Date:24 January 2003


Rade Drobac
Belgrade, February 1999

NOTE: The present situation in Kosovo and Metohija
demonstrate very clearly the real goals of Albanian separatists
and terrorists and confirm fully the content of this text written in
1999 just before the NATO agression on Yugoslavia in support of
those same terrorists and separatists.

Although the Albanian separatists' terrorist activities in Kosovo
and Metohija have surfaced to a massive degree in its extreme
armed form by the beginning of 1998 (the attacks against the
Security forces in the Villages of Luzane and Likosane in
February), the roots of such activities are reaching the long past
time, but the strategic goal has remained the same - the
forming of "Great Albania" as ethnically cleansed and
extremely national state of all Albanians.

The Albanian terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija is caused by
the political concept of expelling by force and threatening the
non-Albanian population, first of all, Serbs and Montenegrins,
in order to gain the majority within the national structure of
the population, aiming to provide the grounds upon which the
demands would be made for the political control of the territory,
which would then be affiliated to the envisaged "Great
Albania" that should comprise of other neighboring countries -
Macedonia and Greece - territories.

The roots and the continuity of Albanian separatism and
Murders, persecution and ill-treating of the Serbian and
Montenegrin population had started under the domination of
the Ottoman Empire, availing of the fact that the majority of
Albanian population, having accepted Islam, had the privileged
status with the Turks and so, without condemnation or
punishment, committed violent acts against the Christian
Serbian and Montenegrin population. The violence was
committed by the local Pashas and those in power.

After Serbia and Montenegro were liberated from the Turkish
occupation, by the end of the 19 century, the extent of the
violence had decreased significantly, but has never ended
completely. The Albanian separatists and terrorist have availed
themselves of the events in World War One, during which
Serbia had suffered a lot, and lost a third of its population, to
renew and intensify the violence against the Serbian and
Montenegrin population. The history records, as particularly
cruel the mass killings of the exhausted, starving and frozen
Serbian soldiers in 1916 while the Serbian army was passing
over the Kosovo and Metohija and Albanian mountains,
withdrawing towards Greece.

Following the end of the Great War, from the years of 1919 to
1924, at the Kosovo and Metohija territory, the terrorist crimes
were committed by the so-called "Kachak movement" - the
merging of the "Great Albania" policy with banditism and
violence. However, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia had for about
20 years successfully suppressed the Albanian terrorism and
banditism, so there were no negative consequences of greater

The "Kachak" Albanians terrorism in larger extent and with
destructive aftermath to the Serbs, Montenegrins and other
communities in Kosovo and Metohija was resurrected under the
"baton" of the Fascist Italia, immediately following the
conquest of Albania in April, 1939. The infiltrations of the
criminal gangs from Albania into the Kosovo and Metohija
territory, contrary to the Italian Government obligation under
the intrastate agreement to observe the integrity of Yugoslavia,
were aimed at provoking armed conflicts and preparations of
the grounds for the later to occur fascist conquering and
tearing-up of Yugoslavia. After a short-termed war in April
(which started by the Nazi Germany aircraft bombing Belgrade
on April 6, 1941), following the German and Italian Foreign
Ministers agreement (Vienna, April 21 - 24, 1941) the Italian
Dictator Benito Mussolini on July 29 same year officially
promoted the "Great Albania" with the eastern part of
Montenegro, Kosovo and Metohija, western parts of Macedonia
and a part of the Greek Epirus were annexed. This is how,
helped by the fascist powers, the collaborationist, chauvinistic
"Great Albania" was established - the Albanian separatists and
terrorists' dream ever since.

Under the auspices of the Fascist Italy and with its help, during
the three-year occupation the Albanian separatists and
terrorists in Kosovo and Metohija have killed around 10000 of
Serbs and Montenegrins, burned down and destroyed around
30000 houses and expelled between 60 to 70 thousands of Serbs
and Montenegrins. Within the same period, over 100000
Albanians had emigrated from Albania and settled at the
expelled Serbs' and Montenegrins' property.

By the capitulation of Italy in September 1943, the Albanian
terrorists acquired a new advisor - the Nazi Germany, hoping
to ensure their interests with its help. The Allies' triumphant
progressing that started by the middle of 1944, to which the
Yugoslav People's Liberation Army contributed significantly,
before all in independently liberating its own country, finally
cracked the Nazi Third Reich. From then on till the breakdown
of Germany, the Albanian terrorists, loyal servants of Fascism,
shielded the German army retreat from Greece, crossing
Kosovo and Metohija. After the Germans' retreat, the remnants
of the Albanian separatists terrorism's gang units stayed in
Kosovo and Metohija, not giving up the idea and readiness to
continue with their struggle to establish Albanian ethnic
borders.The Yugoslav People's Liberation Army, by May 1945
when Germany capitulated, defeated the main part of bandit
formations and during some time after the war ended,
continued combating the rest of the terrorists - "balists" in the
Kosovo and Metohija woods. Immediately following the World
War Two, taking advantage of the favorable climate in the
relations of Yugoslavia and Albania, additional 200000
Albanians were moved from Albania to Yugoslavia and the
Serbs and the Montenegrins, who were expelled during the
Italian occupation, were banned from returning to their

While the former Yugoslavia existed, the national-separatists'
ravaged nests (in Drenica and elsewhere) sporadically
attempted to activate their terrorists efforts, but with no
success. Also, within the period of the former Yugoslavia's
existence, being prevented from realizing their intentions by the
most radical methods - terrorism - the Albanian terrorist have
pursued their Great Albania and chauvinist aims through
political pressures, blackmailing and manipulations, taking
advantage of some of the former Yugoslav Federation republics
separatism, first of all Slovenia and Croatia, for the
accomplishment of their political goals. Within the same period,
protected by the Albanian politicians then controlling this
Serbian province, silent expulsion of Serbs and Montenegrins
was in its course, increasing with the degree of this Serbian
province independence in relation to the republic and state
authorities From 1981 to 1988 only, around 28000 Serbs left
Kosovo and Metohija under the pressure of the Albanian

The role of Albanian separatism and terrorism in the
breakdown of the former Yugoslavia

New momentum to the Albanian national-separatist and
terrorist movement was gained by the end of the eighties and
the beginning of the nineties. The Province benefited a wide
autonomy, consisting elements of the federal and confederal
status (directly represented in the Federation, although an
integral part of Serbia, independently deciding on almost all the
issues, not having to consult the Republic of Serbia, nor was the
Republic of Serbia given the authority to contest the decision,
absolute jurisdictional, executive and all other authorities, etc.)
did not suffice, since the Albanian separatists' goal, both now
and then, was absolute authority and independence. In the
process of violently breaking up former Yugoslavia, the same
political leaderships of the former Yugoslavia republics that had
seceded it (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and
Macedonia) were the Albanian separatists' patrons. In the
beginning, the national-separatists have tried to reach their
separatist goals by instigating Albanians' mass demonstrations,
staging strikes (miners, public officers), sabotage etc. with basic
slogan of "Kosovo Republic". This slogan revealed the first
stage of the Great Albania nationalists' program, since the
obtaining of the Republic status would enable later secession
according to the model applied by Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina and Macedonia. Behind the slogan was the goal of
secession - seceding Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia and the
FR of Yugoslavia part by part and annexing it to Albania.
During the internal upheavals in Kosovo and Metohija in 1991,
they had proclaimed "Kosovo Republic" (the so-called
Kachanik Constitution) contrary to the Constitution and
illegally, with the silent support of new patrons - certain
international community circles, the same ones that had
supported the breakdown of former Yugoslavia. The intention is
obvious - to form parallel state structures that should enable
the internalization of the Kosovo and Metohija issues, with the
help of the benevolent foreign powers, to achieve the
international political legitimacy and start the process of
seceding Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia and the FR of

The radicalism i.e. the revival of terrorism as the means of the
Albanian separatists in Kosovo and Metohija to achieve their
goals was registered in 1992, under the auspices of the Kosovo
Democratic Union. It had been established that the members of
the self-proclaimed "Ministry of Defense and the Army
Headquarters of the Republic of Kosovo" were acting upon
instructions given by one of the Kosovo Democratic Union
leaders, Anton Kolja and the then Minister of Defense of a
foreign state - Albania, General Safet Culjalji. At the same
time, the nationalistic political leader and the leader of the
Albania Democratic Party Sali Berisha started rendering
logistic services to the Kosovo and Metohija terrorists,
regarding their training in the centers in the Northern Albania.
The election of Sali Berisha as the President of the Republic in
1992 and the commencing of the Albanian state organization
falling apart (the crumbling of the pyramidal money savings by
the end of 1996, looting of weapons from the Albanian army
storages, the security system - police -crack-up) encouraged
further strengthening of supporting Albanian terrorism and
separatism in Kosovo and Metohija. It is not a coincidence that
the terrorist so-called "Kosovo Liberation Army" has voiced
itself for the first time at this moment. Parallel to these
processes, Albania is fully supporting the separatists and the
terrorists in Kosovo and Metohija by recognizing the legitimacy
of the illegal "Kosovo Republic" and enabling the "legation" of
this not-existing state to operate in Albania. Albania is the only
country that has recognized these illegal acts and the virtual
State of Kosovo at the territory of another sovereign state
contrary to all the international documents and principles.
Within the same period, the Albanian separatist's terrorist
organization has expanded, and next to the initially formed
centers in Tirana and Elbasan, other centers have been formed,
and from Italy, across the Adriatic, the channel for the
transport of terrorists has been established.

In Albania there are in training the emigrants, terrorists from
Kosovo and Metohija, terrorists from Albania, the Albanians
living abroad and mercenaries from all around the world,
including the mujahedins. At first indolent, later benevolent and
often encouraging attitude of a part of the international
political circles toward the terrorists, contributed to the
escalation of terrorists' actions in the Autonomous Province of
Kosovo and Metohija. The comparative review of the increase
of the terrorist actions' number from 1991 to 1998 clearly
explicates this:

No. of terrorist activities during the following years:
1991. - 0011
1992. - 0012
1993. - 0008
1994. - 0006
1995. - 0011
1996. - 0031
1997. - 0031
1998.- 1885

The aspirations and the strategy of the Great Albania
The political aspirations of the state and political structures of
Albania and the Kosovo and Metohija national-separatists is,
as always in history, the same - ethnically cleansed "Great
Albania". Moreover, Kosovo and Metohija are the focus of all
the Albanians' ambitions of forming such a phantom state and
the starting point of actions by all means towards achieving this
goal. The role of Kosovo and Metohija in the Great Albania
concept is a synthesis of different interests, some of them
presented as the main ones. The most important and the
strategic reason for gaining control over Kosovo and Metohija
in forming the Great Albania is that this territory is at the
center of the conceived policy and the state integrity. Having no
control over it, the Albanians living in Macedonia would be cut
off. The second reason is the extremely high percentage of
Albanian population in this region. This is again the only
ground upon which the separatists and the terrorists are
building their claims of secession from Serbia and Yugoslavia.
Aside from the above said, it should be underlined that Kosovo
and Metohija is the region extremely rich with natural
resources and the roads linking Europe and the Near East are
there. Within this context it should also be pointed out that
Albania has always been supporting, inciting even, the
separatist and terrorist activities because of that fact that it has
never in its short history (it was established in 1912) been a
stable and legal state. The Kosovo and Metohija "problem" has
always been used to divert its own public's attention from
internal problems toward the problems abroad. The freshest
examples of this are the events in Albania by the end of 1996,
since when the instability, upheavals, clashes and political and
economic chaos have prevailed in this country. This is why
Albania favors the Great Albanian nationalism, to transfer the
blame for all its difficulties (the collapse of the state and a
severe economic and social crisis) to an irrational ground. It
also fits into the strategic plans of its latest patron - NATO -
the securing of strategic position in the Balkans (strengthening
of the NATO southern wing). Kosovo and Metohija is also the
focus of NATO new geo-strategic stronghold. This is the
reason the US (NATO) want to deploy troops in Kosovo and
Metohija at any cost. The Kosovo Metohija separatists and
terrorists and the Great Albania extremists consider the new
balance of political powers in the world as a chance to fulfill
their centuries-long dream - secession of a part of Serbia and
Yugoslavia State territory, which they have almost completely
cleansed ethnically and annexing it to Albania. As in all the
previous historical periods, for the completing of their own
aspirations they are taking advantage of the strategic and
hegemonic interests of the great powers, NATO in this case,
which wants to control all the roads leading from Europe
towards the Near East, i.e. the inland routes to the strategic raw
materials (oil). There is another factor in their favor: the
interest of some of the Islamic states to turn Kosovo and
Metohija into the catalyst of Islamism, i.e. to gain another
stable and firm Islamic foothold (next to Bosnia and
Herzegovina) within the well known concept of establishing the
"Green transversal", i.e. an Islamic traverse running from
Turkey to the Middle and Western Europe.

Terrorism - separatists' weapon
There are two basic reasons for the separatists to choose
terrorism as means of achieving their objective. First, they did
not succeed in bringing down the States of Serbia and
Yugoslavia though a political process and non-violence. Their
concept of gradually gaining complete independence by political
pressures and blackmailing was foreclosed by the changes of the
Serbian and Kosovo and Metohija Constitutions in 1989.
Second reason being that this is the only way to destabilize the
situation in Kosovo and Metohija and provoke reaction of the
legal authorities, which would then be used to manipulate the
international public, aiming to internationalize the problem and
then attempting to solve it out of the legal state institutions,
counting upon the help and support of a part of the
international community. To achieve this, the Albanian
separatists in Kosovo and Metohija, together with Albania,
counted upon the full support of their new patron (NATO) and
the proven recipe (in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and
Herzegovina) of pulling down sovereign states - aggression
against a state using local terrorists, political pressures and
blackmailing from abroad, logistic and financial aid from
abroad and mercenaries from the third countries. The result of
the decision to move from political means to terrorism was the
big expansion of terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija in 1998.

The terrorists of the so-called "KLA" are attempting the
"expelling of Serbia" from "their Kosovo" territory by mass
terrorist attacks against the Ministry of the Interior members.
Out of the total of 1885 terrorist attacks committed during the
year of 1998, 1129 were aimed at the members and objects of
the Security Service. 115 police officers were killed and 403
heavily or less heavily wounded. 15 police officers were
abducted (3 killed, 3 released and the fate of 9 police officers is

During the same year, the terrorists in Kosovo and Metohija
have carried out numerous terrorist actions against the
civilians. During these they have killed:

- 46 civilians of Serbian and Montenegrin nationality;
- 77 civilians of Albanian nationality, loyal to the State of
Serbia and Yugoslavia;
- 5 civilians Romanies;
- 14 civilians of different nationalities, public servants or
employed with public services

Heavily or less heavily wounded 158 persons:

- 74 civilians of Serbian or Montenegrin nationality;
- 72 civilians of Albanian nationality;
- 3 civilians, members of the Goranci national community;
- 9 civilians of other nationalities.

Abducted a total of 293 civilians:

- 173 civilians of Serbian and Montenegrin nationality (13
were killed, 2 managed to escape, 68 released, the fate of 90
- 101 members of Albanian nationality (16 killed, 8 escaped, 34
released, fate of 43 unknown);
- 14 Romanies (2 killed, fate of 5 unknown, 7 released);
- 2 Egyptians (fate unknown);
- 1 Yugoslav citizen from the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia (released);
- 2 civilians of other nationalities (fate unknown).

During 1998, the Albanian terrorists from the self-proclaimed
Kosovo Liberation Army attempted 708 illegal border crossings
(504 to FRY, 204 from FRY) in order to get training and
weapons in Albania. 125 border incidents were caused, out of
which a hundred armed attacks by several thousands of
terrorists against Yugoslav border patrol units. Among the 715
killed, 366 wounded and 93 apprehended terrorists, the members
of the Albanian national minority in Kosovo and Metohija were
identified, Albanian citizens, Islamic fundamentalists and
mujahedins from the Near East and Asia (many of them linked
with Osama Bin Laden) and the mercenaries from European
countries (including the countries of the former Yugoslavia).
While performing the duties of securing the state border and
preventing the infiltration of terrorists, 36 members of the
Yugoslav Army were killed and 105 wounded. It should be
mentioned that, while attempting illegal entries from the
direction of Albania, in most cases, the terrorists were
supported by the Albanian army members' shootings.

It should be underlined that the self-proclaimed "KLA"
terrorists, for the first time after the end of the World War
Two, have established camps for the persons imprisoned from
all over Kosovo and Metohija (Junik, Glodjane, Izbica, Lipovica
and other places) and in killing applied the most brutal methods
characteristic of the Nazi-fascist period (the Klecka
crematorium for burning down the Serbs and the
Montenegrins, places of execution - Donji Ratis, Volujak and

The so-called "KLA" is a terrorist organization
Within the wide range of contradictory and hypocritical
political approaches toward the events in Kosovo and Metohija,
the most cynical are the attempts to portray the more than
obvious terrorism of the so-called "KLA" as a "struggle to
protect the endangered human rights", "armed people's
resistance", "uprising", fighting back the "Serbian aggression",
"colonization", "apartheid", and the terrorists as the "armed
Albanian formations", "Albanians' collective resistance", and
when liquidated by the police as "civilians". This "covering up"
of the terrorists and the relativizing of their responsibility and
harmful activities are still present and represent the avoidance
of any condemnation of terrorism and the terrorists by the
international community and an open attempt at their silent
recognition. Such an approach of the New World Order heads
confirms the fact that in their activities regarding Kosovo and
Metohija they are pursuing their own interests and not
observing the international law and practice. The United
Nations, the European Union, the Organization for Security
and Cooperation in Europe and other influential political
factors have been used as instruments by the United States and
some of their allies and must not oppose them, although the
so-called "KLA" activities by their essential qualities meet the
generally accepted definition of the international terrorism.
There are 120 definitions of terrorism, but none of them is
generally accepted. However, there are certain common,
generally adopted elements classifying a criminal activity as
terrorist. Starting from this point, as well as by the theory on
studying the modern terrorism, the self-proclaimed Kosovo
Liberation Army is a terrorist organization by these standards:

- It is aiming to achieve the illegal political goal of seceding the
Kosovo and Metohija Province from its mother country and
annexing it to the neighboring State of Albania in order to
create the "Great Albania" (within the ethnic borders settled by
the Albanians).

- The basic method of acting is to fight the police and not the

- They have killed a large number of police officers, soldiers
and civilians and destroyed most of the property by applying
brutal methods of terrorism and banditism and different kinds
of weaponry.

- The so-called "KLA" is organized as a total of groups not
strongly linked acting as terrorists and as criminals at the same
time and with no subordination at all.

- conspiracy is the way of communicating among the leaders of
the groups and the terrorists' close associates;

The United States of America are applying the definition (FBI)
stating: " Terrorism is an illegal use of force or violence against
people or property in order to intimidate or suppress the
government, civil population or its part to achieve political or
social goals". The so-called "KLA" actions can be categorized
by this definition.

According to the Geneva Convention provisions the so-called
"KLA" can also be classified as a terrorist organization because
it ambushes innocent civilians and security forces, while the
Convention recognizes the guerrilla war "if really there is a
war", this not being the case here, since this is not a clash
between two armies but the armed "civilians" are treacherously
attacking victims of all the population structures, as well as the
state bodies and officials. Besides, the guerrilla, as a rule, openly
opposes the enemy.

Favoring the statement that this is a really terrorist
organization is the linking to the Islamic
fundamentalists-terrorist groups from the Near East,
Afghanistan and some Asian countries as well as to the state
terrorism committed against Serbia and Yugoslavia by Albania.

Considering all, the above mentioned undoubtedly confirms the
fact that the separatist-terrorist organization, the so-called
"KLA", by all the international criteria, can be classified as
terrorist. It is easy to suggest, bearing in mind the terrorists'
aspirations, that their founders are the Kosovo and Metohija
Albanian political leaders and that their foreign sponsors are
Albania, the US, Germany and some other the western
European countries. The patronage over the so-called "KLA"
and the real reasons of avoiding to condemn it as terrorist is
obvious in the statement of Christopher Hill, the US
Ambassador to Skopje, who said by the middle of 1998: " Our
concept does not necessarily mean that we are taking Kosovo
out of Serbia, although the Albanians would very much like it.
However, we want to, at least, take as large a part of Serbia as
possible out of Kosovo, and to begin with, it is the matter of
policemen". Considering the number of the terrorist attacks
carried out during 1998 and then connect it to Ambassador
Hill's wish to " pull out Serbia and its police forces" from
Kosovo and Metohija, it is then obvious that this represents an
open support to separatism and terrorism.

In such a political ambiance, formed by the bearers of global
hegemony world wide, the causes and the consequences are
totally mixed up, the thesis substituted, so that Serbia and
Yugoslavia, the victims of the terrorist activities, are being cited
as the aggressors and the terrorists, killers and kidnapers as the

The influential international community persons in power are
covering up their hypocrisy by verbal peacemaking, although
their activity incites and prolongates the clashes in Kosovo and
Metohija. The logical consequence of such support was a huge
increase of the so-called "KLA" terrorists' attacks during 1998
all over Kosovo and Metohija. This has become particularly
conspicuous after the signing of the Agreement between the
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and the US Envoy
Richard Holbrooke. Reacting to the Republic of Serbia partly
withdrawing its police and the Yugoslav Army from Kosovo
and Metohija, carried out not only as the fulfillment of
obligations but also wishing to decrease the intensity of clashes
and to solve the problems peacefully, through political dialogue,
the terrorists of the so-called "KLA" have intensified their
attacks. Since October 13, 1998 till February 11, 1999 the
so-called "KLA" carried out 667 terrorist attacks.

Killed were 65 persons (17 police officers, 48 civilians)
Wounded: 138 (79 police officers, 59 civilians)
Kidnapped; 50 (2 police officers - two of them killed; 46
civilians - one killed) the fate of the rest of them is unknown.

During all that time, the international factor interpreted all
these crimes as "provocations" and "reacting to the killing of
Albanian civilians" and the words of condemnation were
directed to the Serbia legal authorities, whose all actions
against the terrorists were immediately marked as "overuse of
force", "massacre of the civilians", "uncontrolled military
reaction", "humanitarian catastrophe" and the like.

At the same time, the open logistic and all other kinds of
support and help given to the terrorist from Albania is either
kept silent about or vindicated. The fact that the Albanian
terrorists from Kosovo and Metohija are being trained at the
centers located in Albania (Tirana, Elbasan, Bairam Curi,
Tropoya, Kruma and other) by the Albanian army officers,
some of the European countries intelligence services and the
"jihad" warriors is obviously not disturbing anyone. The ample
financial aid provided by the Albania narco-mafia and some
Islamic countries to the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army is
not being met by an adequate reaction of the countries which
rigorously suppress such aid within their territories.

When all this is known it is no wonder that the so-called
"KLA" terrorist organization that is surely occupying the first
position in crimes committed in 1998 is not only not included in
the list of terrorist organizations, but the pressures made by
some of the countries are being increased, first of all by the US.
that "KLA" should be presented as a legal political partner and
ful-fledged negotiator at the dialogue held on Kosovo and
Metohija. At the same time the US is mercilessly combating
terrorists threatening it and does not even shirk of attacking the
terrorists stationed in the sovereign countries' territories, while,
threatening with NATO actions prevents Serbia and
Yugoslavia to combat terrorism at their own territory.

Crime as a source of financing terrorism
A multitude of reliable data points to the fact that the most
important sources of finance for the terrorist activities in
Kosovo and Metohija originate from the criminal activities of
the Albanian mafia: drug-trafficking in the US, Switzerland,
Germany, Belgium, Great Britain and other European
countries (drug-routes Asia-Europe- the US); weapon
smuggling and trafficking from some of the European and Arab
countries; racketeering, blackmailing and violent actions against
the Albanian national community members at work abroad;
prostitution, faking documents and illegal entries of the Kosovo
and Metohija Albanian and other citizens from countries out of
Europe to the US and European countries; the trading of
human organs ; Albanian nationality minors' begging; armed
robberies and frauds and other kinds of criminal activities. The
wide range of the Albanians engaged in criminal activities,
organized on grounds of national membership, no matter
whether they are citizens of Albania, Yugoslavia, Macedonia or
Greece, leaning on the clan principles, are among the world and
Europe largest criminal structures. Particularly dangerous and
"successful" is the Albanian narco-mafia, whose profit ranks as
the third in Europe, according to the experts' estimations. A
large portion of profit made in this way is used for financing the
parallel and illegal "state" in Kosovo and Metohija, and
supplying the terrorists with the state-of-art weaponry. The
smuggling of weapons transported through Albania to Kosovo
and Metohija has reached an enormously large scale. A
remarkable income has been gained by racketeering the
Albanians working abroad. They are forced to regularly pay at
least 30 percent of their earnings to the Albanian terrorist
representatives' accounts in many Western European countries,
the US and Canada and there are positive proofs that these, and
even larger funds are being provided by threats, blackmailing
and maltreating the ones who refuse to do so. The Albanian
nationality citizens in Kosovo and Metohija are forced to pay
"taxes" to the separatists, while at the same time they are not
paying their legal obligations. The separatists' leaders
immediately qualify any serious attempt at implementing law
(payment of taxes, dues etc.) as "pressure" and " violence
against the Albanian civilians" although these are the duties to
be performed by all the citizens, no matter of which nationality.

The international solidarity in combating terrorism
The Albanian terrorism is largely financed by the Islamic
fundamentalists from Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and other
Moslem countries, as well as by some of the western
intelligence services. This can not possibly be done without the
knowledge and assent of these countries' political factors.

Although there is an international-legal obligation of all the
countries not to stimulate or tolerate the financing of terrorist
activities against other countries, a part of the international
community is not fulfilling this obligation. The applying of
double standards serves to secure the political and other
interests of the international key factors. Beside the UN
Charter, the documents prohibiting financing and any other
kind of supporting terrorism and generally condemning any
kind of terrorist activity are: The UN General Assembly
resolution, dated December 21, 1965; The Resolution -
Declaration on the methods of implementing the international
law and cooperation of states; Resolution 2625/25 dated
October 24, 1970; Resolution - Declaration on improving the
international security No. 2734/25 dated December 16, 1970;
Resolution No. 3314 of December 14, 1974 and many other
international documents among which the UN Security
Council Resolutions Nos. 1160, 1199 and 1203 should be
counted in, as well as the most recent UN General Assembly
resolution No. 53/108 of January 26, 1999. The Conference on
suppressing terrorism in the world, held in 1997 in Cairo
statements are in the same line. This particular summit of
Heads of States and Governments named terrorism as the
greatest global evil of the modern world, and the Conference
conclusions call for joint combating terrorism by all the
countries in the world and for mutual aid and cooperation in its
prevention. For the bearers of adverse, violent or willful
behavior, be it advocating globalism, hegemony, religion or
ideology, these valid documents are obligatory, but are not
presenting an obstacle in their attempts to achieve their own
interests in the Balkans, following closely the implementation
of the double standards. Instead of cutting off the roots of
terrorism, being aware of it or not, they have become its

The Serbia and Yugoslavia State bodies legally combating
To protect the State from the Albanian separatist terrorism and
maintain the order and safety of all the citizens of the Province,
the police officers have undertaken legal anti-terrorist actions.
Against the police officers, in course of duty, in the year of 1998
the Albanian terrorists committed 1129 attacks, in which 115
police officers were killed, 403 heavily or less heavily wounded
and 15 kidnapped - out of which 3 were killed and 9 are
recorded as missing. Nevertheless, what is legitimate in
combating terrorism in the US, Northern Ireland, Spain
(Basque), France (Corsica) and other countries, was declared
illegal in Serbia and Yugoslavia by the will of the world powers
and NATO. Their aggressive informing and media promotions
of new notions as: "overuse of force", " police forces' extreme
activities", "humanitarian catastrophe among the Albanians"
and others, are aimed at preventing the legal security forces to
crack up terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija. The terrorists are
constantly being pardoned. The UN Security Council
Resolutions Nos. 1160, 1199 and 11203 not only do not
condemn the terrorist so-called "KLA", but are being used to
put pressure upon the FR of Yugoslavia. In this way, the
international documents are being also used to openly support
terrorism and the terrorists in Kosovo and Metohija. Under the
pressures comming from the US, the highest ranking UN
officials can not fulfill their duty of objectively in protecting the
legality and the UN Charter. Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary
General, on June 5, 1998, talking about the anti-terrorist
activities of the police in Kosovo and Metohija states: "If the
world is to learn something from the dark chapters of history,
then it should be that this kind of aggression (police combating
terrorists) should be immediately and decisively fought back".
All the above mentioned enabled the terrorists to reorganize
and continue with their criminal activities. The Republic of
Albania, openly, before the eyes of the international community
and international observers in this country and in Kosovo and
Metohija, continues with its direct and unpunished helping the
so-called "KLA" terrorists. The range of the armed logistics
from Albania for committing terrorist attacks in Kosovo and
Metohija, is proven by the UN Undersecretary for disarmament,
Dzayant Danapolo's statement, given on the grounds of the
official findings of a special UN mission in Albania that from
the Albania armed forces storage houses around 650000 pieces
of weaponry, 1,5 billions of ammunitions and 20000 tons of
explosives were stolen, and that it is a known fact that around
200000 pieces of weaponry was smuggled into Kosovo and
Metohija. Of course, to that number the weapons and
ammunition for the terrorists should be added, supplied by some
western intelligence services and the Albanian mafia from all
over the world, through the training and arming centers of the
so-called "KLA" terrorists in Northern Albania. There is also
the NATO weaponry and state-of-art equipment, including the
weapons banned by the international conventions. The
international factors, closely following the intentionally created
stereotype of Serbia and Yugoslavia being the solely
responsible, are ignoring the open terrorist aggression against a
sovereign state - the FR of Yugoslavia. What in most of the
countries in the world is considered as the biggest crime -
attacking, killing and kidnapping police officers - in Serbia and
Yugoslavia is qualified with bias as "the resistance to
oppression", "the enslaved people fight for liberation" or "the
authorities' retaliating against civilians". This is being used as
the "legal" foundation for the constant insisting to decrease the
number of the police forces in Kosovo and Metohija, while the
terrorist are intensifying their attacks, all the more directing
them to city environments. The strategic goal of such policy is
clear - to gradually expel the legal bodies of Serbia from
Kosovo and Metohija and enable the complete taking over of
the Province by the Albanians and future secession.

Serbia and Yugoslavia determined to reach peaceful solution
Notwithstanding such a constellation and relations regarding
Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia and Yugoslavia advocate a
principled political position that all the issues concerning this
southern Serbian Province should be resolved peacefully,
through democratic dialogue and serving the interests of all the
national communities living in Kosovo and Metohija. Serbia
and Yugoslavia do not need any NATO threats of military
intervention in order to reach peace, since such an orientation
had been voiced long time ago. The Agreement between the
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and the Ambassador
Richard Holbrooke should have presented the true picture on
Kosovo and Metohija to the foreign factors, as well as of the
events in fact occurring there and contribute to the peaceful
solution. The Serbia and Yugoslavia good will was proven by
full implementation of the agreements reached. The legitimate
police forces have partly withdrawn from Kosovo and Metohija,
the bases of these forces were closed at the places inhabited, and
the checkpoints at the traffic routes removed, and the Kosovo
Verification mission tasks secured, i.e. verification.

Following the reaching of the Agreement, the Serbian
government and the representatives of all the national
communities in Kosovo and Metohija signed the Declaration on
the political frameworks of self-rule in Kosovo and Metohija.
Only the representatives of the disunited national-separatists
Albanian parties were missing. Multiple invitations were sent
by the Serbian Government to start the political dialogue but in
vain. Thus Serbia and Yugoslavia have not only de facto
fulfilled the obligations from the relevant UN Security Council
resolutions, the Agreement and the European Union and the
Contact Group conclusions, but have also shown a sincere
interest to resolve the problems in the shortest possible time
through open dialogue, observing the basic principles agreed
upon with Ambassador Richard Holbrooke. The most important
of all being the safeguarding of the territorial integrity and
sovereignty of Serbia and the FR of Yugoslavia, observing the
minority rights by the highest European and world standards,
granting autonomy that could not surpass the frameworks of
the Serbian and the FR of Yugoslavia Constitution and
reaching the agreement that would equally protect all the
national communities living in Kosovo and Metohija.

All the Serbia and the FR of Yugoslavia endeavors mentioned
here were met with more fierce terrorist attacks of the
so-called "KLA" terrorist against the army and police
members, representatives of the state authorities and innocent
civilians. By its brutality, the attack at the café "Panda" in Pec
stands out, when the Albanian terrorist killed six Serbian boys
aged 15 - 31.

There is no doubt that such behavior of the terrorists is greatly
appropriate to the part of the international community attitude
(the Verification mission), as well as the increased political
activities and all other kinds of help provided by the Republic of
Albania. Were it quite clear to everybody what is really
happening in Kosovo and Metohija and who is attacking whom,
and who is protecting whom, numerous proofs could be
presented. Especially illustrative is the staged case of "massacre
of the Albanian civilians" in the Village of Racak, a media
manipulation aimed to divert the attention from the Albanian
terrorist more frequented and most cruel crimes and at the
same time "create' the conditions for the continuation and
intensifying of pressures and threats against Serbia and the FR
of Yugoslavia. The public statement of Dan Everts, the Head of
the OSCE mission in Albania, issued by the beginning of
January, 1999 that "it could not be negated that the North of
Albania is the base for the "KLA" members military training",
did not result in even serious condemnation of Albania by the
international community, strangely reacting to any
anti-terrorist police action in Kosovo and Metohija. The
arresting of one of the Osama Bin Laden
fundamentalist-terrorists group member (Max Ciciku),
assigned for terrorist activity in Kosovo and Metohija, judging
by the US verbally advocating the persecution and punishment
of all kinds of terrorism, particularly the one imperiling the US
themselves (Bin Laden is the first on the list of the greatest
terrorists sought after by the US), presents strong enough
grounds for taking measures against Albania in order to prevent
its further open support of terrorists, meaning jeopardizing the
Serbia and FR of Yugoslavia sovereign territory. The Albanian
Parliament resolution, dated December 28, 1998 "demanding a
strong support of the Albanian government and State to the
Kosovo brothers", by every international standard represents
aggression against the neighboring country. The meetings of
Albania State and political officials with the so-called "KLA"
terrorists in Tirana, are gross examples of a subversive policy,
aimed against the integrity and sovereignty of the FR of
Yugoslavia, one of the United Nations members.

Nevertheless, the foreign advocates of the use of force against
the FR of Yugoslavia favor further threats and pressures, even
military, to Serbia and Yugoslavia as the ones solely responsible
for the situation and for the problems in Kosovo and Metohija,
turning a blind eye to the flagrant terrorism and separatism.

The so-called "KLA" terrorists and Albania - their inspirer
and helper - although having committed countless crimes and
attacks are being released, for the present, of the responsibility
of inciting a crisis in the region with as yet unforeseeable

The crisis in Kosovo and Metohija can not be resolved as long
as the Albanian terrorists are not publicly and decisively
qualified as terrorist same as the terrorists in other parts of the
world, their activity unequivocally condemned and all the
necessary measures undertaken to deny them all the help and
support from abroad, and enable the rest of Kosovo and
Metohija inhabitants to openly and freely, not fearing for their
own and the lives of their family, voice their opinions on the
coexistence of all the national communities in Kosovo and