Iraq, Jugoslavia, di nuovo Iraq / 9: Kosovaro-albanesi al fianco degli USA contro l'Iraq

Il noto "giornalista indipendente" albanese-kosovaro Veton Surroi - uno di quelli legati al carrozzone dei media jugoslavi antiMilosevic stipendiati dalla CIA attraverso la Fondazione Soros e presentati in Italia come simboli della "lotta per la democrazia" - ha dichiarato recentemente tutto il suo appoggio agli USA in caso di aggressione all'Iraq. Sull'"International Herald Tribune" Surroi ha fatto un parallelo esplicito tra l'intervento "umanitario" del 1999, che avrebbe "fermato il genocidio in atto nella Kossova", ed il paventato intervento USA contro l'Iraq.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
February 11, 2003


Veton Surroi, who is Kosova's best-known journalist
and a highly respected political figure, wrote in the
"International Herald Tribune" of 11 February that the
current Western debate on Iraq reminds him of the
discussion regarding Kosova at the start of 1999.
Surroi argues that "though peace was given a chance
through European-sponsored negotiations, [President
Slobodan] Milosevic only used those talks to entrench
his position in Kosova. In the end, it was only the
bombing of Serbia that stopped genocide of Kosovars
and ultimately allowed the return of almost a million
refugees to their homes." He added that "since Saddam
is of the same ilk as Milosevic, we know something
about them both: Only falling bombs will shake them
from their hold on power.... I know from my experience
in Kosova that the day after comes far earlier than
you expected. The [Iraqi] opposition must be prepared
to take up the cause for which the battle was won."
Surroi concluded, "The world ought to recall how the
war for Kosova unfolded and how Europe's unfounded
fears never materialized. One should remember from the
case of Milosevic that it takes military might to
topple tyrants, after everything else has failed." PM