* Arrivarono dalla Germania nazista i proiettili all'uranio impoverito
* La NATO ammette l'uso di armi all'uranio impoverito, l'UNMIK chiede
spiegazioni, la Jugoslavia chiede la riparazione dei danni, i militari
contaminati fanno causa al governo britannico, la denuncia del GAVCI

* Due libri ed un intero sito internet sull'uranio impoverito

* L'uranio impoverito usato dagli USA anche a Portorico


Marco Saba wrote:
> Arrivarono dalla Germania nazista i proiettili all'uranio impoverito.
> 1945: L'uranio delle prime bombe atomiche USA e
> la tecnologia dei proiettili all'uranio impoverito
> ceduti dai gerarchi nazisti in cambio dell'immunità
> (6 maggio 2000)
> Il 14 maggio 1945 il sommergibile U-234 XB si arrese alla
> nave americana USS Sutton. Conteneva 560 kg di uranio
> arricchito che sarebbe servito per le prime due bombe
> nucleari (Alamogordo ed Hiroshima) e per alimentare il
> reattore che produsse il plutonio per la bomba di Nagasaki.
> Oltre all'uranio c'erano le tecnologie belliche di punta della
> Germania nazista, tra cui il sistema di detonatori per la
> bomba al plutonio e la tecnologia dei proiettili all'uranio
> impoverito. La resa era stata negoziata in cambio
> dell'immunità per Martin Bormann ed Heinrich Müller oltreché
> per gli altri gerarchi nazisti che erano a bordo del
> sommergibile. Tra questi troviamo: Johann Heinrich Fehler,
> Heinz Schlicke, Wolfgang Hirschfeld, Ulrich Kessler, Kay
> Nieschling, il Dr. Walter, Hideo Tomonaga e Genzo Shosi.
> Questi ultimi due, giapponesi, vennero eliminati (avvelenati) dai
> nazisti durante l'ultimo viaggio del sommergibile perché
> stavano scoprendo l'intrigo e volevano impedire che quelle
> armi potessero essere usate contro il Giappone.
> La tesi del fatto che la tecnologia dei proiettili all'uranio
> impoverito risalisse alla Germania nazista, venne per la prima
> volta avanzata da Dr. Siegwart-Horst Guenther nell'articolo da
> noi precedentemente pubblicato:
> "Uran-Geschosse: Nach Zyklon B, eine neue deutsche Kampf- und
> Massenvernichtungs-Technologie" [Poiettili all'uranio: dopo il
> Zyklon-B, dalla Germania un'altra arma e tecnologia di combattimento]
> Il Prof. Guenther è stato arrestato in Germania, violentato in
> prigione e oggetto di due tentativi di omicidio. Al suo
> processo, il Giudice ha chiesto di effettuare una perizia
> psichiatrica per rinchiuderlo in manicomio. Attualmente
> Guenther (76 anni) è agli arresti domiciliari in Austria.
> La tesi di Guenther è confermata da decine di documenti
> ufficiali di cui l'Osservatorio è in possesso e dalla
> testimonianza di un esperto americano nostro collaboratore.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Inviato da:
> Marco Saba
> Osservatorio Etico Ambientale
> via F.lli Cervi Res. Idra
> MILANO2 - 20090 Segrate (MI) Italy
> Tel (Italy+) 2 21591373
> GSM (Italy+) 338 5838282
> E-mail: vlario@...


> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: "Janet M Eaton" <jeaton@...>
> To: mai-not@...
> Subject: NATO Admits To Use Of DU in YU May 5th Article
> Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 14:42:05 +0000
> This is a very good article that reviews the attempts to persuade
> NATO to reveal details on DU use during the NATO War vs
> Yugoslavia which is imperative for investigating its impact on
> human health. It also refers to several studies on the health
> consequences of DU which suggest strongly the need for precautions
> for people living and working in the contaminated regions where
> bombing with DU munitions occurred and notes precautions currently
> being taken in the area.
> fyi- janet
> To: "DU List" <du-list@...>
> From: "Dan Fahey" <mtpdu@...>
> Date sent: Fri, 5 May 2000 11:35:44 -0400
> Send reply to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> Subject: [du-list] Interesting article on Kosovo
> boundary="----=_NextPart_000_00B2_01BFB686.0CA3D680"
> [ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]
> The Greenwich Village Gazette
> May 5, 2000
> http://www.nycny.com/columns/guests/hyland05-05.html
> NATO Admits To Use Of Radioactive Munitions in Yugoslavia
> By Julie Hyland
> http://www.wsws.org
> NATO Secretary General Lord George Robertson has finally provided
> limited details of the Alliance's use of depleted uranium (DU)
> ammunition during its war against Serbia last year. Robertson
> disclosed the information in a letter to UN Secretary General Kofi
> Annan last month-four months after it was first requested.
> DU is a waste product of the process used to enrich natural uranium
> ore for use in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. It is 1.7 times
> as dense as lead and is used in the tips of a bullet or a round to
> pierce armor plating. It can also be used in cruise missile nose cones
> and has been used in the armor of tanks.
> DU breaks into tiny particles on impact, which can be easily ingested
> and/or inhaled. Numerous studies have linked DU ammunition to the
> increase of cancer in Iraq, following the 1991 Gulf War, and to the
> number of army personnel in the US and the UK suffering from "Gulf War
> Syndrome".
> Annan had requested detailed information on NATO's use of DU during
> its 78-day bombardment of Yugoslavia, following a UN investigation by
> the Balkan Task Force (BTF). The results of the BTF
> investigation-which included members from the World Health
> Organization, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Swedish
> Radiation Protection Institute-were reported last October.
> Investigators concentrated on four environmental "hot-spots" in
> Kosovo-Pancevo, Kragujevac, Novi Sad and Bor-but complained that the
> lack of official confirmation from NATO of its use of DU "during the
> Kosovo conflict distorted the prerequisites for the group's work".
> The report concluded that whilst the Kosovo conflict did not cause an
> environmental catastrophe for the whole of the Balkan region,
> pollution at the four spots investigated was "serious and poses a
> threat to human health". It urged an investigation into the impact of
> DU ammunition on human health.
> Robertson wrote that the United States Air Force A-10 "tankbuster"
> aircraft had concentrated their operations "in an area west of the
> Pec-Dakovica-Prizren highway, in the area surrounding Klina, in the
> area around Prizren, and in an area to the north of a line joining
> Suva Reka and Urosevac". He added, "However, many missions using DU
> also took place outside these areas."
> The UN Environmental Programme (UNep) complained that "the information
> provided [by Robertson] is not of sufficient detail to facilitate an
> accurate field assessment of the environmental and human health
> consequences of its use at the present time". This meant it was not
> possible "to comprehensively carry out an objective and scientifically
> based environmental and human health impact assessment in Kosovo".
> Whilst claiming that Robertson's admission "should not be a cause of
> widespread alarm", UNep urged that its October 1999 recommendations
> should be followed-including preventing access to all places where
> contamination has been confirmed, informing the local populace of the
> possible risks and taking "appropriate precautionary measures".
> The lack of detailed information in Robertson's letter is not
> surprising. NATO pursued a strategy of "carpet-bombing" towns and
> cities across Yugoslavia during its offensive. Some 700 planes flew
> almost 35,000 sorties, destroying large parts of the country's
> industrial and social infrastructure.
> During the latter stages of the air campaign, NATO moved to 24-hour
> bombing, targeting industrial plants, airports, electricity and
> telecommunications facilities, railways, bridges and fuel depots,
> schools, health clinics, day care centres, government buildings,
> churches, museums and monasteries.
> A comprehensive list of those areas targeted with DU ammunition would
> probably mean declaring much of Serbia and Kosovo contaminated, as
> well as raising serious concerns over the environmental and health
> dangers for surrounding countries.
> It is unlikely that a detailed breakdown will be forthcoming.
> Following Robertson's admission, Francois LeBlevenac, a NATO
> spokesman, said that the alliance had "no direct control" over the use
> of DU ammunition during the war. Whilst NATO had overall control of
> the campaign against Serbia, "it had no jurisdiction over the choice
> of armaments used by member nations," LeBlevenac said.
> Both the US and the UK were known to have used DU ammunition during
> the war. Whilst both have denied that the weapons posed any
> significant risk to human health, numerous studies have revealed
> significant dangers. The US Army's Environmental Policy Institute
> reported in 1995: "If DU enters the body, it has the potential to
> generate significant medical consequences. The risks associated with
> DU are both chemical and radiological."
> UK Ministry of Defense personnel in Kosovo have been warned to stay
> clear of any sites targeted with DU munitions, unless they are wearing
> full radioactive protective clothing. The National Radiological
> Protection Board advises UK nationals visiting or working in Kosovo to
> avoid disturbing areas contaminated with DU. Last April, radiation
> physicists at the University of Maryland submitted evidence to the US
> Department of Energy, recommending that DU never be used in warfare
> because of the health hazards.
> Last week German KFOR troops designated an area of approximately 5,000
> square metres in Kosovo-Metohija as radioactive, leading the Defence
> Ministry to promise it would conduct health checks on all its
> personnel in the vicinity.
> The consequences of DU munitions have been most clearly revealed in
> Iraq. The US fired almost 944,000 rounds of DU ammunition in Iraq and
> Kuwait during the 1991 war. Congenital birth defects in Iraq are
> reported to have increased to three times their post-war levels and
> there has been a dramatic increase in cancers and childhood leukemia.
> Last year, British experimental biologist Roger Cohill warned that the
> use of DU weapons against Yugoslavia was likely to result in an
> additional 10,000 fatal cancer cases in the region.
> As in Iraq, NATO sanctions against Serbia are undermining the medical
> profession's ability to detect and treat the disease. At a public
> meeting convened in London on March 24 to commemorate the first
> anniversary of the NATO bombing, Labour MP's Alice Mahon and Bob
> Marshall-Andrews reported on their recent visit to Yugoslavia as part
> of a campaign to lift western sanctions.
> The two reported that they had spoken with refugees from Kosovo,
> Bosnia and Croatia and met patients at the Bazanijska Kosa hospital in
> Belgrade. Cancer experts at the hospital had informed them that
> sanctions were seriously undermining cancer prevention and the quality
> of care. Radiotherapy equipment often does not have all the required
> parts and chemotherapy drugs are unavailable.
> Already this has meant that the number of early-detected cancer cases
> has dropped from 35 percent in 1990 to 13 percent. Doctors told them
> that, in comparison to the rest of Europe, Serbia is now bottom of the
> league table for five-year survival rates for lung, breast, colon,
> rectum, prostate, testicular, ovarian,stomach and cervical cancers.
> The BTF report is available on the Internet at:
> http://www.grid.unep.ch/btf
> This article contributed by http://www.wsws.org
> --
> For MAI-not (un)subscription information, posting guidelines and
> links to other MAI sites please see http://mai.flora.org/


BERLIN, April 19 (Tanjug) - Tom Koenigs of Germany, head of the U.N.
civilian mission to Kosovo and Metohija (UNMIK) section for civilian
administration, on Wednesday urged NATO to submit data on
ammunition it had used during its aggression on Yugoslavia last year.
Koenigs told Hamburg's Greenpeace Magazine that UNMIK urgently needed
on precise locations where NATO had used radioactive ammunition in order
be able to take steps to protect the population in the Yugoslav Republic
Serbia's southern province.
Koenigs referred only to Kosovo and Metohija locations, being of the
that this ammunition, that could be fatal for the health of civilians
troops, had only been used in the Province.
The German Defence Ministry said in March that all German troops
participating in the U.N. peacekeeping force KFOR would be enabled to
to Germany for a check-up if they considered to have been exposed to
NATO admitted as far back as April 1999 that it was using radioactive
ammunition in its aggression on Yugoslavia.
Relevant details were released at a later stage - U.S. troops dropped on
Serbia 31,000 bombs charged with depleted uranium and weighing 10 tons.
They used U.S. A-10 bombers for the purpose.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Diana Johnstone <107764.116@...>
> To: <Blind.Copy.Receiver@...>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 12:57 AM
> Subject: Tr: [KDN] Reuters: NATO Accused of Wider Uranium Use
> > NATO accused of wider uranium use
> >
> > By Amra Kevic, Reuters, 4/22/2000
> >
> > BELGRADE - Yugoslavia said yesterday that NATO planes had fired
> > depleted uranium shells on eight locations in Yugoslavia, near Kosovo
> > during airstrikes last year.
> >
> > A UN official said last month that NATO had admitted using depleted
> > uranium weapons in Kosovo, exposing civilians, its own troops, and aid
> > workers to health hazards, but that it remained unclear whether they
> > used elsewhere.
> >
> > ''Detailed investigation of Yugoslav territory, excluding Kosovo, showed
> that
> > this ammunition was used on eight locations south of the 44th
> said
> > Yugoslav Assistant Defense Minister General Slobodan Petkovic at a news
> > conference.
> >
> > Yugoslav Army teams found depleted uranium shells and fragments in the
> > border regions of Bujanovac and Vranje in southern Serbia, in Uzice,
> Cacak
> > and Kraljevo in western and central Serbia, and on the Montenegrin
> > peninsula of Lustica.
> >
> > ''The degree of contamination ranges from the bottom limit of 200
> > becquerels to 235,000 becquerels per kilogram sample of soil, or 1,000
> > times above the tolerable level,'' Petkovic said. The sites were mainly
> > farmland.
> >
> > ''Measures are now underway to seal off these areas to people and
> animals,''
> > said Petkovic, presenting a government report on the environmental
> > consequences of NATO's bombing campaign from March to June.
> >
> > He did not give the exact locations or details of the size and extent of
> the
> > contamination in each case.
> >
> > Pekka Haavisto, head of the environment task force, in March said NATO
> > was still holding back crucial information on where and how it used the
> > depleted uranium shells.
> >
> > The Yugoslav Army estimated that US jets had fired 50,000 depleted
> > uranium rounds during the 11-week campaign. The United States had
> > said it had used 31,000 rounds.
> >
> > ''In this way, a very prosperous country can rid itself of its nuclear
> waste
> > cheaply,'' Petkovic said.
> >
> > Kosovo was more exposed since depleted uranium was used on 100
> > locations, mostly around Prizren, Urosevac, Djakovica, Decani, and
> > Djurakovac, Petkovic said, but added that Yugoslav authorities had no
> > access to the region now.
> >
> > He said the Prizren-Djakovica-Pec stretch, where Italian and German
> > peacekeepers are deployed, was targeted the most.
> >
> > Kosovo has been controlled by NATO-led peacekeepers and UN civilian
> > administrators since Serb forces withdrew last June after the bombing.
> >
> > Some specialists believe particles and dust from the dense, heavy metal
> > shells can contaminate land and water sources with toxic, radioactive
> > particles.
> >
> > The Pentagon said last month that the 31,000 rounds of depleted uranium
> > bullets used by US attack jets did not present a significant hazard to
> health
> > or the environment.
> >
> > Yugoslavia called yesterday for international help to remove
> > soil to nuclear waste disposal sites.


http://www.sunday-times.co.uk (Britain)
Sunday Time (UK)
April 16 2000
Ailing troops sue over Balkan war syndrome
SOLDIERS who served in the former Yugoslavia plan to sue the Ministry of
Defence (MoD)after suffering chronic health problems they believe were
caused by "Balkan war syndrome", writes Lois Rogers.
Doctors link their symptoms to exposure to depleted uranium in anti-tank
missiles used during the Kosovo conflict. Research has shown that the
heavy metal causes health problems leading to cancer, neurological and
immune system defects and reproductive system damage.
Up to 10,500 Britons were sent to Kosovo to assist in peacekeeping
missions and many were exposed to the fine, poisonous dust, which
remains in the atmosphere and pollutes water supplies, after Nato's
However, the MoD said: "We have done considerably more research into
depleted uranium than other nations as it has been raised as a concern
for a number of Gulf war veterans. We have seen no evidence to suggest
it is the cause of any illness among them and we are not aware of any
compensation claims from Kosovo veterans."
Twelve servicemen - 11 of whom are still serving - are preparing to sue.
If the initial claims are successful, they could open the floodgates for
a multi-million-pound group action which could deeply embarrass the
The MoD is still struggling to fend off claims by thousands of Gulf war
veterans, who say they were made seriously ill by a hastily administered
cocktail of vaccines in-tended to protect them from biological warfare
Belgium, which had troops serving alongside British soldiers in Kosovo,
has already begun a systematic review of the health of the 14,000 troops
it sent to the region. Tests have identified cases of men suffering the
effects of exposure to uranium - even though they were not de-ployed in
high-risk areas.
In Britain, however, the official response has been unequivocal. A
secret memo circulated two weeks ago to army medical staff by the
biological weapons unit at Porton Down has insisted there was no
evidence of risk to British troops who served in Kosovo.
"I don't know how they can say that," said a 27-year-old man still in
the airborne unit he served with in Kosovo. He has been crippled by
"We are expected to do regular five-mile runs as part of our training,
and I just can't make it," he said. "I am dreading my next medical in
June. I am going to be thrown out."
Another 24-year-old, who is also still in the army, re-ported
debilitating fatigue and excruciating joint pain. "People like us just
have no future," he said.
America was the only allied force to use depleted uranium (DU) in its
missiles. So far it has admitted to firing about 10 tons of DU-bearing
missiles from aircraft over Kosovo last year. Requests for details on
missile rounds used in Serbia have been resisted.
Dan Fahey, a DU re-searcher at the Military Toxins Project in
Washington, said: "We know it has been used in many more locations than
we have been led to believe. The biggest danger is to the local

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 14:40:19 +0100
From: "G.A.V.C.I. - Segreteria Nazionale" <gavci@...>
Reply-To: pck-armamenti@...
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Cc: Mailing List Pace di Peacelink <pck-pace@...>,
Mailing List Disarmo di Peacelink <pck-armamenti@...>,
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Subject: Follia Militare: armi e radiazioni nucleari, morte di due
soldati sardi
Resent-Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 17:19:09 +0100
Resent-From: pck-armamenti@...

Comunicato Stampa


A conferma che il rischio nucleare, tutt'altro che scongiurato, ha già
superato i limiti di guardia (allegati 1 e 2), scoppia ora il caso di
soldati sardi, morti in condizioni che fanno sospettare di contatti con
materiale radioattivo (allegato 3).

La logica bellica sta arrivando alle estreme conseguenze !
Il 2.000 si avvii e cresca secondo la cultura e la prassi della

p. Angelo Cavagna

Tutti gli allegati si possono trovare nella sezione "Speciale Nucleare"
sito GAVCI alla pagina:
oppure possono essere richiesti alla segreteria (riferimenti nella firma

1) Articolo di p. Angelo pubblicato da: "Settimana" n. 39 del 31 Ottobre
Deterrenza nucleare: "illegale" oltre che "immorale"
2) Rapporto di Giovanni Nifosì dell'Associazione Italiana Giuristi
contro le
Armi Nucleari sull'esito della votazione ONU della NAC - Agenda per un
3) Articoli della "Nuova Sardegna", inviati da Antonio Repetto di Pax
Christi Italiana sul caso di Salvatore Vacca, giovane militare sardo,
in circostanze ancora da verificare.

Gruppo Autonomo di Volontariato Civile in Italia
Sede Centrale: "Villa Tamba" - Via della Selva Pescarola, 26
40131 Bologna - Italy - Tel. e Fax +39.51.6344671
e-mail: gavci@...
web: http://www.peacelink.it/users/gavci
Appello ai parlamentari su riforma della leva e servizio civile
Sottoscrizioni: http://www.peacelink.it/users/gavci/news/news.htm



International Action Center
Che cos'e' l'uranio impoverito
Asterios Editore, Trieste 1999, lire 39000

Una documentazione scientifica e militante sull'uso e gli effetti
dell'uranio impoverito dall'estrazione, alla lavorazione fino
all'utilizzo civile e militare nelle ultime guerre di aggressione contro
i popoli irakeno e jugoslavi.
Per informazioni: Centro di Documentazione Wilhelm Wolff
Piazzale Radaelli n.3 Marghera (Tel/fax:041-930490)

> Aggiornamento articoli aprile DU e RAD su http://www.stop-u238.i.am
> [Particolarmente importanti per il Tribunale Internazionale (per
> favore leggeteli e scaricateli):
> 1) DU: dalla Yugoslavia arrivano le prime analisi
> 2) Effetti a cascata sull'uomo dalla guerra nei Balcani]
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> [Sezione: Uranio-News!]
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Speciale 14° anniversario di Cernobil (26 aprile 2000)
> Cernobil: Commemorazione in USA unisce due chiese
> DU: dalla Yugoslavia arrivano le prime analisi
> Effetti a cascata sull'uomo dalla guerra nei Balcani
> ENEA: risparmiate 500 vite umane in Italia
> USA: Sessantatré dimostravano contro il DU: 25 $ di multa
> Un grido dall'UNICEF: togliete l'embargo all'Iraq!
> Anche in Polonia, sui bambini, gli effetti del dopo Cernobil
> Una novella sui villaggi morti intorno a Cernobil
> In India parlano dell'appello delle celebrità
> Celebrità e Nobel mondiali: no al terrore nucleare !
> Novità: Tomahawk al DU sparati in Sudan e RFYu
> In Giappone incidente, si spegne un reattore nucleare
> BNFL: rapporto allarmante del The Guardian
> Cernobil: scompaiono le renne e il popolo Saami
> Cernobil: ancora on-line le balle della OECD-NEA
> Miniere d'uranio: il racconto di Cavallo Giallo
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> A Vieques vogliono interrompere le proteste con la forza (25 aprile)
> Uranio sparato dalla GIAT a Bourges, in Francia (1 gennaio)
> Sneh nega la storia delle mine ai neutroni in Israele... (31 marzo)
> Anche il missile AIM-9X contiene uranio impoverito (25 aprile)
> Gli USA hanno barato: sparato ancora DU a Vieques! (25 aprile)
> I carrarmati all'uranio impoverito usati nel Kosovo (25 aprile)
> La BAE del gas nervino fa anche i proiettili all'uranio (22 dicembre
> 1999)
> ONU: uno degli effetti dell'accordo IAEA-UNESCO (25 aprile)
> Un mare di guai, scaricando le scorie in mare (25 aprile)
> Bando DU: In Spagna conferenza internazionale (24 aprile)
> Cernobil: preoccupazione per il reattore ancora attivo (23 aprile)
> Dal Pakistan: la soluzione migliore è il disarmo (23 aprile)
> Vieques: si piange e si prega per evitare i bombardamenti (23 aprile)
> Protesta antinucleare: condannata anche una suora (22 aprile)
> Radiazioni collegate alla sindrome di Down (22 aprile)
> Bilancio mortale a Cernobil, ma Cook insiste... (22 aprile)
> Uranio finisce in una discarica: non è la prima volta (22 aprile)
> Giappone verso il bando della produzione d'uranio (22 aprile)
> Dalla Yugoslavia contro l'uranio nelle armi (22 aprile)
> Giorno della Terra: 500 milioni contro il nucleare (22 aprile)
> Anche i pesci vittime nucleari (21 aprile)
> La Turchia insiste con la centrale nella zona sismica (21 aprile)
> SPQB: Sono Pazzi Questi Britannici (21 aprile)
> NATO sotto accusa per l'uranio impoverito (21 aprile)
> USA e Israele isolati alla conferenza nucleare dell'ONU? (21 aprile)
> GreenPeace: ora anche gli USA devono firmare (21 aprile)
> Bangkok: Cobalto in una discarica, tre morti (21 aprile)
> Anche i piccioni sono radioattivi! (21 aprile)
> Chernobil: già tre milioni e mezzo le persone colpite (21 aprile)
> Romania, tonnellate di uranio finiscono in un fiume (20 aprile)
> USA: ORNL, spruzzato in giro uranio 233 e fluoro (20 aprile)
> Alice Stewart: la donna che sapeva troppo (20 aprile)
> Secondo incidente in una settimana a Pearl Harbour (19 aprile)
> Bobby Kennedy Jr. contro i bombardamenti a Vieques (19 aprile)
> Mazzette per la discarica nucleare a Yucca Mountain (19 aprile)
> Il giorno della terra: 50 iniziative sul nucleare (19 aprile)
> Tegola di Hiroshima regalata a museo italiano (19 aprile)
> Chernobil: sta peggiorando la salute degli ucraini (19 aprile)
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Ciao,
> Marco Saba
> Osservatorio Etico Ambientale
> via F.lli Cervi Res. Idra
> 20090 Segrate (MI)
> T. 02 21591373
> http://stop-u238.i.am



NOTE: This letter was written by Dr. Rocke, who is the former head of
the Pentagon's
Depleted Uranium Project and one of the authors of the Pentagon's
Program for
Environmental Remediation of Formerly Used Defense Sites.

If, as indicated in the following press report that DOD officials are
ready to use force against the residents of Vieques, then the citizens
the world must ban together to help the residents of Vieques.

This started because U.S. Marine Corps pilots willfully fired depleted
uranium in violation of laws and regulations, as admitted by U.S. Navy
officials, into Vieques and then a Navy pilot dropped a bomb that killed
one and injured others. The claim has been that the bomb went off
Funny thing about physics and Newtonian mechanics, bombs only go where
place them. Therefore the claim that the bomb was errant is pure
The pilot killed that guard and injured the others because he was wrong
and was not careful with the bomb release. That is pure negligence!!!!!

This is also an issue of environmental justice where U.S. Department of
Defense representatives refuse to provide medical care for all exposed
individuals and also complete environmental remediation. U.S. Forces
contaminated the island of Vieques for too long causing health and
environmental damage. It must stop now. In a direct quote from:

031-503-1017 Respond to Depleted Uranium/Low level Radioactive Materials
(DULLRAM) Hazards (new) U.S. Army Manual of Common Tasks the Department
of Defense authors state that:

"NOTE: Contamination will make food and water unsafe for consumption."
Seems that Navy officials know that the use of DU causes willful harm
because it is in the required DU training that all DOD personnel must
complete by order and law. Thus disregard of this information probably
violates RCRA (42 CFR 901) and is a crime against humanity.

Next: The U.S. Navy cites that Vieques is needed for training our
yet, the Navy has advertised to any nation for a fee that Vieques can be
used for as quoted "Mission: consistently provide professional customer
services, conduct real world anti-submarine warfare training for
aircrafts, ships, and submarines of U.S. and foreign navies...Live-fire
capability for most non-conventional weapons inventory...to provide
airspace, surface, and subsurface water space for developmental and
operational testing of new and existing weapons systems."

In case anyone has missed the most important part of this advertisement
is that "non-conventional" as cited has historically referred to
biological, and chemical weapons. If that has occurred over the years,
that is why the residents of Vieques are sick. Conventional weapons
residues will also cause health and environmental problems.

It is time for everyone to support the residents of Vieques and demand
that the U.S. Navy withdraw and cease all actions on that island. Just
remember if the Navy willingly fired DU to prepare for battle in Kosovo
then the next preparation with "non-conventional weapons" as advertised
may be for use against you!

Dr. Doug Rokke

FONTE: Seven Stars News Briefs 26-28 April 2000
Bollettino del Partito Socialista Repubblicano Irlandese
IRSP <irsp@...>
