber to release
temporarily Slobodan Milosevic due to medical treatment
pursuant to the Art. 65 of the Rules although they are well
acquainted with the quoted medical reports and proposals.

In Annex to these Charges we provide copies of medical reports
of Dr. J.W. Crosse and Dr. H.A. Rodriques from Holland dtd.
July 19, 2002, done upon request of the court council of MKSJ
and Dr. Sc. Med. Zdravko Mijailovic, the Head of the Cardiology
Clinic of the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade.

Hereinafter we propose pursuant to the legal jurisdiction
mentioned in the Law on Public Attorney Office Work and the
Criminal Proceedings Regulations to take all necessary steps for
suspects' persecution in conformity with the presentation of
evidence and their punishment before authorized courts.

In Belgrade on Nov. 12, 2002.

Charges filed by

Association of Citizens "FREEDOM'

National Committee for Release of Slobodan Milosevic

Belgrade, 16 Rajiceva St.

To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend
Slobodan Milosevic)
icdsm mirror address:
for your donations:

=== 3 ===

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic
The Url for this article is

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Send the link to this text to a friend! Or, if you
are receiving this article via e-mail, please forward
the text to your friends.

ICTY Stalls Acceptance of Milosevic Committee (ICDSM)
as Amicus Curiae
Comments by Jared Israel, Vice-Chairman, ICDSM
15 November 2002

Below is a transcript of the cover page, and a link
to the pdf file for the entire text, of the fax the
ICDSM received from The Hague Tribunal (ICTY) on Nov.
6th. The fax was in response to our motion. In that
motion we both applied for amicus curiae status in
the Milosevic proceedings, and stated our proposals
concerning Mr. Milosevic's health and the future
course of the proceedings. The motion can be read at

The ICTY's response, reproduced below, is reasonable
in tone. But they tell us to rewrite our motion
because, they say, we failed to take into account
"United Nations document number IT/122 which directly
concerns submission of Amicus curiae briefs." They
include the text of IT/122.

Based on this supposed procedure, we have submitted
two more motions, one asking for amicus curiae
status, and a second stating what we want done to
protect Mr. Milosevic. However, note that when Mr.
Richard May, who is in charge of the proceedings
against Mr. Milosevic, asked for submissions
regarding the Yugoslav President's health and the
future conduct of the trial, he said *nothing* about
any rule IT/122. Nor has said rule been mentioned any
other time that we know of. Nor, though we searched
the Tribunal's Website could we locate any such rule.

So we have a new twist in the macabre proceedings of
the ICTY: the secret procedure. This is a rule which
a) must be followed but which b) only appears in
response to an urgent motion filed by the supporters
of the Yugoslav leader whom one is attempting to do
away with, along with the truth.

Let there be no question. Mr. Milosevic's current
life-threatening health emergency results from the
conscious policies of the ICTY. See "Hague Tries to
Quietly Murder Milosevic" at

It is instructive that in the midst of this health
emergency, the guilty party plays procedural games to
stall and thereby exclude those who strongly hold
that Mr. Milosevic is innocent and NATO - sponsor of
the ICTY - is guilty. Mr. Milosevic's life is at
stake. When could it be more true that, "Justice
delayed is justice denied"? (1)

The fax can be read in full in pdf form at

Here is the first part, the letter from The Hague
Tribunal registry.

-- Jared Israel, ICDSM


Dear Mr. Varkevisser,

This letter pertains to your submission as Amicus
Curiae, dated 5 November 2000, directed to Trial
Chamber III in the case, Prosecutor v. Slobodan

The Registry acknowledges receipt of the amicus
brief; however, pursuant to the general practice of
the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia, an applicant wishing to submit an amicus
brief must file an application with the Registry. The
Registry will then forward the application, along
with this amicus brief to the Trial Chamber for
decision pursuant to Rule 74 of the Rules of
Procedure and Evidence. For more detailed information
please find attached United Nations document number
IT/122 which directly concerns submission of Amicus
curiae briefs.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact this office.

Yours Sincerely,




Footnotes & Further Reading Follow the Appeal

Help the ICDSM Get our Delegation to The Hague!

Events are moving very fast. On Tuesday SLOBODA, the
Freedom Foundation, which is the ICDSM in Yugoslavia,
filed suit in Belgrade against Prosecutor Carla del
Ponte and seven of her deputies at The Hague
Tribunal. The charge: the attempted murder of
Slobodan Milosevic.

The same day The Hague Tribunal ordered that Slobodan
Milosevic, former President of both Yugoslavia and
Serbia, undergo psychiatric examinations.

This is a new insult to Mr. Milosevic and to the
people of Yugoslavia. Given, on the one hand, the
intelligence and sustained concentration and dignity
with which Mr. Milosevic has solidly defeated an
avalanche of liars, and, on the other hand, the
bizarre behavior of this court, judges and
prosecutors alike, this order for psychiatric
evaluation is misdirected. Physicians: heal

Clearly the Tribunal wishes to find some basis, any
basis, to forbid Slobodan Milosevic the basic human
right to conduct his own defense. Apparently they
hope that some psychiatrist will declare Mr.
Milosevic unfit to represent himself. Hague official
Florence Hartmann suggested yesterday that Mr.
Milosevic could be moved to some outside facility
while they continue these proceedings in his absence.

The ICDSM needs to send a delegation including our
attorney, Tiphaine Dickson, as soon as possible to
The Hague. That delegation will reach the
international media and directly interact with The

In order to send that delegation *we need your help.*

If you were thinking of making a donation, now is the
time! Now, when The Tribunal is denying Mr. Milosevic
proper health care in order to pressure him to
appoint substitute counsel we need to get our
delegation to The Hague.

For we represent the other side.

We actually believe Slobodan Milosevic is innocent.
The charges against him and the Serbian people are
based on a campaign of lies. We have the facts.
Milosevic has all the facts and that is why they want
so desperately to replace him.

We believe Slobodan Milosevic is 100% right not to
appoint a lawyer to represent him before the
Tribunal. *Not even a lawyer who claims to support


Because it is Mr. Milosevic who led Serbia and
Yugoslavia during the period under discussion.
Because no lawyer on earth can - or will dare - to
stand up to this NATO-controlled Tribunal as Mr.
Milosevic has done, to tell the truth without fear of
consequence or career. There is no lawyer who can
demonstrate by his very demeanor, that the Serbs are
innocent and it is NATO, which attacked Yugoslavia
with bombs and lies and by instigating racial hatred,
which is guilty.

Slobodan Milosevic is the national leader who stood
up to NATO. It is a terrible blow for this Tribunal,
NATO's Tribunal, that they have been defeated by him,
day after day, since the trial began in February.

That is why in the proceedings this past Monday, the
three Judges presented every argument to convince Mr.
Milosevic to let some lawyer - any lawyer - replace
him, or partly replace him, or sit with him in court,
or take some step, any step to lessen his direct
impact. To lessen his impact today and to lessen the
impact of the transcripts of these proceedings which
stand as permanent proof that Milosevic told the
truth and NATO lied about the Serbs.

In order to get our delegation to The Hague we need
your financial help. Slobodan Milosevic is making a
great impact. We are making an impact too and with
your help, with your help we can do a hundred times
more to assist him, to defend the truth.

** Here's How to Make a Donation **

* Make a donation at our secure server. Go to
You can use VISA, MasterCard or Discover

Donate by credit card over the phone. Call us at:
ICDSM, USA 1 617 916-1705
Freedom Association, Belgrade 381 11 3282491 or 381
638 862 301

Donate using PayPal. Go to
PayPal accepts VISA and MasterCard

Send us a check at:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

Make a donation by wire. For instructions, go to

Thank you!


Footnotes and Further Reading

We in the ICDSM have studied the record and we are
convinced that Mr. Milosevic and the Serbian people
have been the victims of a campaign of media lies.
Here are two articles where this is discussed:

1) "KLA Attacks Everyone; Media Attacks...Milosevic?"
by Jared Israel at

2) "Media Misrepresentation Of Milosevic's Words: A
Review Of The Evidence," by Prof. Francisco Gil-White

3) Regarding our charge that the ICTY is NATO's
instrument, see "Official Statements Prove Hague
'Tribunal' Belongs to NATO," at


* Concerning Mr. Milosevic's Health *

On 15 July 2002 ICTY 'Judge' Richard May summarized
the findings of the *non-specialist* physicians who
were, finally, permitted to examine Slobodan
Milosevic. Note that the ICDSM and others, including
Yugoslav physicians, had many times requested that
*cardiologists* be permitted to examine the former
Yugoslav President, but this urgent request had been
denied without explanation.

Here are 'Judge' May's own words during the session
of the so-called trail on the 25th:

??We have received a report, a medical report, which in
its conclusion describes the accused as a man with
severe cardiovascular risk which demands careful
future monitoring. The authors recommend that his
workload be reduced??

As the German Nobel Prize winning physicians noted in
their open letter to The Hague, since Judge May made
this statement, the ICTY has done exactly the

2) What can be the motivation of The Hague Tribunal
in doing exactly the opposite of what their own
doctors have recommended regarding Mr. Milosevic's
health? It does not take a brain surgeon to figure it

Originally, the "trial" was to be broadcast on TV
worldwide, but when the 'tribunal' realized that
Milosevic was winning (he had the unfair advantage of
truth) the broadcasting was drastically curtailed in
February and then virtually stopped.

His statements and arguments are seldom if ever
quoted in the press. Thus, there has been an obvious
effort to silence him. But their problem is - he has
not been silenced. And they know this record, the
transcripts of these proceedings, cannot be erased.
More and more people will read them and learn that
they were lied to.

Therefore, The Tribunal has essentially instigated
this health crisis, by refusing to act on 'Judge"
May's own July 25th report of the findings of The
Tribunal's own doctors. (1) The idea is to silence
Mr. Milosevic by any means necessary. To replace him
with some attorney or, failing that, to have him
suffer a heart attack or stroke, which they will
describe as ' most regrettable.'

--- Jared Israel for the ICDSM

=== 4 ===

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic
The URL for this article is

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Send the link to this text to a friend! Or, if you are receiving
this article via e-mail, please forward the text to your friends.

ICDSM Letter to The Hague Tribunal (ICTY)
Specialists Must Examine Slobodan Milosevic Now!
16 November 2002

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

Sloterkade 20 * 1058 HE Amsterdam * The Netherlands

Ph. 31 20 615 1122 Fax: 31 20 615 1120

Mr. Claude Jorda, President MOST URGENT
Mr. Richard May, President Trial Chamber III
Mr. Hans Holtius, Registrar
The Hague
The Netherlands


Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic suffers from
malignant hypertension which has already damaged his heart
(agina pectoris).
On July 25th a team of non-specialist physicians was finally
permitted to examine President Milosevic. Judge Richard May summarized
their findings as follows:

"We have received a report, a medical report, which in its
conclusion describes the accused as a man with severe cardiovascular
risk which demands careful future monitoring. The authors recommend
that his workload be reduced"

However, subsequently, no cardiologist was called in to examine
President Milosevic. This despite numerous requests from SLOBODA
(Freedom Foundation) in Belgrade, and from medical experts, that
President Milosevic be examined by physicians from the Military
Medical Academy [VMA] in Belgrade who have followed his health for

Moreover, President Milosevic's living and working conditions have
not improved; they have worsened. He receives neither proper food, nor
sufficient rest, nor exercise, nor fresh air, nor clean air, nor
adequate time and facilities to prepare his defense. His workday has
been lengthened.

This has, predictably, exacerbated his malignant hypertension. He
suffered a severe escalation of blood pressure on October 31st. The
proceedings were cancelled on November 1st and Judge May made the
following statement:

"In the light of the state of the accused's health and the length
and complexity of the case, the Trial Chamber is concerned about
completion of the trial, and therefore, we wish to have submission
from the parties on the future conduct of the case in order to ensure
its expeditious conclusion."

We note that the concern expressed here is for the ICTY's
proceedings, not for the life and health of Slobodan Milosevic. This
is consistent with the failure to give President Milosevic proper
medical care throughout his imprisonment and especially since July
25th. This failure of a UN body to provide humane medical care, in
flat violation of UN resolutions, combined with the pressure being
exerted on President Milosevic to appoint counsel, may be construed as
torture: life threatening abuse intended to produce compliance with a
demand, in this case that the President cease conducting his own

President Milosevic is, first, a human being. He is, second, the
former head of state of both Serbia and Yugoslavia. He led the
resistance to NATO aggression; NATO spokesman Jamie Shea has publicly
boasted [1] that NATO controls the ICTY. President Milosevic was
brought to The Hague in a highly questionable manner; we say,
illegally. It is not only a violation of international law, but it is
a direct assault on the dignity of his office and therefore on the
people of Yugoslavia that Slobodan Milosevic be denied the most basic
human right: proper medical care.

We urge you in the strongest terms to correct this abuse before
your policies cause President Milosevic to suffer a heart attack or
Based on consultation with medical experts, we offer you the names of
three of the world's leading cardiologists. We urge you in the
strongest terms to permit these physicians to examine Slobodan
Milosevic in The Hague.

The physicians are:

[Editor's note: At the request of the three physicians we are not
publishing their names at this time. However, the names have been sent
to the ICTY.]

Please, act now, while there is time. You can inform us of your
decision either through our telephone in Amsterdam, 31 20 615 1122,
or by fax, 31 20 615 1120, or by calling SLOBODA (Freedom Association)
in Belgrade.

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

Footnotes & Further Reading Follow the Appeal
Now is the Time!
Help the ICDSM Get our Delegation to The Hague!

** Here is How to Make a Donation **

* Make a donation at our secure server. Go to
You can use VISA, MasterCard or Discover

Donate by credit card over the phone. Call us at:
ICDSM, USA 1 617 916-1705
Freedom Association, Belgrade 381 11 3282491 or 381 638 862 301

Donate using PayPal. Go to
PayPal accepts VISA and MasterCard

Send us a check at:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

Make a donation by wire. For instructions, go to

Thank you!



* The Hague Tribunal is in Crisis *

Events are moving very fast. On Tuesday SLOBODA, the Freedom
Foundation, filed suit in Belgrade against Prosecutor Carla del Ponte
and seven of her deputies at The Hague Tribunal. The charge: the
attempted murder of Slobodan Milosevic.

The same day The Hague Tribunal ordered that Slobodan Milosevic,
former President of both Yugoslavia and Serbia, undergo psychiatric

This is a new insult to Mr. Milosevic and to the people of
Yugoslavia. Given, on the one hand, the intelligence and sustained
concentration and dignity with which Mr. Milosevic has solidly
defeated an avalanche of liars, and, on the other hand, the bizarre
behavior of this court, judges and prosecutors alike, this order for
psychiatric evaluation is misdirected.
Physicians: heal thyselves.

Clearly the Tribunal wishes to find some basis, any basis, to
forbid Slobodan Milosevic the basic human right to conduct his own
defense. Apparently they hope that some psychiatrist will declare Mr.
Milosevic unfit to represent himself. Hague official Florence Hartmann
suggested yesterday that Mr. Milosevic could be moved to some outside
facility while they continue these proceedings in his absence.

The ICDSM needs to send a delegation including our attorney,
Tiphaine Dickson, as soon as possible to The Hague. That delegation
will reach the international media and be present to handle matters
relating to the motion we have filed with the ICTY.

In order to send that delegation *we need your help.*

If you were thinking of making a donation, now is the time! Now,
when The Tribunal is denying Mr. Milosevic proper health care in order
to pressure him to appoint substitute counsel we need to get our
delegation to The Hague.

For we represent the other side.

We actually believe Slobodan Milosevic is innocent. The charges
against him and the Serbian people are based on a campaign of lies.
We have the facts. Milosevic has all the facts and that is why they
want so desperately to replace him.

We believe Slobodan Milosevic is 100% right not to appoint a
lawyer to represent him before the Tribunal. *Not even a lawyer who
claims to support him.*


Because it is Mr. Milosevic who led Serbia and Yugoslavia during
the period under discussion. Because no lawyer on earth can - or will
dare - to stand up to this NATO-controlled Tribunal as Mr. Milosevic
has done, to tell the truth without fear of consequence or career.
There is no lawyer who can demonstrate by his very demeanor, that the
Serbs are innocent and it is NATO, which attacked Yugoslavia with
bombs and lies and by instigating racial hatred, which is guilty.

Slobodan Milosevic is the national leader who stood up to NATO. It
is a terrible blow for this Tribunal, NATO's Tribunal, that they have
been defeated by him, day after day, since the trial began in

That is why in the proceedings this past Monday, the three Judges
presented every argument to convince Mr. Milosevic to let some lawyer
- any lawyer - replace him, or partly replace him, or sit with him in
court, or take some step, any step to lessen his direct impact. To
lessen his impact today and to lessen the impact of the transcripts of
these proceedings which stand as permanent proof that Milosevic told
the truth and NATO lied about the Serbs.

In order to get our delegation to The Hague we need your financial
Slobodan Milosevic is making a great impact. We are making an
impact too and with your help, with your help we can do a hundred
times more to assist him, to defend the truth.

To make a donation, see above.

--- Jared Israel for the ICDSM

Backup ICDSM Website at

=== 5 ===

Subject: SPS: Big protest rally for Milosevic "welcomes" Kofi Annan;
Support for Seselj's candidacy
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 19:19:36 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <vlada@...>

The Socialist Party of Serbia

Head Committee

Belgrade, November 17, 2002


The Executive Committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia
supported unanimously on its today's session a plan of further
activities to protect life of President Slobodan Milosevic, whose
health has been seriously damaged by the so-called Hague Tribunal
using exhausting rhythm of the process and inhumane life conditions.
Members and organs of SPS on all levels will perform strongest
actions in order to secure for President Milosevic to get back to
Yugoslavia for medical therapy and preparation for the extension of
his struggle for the truth.

The Executive Committee supports the organization of the
protest rally, on invitation of the National Committee "Sloboda"
(Freedom), which will be held on Tuesday, November 19 at 03:00 p.m.
on the Republic Square in Belgrade, on the occasion of the visit of
the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. All SPS members and all citizens
are invited to take part and to express clearly the demand to stop
the crime against Slobodan Milosevic.

Starting from the fact that DOS regime prevented the
candidacy of President Slobodan Milosevic, who has the largest
respect and support of the people and underlying that the policy of
peoples' unity, advocated for years by SPS, is the only policy
capable to return freedom and prospective to the people, the
Executive Committee in agreement with President Milosevic adopted a
position that Dr Vojislav Seselj has to be supported as common
candidate of the opposition. In adoption of this position, has also
been taken into account the fact that Dr Vojislav Seselj publicly
accepted to act as a common candidate of the patriotic opposition, on
the basis of the policy of peoples' unity.

To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan
icdsm temporary address:
for your donations: