Verzija na srpskohrvatskom
(cfr. )

> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Snezana Vitorovich <zana@...>
> > To: <drakulic@...>
> > Sent: 15 May, 2000 19:39
> > Subject: RE;Hitna poruka suborcima od Emila Vlajkija
> >
> >
> > izvinite, ali prva poruka nije bila kompletna.. Zana
> >
> >
> > NOTE: text in english comes after the serbian , thanks to our very
> > and tireless , very special friend of
> > serbian people, Prof. Peter Maher. Feel free to pass both text to as
> > people as you find have any interest
> > on the topic of the Blakans and the American involvement .
> > Zana
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > (hitna poruka suborcima)
> >
> > Prema tekstovima koji su se u posljednjih par tjedana pojavili na Zapadu
> > ciju sam analizu napravio,
> >
> > scenario gradjanskog rata u C.G. je pripremljen i treba samo da se
> > otponac. Kao sto sam naglasio
> >
> > u knjizi, predstojeci rat je u funkciji SAD predsjednickih izbora i
> tempiran
> > je za sept. i okt. ove godine ,
> >
> > kada se bude vodila odlucujuca trka dva glavna kandidata.
> >
> > Ukratko ponavljam dva glavna scenarija iz knjige:
> >
> > 1.Milijunske dolarske injekcije koje Zapad daje C.G. svaki dan, trebalo
> > da urode plodom i da
> >
> > gradjani C.G. eventualno na referendumu glasaju za osamostaljenje.
> > Predstojeci lokalni izbori u junu
> >
> > su glavni test za ocjenu efikasnosti ove taktike.
> >
> > 2. Ako Zapad bude ocijenio, da se referendum ne moze dobiti, onda ce se
> ici
> > na vec dosad vidjenu semu:
> >
> > izazivanje konflikta u C.G. (preko provokacije armije), okrivljavanje
> > Srbije, bombardiranje Srbije dok
> >
> > ona sama 'svojevoljno' ne raskine odnose sa C.G. i ne povuce vojsku.
> >
> > 3. Postoji velika vjerovatnost da ce cak i i u slucaju referendumskog
> > odvajanja, doci do podjele C.G.,
> >
> > gradjanskog rata i nakon toga, do scenarija broj 2.
> >
> > Jos jednom apeliram na sve one koji na bilo koji nacin mogu utjecati na
> > javno mnijenje, da se odmah
> >
> > i sto glasnije angaziraju oko denunciranja ovog novog pripremljenog
> > krvoprolica. Ako se sada otpocne
> >
> > sa akcijom, mozda se nesto moze sprijeciti.
> >
> > Kada konflikt vec otpocne, onda vise nema pomoci. I svi oni 'branioci
> srpske
> > stvari' koji se tada budu
> >
> > oglasili, (a koji sada, povodom Crne Gore sute kao zaliveni) svijesno
> > nesvijesno igraju igru Zapada
> >
> > u razbijanju Jugoslavije i Srbije.
> >
> > Emil Vlajki
> >
> > English translation!!!
> >
> > Subject: [sn-vesti 5990] GET READY FOR WAR IN MONTE NEGRO "a little
> > successful war" for the US
> > elections.
> > Sender:
> > Reply-To: john_peter maher <jpmaher@...>
> >
> > URGENT MESSAGE from Professor Emil Vlajki, author of
> >
> > THE NEW TOTALITARIAN SOCIETY and the destruction of Yugoslavia »
> >
> > According to documents published in the West in the last couple of
> > weeks which I have prepared an analysis, a scenario has been prepared
> > for war in Monte Negro. The only thing left to do is pull the plug.
> >
> > As I noted in my book, the coming war would play a part in the US
> > presidential elections and is timed for September and October 2000, when
> > the two leading candidates will be conducting the conclusion of their
> > campaigns.
> >
> > In brief I repeat two main scenarios from my book,
> >
> > 1. "Plan ." Injections of million dollars given by the West to Monte
> > Negro will come to fruition. Montenegrin citizens will soon vote in a
> > referendum for independence. The local elections in June will be the
> > test for evaluating the effectiveness of this tactic.
> >
> > 2. In case the West determines that the anti-Serbia referendum cannot be
> > won, then they will move on to "Plan B", which involves:
> >
> > provoking conflict between Monte Negro (by "provocations" of the Army),
> > blaming Serbia, bombing Serbia until she "voluntarily" breaks off
> > relations with Monte Negro and withdraws the army.
> >
> > 3. The greatest probably exists that in case of a split in the
> > referendum, it will come to a partition of Monte Negro, civil war, and
> > finally Scenario No. 3.
> >
> > Once again I appeal to all those who can bring any influence to bear on
> > public opinion to engage themselves immediately as loudly as possible to
> > denounce this newly planned wave of bloodshed. If we begin action now,
> > we may be able to block it.
> >
> > Once the conflict breaks out, there will be no more helping. And all
> > those "defenders of the Serb cause" who then vote (and those who right
> > now don't even make a squeak regarding Monte Negro) will have wittingly
> > or unwittingly played a role in the West's further destruction of
> > Yugoslavia and Serbia.
> >
> > Emil Vlajki
> > Professor
> > Ottawa
> >
> > Translated by Prof. J. P. Maher, Chicago
> > 15 May 2000
> >

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